My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 153: Standoff outside the operating room


"Ah Huan?"

"Brother Ah Huan, what's wrong with Xiao Xi?"

Wen Zeyu and Rong Ying were confused and ran behind.

Qin Jinhuan ignored them and ordered Huang Bo to go to the staff hospital after getting in the car.

However, not far after driving, he felt that something was wrong, so he immediately called Weng Yun and asked him to immediately check which direction the ambulance sent by Qin Wentao to pick up Qin Chengxi went.

"Do you suspect that they didn't send Xiao Xi to the staff hospital?" Wen Zeyu, who also followed the car, expressed surprise. "Although Xiao Xi is out of danger, she is still very weak and must be hospitalized for continued observation. They just rashly How about taking Xiaoxi home?"

Qin Jinhuan said solemnly: "They probably didn't take Xiao Xi home."

"Oh? That's right, they want to hide Xiao Xi. Hum, don't worry about them hiding, no matter how hard we hide her, we will find her." Qin Jinhuan started the matter, and Wen Zeyu became more confident.

"They are not trying to hide Xiao Xi."


Rong Ying suddenly realized something and was extremely shocked: "Brother Ah Huan suspected that they were going to forcefully perform surgery on Xiao Xi?!"

"What?!" Wen Zeyu was shocked, "Ci'ao! No wonder Xiao Xi left a distress signal! We have to find Xiao Xi quickly! Otherwise, Xiao Xi will be useless in this life!"

"Yes, yes." Rong Ying looked at Qin Jinhuan nervously.

Qin Jinhuan didn't respond, just pursed his lips and stared ahead.

At this time, his cell phone rang again, it was Mu Yu calling.

"Ah Huan, have you sent someone to find Xiao Xi?"

Mu Yu's crying voice made him feel distressed: "We have sent people to look for her."

"What the hell is going on? Didn't you say that Qin Wentao and Dong Yueyun picked up Xiaoxi? How did it become a kidnapping?"

"This is not a kidnapping."

"Why would Xiaoxi ask for help in this way if it wasn't kidnapping?"

"It's because..." Qin Jinhuan didn't know what language to use to explain concisely and to the point, so he paused.

"Because of what?" Mu Yu asked after waiting for a few seconds, but saw no response from him, and became more and more anxious, "What is the reason? Just tell me!"

"Where are you?"

"Zijun and I are still in Boai. I don't know where to go now."

"Let Zijun take you home."

"I want to know the news about Xiao Xi."

"You go home first, and I will tell you any news about him."

"But… "

"If you don't go home now, I won't go find Xiao Xi."

"I'll be back, I'll be back right away, you must find a way to find Xiao Xi!" Although he was threatened again, Mu Yu was not angry at all.

"Yes." Just as Weng Yun's call came in, Qin Jinhuan said, "Call me when you get home," and quickly hung up and transferred Weng Yun's call.

"Boss, the ambulance sent to pick up Mr. Xi is from the company's employees' hospital. I just checked and found that the car did not return to the employees' hospital and went to the south of the city. I can't determine its exact location yet. Is it still there? check."

"Keep checking, we must find them." After Qin Jinhuan hung up the phone, he ordered Weng Yun to drive south of the city.

"Chengnan... surgery... hospital..." Rong Ying suddenly looked hard, "Brother Ah Huan, there is a private hospital in the south suburbs of the city. The director, Jia Pengyi, is a distant relative of Dong Yueyun. Do you think they will take Xiaoxi there for surgery?"

Qin Jinhuan quickly turned his head: "Where is the specific location of that hospital?"

"It's called Pengyi Care Hospital in Nanshan Town in the south of the city."

"Go to Pengyi Care Hospital." After Qin Jinhuan gave the instructions to Huang Bo, he immediately called Cheng Xiang and asked him to take people to Pengyi Care Hospital in Nanshan Town immediately.

"I hope we can rush there in time." Wen Zeyu prayed angrily.

"If it was really in Pengyi Care Hospital, then there would be enough time. The operation couldn't be done so quickly. We would have enough time to save Xiao Xi even with the anesthesia." Rong Ying said.

