My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 182: Everyone has their own concerns


"What's wrong?" Mu Yu looked at Jiang Wenwen nervously.

"What is the relationship between Ze Yu and Dean Rong?"

"Ah? They..." She looked worried for a moment, "Wenwen, I didn't know until later that Ze Yu liked Yingying - Dean Rong. After creating opportunities for you and Ze Yu to come into contact before, I don't think you have made any progress. I thought you two didn't call, but when I found out later that Ze Yu liked Ying Ying, I didn't take it to heart. When you told me that you really liked Ze Yu with the gift, I originally wanted to tell you that he liked Ying Ying. But I was interrupted by Ah Huan’s phone call, and I forgot about it for a while after I went to the airport.”

"Hey, I'm not here to ask questions. Why are you sorry?" Jiang Wenwen waved her hands disapprovingly, and then asked eagerly, "Ze Yu likes Dean Rong, so what does Dean Rong mean? She Do you like Ze Yu? "

"Yingying doesn't seem to be interested in Zeyu."

"That's good." Jiang Wenwen breathed a sigh of relief and made a victory gesture excitedly, "It's exactly what I expected."

"You speculate?"

Jiang Wenwen smiled and hugged Mu Yu, with a proud look on her face: "I saw Ze Yu so nervous at Ancheng Airport before, and I immediately guessed that there was someone he cared about very much on the plane. Xiao Xi and Shang Shao were a couple, so he cared about The person must be Dean Rong. Just now at the door, I hid in the corner and observed Ze Yu and Dean Rong carefully. I felt that he was enthusiastic about Dean Rong, but Dean Rong was not enthusiastic about him at all, so I asked you to inquire. Now my suspicions have been confirmed, so everything can proceed as planned.”

Mu Yu was stunned: "What is the original plan?"

"Confess your love to Zeyu." Jiang Wenwen raised the gift box in her hand.

"You confess your love?! Shouldn't this kind of thing be done by men?"

"Exactly," Jiang Wenwen waved her hand disdainfully, "No one stipulates that confession is only for men. Women can do anything that men can do, and the probability of success will be greater than that of men."

Mu Yu was puzzled: "Why is the probability greater?"

"A man chases a woman across a mountain, and a woman chases a man across a veil, haven't you heard?" Jiang Wenwen gave her a wink, "Now I am sure that Dean Rong has no interest in Ze Yu, and it is completely Ze Yu's wishful thinking towards her. , and through my close contact and careful observation with Ze Yu during this period, I have determined that he meets the standards of my male god, no, the standards of choosing a mate! So I..."

"Did you have close contact with him during this period? When did you have contact with him alone?" Mu Yu interrupted in surprise.

"Uh... we, we have met in private a few times, just to eat and chat together."

Jiang Wenwen smiled a little guiltily, for fear of revealing that she had teamed up with Wen Zeyu and Qin Xiaozhi to arrange for her friend to sacrifice himself to Qin Jinhuan, so she immediately changed the subject, "Anyway, I just have feelings for him. When I confess to him later, you You have to give me a helping hand.”

"Don't be impatient, let's take this matter for a while." Mu Yu urged, fearing that his friend would be frustrated, "Let Ah Huan and I help you play forward. It's not too late for you to clarify your thoughts to Ze Yu when you have some clues." ”

"Ze Yu is so good, I'm worried..."

"With Ah Huan helping you keep an eye on him, other girls won't have a chance." Seeing that his friend still persisted, Mu Yu changed his tone and said, "A Huan said that Ze Yu likes girls who are more reserved, like Ying Ying."

When Jiang Wenwen heard this, she immediately stopped insisting, but she was a little impatient: "Then you should move faster."

"Yes. But Wenwen..."

"Hey! Who is that girl?!"

"Ouch, you hurt me!" Mu Yu gasped and pulled away his friend's hand that was tightly squeezing his arm.

Jiang Wenwen didn't bother to apologize. She stared at the door with her eyes slightly stunned: "I actually have a love rival!"

"Love rival?" Mu Yu shook his arm lightly and followed her gaze in surprise. This doesn't matter, I was stunned when I saw it.

