My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 141: The softest chord in his heart


"You'll know when you get there."

Qin Jinhuan, who was still walking, took off his coat as he spoke. After wrapping Mu Yu, he put his arm tightly around her shoulders and took out his mobile phone to call Bian Zijun.

By the time he took her out of the house, Bian Zijun had already driven the car to the door.

"Where are you taking me?" After getting in the car, Mu Yu asked Qin Jinhuan again.

Qin Jinhuan still didn't explain. After saying "Xiziyuan" to Bian Zijun, he smiled gently at her again, with the same expression of "you'll know when you get there".

She didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd, and when he didn't say anything, she didn't know where Xiziyuan was, so she didn't ask any more questions, secretly touching his clothes while looking ahead steadily, While silently thinking about the call he just made.

"... If I didn't have you in my heart, why would I tell you so much nonsense to explain... I don't love her... I'm sorry for her... "

He doesn't love sister Yin Anran, the person he loves has always been her. Is this what he means to convey to her

Although her ears could really hear it, she still couldn't believe it. After all, these words that she had never dreamed of hearing before came too suddenly. After all, he had disappointed her many times.

One moment he wanted to divorce her, and the next he said he loved her. Fortunately, she didn't have a heart disease, otherwise she would have had to take medicine immediately.

I really don't know what kind of words are what he really wants to say.

Thinking this, she tilted her head slightly and glanced at him secretly.

Through the light from the street lamp, she unexpectedly found that he was staring at her closely at this time, and smiled at her when he met her gaze.

It was rare to see such a warm smile on his face, and she couldn't help but be stunned.

"Is it cold?" When he came over, he held her hand at the same time.

Frightened, she instinctively shrank her hand, but it seemed as if 502 had fallen on his hand, clinging to her hand, making it impossible for her to break free.

"Is it cold?" he asked, leaning closer.

"You're the one who's cold, right?" She glanced at the two hands overlapping each other, resisted the urge to put his cold hands in her arms to warm them up, and curled her lips.

Qin Jinhuan gently stroked her hand and smiled softly: "If you're not cold, I won't be."

"I wasn't cold before, but now I am."

"Uh..." He withdrew his hand awkwardly and expressed surprise when he saw her taking off her coat, "Aren't you cold? Why are you still taking off your coat?"

"Give it back to you. I don't want you to blame me if you freeze."

"I'm not that weak." He held her hand.

She was immediately annoyed: "Hey! Where are you putting your hands?! Qin Beast!"

"Uh..." He twitched the corners of his mouth and retracted his hands.

It turned out that he didn't pay attention for a moment and pressed his hand on her chest.

She clearly felt that Bian Zijun had stepped on the brakes, and then she realized that the voice she had just screamed was a bit exaggerated. Although Bian Zijun increased the speed of the car again, she still felt embarrassed, blushed, gouged out her eyes at Qin Jinhuan, and then turned her face away. , while wrapping the coat tightly.

Then neither of them spoke again until Bian Zijun stopped the car.

Qin Jinhuan got out of the car first.

Seeing that he didn't call her, Mu Yu didn't get out of the car, but just looked at the scene outside through the car window. However, because it was night and there were no street lights around, her vision was limited to two iron doors. Not far away, she could only vaguely see the outline of a house.

At this time, the door on her side was opened from the outside. When she looked up, it was Qin Jinhuan.

"Come on, get out of the car."


She tightened her coat and got out of the car.

"Be careful." He placed his hand on top of her head and warned in a low voice.

"Where is this?" She ignored his attentiveness and looked around trustingly.

At this time, several orange street lights were lit around her. Through the light, she could see clearly that there was a two-story villa in front of her, which looked to be quite old. In front of the villa is a large yard with many plants planted on both sides of the yard.

At this time, the long corridor covered with purple wisteria flowers on the east side of the yard caught her attention, and she ran into the corridor in surprise.

"Wow, what a beautiful purple wisteria!"

"You also like purple wisteria?" Qin Jinhuan followed into the corridor.

"I like it! Hey!" She suddenly thought of a serious question, "Isn't the flowering season of purple wisteria in April and May? It's winter now, how can there be purple wisteria here? And it's still blooming so luxuriantly?"

But she immediately discovered the clue, "Fake flowers?! Who is so free to hang so many fake flowers here?"

"it's me."

"You?! You also like purple wisteria?" Mu Shi was very surprised.

It's okay for a grown man to like Wisteria, but liking it to this extent seems a bit excessive.

"My mommy likes it."

"But hasn't your mommy been..." dead for many years

"My mother was very fond of purple when she was alive, and she liked all purple things. Wisteria flowers are one of them, and... "

"Wait!" Mu Yu interrupted him, "Don't you, Mommy, like white? Why do you like purple again?"

Qin Jinhuan corrected: "She doesn't like white, she just likes to wear white skirts."

He didn't want to explain to her why his mother liked white dresses, because he didn't want to mention the man and woman who were disgraceful to him.

"Oh." Mu Yu didn't think too complicatedly and turned to look at the fake flowers that looked like wisterias. "You put some fake wisterias here to commemorate you, Mommy?"

"My mother built this flower stand with her own hands. She also planted the purple wisteria here." Qin Jinhuan's eyes fell on the small square stone table under the corridor. "Whenever the purple wisteria flowers bloom, she always plants them with her own hands." She likes to bring me here to read books, listen to music, or tell me stories. She also makes me wisteria porridge, wisteria cake, and wisteria cake. Later, when she left, I couldn’t take care of the wisterias. Gradually, these wisterias disappeared. It gets sparser and thinner, until finally they all die. Every time I see the bare flower stand, I feel bad.”