"It must be at Pengyi Care Hospital. Xiaoxi's surgery needs to be kept secret. It doesn't matter. Dong Yueyun will not take this risk. I have to check where the operating room of Pengyi Care Hospital is. Then we will go directly to the operating room. "We can't waste a minute now," Wen Zeyu said while taking out his mobile phone to search for relevant information about Pengyi Care Hospital.

At this time, Qin Jinhuan's cell phone rang again, and it was Huang Bo's.

Huang Bo's voice was very excited: "Boss, as you expected, that ambulance is really at Pengyi Care Hospital."


"One hundred percent sure! My cousin is a nurse at that private hospital and happened to be on duty tonight. She just rushed downstairs and found the car in the parking lot."

"Very good. Let her go to the operating room again. If she finds that Xiao Xi has entered the operating room, let her find a way to delay it."


Qin Jinhuan hung up the phone and called Cheng Xiang again, asking him to rush to Pengyi Care Hospital as quickly as possible.

"What a pair of scumbag parents." Wen Zeyu was furious.

Rong Ying was quite calm: "It's useless to scold them now. The most important thing is to find a way to rescue Xiao Xi. They have tortured Xiao Xi for five years. We cannot let them destroy Xiao Xi for the rest of his life."

"We are leaving the city right away," Huang Bo reminded from the front, "the road conditions ahead will be a little worse, so you have to sit tight."

Wen Zeyu responded: "It's okay, just drive faster and get to Pengyi Care Hospital as quickly as possible."

"Yeah." When Huang Bo responded, he stepped on the accelerator at the same time.

The roads on the outskirts of the city originally had few cars, and it was already early in the morning, so there were not many cars on the road at all, so Huang Bo only drove for about ten minutes on the more than 20 kilometers of road.

"Right here!"

Rong Ying got out of the car first and was about to rush in when Wen Zeyu grabbed him: "Ying Ying, don't go up, just wait here."

Rong Ying refused: "No! I want to go in with you!"

Seeing that Qin Jinhuan had already walked in, she was even more eager to shake off Wen Zeyu's hand.

Wen Zeyu persisted: "It's very dangerous inside!"

"What should I be afraid of when you are here?"

"No! I can't let you risk it!"

"Ze Yu! Brother Ah Huan has gone in, aren't you afraid that he is in danger?"

"I..." At this time, several beams of car lights shone over, and Wen Zeyu instinctively covered his eyes with his hands, while cautiously pulling Rong Ying aside.

"Mr. Wen? Where is our boss?"

Seeing that it was Weng Yun and others, Wen Zeyu breathed a sigh of relief. While holding Rong Ying's hand tightly, he pointed at the hospital and led them in.

"Ze Yu!"

"sister in law?!"

Hearing Mu Yu's voice, Wen Zeyu was surprised. When he turned around, he saw a car parked not far from him. Mu Yu and Bian Zijun got out of the car together.

"Where's Ah Huan? Where's Xiao Xi?"

"Ah Huan has gone in, Xiao Xi is in the operating room."

On the way, Qin Jinhuan received another call from Huang Bo, saying that his cousin found an excuse to go to the operating room. He saw that the door of the operating room was closed tightly, and there were four or five bodyguard-like men guarding the door to prevent people from approaching. He could vaguely hear Someone was shouting in the operating room. So they concluded that Qin Chengxi was in the operating room.

"Let's go." Mu Yu quickly left Wen Zeyu and others behind and ran inside as fast as he could.

Bian Zijun quickly followed, and Rong Ying broke away from Wen Zeyu's hand and ran inside quickly.

"Sister-in-law! Yingying! Hey! Do you know where the operating room is? Wait for me to take you there." Wen Zeyu gave them directions while running.

The operating room is at the western end of the corridor on the second floor.

Mu Yu and others rushed directly from the stairs to the operating room. A corner away from the operating room, they heard Dong Yueyun's sharp screams. They knew that a conflict had occurred. They hurriedly accelerated their pace and ran around the corner. They saw A group of people gathered at the end of the corridor.

Mu ran over panting. Because she was smaller than the person in front of her, she couldn't see what was going on inside. She had to rush forward to call Ah Huan.

The people in front quickly turned their heads and when they saw her, they immediately moved aside to make way for her.

