My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 181: concern


"Grandpa, grandpa." Qin Chengxi's voice was weak, full of awe.

"Xiao Xi, where are you?"

Qin Xiaozhi's voice was very gentle. A change from his usual serious and indifferent tone made Qin Chengxi feel more awkward and stuttering: "We just, just left Ningcheng, uh, the airport."

"Oh, be safe on the road."

"Yes, yes, thank you grandpa."

"Yeah. Come back early in the evening."

"Ah?! Go back to where?"

"Silly boy, of course you have to go home."

go home? !

Go back to grandpa and eldest brother’s house? !

Grandpa meant for her to live with them? !

It seems that grandpa doesn't know that she has turned into a girl.

How can I pass Grandpa's test when I turn around

Qin Chengxi suddenly felt extremely uneasy.

"Xiao Xi? What did grandpa say?"

Someone tapped her on the shoulder, and she was startled. She looked up and saw Shang Qi with a concerned look on her face. Only then did she recover. Only then did she realize that she was standing on the road holding her phone tightly, looking down at her phone hurriedly. Seeing that the call had been hung up, he let out a long breath.

"What did grandpa say?" Shang Qi saw something wrong with her expression and asked softly.

"Grandpa asked me to go home."

"Going home? Isn't this a good thing?" Shang Qi smiled and gently smoothed her frown, "Why are you still frowning?"

She sighed deeply, her worries not lessening: "I suspect that my eldest brother and sister-in-law didn't tell grandpa about my surgery."

"Why do you say that?"

"Grandpa's tone is too gentle! When I was his grandson, he was never so gentle to me! Now that I have become a girl, my grandfather is so patriarchal, how could he be so gentle to me? I Worry… "

Shang Qi immediately interrupted the consolation with distress: "Don't worry! I believe in your brother's ability."

"Actually, this is what I'm most worried about." Qin Chengxi sighed again, "The relationship between eldest brother and grandpa has never been good, and I'm worried that it will get worse because of my affairs."

"Fool, why are you always so pessimistic?" Shang Qi laughed, obviously not agreeing with her idea, "Think about it, apart from me, the only phone numbers you have are your eldest brother, sister-in-law, Mr. Wen, and Dean Rong. Personally, I know that Mr. Wen and Dean Rong are both here, which means that your grandfather got the phone number from your eldest brother and sister-in-law. Since your eldest brother and sister-in-law didn't call you to prepare yourself, it means that they have already got through to you. Grandpa's ideological work. Grandpa must have figured it out when he called you so gently now and realized that he didn't care enough about you before. If I guessed correctly, your grandpa will be nicer to you after you return home. "

"Is this really going to happen?" Qin Chengxi's eyes were bright, full of expectation, but he couldn't believe it.

This was just Shang Qi's guess. He was afraid that if his guess was wrong, she would be very disappointed. He didn't dare to speak too fully for the moment. After thinking about it, he said, "If it doesn't work, I will still be there." Where's Daddy? Your grandpa and my dad are old friends. If your grandpa still refuses to recognize you now, the worst thing you can do is don't go back to Qin's house. Come back to Shang's house with me. I promise you won't be wronged in the slightest. I!"

"Of course I believe you, but... Oh, forget it, we've already reached this point, just take it one step at a time."

"Xiao Xi, don't be like this." Shang Qi nervously held her shoulders, "You promised me before, no matter what happens in the future, you will face it with optimism and strength! Don't break your promise!"

"I… "

"Don't think wildly. Don't be afraid. I am responsible for everything." He held her hand and vowed, "Remember, no matter when and where, I will always be by your side! Even if you lose the whole world, you will never will lose me!"

"Shang Qi..." Qin Chengxi's throat was stiff, but he didn't know what to say for a moment, so he just looked at him with tears in his eyes.

"Don't cry! I don't like to see you like this!" Shang Qi's words were a bit harsh, but his voice was extremely gentle, and the hand caressing her face was also very gentle, with a warm smile on his face.

She held back her tears and nodded, barely giving him an ugly smile.

"Okay, Dean Rong and the others are still waiting for us in the car. Let's go." He held her hand.