Wen Zeyu was seen leading a girl with waist-length hair toward him.

The girl looked to be only eighteen or nineteen years old and very beautiful. Her fair and beautiful face is tinged with a hint of bright red, with curved eyebrows, a pair of black eyes full of autumn water under her long and slightly curled eyelashes, and two bright red lips under her small nose. She is tall, but too thin to hold up the little pink dress. If she could be a little fatter and plump, she would definitely be one of the rare beautiful girls in the world.

The girl probably noticed Mu Yu's focused gaze, her eyes raised slightly, and they suddenly curved into a beautiful crescent shape, shining with hope.

Mu Yu suddenly became more and more dazed, because she vaguely felt that the girl's smile was familiar, but she couldn't remember where she had seen her before.

Seeing that the smile on Zeyu's face was brighter than that of the girl, Jiang Wenwen was so jealous that she curled her lips and muttered: "When did he change his liking for the White Bone Demon?"

"Sister-in-law." As soon as the girl spoke, Mu Yu was dumbfounded.

"Are you Xiaoxi?!"

Seeing the girl nodded, Jiang Wenwen was also shocked: "No way?! You..."

"Isn't it ugly with makeup?" Qin Chengxi was extremely embarrassed for a moment, blushing to the root of his neck. He retracted the hand held by Wen Zeyu and lowered his head to look at his twisted hands.

"No, no, not ugly!" Jiang Wenwen waved her hands wildly and smiled exaggeratedly, "Very beautiful! So beautiful! She is absolutely the only beauty in heaven and on earth!"

As long as he is not a love rival, she is willing to dedicate all the words that praise women in the world to him.

"This shows that Sister Yingying's makeup skills are so good." Qin Chengxi was extremely unsure. As he asked, he glanced at Qin Jinhuan, who was standing not far away, with red eyes.

Rong Ying smiled and said: "I just gave you a few touches of makeup. The key is that you are beautiful to begin with. If you are really ugly, I am not that capable of turning you into a beauty."

"That's right," Mu Yu had recovered from his emotions and stepped forward to hold Qin Chengxi's hand and exclaimed, "I didn't expect that our Xiaoxi would be so beautiful with long hair! I didn't recognize her at all."

"Does the wig look awkward?"

"Hey! Don't take it off, just wear it like this! You look so beautiful with long hair!" Rong Ying smiled and held Qin Chengxi's hand that wanted to pull off the wig.

"You are really beautiful with long hair!" Jiang Wenwen agreed, "Grow your hair well and marry Young Master Shang when it reaches your waist."

At this time, Shang Qi, who had been silent until now, suddenly said: "I can't wait for her to grow her hair long."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

Qin Chengxi suddenly felt extremely embarrassed. He glared at Shang Qi shyly and then turned his face away.

"What's there to be shy about? Girls will get married sooner or later. In a feudal society, you would have to be the mother of several children at your age." Wen Zeyu said while smiling and pushing her towards Shang Qi. .

While Shang Qi caught Qin Chengxi, he smiled and teased Wen Zeyu: "It seems that Mr. Wen wants to be a father."

While talking, he glanced at Rong Ying.

Along the way, he had already seen Wen Zeyu's admiration for Rong Ying.

Wen Zeyu understood and immediately followed his words and smiled shyly at Rong Ying: "Ying Ying, are you interested?"

Rong Ying pushed him towards the cake rudely: "We are all hungry, why don't we go cut the cake quickly?"

When she turned around, her eyes glanced past Qin Jinhuan as if inadvertently. Qin Jinhuan immediately looked away from the cake as if he hadn't seen him.

Wen Zeyu immediately caught Rong Ying's eyes with strange colors, and his eyes suddenly became a little gray.

"Hey, Ze Yu, let's cut the cake and share it with everyone." Rong Jian subconsciously held Rong Ying's shoulders and pushed her towards the cake to separate her from Mu Yu and others.

Shang Qi was vaguely aware that his joke was a bit embarrassing. After looking at each other, the two of them smiled and asked everyone to change the subject: "Come on, let's sing happy birthday to the birthday boy. Let the birthday girl make a wish first." "

Mu Yu looked deeply at Rong Ying, with a hint of melancholy in her eyes.

