My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 169: Encounter by chance


"Brother Yihan? Why are you here?" Mu Yu looked at Xin Yihan who suddenly appeared behind him in surprise.

"Buy breakfast." Xin Yihan looked at her with a smile.

"Come this far to buy breakfast?!"

Xin Yihan's home is at least 20 minutes' drive away from this breakfast shop.

"Xiao Tian likes to eat custard buns and red date soy milk from this restaurant. Are you buying breakfast for Mr. Qin?" Xin Yihan looked at Mu Yu taking the two rich breakfasts handed over by the store with a complicated look.

"No, no, I brought it to my colleague."

Knowing that he cared about her, Mu Yu was afraid that he would misunderstand that she had lived a wronged life in the Qin family.

Xin Yihan looked at his watch with doubts in his eyes: "Go to work so early?"

"It's not work, it's because a friend I met a few times passed away unfortunately. He's being buried today. I'll go see him off and bring some breakfast to my colleagues." Mu Yu vaguely conveyed the information about Luo Mingan's father and daughter.

"Oh, that… "

Mu Yu's cell phone rang.

"Sorry." It was Rong Jian's call. She interrupted Xin Yihan and answered the phone, "Captain Rong?"

"Sister-in-law, it's too cold today. We canceled our meeting at the bureau. Xiaofan and I are going to the crematorium. You don't want to come to the crematorium. Go directly to the gate of Tailing Garden to wait for us at 8:30."

"Oh, Captain Rong, where are you now? Have you had breakfast?"

"I'm almost at the crematorium. I went out in a hurry and forgot to buy breakfast. I'll eat it later. Let me just say this, I have something to do."

"Hey, Captain Rong..."

There was a blind tone on the phone, and Mu Yu reluctantly put down the phone.

"What's wrong?" Xin Yihan asked her with concern.

"The leader said he canceled the meeting at the bureau and asked me to wait for them at the gate of Tailing Garden at 8:30."

Xin Yihan looked at his watch: "It's not even seven o'clock now, and it only takes thirty minutes to get to Tailing Garden from here."

"Well, I was wondering whether to go to the crematorium to find Captain Rong and the others first." Mu Yu Yang raised the bag in his hand, "I bought breakfast for him and Teacher Feng."

"Young lady, I think Captain Rong purposely didn't let you go to the crematorium. That place is very gloomy and unlucky, especially in this weather. If you meet the souls of those who died in vain, it will be even more evil. I'm worried that you will come back and do evil. Dream." Huang Bo advised kindly.

"Evil? You are too superstitious." Mu Yu laughed, "I am a forensic doctor, but I don't believe in this evil."

"Young lady, this is not a matter of superstition. There are some things that are unclear. In short, I suggest you not go there." Huang Bo was still serious.

Mu Yu looked at Huang Bo speechlessly.

In fact, ever since Rong Jian and the others decided to bury the Luo family's father and daughter in person, Qin Xiaozhi and Qin Jinhuan's grandson had done some ideological work for her many times, telling her not to attend this event because it was unlucky, so they were willing to pay for the burial arrangements. She said that they were too superstitious and did not listen to their opinions. They stubbornly wanted to send the Luo family father and daughter on their last journey. In the end, the grandfather and grandson couldn't help her, so they had to follow her.

At this moment, she had every reason to suspect that Rong Jian's refusal to let her go to the crematorium was actually the intention of the Qin family's grandson. She even suspected that when she arrived at Tailing Garden later, the grandfather and grandson would think of other ways to prevent her from entering - she didn't expect that they agreed to her participation, which was just a delaying tactic.

But even so, she didn't blame them, but was very moved. Because she knew that they were worried about the shadow that Luo Mingan had engraved on her heart, and that today's farewell would irritate her. But little did they know that she had almost overcome it. She came to see Luo Mingan off today because she wanted to put an end to that unforgettable memory.

After fixing her eyes, she prepared to say goodbye to Xin Yihan first: "Brother Yihan, I..."

"Xiaoyu, it's better to go to places like the crematorium less often." Xin Yihan seemed to see through her mind and immediately interrupted her, "Since Captain Rong is so considerate of you, don't make it difficult for him."

When she heard what he said, she hesitated for a moment.

But after thinking about it, she had an idea again and handed the breakfast she bought to Huang Bo: "Then I won't go to the crematorium for burial. You can help me deliver the breakfast to Captain Rong and Teacher Feng."

"Then how do you go back?"

Huang Bo's words made Mu Yu understand Qin Jinhuan's arrangement. He curled his lips secretly, but pretended to be calm and looked at Xin Yihan: "Brother Yihan will send me there."

"But Mr. Xin..."

"Breakfast will get cold if you keep grinding. Go quickly."

Huang Bo glanced at Xin Yihan and hesitated. Seeing that Mu Yu pressed hard and showed an unhappy look, he didn't dare to force it, so he took the bag and drove away.

"Let's go." Xin Yihan turned around.

Mu Yu called to him: "Brother Yihan, you haven't bought breakfast for Sister Xiaotian yet."

"I'll send you back first, and I'll buy it later."

"Who said I'm going back?" Mu Yu said as he turned off his phone, "First deliver breakfast to Sister Xiaotian, and then take me to Tailing Garden. Brother Yihan, if you don't have time, I will take a taxi to Tailing Garden. "

"I do have time, but aren't you worried about Master Qin doing this?"

"I will explain to him later." Mu Yu said, turning to the breakfast shop owner, "One custard bun, one fried pancake, one cup of red date soy milk, and one cup of salty soy milk."

