My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 177: Awkwardness in the office


In the twelfth lunar month of winter in Ancheng, the sky is always gray, covered with leaden gray clouds, and the biting cold wind ravages the earth wantonly, proudly proclaiming its majesty.

"…continue to issue a cold wave yellow warning. Affected by the strong cold air, the temperature in our city is expected to drop to minus five to ten degrees tomorrow and next two days, and there will be the first snowfall of the year, accompanied by strong winds and heavy fog. Please ask relevant units Please take precautions to protect yourself from wind and cold.”

From last night to today, whenever the radio or TV is turned on, this news is broadcast. Mu Yu has heard it no less than ten times. She was sitting in the car at this time, clasping her hands together, silently praying that the plane Qin Chengxi and Rong Ying took today would arrive in Ancheng safely as scheduled.

The phone rang, and seeing that it was Jiang Wenwen, she quickly answered the call.

"Xiaoyu, how long do you have until you arrive?"

"Are you here?" Mu Yu hurriedly wiped the foggy car window with his hand and looked out the window, while responding, "I'll be there in about ten minutes. Don't wait outside. It's windy outside. Go to the guard booth." Go and wait.”

"The guard doesn't let you in. I told you your name, but he said he didn't know you and refused to let me in. This guard is so serious that he doesn't even know about the young lady of the Qin family!" Jiang Wenwen was obviously aggrieved.

"You are stupid. Of course the guard uncle doesn't know my name. You have to tell me the name of the captain."

"Ah? Let me try. Ouch, the baby is freezing to death." Jiang Wenwen said and hung up the phone.

"Jiang Wenwen? She doesn't have to go to work today?" Qin Jinhuan, who was sitting next to Mu Yu, asked.

"There's going to be a big cold wave in the next few days. The school is worried about students going to school, so it's a holiday."

For northern cities, minus five to ten degrees Celsius in winter is nothing, but for Anseong, where the average winter temperature is generally five to ten degrees Celsius, a drop of minus five to ten degrees Celsius has already broken the historical record, so various departments have The cold wave yellow warning is being greeted with great caution, especially for primary and secondary schools and kindergartens.

"Why is she going to your unit?"

"Let's play. Her parents went to their hometown in the countryside a few days ago, and she was at home alone. She had nothing to do in her free time. We haven't seen each other for a long time, and it's hard for me to ask for leave, so I asked her to come to the work to accompany me." Mu Yu's eyes flickered when she said this. She was afraid that Qin Jinhuan would see Xiao Jiujiu in her heart, so she immediately changed the subject, "The flight Xiaoxi and Yingying took will not be affected by the cold wave, right?"

"They will arrive in the afternoon and the temperature will cool down at night, so they should not be affected. Will you come with me to pick them up in the afternoon?"

"We will definitely go together. I really want to see with my own eyes what Xiao Xi has become." Mu Yu felt excited when she mentioned this, "By the way, remember to bring the gift we prepared for Xiao Xi later. "


Mu Yu suddenly remembered something and immediately expressed concern: "Do you think Xiaoxi will be allowed to go home to live after she comes back, or..."

"Of course you will live with us." Qin Jinhuan was obviously worried about handing over his sister who had undergone positive surgery to her parents.

"But you have also seen grandpa's attitude. I am afraid that grandpa will be irritated."

A few days ago, Mu Yu chatted with Qin Xiaozhi and implicitly mentioned cases like Xiao Xi's. He asked Qin Xiaozhi in a joking tone what he should do if there was such a person around him. Qin Xiaozhi said without thinking at all, "It will definitely make him change." Boy, boys are better than girls.”

"I'll go back and talk to grandpa after the meeting in the morning."

Mu Yu hurriedly warned: "Then you have to be careful when speaking. Don't tell grandpa directly. Grandpa won't be able to bear it."

Under Qin Jinhuan's instruction, both Qi Hao and Yu Zhongguang lied to Qin Xiaozhi, saying that Qin Chengxi was studying abroad. Qin Xiaozhi felt unwell due to the cold weather and basically rested in bed at home. In addition, Qin Wentao and his wife usually did not go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything, so they did not see the family of three, and he did not think deeply about it.

"When Xiaoxi returns to Ancheng, we can't hide this matter. Grandpa will know sooner or later."

"But… "

"I will be careful."

"While you are talking to grandpa, call Lei Zhi over."

