My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 146: Shower with kisses


"Captain Rong? What happened?"

"Sister-in-law, I'm sorry for disturbing your rest."

"It's okay, it's okay, what happened?" Hearing the fatigue in Rong Jian's voice, Mu Yu asked again eagerly.

"It's like this. I'm going to visit some of KiKi's friends. The rest of the task force have things to do, and they are all men. I think..." Rong Jian prolonged the word "think" and brought out a few words. Divided into difficult colors.

Mu Yu understood what he meant and immediately got out of bed: "Where are you? I'm going to find you now."

Rong Jian was immediately happy: "Then there's no need to come over now. They all work until early in the morning and won't get up before noon. Well, don't go to Qingtian this morning, just stay at home. I'll pick you up after lunch. I’ll send you their personal information later so you can take a look so you can communicate with them later.”


After hanging up the phone, Mu Yu yawned, put down the phone and got into bed.

"Why is this bastard calling so early?"

Qin Jinhuan's displeased voice rang in her ears, and she realized that he was awake. She turned around and saw that he was looking at her, so she turned slightly and faced him face to face. Then she explained aloud: "Captain Rong said he wanted to find KiKi at noon. Chat with my friend and ask me to go with him.”

"Why should you ask a forensic doctor to do the interview? There is no one left in the task force?"

"Hey! The task force is all men, and KiKi's friends are all women. Captain Rong doesn't think it's convenient for him to go." Mu Yu rushed over and held Qin Jinhuan's hand that was about to take the phone, "You also know that Captain Rong is not good at talking to each other. Women communicate, otherwise he and Teacher Feng would have been together. "

"There are so many women in the criminal police team, how many will be assigned to the task force?"

“Do you want our task force to be criticized by our leaders?!”

Seeing that she was a little unhappy, he let go of the phone, but he still didn't forget to complain about Rong Jian: "I'm going to visit at noon, but how about calling so early in the morning? Are you not allowed to sleep?"

"Captain Rong plays it safe and makes sure I can go to him before he can do other things. I, the client, are not unhappy, so why are you arguing?"


"Okay, didn't I disturb your sleep? Then go to sleep now." She rolled her eyes and prepared to stand up and retreat to her side of the bed - in order to stop him from calling, she "crossed the line" and threw herself on the bed. on him.

He immediately reached out and hugged her, and while saying, "Rong Jian is so lucky to have such a considerate subordinate like my wife," he quickly turned his body and hers to the right at the same time, and opened the quilt with his other hand in conjunction with the movement of his foot. , then turn the bodies that were stuck together together, and then cover them with the quilt.

By the time Mu Yu realized what she was doing, she had already been "captured" into bed by him. She was startled and immediately struggled and yelled: "Hey! What are you doing?!"

"do not move."

"Let me go! I want to go back to my own bed!"

"If you move again I'll kiss you!"

"You dare! Well..."

The lips are blocked.

His unexpected sneak attack made her very angry. She immediately raised her head and quickly "escaped" from his lips. At the same time, she struggled to break away from him and tried to escape from his bed.

With a smile on his face, he hugged her and turned her slightly, and successfully pressed her under him. His lips that were already curled up came at her again with a proud look.

"You disgusting Qin..." His lips were blocked again, and the word "beast" was swallowed back into his stomach.

Now that he was in control of the situation, his actions were even more reckless than before.

Being tightly imprisoned, she became even more angry. However, she had lost her freedom, so she could only press her lips tightly to resist his intimacy, and at the same time stared at him with her big eyes as a warning.

After a while, he finally slowly left her lips, held her around, lifted her up, and released his hand at the same time.

After she was liberated, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't bother to vomit with him, and immediately stood up to escape from the "animal den". Unexpectedly, her lips were only a few centimeters away from his, and he gently pressed the back of her head to make her lips precise. The ground fell on his smiling lips.

She instinctively threw her head back. Because she thought his hand was still on the back of her head, he used a little too much force. Unexpectedly, there was no restraint on the back of her head, causing her to almost twist her neck.


"Ha ha."

The sudden burst of laughter from beneath her startled her, and when she lowered her head and saw his cunning eyes, she realized that he was teasing her.

She was extremely annoyed after being fooled. After staring at him for two seconds, she narrowed her eyes, snorted heavily, then rushed forward and kissed him actively.

No, not a kiss, but a bite.


She felt very happy when she heard his painful gasp, with a sense of punishment, and deliberately increased her strength between her lips and teeth, while using her eyes to convey to him a look of admonishment with pride.

He didn't push her away and allowed her to bite him. He followed her example and communicated with her with his eyes.

Of course, unlike her pride, his eyes showed grievance, like a little daughter-in-law who had been abused by her mother-in-law, and he blinked several times, as if begging to be let go.

When their eyes met, she was amused by his funny expression. She couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud, accidentally spitting on his face.

The sudden rude behavior made her feel embarrassed for a moment, and the originally teasing smile froze on her face and turned into a sneer.

Beneath him, Qin Jinhuan already had a straight face and ordered seriously: "Why don't you wash my face for me quickly?"

"Oh, okay, I'll get a towel right now."

He held her down as she wanted to get up: "Don't wash her with a towel, wash her with your kiss."

She thought she heard it wrong: "Kiss and wash your face?!"

"Yes." He pointed to his face patiently and taught, "Kiss it bit by bit from bottom to top, from left to right, don't miss any place, and you're done washing it after you kiss it."

If this counts as face washing, doesn’t it mean washing your face with saliva

She had goosebumps all over her body: "Disgusting."