She immediately ran to Qin Jinhuan and looked nervously at Qin Wentao and Dong Yueyun, who were standing opposite him with sullen expressions. Behind them stood Dong Wanqing.

Qin Jinhuan pulled her slightly behind him, then looked at Qin Wentao and his wife and said coldly: "Get out of the way."

"This is my family's business and has nothing to do with you! Leave!" Although Dong Yueyun's voice was loud, she was obviously a little frightened, and she did not dare to look Qin Jinhuan in the face while yelling.

"Aunt, forget it," Dong Wanqing timidly tugged at the corner of Dong Yueyun's clothes and persuaded in a weak voice, "Since Xiaoxi doesn't want to, you might as well..."


Dong Yueyun waved her hand and slapped her, angrily yelling: "Little whore, we'll settle the debt later! Get out of here!"

The tearful Dong Wanqing covered her face and retreated to the corner.

Qin Jinhuan ignored the antagonism between his aunt and nephew and repeated word by word with a sullen face: "Get out of the way!"

"No! I won't let it!" Dong Yueyun's trembling voice once again exposed her inner anxiety.

Qin Jinhuan obviously lost his patience and stopped looking at her. He winked at Huang Bo who was on the side. Huang Bo understood, waved his hand, and prepared to rush in with his brothers.

"Stop, stop them!" Qin Wentao shouted and ordered his men.

But his men were shocked by Qin Jinhuan's momentum, and they all chose to give in, shrinking their necks and sneaking to the side one by one.

He immediately became furious and pointed at them and cursed: "You bastards! I raised you in vain!"

Huang Bo and others ignored him and rushed straight to the door of the operating room.

"Stop! You all stop!" At this time, Dong Yueyun suddenly rushed to stand at the door of the operating room, opened his arms to block them, and yelled hysterically, "No one can try to take away my Xiaoxi! Unless I die!" Unless you step over my corpse!"

The decisiveness of the last sentence put Huang Bo and others in a difficult position, and they all looked at Qin Jinhuan. After all, Dong Yueyun had some status in the Qin family.

Dong Yueyun's almost crazy look also frightened Mu Yu and Rong Ying. They were standing on the left and right of Qin Jinhuan, and they both grabbed his arms very uneasily and looked at him with fear - they were afraid of causing harm to someone. .

Seeing everyone's hesitation, Dong Yueyun wiped away her tears fiercely, glared at Qin Jinhuan and said, "Do you think you can please Wen Tao because you care about Xiao Xi? Wen Tao will recognize you and love you? Are you dreaming? ! You are worse than shit in Wen Tao’s heart!”

Qin Jinhuan's face suddenly turned the color of pig liver, and his fists clenched in anger. After staring at Dong Yueyun for a few seconds, he pushed Mu Yu and Rong Ying away, and turned to leave.

"Ah Huan! You can't leave!" Wen Zeyu immediately stepped forward to stop him, "She is trying to provoke you, you can't be fooled."

"Step aside."

"Ah Huan..."

"Get out of the way!" Qin Jinhuan pushed Wen Zeyu hard and was about to leave.

At this moment, Qin Chengxi's miserable cry suddenly came from the operating room: "No--you let me go--please, let me go--"

The despair that permeated every word tore into Mu Yu's heart. Although she hadn't figured out what was going on yet, she had realized that it was dangerous to let Qin Chengxi stay in the operating room, so she went to the hospital immediately. He stepped forward to grab Qin Jinhuan, who was paused on the spot, and looked at him with tears in his eyes.

After Qin Jinhuan froze for two seconds, he pushed her away gently and strode to the door of the operating room.

She thought she had provoked him away, but she didn't expect that he turned around again and came with a fierce force. Dong Yueyun suddenly felt like she was facing a formidable enemy, and she quickly cursed him with bad words. Qin Wentao also quickly came over to help her stop him.

Qin Jinhuan no longer paid attention to their words, grabbed one with one hand and slammed them both to the ground, then raised his foot and kicked them. With a "bang", the door of the operating room was kicked open.

Mu Yu, Rong Ying and Wen Zeyu rushed in first. When they saw the situation inside clearly, they were all shocked.