My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 180: pregnant!


"Usually about seven weeks." Lei Zhi answered respectfully.

"Seven weeks? Seventy-seven forty-nine days? Then it will take more than a month before I know the result?" Qin Xiaozhi obviously couldn't wait, "Can't it be faster?"

Lei Zhi seemed a little embarrassed: "It is easy to affect the accuracy of the data in advance."

If the measurement is not accurate, the boss will be happy for nothing. He cannot bear this responsibility.

"So when can you tell if it's twins or singles?"

"It's best to wait until about forty-five days to be more accurate." Lei Zhi secretly wiped his sweat again.

I knew my boss was worried about his great-grandson, but I didn't expect him to be so anxious.

Qin Xiaozhi was a little irritated: "Why does it take so long? Can't the result be available in more than ten days like confirming pregnancy?"

"No." Lei Zhi responded weakly.

Normally, an early pregnancy test would be enough after eight days, but to be on the safe side, he told Qin Xiaozhi that the results would not be available until ten to half a month after the ovulation period. Qin Xiaozhi could not wait for the fifteenth day, so he asked him to think of a way early. On the thirteenth day after Mu Yu's ovulation period, he asked Li Xianglan to collect Mu Yu's morning urine for early pregnancy testing. The result was as Qin Xiaozhi expected, the test paper showed two lines - Mu Yu was pregnant.

He thought that the boss would be happy when the young mistress was pregnant, but he didn't expect that the boss would be so eager to know the gender.

"Boss, don't be anxious. You can't rush this. Why don't you calm down and wait for the results. It's a great joy for the young lady to be pregnant." Yu Zhongguang handed a cup of hot tea to Qin Xiaozhi and comforted him softly.

Qin Xiaozhi, who took the tea cup, suddenly softened a lot when he heard the last sentence.

At this time, Lei Zhi suddenly remembered something and suddenly became nervous: "Boss, it is easy for couples to have sex in the early stages of pregnancy to cause miscarriage. Neither the young master nor the young mistress know about the pregnancy. I am worried that they will hurt the baby if they are not careful. ”

"Hey!" Yu Zhongguang slapped his thigh and exclaimed, "This is a big problem! The young master likes to mess around so much at night. Because he uses a condom, he will definitely not think about pregnancy and make love with the young mistress. I definitely won’t take it into consideration at all. It would be a big mistake if I’m not careful!”

Qin Xiaozhi's expression suddenly changed, and he stood up suddenly: "I have to tell them about this right away!"

"No, boss," Yu Zhongguang pulled him, "If the young master finds out that you manipulated his contraceptive condom, he might not be able to yell at you. You sit down first, and we'll Find another way to let him know about the mistress’ pregnancy.”

"What can I do?" Qin Xiaozhi was very anxious.

"In this case," Lei Zhi already had an idea in his mind, "isn't Dean Rong coming back today? Let Dean Rong find an excuse to take the young lady to her hospital for a routine physical examination. During the physical examination, it is detected that the young lady is pregnant. This will be perfect."

"Boss, I think this method will work!" Yu Zhongguang looked at Qin Xiaozhi happily.

Qin Xiaozhi thought for a while, nodded, picked up his cell phone and dialed Rong Ying's number. After asking her if it was convenient for her to answer the phone, he explained the situation to her in a concise and concise manner.

"Sister-in-law is pregnant?!" Rong Ying on the other end of the phone was shocked.

Qin Xiaozhi said happily: "Yes, the result of the pregnancy test came out today. You have to worry about this."

"Oh, I will, don't worry Grandpa."

"Don't worry, don't worry, I'm most worried about you doing your job." Seeing that Rong Ying agreed, Qin Xiaozhi hung up the phone and sighed with relief.

Because of Qin Wentao and his wife, he had never been very fond of Qin Chengxi. Now that he heard that she had changed from a grandson to a granddaughter, although he found it difficult to accept it for a while, because of Mu Yu's pregnancy, a lot of his anger was diluted.

