My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 143: Yin Anran is pregnant with his child? !


Assistant Yin is pregnant and belongs to Mr. Qin.

This is what Mu Yu summarized for those gossip girls.

This is impossible!

He just said so many sensational words to himself yesterday, how could it be possible...

Thinking of his abnormality yesterday, and the fact that he really hadn't seen her much in the past few days, her heart sank uncontrollably.

Didn't he accompany the pregnant Yin Anran these days? Is it to accompany her to have an abortion? !

Her face instantly turned pale, she felt dizzy and almost fainted.

At this time, the female employees also discovered her. They were all panic-stricken. They looked at each other and quickly dispersed.

Mu Yu held the sink and shook her head several times. After a while, she managed to calm down a little. After washing her face with a few handfuls of cold water, her mind finally became clearer. She began to think carefully about what the women had just said. The more she thought about it, the more she became more and more aware. Something is wrong.

Regardless of whether Qin Jinhuan loves Yin Anran or not, with his personality and level of concern for Yin Anran, if he really gets Yin Anran pregnant, he will definitely take on this responsibility.

And based on Yin Anran's feelings for Qin Jinhuan, if she was really pregnant with his child, she would definitely make full use of the child's existence to wait for an opportunity to gain power. She and Qin Jinhuan would definitely not be able to live so comfortably.

To sum up, she didn't believe that Yin Anran was pregnant with Qin Jinhuan's child. But as the saying goes, there must be a reason for the rumor.

Maybe Yin Anran lived a disorderly life and was pregnant with someone else's child, so it was not impossible to blame Qin Jinhuan.

If this is true, this rumor must be debunked.

Thinking this way, she loosened her tightness, took a few more deep breaths, wiped the water droplets off her face, turned around and left the bathroom, and went straight to Qin Jinhuan's office.

Standing at the door of the office, she paused for a few seconds. After organizing her words, she gently opened the door.

Qin Jinhuan was on the phone. When he heard the movement, he immediately raised his eyes. When he saw it was her, he quickly said "Let's talk about it first", hung up the phone in a hurry, and then stood up with a smile to greet her.

Mu Yu quickly caught the unnaturalness in his smile and frowned for a moment. When he came to her side, she extended her hand to him.

"What?" He was confused.

"Give me the phone."

"You want to call?"

"Look at your recent contacts."

Qin Jinhuan, who was about to hand the phone to her, immediately understood what she meant when he heard this, and quickly held the phone in his hand. Knowing that she would definitely ask about the content of the call, he explained bluntly: "An Ran, call me. I’m asking about the new house.”

She was shocked: "Marriage room?!"

"Where are you thinking? How could it be a wedding room?! It's a new house, her new home. I have the key. She called me and asked me for the key."

"The new house you bought her?"


"Why did you give her a house?"

"I bought it earlier, but she has never moved there." Afraid of her misunderstanding, he explained, "You also saw her residence yesterday. It is old, shabby, and the environment is very bad. She is a girl living there. It was very unsafe, so when she first returned to Ancheng, I found a small apartment for her, which was considered as a responsibility to her and a comfort to her sister. "

"Why didn't she just live in a new house when she first returned to Ancheng?"

"She said that there were a lot of good memories of her and her sister in that house, and she didn't want to leave. Recently, the house leaked so badly that she had no choice but to move to a new house."

"Isn't it because she is pregnant with your child?"

"Pregnant of my child? Who is pregnant... You said An Ran is pregnant?!"

The shocked look on his face made her heart sink inexplicably: "Some people say that she is pregnant with your child."

Qin Jinhuan suddenly laughed when he heard this: "If you said you were pregnant with my child, I would definitely believe it."

"I'm not joking with you, I'm serious! Is there anything between you and Yin Anran..."

"There is nothing between us!" He interrupted sternly, "I explained it clearly to you last night, and I don't want to explain it for the Nth time."

"Then whose child is Yin Anran pregnant with?"

"Who told you she was pregnant?"

"Who else should tell me? Everyone in the company knows it! Because she already had pregnancy symptoms, someone saw it, and she hasn't come to work since then. Everyone said she was raising the baby at home."

"What kind of pregnancy! She didn't come to work because she was hospitalized due to diarrhea and collapse - didn't you know that yesterday? I personally sent her to the hospital for examination, and I also picked her up from the hospital. If she is pregnant, the doctor will definitely Tell me." "It's just diarrhea. Do I need to stay in the hospital for a few days?" She still had questions in her mind.

Seeing that she didn't believe it, Qin Jinhuan was not angry. He looked at his watch, picked up his coat and put it on, took her hand and led her out.

"Since you don't believe it, then I'll take you to ask her face to face."

Mu Yu rolled her eyes at him: "If you have the intention to hide it, my question will be in vain."

Qin Jinhuan thought for a while, took out his cell phone and dialed Rong Ying's number, asking her to go to the old street immediately.

"Why did you ask Yingying to go to the old street?" Mu Yu was confused.

"Yingying is very good at taking pulses. She can tell whether she is pregnant or miscarriage by just touching her."

"Hey! Are you crazy?" She grabbed his foot, "Don't you think it's embarrassing for Yingying to get involved in such a thing?"