If Wen Zeyu is completely devoted to Rong Ying, wouldn't it be impossible for Wenwen? Will Wenwen be sad

"What's wrong?" Qin Jinhuan hugged her and asked softly in her ear.

She said nothing, just pursed her lips and sighed secretly, shaking her head at him.

He thought she had discovered that Rong Ying liked him, and was afraid that she would misunderstand him, so he immediately explained in a low voice: "Fool, don't think so wildly."

"You can't do it if you don't want to, I'm worried." She whispered to him stingily while everyone was singing happy birthday.

"Don't worry. Our fate is destined."

"But they..."

"Sister-in-law, I'll give you the first piece of cake," Wen Zeyu respectfully presented the cake to Mu Yu, "I hope my sister-in-law will let grandpa hold his great-grandson soon."

When Mu Yu accepted the cake, Qin Chengxi asked everyone excitedly: "My eldest brother and sister-in-law have given birth to a baby. What should I be called?"

Shang Qi rushed to respond: "Call you aunt, call me uncle."

Rong Jian and others suddenly laughed, while Qin Chengxi blushed with embarrassment and pretended to hit Shang Qi. Shang Qi immediately jumped away, and the two immediately started to fight.

Rong Ying and others, who all wanted to conceal their true inner emotions, immediately took this opportunity to become active and exchange cups with each other.

Jiang Wenwen, who already liked liveliness, was overjoyed once again when she saw Rong Ying sitting on the bench for Wen Zeyu, walking happily among the people holding a cup. For her, Rong Ying's rejection of Wen Zeyu was giving her the opportunity.

"Sister-in-law!" Seeing Mu Yu also holding a glass of wine, Rong Ying immediately walked over and held it down, reminding her softly, "You must be preparing for pregnancy, right? People who are preparing for pregnancy cannot drink alcohol."

Mu Yu, who felt guilty, thought that Rong Ying knew that she and Qin Jinhuan were officially together. She was a little shy for a moment, and shook her head coyly and explained: "It doesn't matter, Ah Huan doesn't plan to have a baby so early."

"Don't drink!" Rong Ying pressed her hand again and quickly made an excuse, "Sister-in-law, I think you don't look well. I suggest you come to the hospital tomorrow to see me and I will check you out."

Mu Yu suddenly became very nervous after hearing this. He touched his face and asked her, "Am I really ugly? Is there something wrong with my body?"

"Maybe a little, but I can't tell just by looking at it. Maybe it's just my illusion. Don't be nervous. Come to the hospital to see me tomorrow. Treat it as a routine physical examination." Sensing Mu Yu's nervousness, Rong Ying immediately said something Gotta be a little vague.


Seeing Qin Jinhuan approaching, she was afraid that the shrewd man would see something. Rong Ying said, "Then I'll wait for you at the hospital tomorrow. I'll go find Xiao Xi," and hurried away.

"What did Yingying tell you?" Qin Jinhuan asked Mu Yu, looking at Rongying's back.

"I didn't say anything, just asked me to go to her hospital for a routine physical examination tomorrow. Ah Huan, do you think it is possible for Yingying and Ze Yu to be together?"

"have no idea."

"I'm very worried about Wenwen." Mu Yu stared blankly at Jiang Wenwen, who had been following Wen Zeyu.

Only then did Qin Jinhuan understand where her worries came from. He breathed a sigh of relief and comforted her with a smile: "This matter is beyond your control. Let them go."

"Actually, I also sympathize with Ze Yu. He is so ingratiating with Yingying, but Yingying is indifferent to him. What do you think Yingying is thinking about? Does she have someone she likes in her heart?"

The last sentence made Qin Jinhuan's eyes flash slightly, but he said "Who knows".

"Ah Huan, you should find a chance to ask Yingying to see what she thinks of Ze Yu. If she is not going to give Ze Yu a chance, you should advise Ze Yu to give up as soon as possible. Then maybe Wenwen still has a glimmer of hope. "

"We are not good at this kind of thing..."


The banquet hall door was forcibly kicked open.

Qin Jinhuan, who was interrupted, looked up and saw a group of people rushing in menacingly.