Xiaoxi... granddaughter...

Grandchildren, granddaughters, great-grandchildren, great-granddaughters, great-grandchildren, great-granddaughters, is this what it means to be truly full of children and grandchildren

He fell into deep thought.

Here, Rong Ying, who heard the news about Mu Yu's pregnancy, stood in front of the mirror in a bathroom at Ningcheng Airport in a daze.

"Sister Yingying, are you okay?" Qin Chengxi didn't see Rong Ying come out. She was a little worried. When she rushed in and saw Rong Ying like this, she just said that she hadn't gotten over the fear of the plane failure yet, so she hurried forward. Help each other and ask lightly.

"It's okay." Rong Ying forced a smile.

"It's okay," Qin Chengxi breathed out and gritted his teeth, "But to be honest, I was scared to death before. If Shang Qi hadn't been there to comfort me, I might have cried. Hey, I was scared at that time. I think, if something happens, the person I feel most sorry for is you, Sister Yingying."

Rong Ying gently touched her head and smiled: "Silly girl, look at what you said."

"I'm telling the truth. If it weren't for accompanying me during the operation, you wouldn't be on this flight and you wouldn't be in danger."

"It's a blessing, not a disaster. You can't avoid disaster. If you are really unlucky, misfortunes will come from you even when you are lying in bed. All blessings, misfortunes and joys are destined." When Rong Ying said the last sentence, she couldn't help but think of it in her own heart. Regretful, he sighed unconsciously.

"Destined?" Qin Chengxi was slightly startled, then shook his head again.

Her parents have always been strong and maintained absolute authority in front of her. Ever since she could remember, even if she was unwilling, she could not say no in front of them, otherwise she would be greeted by a storm with immeasurable consequences. I don’t know from which day she chose to believe in her destiny and decided that there were many things in life that she could not violate. Slowly, she lost herself and became an extremely docile child. Her parents said that she would never Say two.

After entering puberty, she found that her body structure was gradually becoming different from others. She was frightened and weakly turned to her parents for help. The parents were shocked. After taking her for a full body examination, they immediately decided to take her for surgery. Let her become a boy completely. To this day, she still remembers her parents discussing the surgery with the doctor in front of her, but never asked her about her consent from the beginning to the end. Just when they were about to take her into the operating room, she summoned up the courage to hold her mother's hand and weakly told her that she didn't want to be a boy but a girl. Unexpectedly, her mother suddenly became furious and slapped her. Ignoring her pleading, she told her with absolute determination that unless she died, she could only be a man in this life. She was knocked to the ground and her mouth was bleeding, but she still crawled over and knelt on the ground crying for her mother.

She has liked princess dresses, Barbie dolls, and everything girls like since she was a child. She used to think that she had a psychological problem and was afraid of being laughed at, so she kept these preferences deeply buried in her heart and suppressed them desperately until this day. Only then did she realize that it wasn't that she had a psychological problem at all, but that she was simply a girl, so she was particularly eager for the opportunity in front of her to determine her gender and determine her lifelong destiny.

That time, she didn't know where she got the courage. For the first time, she refused to accept her fate. For the first time, she obeyed her own wishes and fought with fear against the mother she had always feared. But the so-called resistance for her, who had always been weak, consisted of kneeling and crying bitterly, and kowtowing desperately.

However, nothing she did could make her parents soften their hearts. Her parents even ordered the medical staff to take her into the operating room without any hesitation. Probably because she cried too loudly, the medical staff couldn't bear it, and they all froze in place. After her parents yelled at them, they personally grabbed her and dragged her into the operating room.

