My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 147: He likes men!


Why are Shang Qi and Qin Chengxi here? Still fussing? Aren't they classmates

Xiao Xi has always been honest and timid, and is not a troublemaker. It seems that Shang Qi is bullying him.

Although she thought so in her heart, Mu Yu was not that subjective after all. In order to understand the situation and out of concern for Qin Chengxi, she tiptoed close to the bushes.

This time, Qin Chengqi had already dragged Qin Chengxi to the guardrail of the small pavilion in the middle of the park, grabbed the waist-high guardrail with both hands, and trapped Qin Chengxi in the middle.

Qin Chengxi seemed to be very panicked. He leaned as far as possible toward the guardrail and pressed against Shang Qi's chest while asking weakly: "You, what are you doing?"

Mu Yu noticed Qin Chengxi's helplessness and knew that his guess was correct. He suddenly stood up straight, ready to stop Shang Qi from bullying.

Unexpectedly, before her scolding came out, Shang Qi had already spoken: "Xiao Xi, why are you avoiding me? I haven't seen you for three weeks!"

Although he asked in a questioning tone, his tone was very gentle, and he obviously did not mean to find fault. Mu Yu, knowing that there might be a hidden meaning, immediately covered his mouth that almost made a sound, and prepared to hide in the corner to find out.

"I didn't hide from you." When Qin Chengxi responded in a low voice, he also lowered his head and avoided Shang Qi's gaze.

“Since you didn’t avoid me, why didn’t you answer my phone calls, reply to my WeChat messages and QQ, and didn’t interact with me on Weibo?”

"My mommy doesn't let me touch my mobile phone or computer in order to let me rest in peace and recover from my illness."

"I won't let you go out either?"

"My mom said it's cold outside and I'm weak and catch cold easily, so she told me to stay at home as much as possible."

"Then why did you avoid me when I went to your house to look for you?"

"I am sick."

"Why didn't I see you go to the hospital when I was sick?"

"I have a small cold. I took medicine at home."

Shang Qi seemed a little annoyed: "So, if I hadn't pretended to be your elder brother and called you to come out today, wouldn't you still be able to take a step out of the door?"

"My mommy said I'm not in good health to go out." Qin Chengxi's voice was so low that Mu Yu could hardly hear her.

"Why? Why did you lie to me?" Shang Qi roared and moved closer to him.

"I, I didn't."

"Still saying no?! Let me tell you, I have asked Aunt Dong a long time ago. She has not restricted your freedom at all! It is you who refuse to go out, use your mobile phone or touch the computer! You also refuse to come out to see me! "Shang Qi seemed hurt, "You are so closed off just to avoid contact with me, right? Do you know that this makes me uncomfortable?"

Mu Yu was dumbfounded.

Does Shang Qi mean that he likes Xiao Xi? !

Xiaoxi is a man!

Does the young and promising new president of Xinxin Media like men? Gay? !

God, no wonder Xiao Xi wanted to avoid him.

"You, please don't be cruel to me?" Qin Chengxi looked at him with tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Xiao Xi, I didn't mean to be mean to you." Shang Qi's voice suddenly softened and he apologized repeatedly, "It's just that I haven't seen you for so long and I miss you so much. Uh... We have been classmates for so long and have been together every day. Recently, I'm really not used to not seeing you for so long. I know I have a bad temper and am not careful. If you don't see me, I must have made you unhappy. Tell me what I didn't do well. Okay? I will change it, I will definitely change it!”

"No, you're fine, no need to change."

"If I really did a good job, you wouldn't avoid me like this."

"Shang Qi, I'm really not avoiding you, I'm really not in good health," Qin Chengxi paused, seemed to muster up the courage, and explained with tears, "I think my time may be running out."

Shang Qi was shocked: "Time is running out?! What do you mean by this?!"

Mu Yu, who was hiding behind the bushes, was also extremely shocked when he heard this. He immediately straightened up and stared at Qin Chengxi closely, waiting for his further explanation.

Qin Chengxi sniffed and continued with helplessness: "I was born weak and sickly. When I was born, the doctor declared that I wouldn't live long. It's a miracle that I can survive to the age of twenty. But now, I'm almost I can’t hold on anymore.”

"Is this possible?! No! You have to hold on!" Shang Qi suddenly hugged him, "If you can hold on for twenty years, you can hold on for forty years. You can't hold on! For your parents, for your eldest brother and sister-in-law , for the sake of everyone who cares about you, you must hold on!”

