My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 167: Gentle Mr. Qin


"Who?" Mu Yu asked quickly.

"Do you remember Linda? KiKi's good sister."

"Remember! It seems that KiKi is staying at her house these days."

"Yes. She is so anxious to see me, she must have something to say to me about KiKi." Rong Jian said as he walked towards the entrance of the rooftop.

Mu Yu and Qin Jinhuan followed immediately.

"Sister-in-law, it's almost dawn. You and Ah Huan should go back and rest first." Rong Jian said after entering the elevator.

"I think… "

"You need to rest!" Qin Jinhuan interrupted Mu Yu rudely.

"Ah Huan has to go to work during the day." Rong Jian also advised.

"You go back first, Captain Rong and I..."

"No!" Qin Jinhuan held her hand tightly and spoke firmly, as if there was no room for discussion.

"Sister-in-law, Linda has specified that she only sees me. Even if you go back to the police station with me, you can't go with me to see her. How about this, after I communicate with her, I will call you to explain the situation." Rong Jian He had noticed Qin Jinhuan's displeasure, so in order to dispel Mu Yu's thoughts, he had no choice but to say this.

"Oh, then, okay." Although he was reluctant, seeing that Rong Jian had reached this point, Mu Yu had no choice but to give up.

After the three people came out of the unit building, Rong Jian waved to them and quickly got into his car.

"Captain Rong, remember to call!" Mu Yu shouted after him.

"Okay. Sister-in-law, go back." As Rong Jian spoke, he stepped on the accelerator and the car sped away immediately.

"Let's go back." Huang Bo had already driven the car over, and Qin Jinhuan opened the door for her.

"Ah Huan, what clues do you think Linda will provide to Captain Rong?" The car started, but Mu Yu still remembered this matter.

"Don't bother thinking about it. Will you know everything when Captain Rong calls to tell you?" Qin Jinhuan took her in his arms and motioned her to stop thinking about it.

Mu Yu, who was indeed very tired, leaned softly into his arms, but still couldn't stop thinking and murmured to himself: "KiKi comes into contact with so many people every day, and these customers are not fixed. I want to find out from them." Isn’t it more difficult for her to hire a murderer than to go to heaven?”

"Hey!" Suddenly, she straightened up excitedly, "I remember that the proprietress of Zhangshulin once said that in order to make it easier for the girls to share the dividends, there will be a record in the store every time they come to stay! If you get this record book, you can If you can find out who KiKi has been in contact with recently, you will definitely be able to follow the clues and discover the whereabouts of the murderer!"

Qin Jinhuan looked at her speechlessly, and just as he was about to persuade her, she slapped her thigh and shouted, "Oh no, no, no, no! What a big deal this is."

"What?" He looked at her nervously.

"KiKi has AIDS, and she is engaged in a special job. So, a large number of people may be infected with HIV?!"

"You didn't have close contact with her, did you?" For Qin Jinhuan, Mu Yu's safety was the most important thing.

"Before tonight, I actually only met her once, and I didn't even talk to her for a few words. How about intimate contact?" Mu Yu looked worried, "It was Captain Rong and Officer Liu who fought with KiKi. There were a lot of interactions, especially tonight, when KiKi was bleeding and Team Rong was so close to her, I was really worried..."

"Don't worry, Rong Jian has a strong sense of self-protection, and nothing will happen to him."

"It's best if everything is okay. I hope both he and Officer Liu are okay." Although Qin Jinhuan comforted her like this, she still felt heavy.

"Okay, don't think so much, rest for a while." Qin Jinhuan took her into his arms again, "I know you want to solve the case immediately, but these things are urgent and can't be rushed. Why not rest first so that you can solve the case tomorrow? Put your best foot forward in your work.”

Hearing the hoarseness in his voice, she realized that he had been with her all night. Thinking of what Rong Jian said about him having to go to work during the day, she suddenly felt guilty.

"Ah Huan, I'm sorry."

"why apologize?"

"You are so busy at work every day, and you still have to worry about me, I..."

"I am willing to worry about you, but I don't like you to take risks. Promise me that if I am not around, you must learn to protect yourself and try not to participate in dangerous actions."

Sensing his worry, his nervousness when she pushed Rong Jian away flashed before her eyes, making her feel even more guilty. She nodded repeatedly: "I will, I promise you, I will try my best to protect myself, and you will do the same, too." Protect yourself as much as possible!”

She knew that there were many more dangers in his environment than she did. After all, he faced not only unfathomable business competition, but also unpredictable disputes over family interests.

"Yeah." He nodded slightly, held her hand and patted her arm gently.

Waves of warmth rushed through her body, and she hugged him with a satisfied smile.

Too many things had happened in the past two days, and she was indeed very tired. She had just been trying to cheer herself up before.

Listen to him and get a good rest so that you can be at your best at work at dawn.

A wave of sleepiness came over her, and she slowly closed her eyes.

Seeing that the person in his arms was finally quiet, Qin Jinhuan finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although the heater was on in the car, he was still a little worried that she would catch a cold. He wanted to reach for the blanket placed behind the seat to cover her, but who knew that his body was so weak? Turning slightly, she trembled, and he hurriedly froze while continuing to pat her arm rhythmically.

She twisted a little twice more and hugged him tightly, mumbling something in her mouth, but soon she lost her voice and fell asleep again.

He didn't feel it was funny and continued to pat her, keeping his body still until the car stopped in front of the house.

Huang Bo got out of the car first and opened the door: "Boss..."