"Hey! How can you describe such a beautiful thing as disgusting?"

"Okay, okay, stop talking. Besides, I'm going to throw up after eating overnight. I'm going to get a towel." Seeing that he wouldn't let go of her, she paused, then pulled up the quilt and wiped his face.

"Murder your husband?" He pulled off the quilt and took a deep breath.

"Who told you not to let me get a towel? You deserve it."

"You're doing this to your husband! It seems like you won't have a long memory if I don't punish you." He pushed her down on the bed again and pressed her down.

"Hey! You, what are you going to do?!" She felt vaguely that something was not good, and she was extremely nervous.

Although she and he were a conscientious couple and had reconciled with him, she still wanted him to go to that point, or she was not mentally prepared - even though she had had the first time with him, because at that time She fell into someone else's trap and had no memory at all, so she subconsciously did not recognize the intimacy.

The inadvertent trembling of her whole body made him aware of her panic. He did not take the next more intimate action. Instead, he gently stroked her face and asked softly: "Do you understand that you are wrong?"

"I know I'm wrong, I know I'm wrong." She was afraid that he would take advantage of the situation to pretend to be crazy. She nodded repeatedly and admitted her mistake with a sincere expression.

"For the sake of sincerely admitting your mistake, my husband will let you go today." He didn't joke any more, and after saying that, he quickly slid down and moved to the side of the bed, putting some distance between him and her.


She breathed a sigh of relief, quickly returned to her bed, quickly pulled up the long pillow, placed it between the two of them, and wrapped herself tightly in the quilt. Only then did she finally have the sense of security she wanted.

"Do you know how I will punish you if you disobey in the future?" Qin Jinhuan did not cross the line, he just lay on the long pillow and looked at her with a smile.

She didn't respond and looked sideways at him with her beautiful eyes.

She didn't think he could spit out ivory from his mouth right now.

"I'll give you a bath with kisses, from top to bottom, bit by bit, carefully, and wash you clean." After saying that, he gave her a wink, then laughed and returned to his "territory".

Her whole body was numb and she spat with disgust.

It was indeed Qin Beast, so disgusting.

After turning around and leaving the back of her head to him, she buried her face in the quilt. Only then did she realize that her cheeks were extremely hot at this time, and her mind couldn't help but think about the intimate contact with him just now.

She suddenly realized that she still longed to be close to him deep down in her heart. She had resisted him before just because she was afraid that he would break through her last line of defense—not just because of shyness and nervousness, but mainly because she had not yet accepted him psychologically to this extent.

Here, Qin Jinhuan, who was lying on his side, stared at her back silently with a silent expression.

Although he would have an undercurrent of passion every time he came into close contact with her, he controlled himself very well every time, and today was no exception. In fact, even if she didn't run away, he was not prepared to really treat her. "Get started" because he knew that she was not 100% ready to accept him. After all, she was as innocent as a blank slate in this matter.

This matter should not be rushed.

He was willing to wait, willing to pave the way bit by bit with intimacy like today, until one day it would come naturally and he couldn't help but enjoy her.

But it’s really uncomfortable to hold it in.

Unable to bear it anymore, he chose to get up and go to the bathroom.


After setting the alarm clock, Mu Yu fell into a good sleep.

When she woke up at ten o'clock, Qin Jinhuan's figure was long gone by the bedside. She didn't take it seriously. She got up, washed and changed clothes and went downstairs. While eating breakfast, she suddenly remembered Rong Jian's words and took out her mobile phone. I saw that he had sent a document to me, so I read it while eating.

After getting the relevant information, she saw that it was almost twelve o'clock, so she called Rong Jian. When she learned that he was still on his way back to the city, in order not to waste time, she decided to go directly to the Zizai Tiandi Community where KiKi's friend was staying and wait. Rong Jian.

Afraid that grandpa would be worried, she briefly explained the situation and tried to persuade her grandpa to let Qi Hao send her there. After leaving the community, she hailed a taxi and came to Zizai Tiandi Community.

This community is a high-quality real estate built by Qingtian Group a few years ago. All facilities are very complete. The housing price is second only to Shengshi Huating, where Qin Jinhuan’s family is located. It is also one of the places where wealthy people in Ancheng gather. For Ancheng people, Said, living here is also a status symbol.

This community is divided into villa area, bungalow area and apartment area.

KiKi's friend lives in the outermost apartment complex.

There is a reason why women with careers like KiKi are willing to pay high prices to live in a shared apartment here. After all, it is easy to attract financial backers here.

After showing the ID that Rong Jian had specially prepared for her for the convenience of handling the case, the security guard let her enter the community.

If she hadn't lived in Qin's house for so long, she would have been amazed by the elegance of the environment inside when she walked into this community.

As soon as I entered the community, I received a call from Rong Jian.

"There's a traffic jam in the south of the city. It'll probably take a while. If you get there, find a place to sit. I'll call you when I get there."

She originally wanted to ask KiKi which apartment her friend lived in and planned to go around the area first, but Rong Jian had already hung up the phone, so she had to put the phone back in her pocket.

Seeing that the environment of the community was very beautiful, she strolled along the tree-lined avenue just for a walk.

Walking to a small park in the corner of the community, she saw a swing frame inside. She was going to sit there and have a rest. At this moment, she accidentally saw two people pulling and pulling on the tall bushes on one side. She instinctively looked more She was very surprised when she recognized them at a glance.

Why are they here? ! Still pulling and pulling!