Xin Yihan didn't say anything after hearing this, he just smiled and watched her pay.

Pan-fried fish with salty soy milk is his favorite.

"By the way, Brother Yihan, why did Sister Xiaotian take such a long annual leave?" Mu Yu brought breakfast and got in the car.

Xin Yihan responded while starting the car: "You called her before, didn't she tell you the reason?"

"She only said that she felt tired and wanted to rest for a while to adjust her condition, but I always felt that this was not like Sister Xiaotian's work attitude."

Xin Yihan laughed: "Do you think she told lies to you? Does she need to tell lies to you?"

"There is really no need to lie to me, but I just feel a little confused."

"Then don't think about it. How have you been at the Qin family recently? I heard that the Qin family's grandpa recognized you as his granddaughter-in-law and loved you very much?"

"Yes." Mu Yusui briefly told him about the long-standing relationship between her family and the Qin family. At the end, she gritted her teeth and asked, "Do you think he and I are destined to be together?"

Xin Yihan smiled and said: "We are indeed destined to meet each other. Xiaoyu, I can see that the Qin family's grandparents care about you. Why do you have to disobey them and go to Tailing Garden?"

"Because..." Mu Yu paused before speaking, "Brother Yihan, I saw that person."

"Which person?"

"It's the man in that memory that I never dare to face."

Xin Yihan slammed on the brakes, as if he didn't believe it: "The man who gave you nightmares?"


"Where did you see the murderer? Isn't he dead?"

"He wasn't dead before, but he is now."

"I do not understand."

"Brother Yihan, you drive, I'll tell you slowly." After Xin Yihan restarted the car, Mu Yu told the tragic story of the Luo family's father and daughter blaming each other for the Zhao Yongli case, which eventually led to their death. He listens.

"So the murderer of Zhao Yongli who has been appearing on the news network for the past two days is that man?! By the way, the news did mention that he killed his wife ten years ago, but I didn't mention him and you. "Xin Yihan was obviously surprised and said, "You just said that he was not the murderer of Zhao Yongli? Didn't the police confirm that he was the murderer?"

"Don't you understand what I mean? Luo Mingan did admit to the murder, but that was actually because he thought his daughter had killed someone and was taking the blame for her daughter."

"Oh. Since the person was not killed by him, why did the police release such news? Isn't this deceiving the people?"

"The police did not deceive the people. Because before the police released this news, although our task force had doubts about whether Luo Mingan was the murderer, because no direct evidence was found to prove that he did not kill anyone, the leaders above based on the crime tools he provided and his His confession concluded the case. In fact, he was not the murderer, but Captain Rong only found the clue after the police released the news..." Suddenly realizing that Xin Yihan was also a commoner, Mu Yu immediately fell silent.

After all, the main reason why the superiors were eager to let Rong Xian close the case was to appease the people who were paying close attention to these two cases. If what she just said spread out and made people lose trust in the police, her sin would be great.

Seeing Xin Yihan glance at herself, she hurriedly explained, "Brother Yihan, I didn't mean to say you were a big-mouthed person."

He smiled very understandingly: "It's okay, I won't say it if I can't say it. In fact, I'm not very interested in this matter. It's just what you just said made me feel strange, because the official news released by the police said It is very clear that the murderer not only explained the crime process, but also handed over the crime tools. Are these all fake? "

"It's not false. The murder process Luo Mingan said is definitely consistent with the conclusion we drew based on the traces at the scene. The murder weapon and the packaging rope that tied the deceased also corresponded to the wounds on the deceased. It's just that these crime tools were not at all the ones before Zhao Yongli's death. He bought it before he died." Mu Yu still couldn't hold back and said these words, "In other words, the crime tool he provided was not the murder weapon, but it was almost the same as the murder weapon."

"You said I was confused." Just waiting for the red light, Xin Yihan turned to look at her and questioned, "He is not a murderer, but he can tell the murder process and provide the same tool as the murder weapon? Maybe the murder weapon he bought before was thrown away by him , now in order to prove his guilt and can’t produce the murder weapon, why do you go out of your way to buy a new one?”

"We have ruled out that possibility."

"Then how do you explain that he can tell the story of the murder?"

"Because we suspected that he saw the real murderer committing the crime, but he mistakenly thought that his daughter was responsible for the murder, so he never confessed the person for fear of implicating his daughter." Speaking of this, she also told the KiKi family The most tragic part of human suffering was told to him.

"It's really ups and downs and soul-stirring." Xin Yihan sighed with emotion and was full of indignation, "This person named Zhao is so hateful! Damn it! Hey, Xiaoyu, we're here, wait for me, I'll give Xiaotian breakfast first ”

"Brother Yihan, I'll go up with you. I haven't seen her for a long time."

"Just don't go up there. I'm afraid that you two haven't seen each other for too long and have a lot to say, and I'll miss your business later. If you really miss her, just call her when you're free or make another appointment."

Feeling that his words made sense, Mu Yu did not get out of the car.

Not long after, Xin Yihan came down and had breakfast while driving. By the time she was sent to the gate of Tailing Garden, it was not yet eight o'clock.

Because of the bad weather, the entrance to Tailing Garden was empty and gloomy. He was worried about leaving her alone here, so he stayed with her. Sensing that she was a little uneasy, he immediately told jokes to make her happy as before.

This trick really worked. After a while, she calmed down and quietly waited for Rong Jian and the others to come over with him.

At half past eight, Rong Jian and his entourage arrived in their car on time. She and Xin Yihan immediately got out of the car to greet them.

"Why are you here?" Eve, who was still crying, was very surprised to see Xin Yihan.