She raised her head slightly, pursed her lips and blinked her eyes, trying to force the tears back from her eyes, then sniffed lightly, nodded, and followed his pace. As she walked, she looked at his hand that was holding her hand tightly. Although there were waves of warmth, it could not completely eliminate the anxiety in her heart.

Apart from passing the test of being a grandpa, she still doesn't know how to face her parents who want to turn her into a boy.

They must be particularly disappointed with her behavior and will never forgive her.

No matter how bad their attitude towards her was, they were her biological parents and the people closest to her. Besides, she could also understand the reason why they persisted - they had no ability and wanted to live a life of good clothing and good food. So the property in her name is really important to them.

"Didn't I tell you not to think wildly? I won't be happy if you do this again."

Shang Qi's voice rang in his ears again. As soon as she turned her head, she met his frowning eyes, and her concern was self-evident. Her heart suddenly hurt, and she grinned instinctively - she knew that he would be happy only if she smiled.

Sure enough, her smile was like delicious hot tea, which instantly relieved his frown.

Immediately, the two looked at each other and smiled, then intertwined their fingers and walked together to the commercial vehicle parked on the roadside driven by Wen Zeyu.

Before getting in the car, I heard Wen Zeyu's cheerful laughter from a distance.

"Brother Zeyu must be making sister Yingying happy again. Brother Zeyu is so kind to sister Yingying." Qin Chengxi sighed.

Shang Qi expressed regret: "It's a pity that Dean Rong doesn't like him."

"Persistence always wins."

"Relationships cannot be forced, and it has nothing to do with whether you persist or not."

"Why doesn't it matter? If you don't insist, we won't be together."

"Our situation is different from theirs."

"Why is it different? I think it's the same."

Seeing Qin Chengxi's serious face, Shang Qi smiled and gave in: "Yes, it's the same. I hope Mr. Wen can persevere."

"Are you here? We thought you would chat until dark." As he spoke, Wen Zeyu had already pulled away from the station, and then leaned close to Rong Ying, gesturing for them to sit in the back.

Qin Chengxi smiled sheepishly, and then sat back with Shang Qi. Seeing that Ze Yu turned around to talk to Rong Ying again, but Rong Ying looked very uninterested and tilted her head towards the window. She suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in her heart. She glanced at Shang Qi subconsciously, and Shang Qi rushed She shrugged, obviously taking note of the previous situation. He gently pointed at his shoulder, and after she leaned her head over knowingly, he whispered: "You are tired after flying for so long. Close your eyes and rest for a while. Be obedient and don't think about anything. Just Have a good rest, I'll call you when we arrive."

She nodded obediently, hugged his arm, and slowly closed her eyes.

There were too many things to worry about, and she really didn't want to think about them at this moment, because worrying couldn't solve the problem. She had to face it anyway, so why not take a good rest first. This was what Shang Qi taught her. She thought it made sense, so she decided Listen to him.

At around six o'clock in the evening, as dusk fell, they returned to Ancheng despite strong wind and drizzle, and arrived at the door of Jia Lai Hotel where Qin Jinhuan greeted them.

"Xiao Xi, wake up, it's snowing!"

Qin Chengxi was sleeping soundly when she was woken up by Shang Qi. After rubbing her sleepy eyes, she realized that the car had stopped. When Shang Qi helped her get out of the car, she was shivering by a gust of cold wind, but she still couldn't help but see Snow excitement.

"It's great! It's really snowing! The snowflakes are so big, it looks like it's going to snow heavily!" She reached out to catch the snowflakes one after another, letting them melt in her palms.

Wen Zeyu said with a smile: "The weather forecast says that there will be heavy snowfall in the next two days that has not been seen in decades."

"Really? That's great! I'm going to build a big snowman by then, and I'm going to..."

"Let's talk tomorrow after wearing thick cotton clothes." Shang Qi was afraid that her small body would freeze.

She refused: "I can't wait."

"Your elder brother is here."