Qin Jinhuan pushed her away gently, holding her tightly with both hands, then slowly moved his body towards the car door, put one foot out of the car and landed on the ground, then held her back with one hand, and moved his other leg back to the car door. Next to him, half-kneeling on the seat cushion, he carefully picked her up, gradually shifted his weight to his legs outside the car, picked her up slowly, and then took her upstairs with gentle steps.

"boss… "

"Let's talk about it at dawn if we have anything to do."

"Yes." Huang Bo didn't dare to make any more noise. He just tiptoed ahead and opened the door for them. He didn't wait until he sent them back to their room, closed the door for them, and then walked downstairs softly.

Put Mu Yu on the bed, help her take off her cotton-padded clothes very carefully, then help her lie down, cover her with a quilt, go to the bathroom to get a basin of hot water, help her wipe her face and hands, and then change the basin He filled her with hot water to wash her feet. After doing this, he covered her again. Seeing that she was still sleeping soundly, he couldn't help but smile. After packing his things, he turned to the bathroom to wash up briefly. He put on his pajamas. Lying down beside her, he gently held her hand and looked at her quiet face unscrupulously.

If she was awake, she would definitely withdraw her hand and find a pillow for the boundary, and she would also order him to sleep more, or simply turn her back to him.

It feels so good to not have a big pillow in between.

His smile filled his eyes and warmed his heart.

"There must be something fishy about this case, Captain Rong, what do you think?"

Her sudden voice echoed in the bedroom, and he suddenly frowned.

This little woman is still thinking about the case while sleeping! The person he asked was actually Rong Jian! He was not in her dreams!

This guy Rong Jian is so hateful! It actually occupied her dreams! It seems that Rong Jian cannot be allowed to spend too long with her in the future.

He was very unhappy.


Rong Jiancai sneezed loudly as he walked into the city bureau hall.

"Ah, Captain Rong, you have a cold?! Do you want Dr. Rong to prescribe some medicine for you?" Liu Xiaofan who greeted him immediately expressed concern.

"Don't make such a fuss. Where's Linda?" Rong Jian didn't take it seriously and just wiped his nose with a napkin.

"In your office. Not only Linda, but also several beauties."

Liu Xiaofan, who has always liked looking at beautiful women, was frightened by the fact that KiKi was infected with AIDS, so now he would rather come to the lobby to greet Rong Jian than deal with those few of KiKi's good friends, especially those who live with KiKi. Linda. He had decided to go for an HIV test at dawn. Thinking of this, he felt like a huge stone was weighing on his heart, and he couldn't help but complain about KiKi.


"Huh?" When Liu Xiaofan came to his senses and responded, he almost bumped into Rong Jian and hurriedly stopped his feet and laughed.

"Pah!" Rong Jian slapped him on the forehead and scolded him, "When will you change your bad habit of losing your soul when you see beautiful women?"

"I have changed!" Liu Xiaofan looked aggrieved, "If I hadn't changed, why would I be waiting for you here? I would have been sitting in your office chatting with the beauties."

"Then you are still in a trance? Could it be that you can't survive just two nights without sleep? Your physical condition..."

"That's not the reason, I just..."

"Just what? Is there something going on at home?" Rong Jian stopped and looked at his subordinates who were hesitant to speak and looked worried.

"It's not that there's something wrong with the family, it's something that's happening with me. You know, I've dealt with KiKi many times, and I didn't even know she had AIDS before." Liu Xiaofan was extremely frustrated.

Only then did Rong Jian understand what he was worried about, and immediately asked nervously: "Have you slept with her?!"

As Qin Jinhuan said, he is an experienced veteran criminal policeman. Because he often deals with all kinds of criminals, he pays special attention to protecting himself in details. Therefore, he is not worried that KiKi's AIDS will be transmitted to himself.

"That's not true! I know the kind of woman she is, and she is our suspect. How could I sleep with her? I just, just..." Liu Xiaofan was very embarrassed.

Rong Jian understood in an instant, and started to curse: "How do I usually teach you? You always turn a deaf ear to what I tell you! You are a typical person who will not shed tears until you see the coffin!"

Liu Xiaofan just barely stopped crying: "Captain Rong, it's meaningless to say these words now. If I die from the attack, you have to find a way to help me count my death in the line of duty and help my elderly parents get pensions. "

"If it's just a slight physical contact, it shouldn't lead to infection. After all, it's winter now, so we wear a lot of clothes." After all, he was still distressed and concerned about his subordinates. Rong Jian turned to comfort, "Don't be nervous. Let's go get a test at dawn. Reassuring yourself.”

"Yeah." Liu Xiaofan nodded repeatedly and begged uneasily, "Captain Rong, if I'm really unlucky, what I just said will be my last words. You have to help me."

"Okay, even if you are really infected with the HIV virus, it still has an incubation period, and you won't die so quickly." Rong Jian looked at his watch while speaking, and then said, "There is nothing to do now. You go back to the dormitory to rest. Come and get tested at dawn and let me know the results.”

After speaking, he patted Liu Xiaofan on the shoulder and walked quickly to his office.

"Hey! Captain Rong is here!"

Before he reached the office, he heard the shouts of a group of women. He looked up and saw four women in eye-catching clothes and heavy makeup standing at the door of the office.

He recognized that the four women were all KiKi's lifelong friends. The leader was Linda, and the other three were Ajin, Abby and Eve. The four women had obviously cried, and their eyes were all red, but their makeup was still in good condition and they must have all had their makeup touched up.

"Captain Rong, I received a call from Officer Liu saying that KiKi was dead, so I rushed here with my sisters." Linda choked up and said, "This is what KiKi entrusted me to deliver to you before she died."

She took out a USB flash drive from her bag and handed it to Rong Jian.