"Shang Qi, can you please stop doing this?" Qin Chengxi cried and tried to get away from him.

Shang Qi also choked up and refused to let go: "You can't give up! I heard that my father knows many famous doctors. They can treat all kinds of difficult and complicated diseases. I will take you to them, and you can definitely..."

"It's useless. No one can cure my disease. My father and mother have taken me to visit various famous doctors, but to no avail. You can tell by looking at me now, so don't worry about it. ”

"The doctors your father and mother take you to see must be quacks. Don't believe them, just listen to me. I will take you there. I believe it won't take long and I will be able to cure you!"

"Shang Qi, I know you care about me and are really good to me. I am very touched and happy to have you as my friend in this life. It's just that I..." Qin Chengxi sighed deeply, wiped his tears, and slowly Slowly pushing him away, "Actually, I know that the phone call in the morning was made by you. My eldest brother never calls me, nor talks to me so gently. Even if you don't ask me out today, I will still choose It’s time to ask you out.”


"I want to say goodbye to you."

"Xiao Xi!" The slight joy that flashed in Shang Qi's eyes dimmed instantly. He hugged Qin Chengxi again and cried out in pain, "You are not allowed to say such things!"

"Shang Qi."

After pushing lightly, Qin Chengxi gave up when he saw that he couldn't push. He stretched out his hands next to Shang Qi's waist, as if he wanted to hug Shang Qi, but after hesitating for a few seconds, he finally gave up and just cried silently. tears.

"Xiao Xi, tell me your symptoms. I will go back and contact the relevant doctor now and take you to diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible."

"It's useless. I got the disease from my mother's womb. I know exactly how bad my condition is." Qin Chengxi's words were full of despair.

"No!" Shang Qi let go of him and looked into his eyes firmly and swore, "Believe me, I will definitely cure your disease!"

Qin Chengxi smiled sadly and changed the topic: "Shang Qi, do you like me?"

The sudden change of words made Shang Qi stunned, with a bit of shyness and anxiety on his face, but he still nodded solemnly: "I know you have been avoiding me since you dropped out of school, because you are aware of this emotion of mine. . In fact, I have known for a long time that you cannot accept it, so I have tried my best to restrain its growth and hide it as much as possible. But I am not very good at pretending, and you discovered it. Xiaoxi, in fact, you really don’t need to avoid me like this. There is no need to have any psychological burden at all. I can't force you, let alone hurt you. You can regard my feelings for you as a pure friendship. For me, as long as you are healthy and happy, And since I can see you often, I am satisfied and have nothing else to ask for.”

Qin Chengxi lowered his eyes and forced a smile: "Thank you."

"You don't need to be so polite to me." Shang Qi pretended to smile casually, "You used to treat me as your eldest brother, and you can treat me as your eldest brother in the future. I am willing to be your eldest brother for life. And the eldest brother will do anything for the younger brother, It’s all out of sincere love, can you please stop rejecting me?”

Shang Qi said the latter words with a pleading tone, for fear of being rejected. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would believe that this soft-spoken young man in front of them was a rising star in Anseong's business community and the new president of Xinxin Media, one of the top five companies in Anseong.

Big tears suddenly welled up in Qin Chengxi's eyes. He wiped them away casually, nodded, and said thank you again.

"I am going home."

"Xiao Xi..."

"I am cold."

"Ah? I'm sorry." Shang Qi quickly took off his coat and put it on him.

"Thank you." Qin Chengxi did not refuse this time. Instead, he grabbed his coat and wrapped it tightly around himself, sniffing and whispering, "I have to go home and take medicine."

Shang Qi grabbed him eagerly: "Tell me your symptoms!"

"Okay, I'll send you a WeChat message when I get back."

Only then did Shang Qi let go of him: "I'll take you back."


Qin Chengxi then lowered his head and walked forward slowly, and Shang Qi hurriedly followed his footsteps. The two of them didn't speak anymore, and walked side by side silently with their own thoughts.

Mu Yu walked out from the bushes and stared at their retreating figures.

Putting aside Shang Qi's infatuation with Xiao Xi, she never expected that Qin Chengxi's illness could reach such an extent.

Qin Chengxi's face that was always bloodless but always had a kind smile flashed before her eyes. She felt particularly distressed, but she didn't believe it in every possible way. After all, she had never heard the Qin family mention anything about Qin Chengxi's incurable disease, let alone I saw Dong Yueyun and Qin Wentao as a couple a few days ago, and I didn't see any sadness on their faces about the impending loss of their son.

