My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 157: Xiaoxi is dead?


"Did Qin Wentao and Dong Yueyun come to snatch Xiao Xi?" Mu Yu had also woken up and was looking at him nervously while sitting up holding the quilt.

Qin Jinhuan did not respond, but glanced at the window with closed curtains with cold eyes.

"What should we do now?" Mu Yu asked him while quickly getting dressed.

"Let them."

Qin Jinhuan had withdrawn his gaze, casually took the coat on the coat rack and put it on.

"But it's not an option to make them so noisy! What if..."

"Rush! Rush in! Find Qin Jinhuan before we talk! I'll take care of anything that happens!"

A man's loud shouting outside startled her, and then the sound outside became chaotic. She was trembling for a moment, looking at Qin Jinhuan with fear in her eyes.

She already knew Qin Chengxi's secret and knew that Qin Wentao would snatch Qin Chengxi at all costs. At this moment, she was worried that Qin Wentao, who would rush up later, would not be able to see Qin Chengxi and would die together with Qin Jinhuan.

"Stop! Don't move!" It was Huang Bo's voice, "Wait until I go in and ask our boss for permission!"

"Then hurry up! I don't have time to wait!" It was still the man's voice with a high voice, but at this time Mu Yu could tell that the man was not Qin Wentao.

He must be the helper invited by Qin Wentao!

"Ah Huan..." She looked at Qin Jinhuan anxiously.

The helper Qin Wentao invited to deal with Qin Jinhuan must be an extraordinary big shot. After all, Qin Jinhuan's status was here, and no one in Ancheng's black and white circles dared to openly provoke him. If he takes action, he will definitely die!

"You stay in your room."

Qin Jinhuan said with a tense face and walked quickly to the door.

"I will go with you."

"Just stay in the room!" He grabbed her and pushed her inside, then walked out faster.

She staggered and fell on the bed.

Hearing the sound of hurried footsteps at the top of the stairs, she knew it was Huang Bo coming up. After she stabilized herself, she turned around quickly and ran towards the door as fast as she could.

"Boss, Mr. Shang wants to see you, and I can't stop him." Seeing Qin Jinhuan standing at the door with a gloomy face, Huang Bocheng was frightened.

The boss sent him a message before going to bed. Unless Wen Zeyu and Rong Ying came over, he was not allowed to disturb his rest. "Mr. Shang? Which Mr. Shang?" Qin Jinhuan was a little surprised.

"Xinxin Media's Mr. Shanghui Ning Shang."

"He's looking for me?" Qin Jinhuan expressed surprise.

He knew that Shang Huining had a good personal relationship with his grandfather, but apart from discussing business, he and Shang Huining had no personal contact at all.

"Yes. As for why he is looking for you, he refused to say. He only said that he must see you." Huang Bo responded nervously.

It was a rare opportunity to replace Bian Zijun to work for the boss, and he cherished it very much. He thought that only Qin Wentao and Dong Yueyun would disturb the boss. He had already thought of various countermeasures, but he did not expect that an inexplicable Shang Huining would appear. Shang Huining had a good relationship with the old man, and he had greatly helped Qingtian Group in the Phoenix Valley incident. He was afraid that offending Shang Huining would affect the relationship between the two companies, so he was very cautious.

I hope the boss can understand. He prayed in his heart.

"Why is Mr. Shang looking for you?" Mu Yu asked Qin Jinhuan in surprise when he came to Qin Jinhuan's side.

"I don't know." Qin Jinhuan responded as he went downstairs.

He suspected that Shang Huining came to him so eagerly because Qin Wentao and Dong Yueyun told grandpa about Xiao Xi, and grandpa asked Shang Huining to come to talk to him.

"Mr. Qin, I'm very sorry for disturbing you so presumptuously." Shang Huining, who was guarding the gate, saw him coming down and immediately pushed Cheng Xiang away and greeted him anxiously, "I really have something to ask for!"

