My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 140: Mu Yu's sadness


Qin Jinhuan, who had already prepared his words, was about to speak, but his lips were suddenly blocked by Mu Yu. He was so surprised that his whole body froze, and his hand holding her arm tightened subconsciously.

Mu Yu mistook his stiffness as hesitation.

She didn't expect him to hesitate. She was disappointed and embarrassed. She felt him grabbing her arm tightly, thinking that he was going to push her away. She became more and more angry, and changed the action of preparing to let go to holding on harder, betting that it would be a long time. The breath bit him hard on the lips.


Qin Jinhuan took a breath. When he was about to respond to her kiss, her lips had left her and her hands were loosened. She glanced at him with annoyance and walked away.


He grabbed her.

"What?!" Her almond-shaped eyes widened, and she waved her hands again, trying to shake off his restraints.

This time he was prepared and didn't give her a chance to throw her away. He pulled her into his arms.

She immediately became angry and pinched wherever her hands touched his body, no matter where it was.

"Hiss-Xiaoyu!" He endured the pain and let go of her, following her hand like a loach to catch it.

After one of her hands was caught and she was still angry, she moved the other hand forward to pinch him wildly. When he let go slightly, she quickly pulled out her hand and pinched and twisted him with both hands.

He couldn't avoid it, and when he realized that her emotions were out of control, he simply didn't hide. He pulled her into his arms again and held her tightly, calling her name softly.

Mu Yu's upper body was restrained. Although his hands were free, he couldn't exert much strength. In addition, he felt distressed and couldn't bear it, so he stopped pinching him and instead held his fists to yell.

"Get your dirty hands off me that have touched other women! Otherwise... um... "

What's the meaning

Didn't he resist her kiss before

Why did he take the initiative to kiss her now

Is that a trick of playing hard to get, or does he feel her taunting of "come and leave immediately"

Anxiously, she wanted to push him away again, but she suddenly stopped when her hands reached his waist.

Why should I reject him? Didn't I take the initiative to kiss him before

Although I can't dress myself up more beautifully and sexy right now, at least I can be more proactive. And I still want to see what this Qin beast wants.

Anyway, kissing is not necessarily a disadvantage.

Thinking of this, her hand on his waist quickly turned to hug him, then she closed her eyes and felt his passion carefully.


After a long while, Qin Jinhuan slowly left her lips, turned to her ear, and whispered her name.

There was an indescribable charm in his gentle voice, which made her ears itch and her heart felt numb. But even so, her mind was still very clear.

Licking her lips and swallowing, she hummed slightly in response, but did not turn her head to look at his expression, as if she was still savoring his kiss.

"Don't mention the word divorce in the future, do you hear me?" Qin Jinhuan spoke in a commanding style, but his tone was very gentle.

"Didn't you agree to divorce before?" Mu Yu puffed out his cheeks and snorted, with a hint of grievance on his face, "You asked me to draft a divorce agreement!"

Qin Jinhuan didn't answer. He pulled her to the bedside, picked up the agreement on the bed, and tore it into pieces.

"Hey!" When Mu Yu reached out to grab it, he had already thrown the torn agreement into pieces into the trash can, and immediately stared at him unhappily, "I racked my brains to put that together!"

Qin Jinhuan looked at the trash can and raised his eyebrows: "Isn't the purpose of you racking your brains to get it out just to tell me that you don't want to divorce me? Now I tear it up, isn't it just what you want?"

Mu Yu shook his head, straightened his chest, and responded with a arrogant look: "I know you will laugh at me, but I just want to tell you that I will not divorce you! You will never divorce me for the rest of your life. Don't think about marrying Yin Anran! You're so worried."

Qin Jinhuan couldn't help but laugh: "Who told you that I wanted to marry Yin Anran?"

"Do you still need someone to tell you this? I'm not blind." After saying this, Mu Yu took two steps back and kept a distance from him before warning him seriously, "But even if we don't divorce, I will only be a nominal couple with you. If you dare to offend me like you just did in the future, I won’t be polite anymore.”

"Oh? I don't know how to be polite? Why don't you tell me so that I can understand?"

"Of course the scalpel speaks! Let me advise you, it's best to stay away from me in the future! I have thrown away your set of golden knives. I ordered a new set of scalpels online as self-defense weapons. The blades are sharp. , not to mention cutting your flesh, even cutting your bones. If you touch my knife next time, you won't be as lucky as Dong Wanqing." Mu Yu deliberately exaggerated to scare him.

She already knew that Dong Wanqing's injury was not serious because the gold knife was soft.

Qin Jinhuan's face was already darkened, and he asked the key point: "Did you throw away the knife I gave you? Where did you throw it?"

"Of course it's the trash can."

She didn't want to tell him that those knives were actually thrown in his desk drawer. After all, they were made of gold. If they were really thrown away, and he asked her to pay for the knives, it would be a large sum of money.

She thought so in her heart, but she pretended not to care, "Don't think that I will treasure a knife made of gold. I don't care about it."

"Then what do you care about?"

"I only like the set given by Brother Yihan."

Thinking of the inexplicably missing set of knives, she couldn't help but feel pain in her heart, and she was extremely disdainful of Qin Jinhuan's bad behavior.