Maybe the so-called impending death is an excuse made up by Xiao Xi to reject Shang Qi

Thinking like this, Mu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, but still didn't dare to make a conclusion. He was going to call Qin Jinhuan and ask him to investigate the matter. If Qin Chengxi was really sick, Qin Jinhuan might be able to help because of his wide connections. Woolen cloth

She took out her mobile phone and was about to make a call when Rong Jian's call came in.

"Sister-in-law, I arrived in front of apartment building No. 5, where are you?"

"I'm in front of the small park on the east side. I'll go to Apartment 5 to find you right away."

After hanging up the phone with Rong Jian, she dialed Qin Jinhuan's phone number while walking. She hid the matter about Shang Qi and only asked him to investigate Qin Chengxi's condition without saying much. After hanging up the phone, she hurried to Apartment No. 5.

"Sister-in-law, I've kept you waiting for a long time." Rong Jian saw her and came up to her sheepishly.

"It's okay. Let's go up." Because Qin Chengxi was still in his mind, Mu Yu was not in a high mood and could only cheer up.

The two came to the residence of KiKi's friends Ajin, Abby and Eve on the fifteenth floor and knocked on the door.

The one who opened the door was A Jin. After hearing Rong Jian introduce himself, he yawned and welcomed them in, calling Abby and Eve into the room.

After a while, Abby and Eve both walked out with sleepy looks on their faces. After greeting Rong Jian and Mu Yu, they casually fell down on the sofa. Apparently they hadn't woken up yet.

The three of them were all wearing thin suspender nightgowns, and none of them had tattoos on their breasts, leaving their spring colors looming.

"Captain Rong, if you have anything to say, just ask. As long as we know anything, we will tell you." A Jin, half lying on the corner of the sofa, casually took the box of cigarettes and raised it to Rong Jian, "Do you want one? ?”

"No need." Rong Jian responded unnaturally.

Fortunately, he had the foresight to pull Mu Yu over, otherwise he wouldn't know where to put his eyes when he was asked later.

"Ask quickly, we have to go back to sleep after asking." Abby muttered with her eyes closed.

Rong Jian awkwardly signaled to Mu Yu in a low voice: "Sister-in-law, you come and ask, and I'll take the notes."

Mu Yu nodded and asked them about KiKi.

"I don't know how old KiKi was when her parents died. I only know that her adoptive parents treated her very badly. By the way, she was pregnant when she was fourteen, and the child was her adoptive father's." Ah Jin answered first.

"What?!" Mu Yu and Rong Jian were both surprised by KiKi's adoptive father's animalistic behavior.

"KiKi's adoptive father has no blood relationship with KiKi, so it's not surprising that he would do something like this. Who told KiKi to be so beautiful?" Abby suddenly sat up and answered angrily, "The most hateful person should be her uncle. KiKi She ran away from her adoptive father's house while pregnant and went to her uncle for help. Not only did her uncle not take her in, he sent her back to her adoptive father's house. He even told her adoptive father to beat her before she could run away. As a result, KiKi was beaten by her adoptive father. Having a miscarriage will result in a lifelong inability to get pregnant.”

"Her uncle's even more crazy behavior is still to come," Eve woke up from her nap and gritted her teeth, "KiKi's adoptive father raped JKiKi. Originally he just wanted her to help his family continue his family lineage, but now he sees that she has no fertility. , and she refused to stay in his house, so she was sent back to her uncle's house and asked for the money she paid for her - she was sold to her adoptive parents by her uncle and her uncle refused to return it. She wanted money, so she and her adoptive father conspired to force her to Zhang Shulin. KiKi was desperate and despairing. After being trained by the landlady, she started working as a young lady at the age of sixteen, and she has been there until now. "

Mu Yu and Rong Jian were shocked again.

They never imagined that KiKi would be pushed into the pit of fire step by step by her uncle.

If the three of them are telling the truth, and Wang Linhua is really KiKi's biological father, then both of them definitely have the motive to kill Zhao Yongli.

After coming out of Zi Zai Tian Di, Mu Yu and Rong Jian felt heavy.

The two planned to go back to the city bureau first before making plans. Unexpectedly, they received a call from Liu Xiaofan before they got in the car: "Captain Rong, it's bad, Wang Linhua ran away."