Perhaps out of fear of becoming a man, or perhaps out of dismay at her parents' behavior, she was about to be dragged to the operating room when she suddenly vomited blood, then stared and fainted. When she woke up again, she was already lying on the hospital bed. The nurse told her that because she had vomited a lot of blood and was too weak, the operation could not proceed as scheduled. When she heard this, she suddenly felt like she was surviving a disaster. It was also from that time that she learned that as long as she was weak, surgery would not be possible. So she always ate a little bit every day, citing her poor appetite and not wanting to eat. Whenever she becomes unbearably hungry, she comforts herself that being hungry is better than being a man. She also comforts herself that one day her parents will figure it out and agree to her choice of being a girl.

Just like that, she became thinner and paler day by day. Because the operation could only be performed if she was healthy, her parents spared no effort in taking her to seek medical advice. Doctors could never find the cause, and finally came to the same conclusion: she was suffering from anorexia.

"Her physical condition is not suitable for surgery. Let's wait until she recovers." She still remembers how frustrated her parents were when Jia Pengyi said this to her parents, while she was secretly happy.

The feeling of being hungry every day was painful, but her body gradually got used to being hungry and aching. She thought she was used to it, but in fact she was numb.

Shang Qi is the only ray of sunshine in her dark life. He had taken a few years off from school due to health problems, so he was a few years older than her. Because she was afraid that her body secrets would be discovered, she hardly communicated with her classmates and chose to sit in a lonely corner alone. Because Shang Qi was older than his classmates, he didn't bother to communicate with them, so he chose to sit next to her. Perhaps out of sympathy for the weak, he took good care of her and helped her deal with the boys and girls who bullied her.

In middle school, high school, and university, for so many years, I don't know what method he used, but he was still her deskmate. She didn't know when she fell in love with him. She only knew that when she realized this love, she was extremely frightened - she was neither a man nor a woman, and she was not qualified to like him who was so popular with female classmates. When she realized that he cared about her more than a classmate, she was unable to change her situation and used to drop out of school as an escape. She had been avoiding him. But she didn't expect that after he tried to find a way to ask her out that day, he would actually confess to her. Seeing him standing tall in front of outsiders but looking so humble in front of her, she felt particularly distressed, but she had to reject him heartily. After returning home, her parents, who forced her to recuperate her health for a period of time, could no longer hold back and wanted to take her for surgery. When she asked her elder brother for help but failed, she was so desperate that she chose to commit suicide by taking pills.

When she was about to lose consciousness, she received a call from Shang Qi. She thought she was bound to die. For the first time, she did not hide her feelings and cried bitterly to him on the phone. He arrived in time and sent her to the hospital for rescue. On the way, he said a lot of things in her ear, and she couldn't remember the rest clearly, but there was one sentence that she never forgot: "If you die, I will die, if you live, I will live." She couldn't let him die, so she couldn't die either, so Determined not to obey her parents weakly, she left a distress message in the bathroom of the ward. After seeing my elder brother and sister-in-law in the operating room, I bravely said no in front of my parents for the first time.

"Xiao Xi, are you cold?"

Her hand was suddenly held by someone, and Shang Qi's gentle and concerned voice sounded in her ears, and she realized that she had followed Rong Ying to the airport lobby. Turning her head, she met Shang Qi's loving eyes, and subconsciously, she also smiled.

Even if the road ahead will be difficult, she will never accept her fate. She will control her own destiny and bravely say "no" to anything that goes against her will.

Thank God for letting her wake up in time and catch the tail of luck in time, giving her the opportunity to find happiness.

"It's not cold." She smiled like a flower.

"Then let's go back. Mr. Wen and Captain Rong have already driven over."


The two intertwined their fingers and walked out with sweet looks on their faces.

Before taking a few steps, Qin Chengxi's cell phone rang.

"It must be the call from eldest brother." She happily took her hand back and took out her cell phone.

Her mobile phone number is new and not many people know it yet.

It was actually a strange mobile phone number.

Suspicious, she answered the call cautiously: "Hello?"

"Xiao Xi?"

The familiar voice made her expression change suddenly.