My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 154: Sex reassignment surgery? !


At this time, Qin Chengxi was being pinned down on the operating table by five or six people in white coats.

He was naked, curled up, lying on his side, with despair written on his pale face.

When he accidentally saw Mu Yu and others rushing in, his spirit suddenly froze. Regardless of his shyness and embarrassment, he immediately yelled for help to them with all his strength.

"Let him go!" Mu Yu didn't care about the difference between men and women, and rushed forward, desperately tearing open the white coats.

"Who are you? How can you break into the operating room?" Jia Pengyi, the leader, did not recognize them. He took off his mask and scolded him, trying to pull Mu Yu away.

"Get away!"

Rong Ying had wrapped Qin Chengxi's body with her windbreaker, and then kicked Jia Pengyi in an unladylike way.

"Hey, stinky woman, how dare you kick me, you..." Before Jia Pengyi could finish his words, Wen Zeyu rushed over and punched him.

"What's wrong with kicking you?" Wen Zeyu's angry eyes were as wide as bells, "If you dare to scold her again, I will destroy you immediately!"

"You, you, you..." Jia Pengyi was frightened when he saw a group of unknown people in black clothes pouring into the door. At this time, he heard Dong Yueyun's voice outside the door. His face suddenly changed and he did not dare to say anything anymore. He covered his face and retreated to his companions - his companions had already retreated to the corner.

"How is Xiao Xi?" Wen Zeyu asked while taking off his coat and giving it to Rong Ying, "Put it on."

"It's been anesthetized." Rong Ying took his clothes and didn't put them on herself, but continued to cover Qin Chengxi.

"Let Xiao Xi go! Xiao Xi is my son! You have no right to do anything to him!"

Dong Yueyun and Qin Wentao also followed, frantically pushing away the "human wall" in front of them.

Because Qin Jinhuan did not let go, the human wall composed of Huang Bo and others did not move, blocking the two of them out. Dong Yueyun, who was anxious and annoyed, had no other choice but to roar and slap wildly.

At this time, Qin Chengxi looked at Mu Yu and raised his hand with great effort, but because the anesthetic was slowly taking effect, his body was slowly losing consciousness and he couldn't lift his hand at all. He simply gave up and just choked and cried to her. Repeat the words "take me away" several times.

His pitiful and helpless look hurt Mu Yu deeply. She held his cold and bony hand tightly, crying and begging Qin Jinhuan: "Ah Huan, let's take Xiao Xi away."

She didn't know what happened, but she just realized that it was dangerous to let Qin Chengxi stay here.

Although there were many people in the operating room at this time, it was extremely quiet. Although Mu Yu's voice was very small, and there were so many people between them, Qin Wentao and his wife still heard these words very clearly. The two of them suddenly lost control of their emotions and screamed at the sky and the earth. .

"Who dares to take Xiao Xi away for a try! I left my words here today. Whoever takes Xiao Xi away today, I will fight to the death!"

"Go away! Don't take away my son! Please, don't take away Xiao Xi, okay?"

One of them was hard, one was soft, one was yelling, and the other was crying, but the people in front of them seemed to be deaf, completely unmoved, and ignored them.

Qin Jinhuan, who was standing at the front, did not express his position at this time, but looked at Qin Chengxi who was trembling in Rong Ying's arms with complicated eyes.

"Brother, help me, please..." The tearful Qin Chengxi begged him weakly.

"Ah Huan, can you help Xiao Xi?" Knowing his inner struggle, Mu Yu couldn't help but help Qin Chengxi beg him.

"Ah Huan!" Seeing that Qin Jinhuan still looked unmoved, Wen Zeyu became anxious and simply walked around Mu Yu, stretching out his hands to hug Qin Chengxi.

"Zeyu!" Qin Jinhuan shouted to him.

"If you don't help Xiao Xi, I will!"

Just when Wen Zeyu was about to pick up Qin Chengxi, Qin Jinhuan suddenly stepped forward quickly, pulled him away, and turned to Rong Ying: "Push the trolley over here."

Rong Ying was stunned for a moment, but she immediately reacted and signaled Mu Yu to get out of the way and pushed the cart over.