Qin Jinhuan, who thought he knew it well, said nothing and just looked at him indifferently.

Shang Huining winked at his men. After all his men retreated into the courtyard, he looked around again and hesitated to speak.

Qin Jinhuan understood and signaled Huang Bo to take the brothers out.

Huang Bo glanced at Shang Huining, a little worried: "Boss..."

"It's okay." Qin Jinhuan continued to wave his hand.

"Yes." Huang Bo quickly withdrew with his men.

At this time, there were only three people in the huge hall, Qin Jinhuan, Mu Yu and Shang Huining.

Shang Huining then took a step forward and lowered his voice and begged: "Mr. Qin, for the sake of helping Qingtian, please let Shang Qi see Xiao Xi for the last time!"

"See you for the last time?!" Qin Jinhuan was surprised, "What happened to Shang Qi?"

It seems that Shang Huining came to him not for Qin Wentao.

"He is still in the emergency room, clamoring to see Xiao Xi for the last time, saying that he will not receive treatment until he sees Xiao Xi." Shang Huining's choked voice revealed full of care and love for his son.

Although Shang Huining's influence in Ancheng is not as good as that of Qin Xiaozhi and Qin Jinhuan, he is also a well-known big entrepreneur. He is used to hardships and has a great reputation. It was the first time he saw him lose his composure. Qin Jinhuan immediately realized that Shang Qi's condition was serious. His heart suddenly sank, and he asked quickly: "What disease does Shang Qi have? Why is it so serious suddenly?"

After all, he had a good impression of Shang Qi, not to mention that Shang Qi was still so young.

"When he heard that Xiao Xi was dead, he became so angry that he vomited a large amount of blood! Mr. Qin, please tell me where Xiao Xi's body is parked and let Shang Qi see him for the last time, otherwise Shang Qi will refuse to enter. urgent… "

"Who told you that Xiao Xi is dead?" Mu Yu realized something was wrong and immediately interrupted him to question.

"He, he's not dead, is he?" Shang Huining heard the clues, but couldn't believe it, "Dong Yueyun told Shang Qi personally."

"Xiao Xi is really unlucky to have such a mother. If she didn't force her to death, she would almost curse her to death." Mu Yu looked contemptuous.

"Xiao Xi is really not dead?!" Seeing her nodding, Shang Huining was immediately overjoyed and immediately took out his phone, "Great! I will tell Shang the good news now..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly thought that if he called his son like this, his son would definitely not believe him. He put down the phone, looked at Mu Yu and asked, "Where is Xiaoxi now?"

"Sorry, I can't tell you this."

"Then please call him and ask him to call Shang Qi and let Shang Qi know that he is not dead."

Shang Huining knew that as long as his son knew the news that Qin Chengxi was not dead, he would definitely agree to enter the operating room. After all, Shang Qi thought Qin Chengxi was dead, so he became so angry that he vomited blood. He couldn't accept it for a while and became so despairing that he refused to go to the emergency room.

"This..." Mu Yu did not dare to express his position, and then looked at Qin Jinhuan.

She was not sure whether Qin Chengxi would be on the operating table at this time.

Shang Huining immediately turned to Qin Jinhuan and begged: "Mr. Qin, please let Xiao Xi make this call to Shang Qi. As long as Shang Qi agrees to go to the emergency room, I, Shang Huining, will definitely..."

Qin Jinhuan waved his hand and took out his mobile phone.

"Thank you! Thank you!" Shang Huining put his hands together and thanked him repeatedly, while staring at his mobile phone anxiously.

Not long after, Qin Jinhuan hung up the phone.

"Xiao Xi will call immediately to persuade Shang Qi to receive treatment."

"Great! Thank you, Mr. Qin." Shang Huining was very excited, "I have to rush back to see how Shang Qi is doing. Mr. Qin, I will contact you later."

After saying that, he ran out quickly.

After a while, the sound of a car starting was heard outside the hospital.