Her words made Qin Jinhuan laugh, but he disagreed: "You think grandpa's endurance is too bad. In fact, it's not that serious."

"I'm worried too. I'm not afraid of ten thousand, I'm just afraid of what might happen."

"Yes, I know." Seeing that the car had stopped at the door of the city bureau and Huang Bo had gotten out of the car, Qin Jinhuan immediately turned to straighten the collar of her cotton-padded clothes and straightened the strand of hair that fell from her forehead. While saying, "I will come to pick you up in the afternoon."

"Okay. Waiting for you." Seeing that Huang Bo hadn't opened the door yet, she quickly kissed him on the face. After kissing him, the car door was opened. Like a child who had succeeded in stealing something, she immediately raised her eyebrows proudly. A finger winked at him.

He smiled and patted her on the forehead. She made a face at him, then picked up her bag and got out of the car. Then she stepped in and said, "You'd better ask Ze Yu to accompany you to talk to grandpa later. Ze Yu can talk better than you."

"I know. Come in quickly, it's windy inside."

"Okay." She waved to him, then closed the car door and watched his car leave.


Suddenly someone yelled and slapped her on the back, which startled her. She turned around and saw Jiang Wenwen, and immediately kicked her while pretending to be angry, while scolding: "If you dare to scare me again, I won't do it tonight." Take you to the party."

"You can't be so cruel." Jiang Wenwen smiled and hugged her, pointing to the direction where Qin Jinhuan's car left and asked, "Why don't you let Mr. Qin take you in? Everyone in Ancheng knows his license plate. The guard uncle will definitely not stop him."

"I don't want to be so public."

"Hey, why are you so low-key? No wonder even the guard uncle doesn't know you, which makes me stand here drinking from the northwest wind." Just as a gust of wind blew, she and Mu Yu had a cold war, and she immediately pulled Mu Yu Walking to the city bureau gate, he complained, "It's a few hundred meters from here to the public security hall. You deserve to freeze to death!"

Mu Yu shrank his neck and asked, "Didn't you say you were Captain Rong's friend?"

"I told you, but the uncle didn't believe it and asked me to call Captain Rong to answer him. How could I have Captain Rong's phone number? Thinking that you would be arriving soon, I didn't bother to call and ask again, so I found a sheltered place to wait. is you."

The two of them walked to the gate while talking. After Mu Yu showed his ID to the guard, he took Jiang Wenwen into the city bureau and came to the forensic room.

"This is your office? It's very high-end!" Jiang Wenwen put her hands to her mouth and breathed, while looking around curiously, "Hey, where is the place where you dissect corpses?"

"Over there." Mu Yu pointed into the corner and went to get the water, "I just have a cup. You can drink some hot tea from my cup to keep warm."

"You drink from your cup, I'll just use a disposable paper cup." Jiang Wenwen casually picked up a pile of disposable paper cups on the table next to her and took one.

"Hey, don't move!" Mu Yu immediately told her to put it down, "That's Teacher Feng's thing. She doesn't like others touching her things."

"I didn't touch anything important to her. I just took a disposable paper cup. She shouldn't be so stingy." Jiang Wenwen suddenly remembered something and immediately threw the cup on the table as if she had been stung and exclaimed, "Isn't this paper cup the tool you use to dissect corpses and put human skin tissue into them?!"

"That's not true. How can there be a cup for that? You think of us too unprofessionally." Her frightened look made Mu Yu amused, "This is a disposable cup that is simply used to receive guests and drink water." Just a paper cup.”

"Since the cup is originally used to receive guests to drink water, why are you so nervous?" Jiang Wenwen casually picked up a thrown away paper cup and threw it to Mu Yu, "Here, little apprentice, give the master a glass of water."

Ever since Mu Yu used her method to seduce Qin Jinhuan last time, she has always regarded herself as a master in front of Mu Yu.

Mu Yu caught the cup and said cooperatively: "Yes, as ordered."

The two of them immediately laughed together.


"Feng, Teacher Feng, good morning." Looking back and seeing Feng Rubing with a tense face, Mu Yu suddenly panicked. While saying hello, he quietly motioned to Jiang Wenwen, who was sitting on Feng Rubing's chair, to come over.

Feng Rubing just said a faint "Hmm" without saying anything else. He walked straight to the table, pulled out the chair heavily, and threw the three or four paper cups scattered on the table into the trash can.