That was a gift from her most respected brother Yihan!

Of course, she didn't plan to ask Qin Jinhuan where he threw the knife. Based on her understanding of Qin Beast, since he threw it away, he would definitely not let her find it.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" Unexpectedly, Qin Jinhuan suddenly took a step forward, and she hurriedly took two steps back.

"Say it again."

"I'll just say it if you ask me to? Why should I listen to you?"

If she wasn't afraid of his malicious revenge on Xin Yihan, she really wanted to say, "What's wrong with the gift that I just want from Brother Yihan? What's wrong with me because I just want Brother Yihan? Don't you also care about Yin Anran?"

"sit down."

"Why should I sit down?" She didn't know what he meant and looked at him suspiciously.

"sit down!"

His suddenly serious voice startled her, and she sat down obediently as she panicked.

Qin Jinhuan's eyes showed satisfaction, and he immediately sat down on the bed one meter away from her. After staring at her for a few seconds, he said slowly: "Let's talk carefully from now on, and don't maliciously speculate on each other's intentions." ”

Mu Yu didn't respond, just looked at him with her lips pursed - she didn't understand the purpose of what he said.

Qin Jinhuan responded to her gaze very seriously and said word by word: "I will explain to you one last time. There has never been the relationship between Yin Anran and I as you imagined. I once felt ashamed of her sister. , her sister entrusted her to me before she died, hoping that I would take care of her until she grows up. In order to keep my promise, I have taken care of her to this day.”

"Then between you and her sister..."

"Yin Anjing has been dead for ten years. Whatever happened between her and me in the past has become history. There is no need for you to worry about her."

"Why is it not necessary?" Mu Yu was a little excited, "You have always been obsessed with her, and her sister looks exactly like her, and she always likes to cling to you. It is easy for you to transfer your feelings for her to her sister, okay? ?”

Qin Jinhuan's eyes deepened: "Who told you that I have always been thinking about her?"

"Don't ask me who told me, just tell me if it's true."


"You're lying!" Mu stood up in a loud voice, "If you really forgot about her, you wouldn't have chosen her favorite horror movie when you went to the theater, and you wouldn't have bought sour plum soup and popcorn! If it weren't for her , you don’t like KFC egg tarts, you don’t like to eat coriander, you don’t hold my hand tightly every time you cross the road, and you don’t give me a white dress. All of this shows that you hide her deep in your heart! , never forgot it for a moment!”

Speaking of this, tears suddenly filled her eyes, "You clearly don't love me, but you still refuse to divorce me. On the surface, it seems that you are forced by grandpa's prestige and worried about grandpa's illness. In fact, it's not because of this at all, right?" ? It's because you only loved that one woman. If she dies, your heart dies too. If you can't marry her in this life, it doesn't matter which woman you marry. And I accidentally became that woman. The woman who can only live in the shadow of others all her life, the woman who can never occupy the slightest place in her husband's heart! This is not the saddest thing. The saddest thing is that the woman also left a sister who looks exactly like her. You, your soul has been taken away! Qin Jinhuan, if you are still a man, don't say these deceptive things in front of me. It's really meaningless. Although I'm not very smart, I'm not as smart as you think. So stupid!"

As she spoke, she couldn't help but burst into tears, her voice went from accusing to roaring, and at the end she couldn't help covering her face and crying.

"Are you done?" Qin Jinhuan, who had been pressing his lips tightly for a while, spoke out.

Mu Yu, who was sad and angry, was so choked up that she couldn't speak, and stared at him with tearful eyes hatefully.

After a pause, Qin Jinhuan continued, "You said you're not stupid? In fact, you are as stupid as grandma's family!"

"Qin Jinhuan! You..."

"I have taken care of An Ran for ten years. She is twenty-one years old this year. If I really like her, you will never have any chance to interact with me, let alone become my wife, even in name. If I Without you, why would I have to explain so much nonsense to you?"

The last sentence made Mu Yu, who was already angry, tremble in his heart, but couldn't believe it: "Even if you don't like Yin Anran, what about her sister?"

"You heard me clearly! I will only say it once, look into my eyes!" Qin Jinhuan walked up to her, pinched her chin, and forced her to look up. After her eyes met his, he said He explained aloud, "KFC egg tarts, horror movies, mystery novels, coriander, and white skirts are all my mommy's favorites. My mommy is red-green blind, so from the time I knew how to recognize traffic lights, she was me Take my mommy across the street."

"But I heard that Yin Jingjing..."

"This is indeed what she likes, but it is all changes she made to please me after she got to know me. She is a simple, considerate and good girl, but I don't love her. I only have nothing but love for her from the beginning to the end. I used her feelings for me to express her extreme dissatisfaction with my grandfather, and ultimately led to her innocent death. "

"You, what you said is true?" Mu Yu's face was full of surprise.

The twist was too big and she couldn't accept it for a while.

Her disbelief made Qin Jinhuan a little hurt, and he lowered his eyes. He suddenly grabbed her arm and took her out.

"Hey you… "

"Take you somewhere."

"Where are you going? Hey! I'm still in my pajamas!"