Qin Jinhuan walked slowly to the door, looking at the road where Shang Huining's motorcade was no longer visible, with a complicated look on his face.

Some fathers are willing to put down their dignity and ask for help in order to save their children, while some fathers are not willing to sacrifice their children to pursue their own interests.

We are both fathers, but the difference is so huge!

"Ah Huan, are you okay?" Mu Yu understood the complexity in his eyes and looked at him worriedly.

He smiled coldly: "Compared to the pain he put on Xiao Xi, I am actually happier without a father."

Mu Yu, who felt very sorry for him, didn't know how to comfort him for a moment, so she gently held his arm.

"Let's go."

Seeing him leading her inside, she expressed doubts: "It's already past four in the afternoon, and even Shang Huining has found us here. It stands to reason that Qin Wentao should also know that we are here. He didn't come here, so he probably didn't dare to talk to you." A conflict occurred. In this case, do we still need to stay here? "

"You hungry?"

Mu Yu, who didn't feel hungry at first, felt his stomach growl immediately after being reminded like this, and he nodded immediately.

"After dinner we go to the hospital."

Mu Yu was very happy: "Are you going to see Xiao Xi? Is he ready for surgery?"

Qin Jinhuan shook his head: "I'm not going to see him, I'm going to see Shang Qi."

"Oh." Mu Yu was a little disappointed when she heard that she was not familiar with Shang Qi.

"I think I already know the reason why Xiaoxi's survival skills are so strong now."

"Oh? Why?" Mu Yucai asked. The scene when he saw Qin Chengxi and Shang Qi in Zizi Tiandi that day flashed through his mind, and he suddenly reacted, "Is it because of Shang Qi? Xiao Xi also likes Shang Qi?!"

But she immediately expressed her confusion, "If Xiao Xi really likes Shang Qi, then why did Shang Qi commit suicide at night even though Shang Qi confessed to him yesterday?"

A trace of guilt flashed in Qin Jinhuan's eyes: "He committed suicide last night, probably because I refused to meet him. As for why he developed such a strong desire to live after being rescued, it may have something to do with Shang Qi sending him to the hospital. . Many times, people’s choices are made in one thought.”

Mu Yu thought it made sense, and suddenly remembered the time when Qin Chengxi went to Wen Zeyu's house to find Qin Jinhuan because of his parents, and was hesitant to speak to her. He suddenly let out a long sigh: "It seems that Xiao Xi has long wanted to seek help from Qin Jinhuan." Your help was just because he was afraid of his parents and not sure you were willing to help him, so he never dared to ask. This time he made up his mind to call you for help. It was probably Shang Qi's confession that gave him the motivation, but you hung up. His phone call cut off his last hope, so he... "

Seeing that Qin Jinhuan's face was not good, she quickly changed her words to comfort, "But I can't blame you, after all, you don't know his situation. Fortunately, we found Xiao Xi in time. We hope that his operation can go smoothly and he can realize his dream of becoming a girl. ”

"It has to go smoothly."

"Ah Huan, there's something I need to do..."

"Young lady, boss, the food is here."

Seeing Cheng Xiang come in with a bag, Mu Yu was silent. After Cheng Xiang put the food on the table and went out, she asked Qin Jinhuan with a worried look: "Shang Qi should like the boy Xiao Xi, and now Xiao Xi has become Do you think he can accept it if he becomes a girl? If he doesn't like Xiao Xi who has become a girl, then Xiao Xi will definitely be very sad. "

Qin Jinhuan's hand holding the chopsticks was stiff and he didn't respond. He just lowered his head and ate slowly.

Knowing that he was also worried, Mu Yu didn't say anything anymore and lowered his head to eat slowly.

At this time, neither of them had much appetite. After eating randomly to fill their stomachs, they got up and prepared to go to the hospital to see Shang Qi. Before leaving, Qin Jinhuan received a call from Rong Ying.