My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 179: A false alarm


"What?!" Mu Yu jumped up from his seat in shock, "Are they, are they okay?"

"The plane has lost contact with the ground, and the situation is unknown now." Qin Jinhuan was obviously nervous, and his voice changed its tone.

"What should we do?"

"What can we do? We can only wait patiently for news."

Hearing Qin Jinhuan sigh helplessly, Mu Yu just barely stopped crying: "Where are you now?"

"I'm on my way to the airport."

"I'll go too!" When Mu Yu spoke, he quickly grabbed his satchel.

"Yeah. I'll pick you up."

"Do Captain Rong and Ze Yu know?"

"Well, I informed them. Ze Yu has already rushed to the airport first."

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the gate." Mu Yu hung up the phone, said to Jiang Wenwen, "I have to rush to the airport immediately, you go home first," and ran out.

"What happened?" Jiang Wenwen, who didn't know what was going on, ran behind.

"Xiao Xi's plane lost contact with the ground."

"Ah?! Oh my god, no way..."

"No, no! Definitely not!" Mu Yu didn't dare to imagine the worst outcome.

"Yes, yes, no, no, they must be fine. It must be just the bad weather that affects the signal reception. It will be fine after a while." Jiang Wenwen also realized her slip of the tongue and hurriedly said something positive.

"Wenwen, the birthday party will definitely not be held tonight. You can go home. I have to go to the airport."

"Don't worry, my sixth sense tells me that the party can go on as usual and they will land safely. Don't worry, my sixth sense is very good." Jiang Wenwen said while holding her friend's hand, "I will accompany you to the airport. Pick them up."

"Is it really possible?" Mu Yu burst into tears.

"Yes! Hey, is that Mr. Qin's car?"

Mu Yu took a closer look and nodded immediately: "It's his car, let's go."

The two of them immediately walked out of the hall hand in hand and ran towards the door. Although the cold wind kept hitting their necks, they didn't feel cold at all.

When the two of them ran to the car, Qin Jinhuan had already got out of the car and opened the door for them.

To avoid embarrassment, Mu Yu asked Jiang Wenwen to sit in first, and then she sat in. When she entered, she glanced at Qin Jinhuan and saw his frown, which made her heart skip a beat again.

After getting in the car, because there was no good news from the airport, everyone was in a heavy mood and did not speak. Mu Yu looked at Qin Jinhuan with tearful eyes several times, but Qin Jinhuan just held her hand tightly and said nothing more.

It was almost noon, and the road condition that had been sprinkled with salt was still good. Huang Bo rushed all the way to the airport, as if everything would be fine the sooner they got to the plane.

Half an hour later, they arrived at the airport. As soon as the car stopped, Qin Jinhuan took Mu Yu out of the car and went straight to the departure hall, making a phone call to ask where Wen Zeyu was.

They quickly found Wen Zeyu's location as told. At this time, Wen Zeyu was holding his mobile phone tightly in his hand, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with a pale face, his eyes fixed on the parking lot outside the window.

"Still not contacted?" Mu Yu asked anxiously, Rong Jian, who was standing next to Wen Zeyu.

Rong Jian's expression was not much better than that of Wen Zeyu. He pursed his lips and shook his head.

Mu Yu's heart felt more and more stuffy when pressed by the boulder, and his throat became astringent and dry. He sniffed lightly and hurriedly held back, for fear of triggering their tense heartstrings.

Qin Jinhuan had no intention of comforting her with words, he just hugged her gently.

She knew that the level of suffering in his heart was no less than that of Wen Zeyu and Rong Jian. She wanted to comfort him just as Jiang Wenwen comforted herself, but she couldn't squeeze out a smile on her face. In the end, she had no choice but to give up and choose silence with him. .

At this time, Huining and his wife also arrived and rushed to Qin Jinhuan. Seeing him shaking his head slightly, Shang Huining's wife immediately burst into tears. Shang Huining quickly pulled his wife aside to comfort him, but before he could say a few words, the couple The two of them hugged each other and cried.

Mu Yu, who had been holding back tears, suddenly felt a sore nose and burst into tears.

Qin Jinhuan held Mu Yu in his arms, as if to comfort her and himself, while saying, "Don't worry, they will be fine." Mu Yu nodded desperately in his arms, but still couldn't hold back her tears.