There are neatly arranged quilts on the trolley.

"Take them out." When Qin Jinhuan and Wen Zeyu were talking, they glanced at Qin Wentao and Dong Yueyun coldly, "Let the noise disappear."

Wen Zeyu understood, nodded, glanced at the ward, and shouted at those people in white coats: "What are you still doing here? Waiting for me to operate on you?!"

The group of people were like frightened rabbits, all of them shrank their necks and ran out quickly.

He then looked at Qin Wentao and his wife and ordered Weng Yun, "Drag them to the underground parking lot."

Qin Wentao roared: "Who dares to take action!"

"I'll take the responsibility if anything happens." Wen Zeyu waved his hand disdainfully.

Weng Yun, Cheng Xiang and others quickly stepped forward, forcibly lifted Qin Wentao and dragged them outside the operating room.

"Stop! Let me go! Wen Zeyu, I can't spare you! Just wait and see! I want you to look good!"

As the others disappeared into the operating room, the threats and curses from Qin Wentao and Dong Yueyun became smaller and smaller until they disappeared completely.

At this time, Wen Zeyu walked out and closed the door of the operating room behind his back.

"Ah Huan?" Mu Yu, who was standing in front of the cart, looked at Qin Jinhuan.

Qin Jinhuan nodded slightly, slowly bent down, carefully picked up Qin Chengxi, put him on the trolley, then looked away and looked at Rong Ying pointing at Qin Chengxi.

Rong Ying understood and quickly took off Qin Chengxi's clothes and wrapped him in a quilt. When he was about to push the trolley, Qin Jinhuan said, "I'll do it."

Rong Ying nodded, retracted her hand, and then looked at Mu Yu with a smile.

Mu Yu responded with a knowing smile, then ran to the door and opened the operating room door.

It was very quiet outside the operating room at this time. Only Bian Zijun and a few little brothers were there, and no one else. When he saw Qin Jinhuan pushing the trolley out, he immediately stepped forward to help, but Mu Yu hurriedly coughed to stop him.

When Qin Jinhuan pushed the trolley to the door of the hospital, Huang Bo, who had already driven the car over, immediately opened the door and folded the back seats flat.

Qin Jinhuan then picked up Qin Chengxi together with the quilt, walked to the front of the car, and put him on the seat very carefully.


"It's okay." Qin Jinhuan smiled slightly, then bent down to get in the car and sat down next to him. Seeing that the quilt was slightly loose, he quickly tightened it for him.

The bloodless Qin Chengxi looked at him with tears in his eyes, biting his lip, and finally couldn't help crying.

Mu Yu happened to sit in the passenger seat. Hearing the cry, he immediately turned around and glared at Qin Jinhuan and complained: "Why did you make Xiao Xi cry?! Now that you have brought him out, you have to..."

"Sister-in-law! It's none of brother's business. It's because I'm not strong and I feel bad." Qin Chengxi explained with sobs.

"Don't feel bad, it's okay." Mu Yu lay on the back of the chair, comforting and stuffing a pack of napkins to Qin Jinhuan, "Wipe Xiao Xi's tears. He was anesthetized and can't move."

"No, I..."

Before Qin Chengxi finished speaking, Qin Jinhuan had already taken out a napkin and gently wiped his tears. After he was stunned for a few seconds, he burst into tears.

"Okay, stop crying." Qin Jinhuan quickly took out a few more pieces of paper to wipe him with, "Children who love to cry are not good."

"Brother..." Qin Chengxi burst into tears for a moment, biting his bloodless lips and taking a deep breath. After barely calming down a little, he trembled and said, "I know that eldest brother actually cares about me, just because of my father." Mommy didn’t show it. I..."

"Okay, let's not talk about that for now," Qin Jinhuan interrupted him softly and asked, "Tell me, did you commit suicide because they forced you to have this operation?"

Knowing that he had understood his physical condition, Qin Chengxi looked sad and angry: "Last night I overheard my mommy calling Uncle Jia and arranging for me to have surgery tomorrow. I ran to beg my daddy and mommy, but they didn't They agreed and insisted on performing this operation on me, and also told me the various benefits of this operation. I couldn’t help but didn’t want to have this operation, so I committed suicide.”