She immediately retracted her hand, not daring to be presumptuous anymore, and nervously looked at the hotel door. Sure enough, she saw Qin Jinhuan and Mu Yu walking towards them. She suddenly felt like a bride getting into a sedan chair, extremely coy. After all, this was her Meeting them as girls for the first time.

"Xiao Xi!" Mu Yu ran in front of Qin Jinhuan, rushed over and took her hand. After looking up and down carefully, he praised happily, "Well, not bad, not bad. She is fatter than she looks in the video. Her face is She’s also a lot more rosy. When she grows her hair longer, she’ll be a real beauty!”

After all, he still didn't fully adapt to his identity as a girl. Qin Chengxi whispered "sister-in-law" and instinctively twitched his hands.

Mu Yu instantly understood her shyness and immediately let go, stroking her still short hair and laughing.

Because Qin Chengxi was too thin, she always treated Qin Chengxi as a teenage girl, completely unaware that she was actually only one year older than Qin Chengxi.

At this time, Qin Jinhuan said abruptly: "I'm still too thin. I need to continue to strengthen my nutrition."

Qin Chengxi responded quickly: "Sister Yingying helped me find a nutritionist to arrange a nutritious meal."

Out of fear of Qin Jinhuan and the first time she wore women's clothing in front of him, she never dared to look at him and kept looking down at her feet while speaking.

Wen Zeyu, who was standing at the door, couldn't stand it anymore, so he hugged Xiao Xi, waved to Qin Jinhuan and said: "Okay, if you have something to say, go in and talk to her. Xiao Xi is already very weak. You want to freeze her... Hey! What are you doing? !Ouch!"

Seeing him staggering and about to hit the glass door, everyone exclaimed "be careful".

Fortunately, the security guard caught him in time and he survived. Everyone let out a sigh of relief and looked at Qin Jinhuan for no apparent reason.

"Ah Huan, what are you doing?" Mu Yu gently pulled Qin Jinhuan and asked in a low voice.

Qin Jinhuan looked coldly at Wen Zeyu, who was standing in front of the glass door with an aggrieved look on his face, and warned: "Stay away from Xiao Xi from now on!"

Only then did Rong Ying understand what he meant and immediately agreed with him: "Brother Ah Huan is still careful."

Wen Zeyu also came to his senses and felt even more aggrieved: "I'm also Xiaoxi's brother, okay? Does it matter if my brother holds my sister in his arms?"

Seeing Qin Jinhuan gouging out his eyes fiercely, he immediately changed his words helplessly, "Yes, I will just be careful in the future."

Unexpectedly, he was the one who caused Wen Zeyu to be wronged. Qin Chengxi looked at him with a look of apologetic expression.

"It's okay, that's how good he is." Wen Zeyu didn't want to put more psychological responsibility on Qin Chengxi, so he waved his hand disapprovingly, and then said to Rong Ying, "Ying Ying, the party will start soon. You take Xiao Xi to the room on the second floor. Dress up."

Rong Ying nodded and led Qin Chengxi and Shang Qi to follow Wen Zeyu upstairs.

Mu Yu and Qin Jinhuan walked straight to the banquet hall. As they walked, she couldn't help but complain softly to Qin Jinhuan: "I know you love Xiao Xi very much, but no matter what, you shouldn't have done it to Ze in front of so many people just now. It’s embarrassing for Yu, after all, he is also the vice president of Qingtian Group, so he has to save face for others.”

In fact, Qin Jinhuan felt a little guilty after pushing Wen Zeyu, but he was used to high-profile and not used to apologizing to others. So when Mu Yu said this to him, he didn't say anything back.

"Fortunately, Ze Yu is generous and doesn't care about you. If it were me, I would have left long ago. Remember to pour Ze Yu a glass of wine later to apologize. Do you hear me?" Seeing that he still didn't say a word, she He pouted and said, "Well, it's a husband's fault for not teaching his wife. I'll apologize to Ze Yu later."

"No, I..."

"Hey, Xiao Yu!" Jiang Wenwen appeared out of nowhere and without asking Qin Jinhuan, she directly dragged Mu Yu to the corner and lowered her voice mysteriously, "I have something extremely important to tell you."