Her obviously unhappy look made Mu Yu very embarrassed, and he awkwardly stepped forward to apologize: "Teacher Feng, I'm sorry, I..."

Feng Rubing ignored her apology, picked up his water glass and turned to the bathroom.

Jiang Wenwen knew that she had caused trouble to her friend, so she bared her teeth at her friend apologetically and pouted her lips while rushing to the bathroom.

Mu Yu hurriedly shook her head and pulled her to sit in front of his desk. Then he went to the corner and brought a plastic stool over. Before she could sit down, she saw Feng Rubing coming out after washing the cup. She immediately pointed at the water dispenser and apologized: "Teacher Feng, The water is ready."

Feng Rubing still only said a faint "hmm". After filling the bottle with water, he sat back down and turned on the computer.

Thinking of the breakfast he had brought for Feng Rubing, Mu Yu hurriedly took it out of his bag and sent it over: "Teacher Feng, I brought you breakfast. It's still hot. You can try it."

"No, thanks."

Just saying that she was being polite to him, Mu Yu explained with a smile: "It's okay, I brought it for you by the way. The Xiao Long Bao here is very good, you..."

"I said no!"


Feng Rubing waved his hand impatiently, but unexpectedly knocked over the lunch box in Mu Yu's hand. The lunch box fell to the ground, and the liberated Xiao Long Bao immediately rolled to the ground.

Because Mu Yu blocked her view, Jiang Wenwen only said that it was Feng Rubing who knocked over the lunch box on purpose, and immediately started to slap the table angrily: "Hey! You're going too far! Xiaoyu kindly brought you steamed buns, but if you don't eat them, you won't be able to eat them." Eat, why did you knock it over?”

"Wenwen, you misunderstood. Teacher Feng didn't mean it." Mu Yu stopped his friend and apologized urgently to Feng Rubing, "Teacher Feng, I'm sorry, my classmate has misunderstood you. Don't..."

"I didn't let her take it." Feng Rubing placed the cup heavily on the table and retorted coldly to Jiang Wenwen.

"Okay, treat your kindness like a donkey's liver and lungs! Xiaoyu, don't do such a thankless thing in the future."

"Wenwen! Stop talking!" Seeing Feng Rubing get up and walk out, Mu Yu panicked and apologized, "Teacher Feng, I'm sorry, I..."

"It's not your fault, why do you keep apologizing?" Jiang Wenwen pulled her back, "Besides, even if it's your fault, you don't need to apologize so lowly. You are the young lady of the Qin family, you can completely put your own Keep your attitude high!"

Mu Yu shook his head: "I am just a rookie forensic doctor here, not a young lady of the Qin family. Teacher Feng is my senior. I must respect her. How can I show off to her?"

"Even if you don't show off, you don't need to be so flattering to her! What are you trying to do? Besides, didn't you see that she was in a bad mood? She has something on her mind and is too lazy to pay attention to you. You shouldn't stick to her so enthusiastically."

Mu Yu was stunned: "Did you notice that Teacher Feng was worried?"

"Of course," Jiang Wenwen said with a proud face, "You see, although she is dressed neatly, her shoelaces are not tied neatly, and there is a small strand of hair missing from the ponytail. She is obviously absent-minded. In addition, there is a look in her eyes. The bloodshot appearance, tired look on her face, and irritable mood all indicate that she has encountered something troublesome."

"Wow, Wenwen, you actually understand..." Before Mu Yu could finish her words of praise, her cell phone rang, and she immediately answered the call when she saw it was Rong Jian.

"Sister-in-law, have the information I asked for been sorted out?"

Only then did Mu Yu remember what Rong Jian had asked her to do yesterday, and immediately patted her forehead: "Captain Rong, I'm sorry, I forgot. I'm going to find Teacher Feng right now."

"It's okay, don't worry, just sort it out and send it to me."

"Oh, okay." Mu Yu hung up the phone and said to Jiang Wenwen, "You sit here first while I get the information from Teacher Feng," and hurried out.

Seeing Feng Rubing making a phone call at the side of the corridor, she hurriedly walked over to talk about Rong Jian's request for information. Unexpectedly, before she could speak, she was shocked by Feng Rubing's sudden angry voice.

"Beast! If you dare to touch even one of Qiqi's hair, I will kill you with no body intact!"