Qin Jinhuan looked helpless: "You don't believe me when I say An Ran is not pregnant. If I show you An Ran's hospitalization report, you will definitely think that I am lying again. I have no choice but to ask your most trusted Yingying to come forward and verify the truth." Fake.”

"I believe you can't do it? Call Yingying quickly and tell her not to go to the old street. I can't afford to lose that person." She didn't want Rongying to see how much she cared about Qin Jinhuan, nor did she want Rongying to see that she cared about Qin Jinhuan. Ying thinks she is stingy.

To be honest, by this time, Qin Jinhuan's calmness had dispelled her doubts.

"That won't work! You must let Yingying give you a positive answer today, otherwise you may be tempted to doubt me again one day. Let's go."

"Hey! I already told you that I believe you!" She grabbed him again, but when he still insisted, she had no choice but to give in, "Isn't it okay that I know I'm wrong about this? I won't doubt you in the future, but you can't do it yourself Be careful and try to keep your distance from other women!”

At this time, she had realized that the so-called pregnancy incident was either a trick played by Yin Anran to drive a wedge between them, or a company employee talking nonsense, and she did not need to take it seriously at all.

"Very good." Qin Jinhuan, who looked satisfied, suddenly kissed her on the lips quickly.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" She was like a frightened little rabbit.

"You called me 'Hey' again." He pretended to kiss her again.

She hurriedly covered her mouth and took a few steps back for fear of being attacked again.

He laughed and hugged her, and whispered in her ear: "To be honest, I am only interested in letting you conceive my child. As for other women, don't even think about it."

His overly affectionate behavior and provocative words made her blush slightly. Unaccustomed to it, she lightly pushed him away. Not wanting him to hug her tighter, he looked at her with a smile on his face. meaning.

At this time, several female employees walked towards him. Seeing this scene, they couldn't help but express their envy.

Seeing this situation, Mu Yu seemed to understand something, and her heart felt warm for a moment.

After getting in the car, she heard Qin Jinhuan instructing Bian Zijun to drive the car to the old street. She immediately changed his instructions and asked Bian Zijun to drive the car back to Qin's house. She suddenly thought of Rong Ying and immediately signaled him to call Rong Ying. Tell Rong Ying not to go to the old street.

"Go to the old street." After Qin Jinhuan gave the instructions, he hugged Mu Yu with a smile and explained, "There is an earthen stove in the old street. The nourishing mutton stew is very good. It is perfect for this season. I have asked Ze Yu to order it. I also called Rong Jian when I got the location, and since I met Yingying, I asked her to come with him. "

Mu Yu came to his senses: "You said that going to the old street to find Yin Anran was just a trick on me?!"

"No, if you really want to go, I will take you there along the way."

"I don't want to see her."

"Then let's eat mutton without mentioning her." At this time, he suddenly leaned into her ear and whispered, "Mutton is a tonifying food."

She immediately pushed his face away and sneered, "It turns out that Mr. Qin lacks certain functions."

He smiled and turned his face shyly and joked: "It's been a long time since I've used it. You'll have to try it to find out if it's necessary. Otherwise, we might as well... pinch me again tonight."

"Do you understand punishment?" She raised her finger arrogantly, "Don't think that you are the only one who can punish people, I can too. Hmph."

When she turned away, she concealed her shyness.

She liked how easy it was to get along with him. She hoped to get along with him like this forever, so she chose to believe him when it came to Yin Anran's pregnancy.

In fact, she was willing to believe him, his feelings for her, and his kindness to her. But to really be safe and trust him, she knew it would take some time. After all, he had disappointed her in some matters before, but she was willing to convince herself to turn her heart towards him.

Thinking of him, her eyes couldn't help but look at him, and unexpectedly saw him looking at her with a smile. Her face turned red and her eyebrows flashed slightly, but she still took the initiative to hug his arm and leaned her head against him. on the shoulders.

He quickly found her hand, held it gently, tilted his head towards her, and rubbed his face gently against her hair.

For a while, the two of them didn't speak anymore, listening to the soft music quietly together.

I don’t know how long it took, but the car suddenly stopped. Mu Yu thought he had arrived and immediately stood up.

"Boss, the road ahead is occupied by night market stalls. I'll go down and ask them to give way."

"No," Qin Jinhuan called to Bian Zijun, who was about to get off the car, "find a place to park and we'll walk there."

After that, he got out of the car, walked around to Mu Yu's side, and drove her down.

"The Dou Zao Pavilion is over there."

Mu Yu looked where he was pointing and joked: "The old street is usually a place for ordinary people like me and Wenwen to hang out. Isn't it too condescending for the eldest young master of the Qin family to appear here?"

He tugged on her hair: "Food is the most important thing for people, isn't this normal?"

"But you are different from ordinary people, you are..." Wang Linhua's figure suddenly appeared in his sight, making Mu Yu pause for a moment.

It's already past seven in the evening. Isn't the water delivery company off work

Thinking of meeting Wang Linhua riding a water tricycle here last night, she became more suspicious. She remembered that Captain Rong once said that Wang Linhua lived in the dormitory of the water delivery company.

"What's wrong?" Qin Jinhuan followed her line of sight strangely.

Seeing Wang Linhua park the tricycle aside, look around for a few times and then quickly run into the alley on the side, Mu Yu vaguely felt that there was something fishy, and said to Qin Jinhuan, "Wait for me", and then ran in quickly. Alley.