"Your family is so rich, why don't you hire a craftsman to help take care of it?" Mu Yu interrupted.

"I invited it later, but you know the flowering period of Wisteria only lasts for two months a year. Most of the time I still can't see Wisteria flowers. Every time I come here and I can't see Wisteria flowers, I feel inexplicably depressed. His temper became increasingly violent.”

"So you made these fake flowers?"

"Yes, every time I come here, I see the purple wisteria flowers blooming luxuriantly, and I feel that my mommy is not dead, but she is just going away temporarily. As long as I stay here, I can wait for her. Thinking like this, no matter how bad it is, My mood will gradually become calmer.”

Hearing the sigh in his voice, Mu Yu didn't expect that he still had such a soft string in his heart, and his heart felt soft for a moment.

Although the living conditions at home have not been very good for as long as she can remember, under the full care of her parents, she has not suffered much. Putting aside the memory that she does not want to look back on, overall, her life is still quite good. Moisturizing. She had never experienced what Qin Jinhuan said personally, but she could understand his pain, and her heart that was already leaning towards him leaned towards him again.

At this moment, a gust of cold wind blew, making the flower vines rustle, and she couldn't help but shiver. She suddenly remembered that Qin Jinhuan's coat was given to her, and she immediately turned to look at him.

"The wind is blowing, please don't..."

Huh? When did he put on his coat

Seeing her staring at him, Qin Jinhuan understood what she meant and explained with a smile: "Huang Bo sent it here."

"Oh." Feeling that her concern for him was revealed, Mu Yu quickly turned her face away and showed an indifferent expression.

"Let's go." He held her hand and led her to the villa.

The warmth of his hand passed through her hand and instantly warmed her whole body. She did not have the courage to refuse anymore, so she obeyed her inner wish and followed his footsteps.

At this time, she already knew that this was his mother's former residence, and that he brought her here to imprint some things, and she also wanted to know the authenticity of these things.

"I lived here until I was twelve years old," he said as he walked.

"After my mother passed away, my grandfather took me to move because he was afraid that I would get emotional. But I often sneaked back alone."

While they were talking, they had already entered the inner room.

The lights in the house were brightly lit, not only the living room, but the lights in every room were turned on - it was Bian Zijun who came in first, but he had already left at this time, and Qin Jinhuan and Mu Yu were the only two people in the villa.

As Mu Yu followed Qin Jinhuan, he looked at the outdated furnishings in the room.

Qin Jinhuan took her directly to the first room upstairs: "This is my mommy's bedroom and study room."

This is a large suite, and the two large bookshelves filled with books outside seem to prove to Mu Shi that this is indeed a study room.

Mu Yu gently pushed Qin Jinhuan's hand away and walked to a bookshelf. He glanced at the books on the shelf and saw that most of them were mystery and suspense novels and magazines.

At this time, the beautifully packaged "The Complete Works of Agatha" and "The Complete Works of Sherlock Holmes" in the middle of the bookshelf caught her attention. With some suspicion, she picked up a book and read it carefully.

When Qin Jinhuan saw this, he explained with a smile: "My mother found these two sets of books to be printed for her by a printing house at a high price. She felt that the paper used by ordinary publishing houses was too inferior and the pictures were not beautiful enough, so she wrote them here. She also added many illustrations she drew herself.”

She didn't find it funny: "So extravagant and individual?"

It’s really quite leisurely. But she didn't say this.

"My mommy is romantic by nature and an esthete."

Qin Jinhuan did not introduce much about her mother, but instead pulled Mu Yu into the inner room in front of the wardrobe and kitchen, opened the wardrobe and showed her.

Seeing the huge wardrobe filled with white dresses of different styles, Mu Yu couldn't help but marvel.

She always thought that women buy beautiful clothes to show off their beauty, but she never thought that some people buy them for collection purposes.

Ordinary people really can't understand the world of rich people.

At this time, Qin Jinhuan pointed to the cabinet under the LCD TV and said, "There are many horror movie discs in that cabinet, which my mommy liked to watch when she was alive. Do you want to check them out?"

"Check?" Mu Yu didn't understand the word he used.

"Xiaoyu," seeing that she didn't move, he turned to face her, put his hands on her shoulders, and asked seriously, "You still don't believe what I said before?"

"What words?"

Knowing that she was asking questions knowingly, he did not show any impatience. He looked at her seriously and said, "The person I like has always been you."

"Do you just like it?" In fact, she believed him since entering this room. It was just because of his previous indifference and lack of explanation that she deliberately made things difficult for him.

"My liking is equivalent to love." He still looked serious.

"But for me, like is like, love is love, like in a broad sense, and love in a narrow sense. You can like grandpa, like Ze Yu, like Ying Ying, but you can only love one person."

"Xiaoyu, I..."

Mu Yu suddenly covered his mouth, stared at him and said word by word: "If you are not ready, don't say those three words. Once you say it, I will take it seriously, and I will never do it again in the future. Give you any chance to change!”

He gently held her hand, stared at her, and responded word for word: "I don't need a chance to change, I just need you to accept me, because I love you."

Although he had realized what he meant, Mu Yu couldn't help but trembled all over after hearing these words. He was stunned for a while before speaking out: "Are you serious?"

"very serious!"

"You...I...tsk!" Her heart was already beating out of rhythm and she didn't know what to say.

She was really afraid of hearing his repeated expressions. If she was disappointed in the end, she would rather he never confessed. But when she heard him speak, she couldn't bear to break the beauty of this moment.

Not wanting him to see her panic and entanglement, she turned around.

"Xiaoyu, turn around, I have something very important to say to you."


She turned around with lowered eyes, accidentally saw what he was holding in his hand, and was stunned.