Jiang Wenwen's throat was also stiff. Seeing that Ze Yu's eyes were shining with tears, she walked to him and followed his gaze, while whispering in a choked voice: "Don't worry, they will be fine."

However, Wen Zeyu didn't even look at her, as if he hadn't heard anything. This made her a little embarrassed. She looked to the side embarrassedly and found that Rong Jian and the others were staring at the airport with concern. No one paid attention to her. She felt that Then he breathed a sigh of relief. Realizing that her mentality was not good, she felt a little guilty. She quickly clasped her hands together and silently prayed for the safety of the crew.

Time passed by minute by second. For Qin Jinhuan and others who learned about the missing plane at the first moment, this was more painful than suffering on a hot pot.

Just when everyone's hearts were in their throats, Qin Jinhuan's cell phone rang. After looking at the phone number, he immediately pushed Mu Yu away to answer the call, and then exclaimed ecstatically: "We've been contacted! They're fine!"

"Really?" Mu Yu, Wen Zeyu and others asked together. Shang Huining and his wife also ran over and stared at Qin Jinhuan nervously.

"Really!" Qin Jinhuan, whose eyes were shining, nodded solemnly.

"Great!" Mu Yu and Jiang Wenwen cheered at the same time.

Wen Zeyu asked Qin Jinhuan excitedly when the plane would land.

"Due to the sudden change in weather, the plane is unable to land in Ancheng. We are planning to land in Ningcheng in an hour."

"I'll go to Ningcheng to pick them up." Wen Zeyu turned around and ran away.

"I'll go with you." Rong Jian followed immediately.

"Hey, I'm going too." Jiang Wenwen also followed.

"Hey, wait a minute, Ah Huan and I..."

"Sister-in-law, you and Ah Huan stay here to arrange the party, waiting for us to come back." As soon as Wen Zeyu finished speaking, he ran out of the hall.

"Ah Huan, we..."

"Listen to Ze Yu, we will wait for them here." Qin Jinhuan held her hand and turned to apologize to Shang Huining and his wife, whose eyes were red from crying, "Mr. Shang, Mrs. Shang, I am very sorry, I shouldn't have The news about the missing plane..."

Shang Huining waved his hands while wiping his tears: "Master Qin, you don't need to apologize. I know you also care about my Shang Qi. Oh, as long as everything is alright, it will be alright."

"Aning, let's go to Ningcheng to pick up Qi Qi." Shang Huining's wife Ling Ling asked with choked sobs.

"Mr. Wen and Captain Rong are gone, so let's not go. You are not in good health, so we can just wait at home for Shang Qi."

"That's fine." Ling Ling wiped her tears and stroked her chest again, "But it really scared me. I have to go home and have a cup of ginseng tea to calm down."

"Okay, let's go." Shang Huining gently held his wife's shoulders and said goodbye to Qin Jinhuan.

"Let's go too." Qin Jinhuan breathed a sigh of relief, took Mu Yu's hand and led her out.

"Fortunately, it was a false alarm." Although the crisis had passed, Mu Yu's heart was still beating fast. He happened to hear someone calling on the side about Qin Chengxi and the others' plane landing in Ningcheng instead. , she immediately looked at Qin Jinhuan and teased, "It seems that having too many connections is not necessarily a good thing. For example, this time, most of the passengers' families didn't know that the plane had lost contact with the ground before landing, so they wouldn't be worried."

"It's my fault." Qin Jinhuan responded with a smile.

"Yes, it's my fault that you don't have the ability to reach the sky, otherwise you could just fly up to the sky to pick them up."

"That's Sun Hou's ability, I'm not Sun Hou."

"You are not Sun Hou, you are Qin Beast."

"It's not night yet, so I can't transform into Qin Beast."

"What are you talking about!" This ambiguous joke made Mu Yu squeal.

Qin Jinhuan, who was already in a good mood, was not ready to let her go. Instead, he continued to tease her: "You know what I said."

"Hateful. Oh, by the way, did you and Ze Yu go to grandpa to tell him about Xiao Xi?"