"Then tell me your choice now."

Qin Chengxi burst into tears again, and as he cried, he said what was in his heart word by word: "Brother, I don't want to be a boy, I want to be a girl."

"Ah?!" Mu Yu was extremely shocked by these words, "Being a girl?! You, the surgery you are talking about is a sex reassignment surgery?!"

"What I did was not a sex change operation, I just..."

"Are you sure you want to be a girl?" Qin Jinhuan ignored Mu Yu's shock and continued to ask Qin Chengxi gently and solemnly, "You only have the right to choose once."

"I'm sure! I'm sure! I'm 100% sure! Although I am anesthetized now, my mind is very clear! Really sober!" Qin Chengxi was very excited, "Brother, I am already twenty years old. Adults have full rights to make choices. I used to be helpless to my parents, but now they are no longer around. Please help me arrange the operation. I know that the operation has risks. I will sign the opinion letter myself. Before the operation, I I will also write a statement to explain that this matter has nothing to do with you and is my own choice, so that they will not vent their anger on you, and I will also... "

"Okay, stop talking, I understand." Qin Jinhuan gently touched his head, "I'll let Yingying prepare."

While talking, he took out his mobile phone and called Rong Ying to tell him that he had Qin Chengxi's wishes. Finally, he solemnly warned, "You must contact Xiaoxi the best hospital for an accurate examination and arrange for the best doctor to perform surgery on him. I won't allow any mistakes. Just tell me."

After hanging up Rong Ying's phone, he dialed Wen Zeyu's number again and told Wen Zeyu to immediately arrange a secret residence for Xiao Xi.

"I don't want anyone to bother him." When he said this, his eyes fell on Qin Chengxi, tenderly and with care.

"Thank you, brother." Qin Chengxi wanted to give him a smile, but tears came faster than the smile.

Qin Jinhuan frowned slightly: "Why are you not good again?"

Qin Chengxi sobbed again: "I didn't mean it, I just couldn't help it."

"Okay, don't cry anymore." Seeing that he couldn't control his tears, Qin Jinhuan hesitated and hugged him into his arms under the quilt.

Although his body was unconscious, Qin Chengxi felt particularly warm mentally. He buried his face in Qin Jinhuan's arms and sobbed softly again.

This time it was tears of joy and happiness.

"Hey! Alas!"

Mu Yu in front didn't know Qin Chengxi's secret and was as anxious as anything, but couldn't bear to break the scene of deep brotherhood. He wanted to call Wen Zeyu or Rong Ying, but thought that they should be very busy now, so he put it down. Got the phone.

Anyway, let's wait until Xiao Xi is sent away before asking him.

Although she thought so in her heart, she couldn't help but look back several times.

Not long after, Huang Bo received a call from Wen Zeyu, saying that he had sent a location to his mobile phone and asked him to drive the car to that place. Knowing that it was the residence arranged by Wen Zeyu for Qin Chengxi, Huang Bo responded, immediately turned on the navigation and headed for the car.

Half an hour later, Huang Bo drove to a luxurious villa in a remote location in the northern suburbs. Wen Zeyu and Weng Yun were standing at the door with a few brothers. When they saw their car, they immediately stepped forward to greet them.

"This is the old man's house. I'm worried that Qin Wentao, our private residence, will find it." Wen Zeyu explained, pointing to the mansion behind him.

Qin Jinhuan, who had already gotten out of the car, nodded and bent down to hug Qin Chengxi. At this moment, two beams of car lights suddenly appeared on the dark road. He immediately raised his head warily and saw the car lights quickly disappearing from the distance with the roar of the car. and near.

"Boss, be careful!"

Bian Zijun and others quickly protected Qin Jinhuan and others behind them. At the same time, they took out their weapons and pointed them at the oncoming car, ready to wait.

Qin Jinhuan had closed the car door, pulled Mu Yu behind him, and stared into the distance with a sullen face.

With a harsh "squeak" sound, the car suddenly braked a few meters away from them...