"Not yet. We just left Qingtian and planned to go home. We came here after receiving a call from the airport." Qin Jinhuan raised his hand to look at his watch as he spoke. Seeing that it was already past two o'clock, he immediately said, "Let's go eat first." Order something and go home after eating. Grandpa has almost finished his nap.”

Mu Yu laughed when he heard this: "In fact, you care about grandpa very much. Why do you always pretend to not care about him?"

Qin Jinhuan rolled his eyes at her and said nothing.

"If you care, just care. What's there to be embarrassed about? He is your biological grandfather."

Qin Jinhuan ignored her chirping, took her to the airport restaurant to have something to eat, and then went home with her.

When they arrived home, Qin Xiaozhi was sitting in the living room downstairs. Lei Zhi, Yu Zhongguang and Li Xianglan were all surrounding him, seeming to be talking about something. When they saw them coming in, Lei Zhi and the three of them had a twinkle in their eyebrows, talking to them. After saying hello, they all hurried out of the living room.

Mu Yu vaguely felt that the three of them were a little weird, but it was difficult to ask further questions. Seeing that Qin Jinhuan had already sat down on the left side of her grandfather, she immediately walked over and poured them a cup of tea each, and then sat down on the right side of her grandfather.

"Going off work so early?" Qin Xiaozhi was obviously in a good mood, and his eyes almost narrowed with laughter.

Mu Yu, who thought this was a good start, happily winked at Qin Jinhuan through Qin Xiaozhi.

Qin Jinhuan nodded slightly and said to his grandfather solemnly: "Xiao Xi is back."

"Oh? He's back? He's back. Let him come to see me. I haven't seen him for a long time." Qin Xiaozhi took a sip of tea happily.

"Actually, Xiao Xi is not going out to study during this period," Qin Jinhuan said slowly, staring at his grandfather closely, "but to go for positive surgery."

"What kind of surgery?" Qin Xiaozhi suddenly turned his head.

"Positive surgery. She's actually a girl."


Qin Xiaozhi threw the cup out of his hand: "What nonsense are you talking about? How can Xiaoxi be a girl?!"

"Grandpa, it's true, Xiao Xi is really a girl!" Mu Yu hurriedly agreed with Qin Jinhuan, "She has both male and female reproductive organs, but the chromosomes show that she is actually a female, and her female reproductive system is Men’s are healthier.”

"No! Impossible! Xiaoxi is my grandson!" Although Mu Yu had implicitly mentioned this to Qin Xiaozhi, Qin Xiaozhi obviously found it difficult to accept it for the moment. He was so angry that his whole body trembled and he clutched his chest tightly.

Mu Yu was immediately frightened and did not dare to say any more. He quickly shouted to Lei Zhi and gently stroked his back.

Lei Zhi quickly ran over and gave Qin Xiaozhi a reassuring pill.

After a long while, Qin Xiaozhi regained his composure and looked at Qin Jinhuan as if he didn't believe it: "Is what Xiaoyu said true? What's going on?"

Seeing that their grandfather was in better condition, Qin Jinhuan and Mu Yu focused on what had happened to Qin Chengxi these days and told him.

"How could such a thing happen! They actually cheated their own children like this!" Qin Xiaozhi was furious after hearing this.

If it were in the past, Qin Jinhuan would definitely say, "It's not because of your preference for boys over girls." However, because of Mu Yu, the relationship between him and his grandfather has obviously improved a lot. At this time, he didn't say anything else, just He said lightly, "Although Xiaoxi is a girl, she is also a member of the Qin family. The Qin family should give her nothing less."

These words made Qin Xiaozhi feel happy and immediately responded: "Now you are the head of the Qin family, you have the final say."

"But my request remains the same as before. The will cannot be made public." He just didn't want to see Qin Wentao and his wife happy.

"It depends on you, everything depends on you."

They didn't expect grandpa to accept the fact that Xiao Xi was a girl so readily. This surprised both Qin Jinhuan and Mu Yu. Of course, they were more happy.

The two also told Qin Xiaozhi about the party tonight and invited him to attend. Qin Xiaozhi said that he was too old to go out at night and asked them to have more fun.

After seeing them off, Qin Xiaozhi quickly called Lei Zhi, who had been waiting outside, into the house. His first words were: "How long will it take for me to know the result?"