My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 184: Crazy men hate women


Mu Yu, who was comforting Qin Chengxi in the guest room, was a little surprised when he received the message from Qin Jinhuan that he was going out. He immediately replied to the message asking him why he was out so late.

"I have some work matters, you should rest first." Qin Jinhuan replied.

Mu Yu immediately stood up and walked to the window, opened the curtains, and opened the window. A gust of cold wind blew in accompanied by snowflakes, making her shiver.

"Wow, it's such a heavy snow!" Qin Chengxi, who walked to the window together, exclaimed while crossing his arms.

"I didn't expect the snow to fall so hard."

After frowning, Mu Yu closed the window and then lowered his head to edit a text message to Qin Jinhuan: "The snow is so heavy, you must pay attention to safety!"

Qin Jinhuan quickly replied to the message: "I will pay attention, don't worry, go to bed early and kiss you."

"come back earlier."


"Sister-in-law, what's wrong?" Qin Chengxi saw something was wrong in Mu Yu's expression.

"Your eldest brother has gone out, I told him to pay attention to safety." Mu Yu responded while putting the phone back in his pocket.

"Ah, are you going out so late?" Qin Chengxi was immediately worried, "It's snowing so hard outside, if the road is frozen and slippery when brother comes back! If there's nothing particularly important, just ask brother to come back. "

"It's okay, he's not a child." Mu Yu pretended to smile lightly, "It's getting late, and you should be tired. Go to bed early and be energetic to see grandpa tomorrow."

As soon as he talked about meeting his grandfather, Qin Chengxi suddenly frowned again and sighed softly.

"Don't be nervous," Mu Yu pulled her to the bedside and sat down, "Your elder brother and I are both here."

Qin Chengxi pursed his lips and nodded slightly, but the panic in his eyes did not diminish by half.

Mu Yu thought for a while and then changed his words: "In this way, if grandpa knocks on your door early tomorrow morning, you can call me and your eldest brother to wake up. If grandpa does not come to you early in the morning, you can also call us when you wake up. , we will accompany you to meet grandpa then."

"Thank you, sister-in-law." Qin Chengxi choked up.

"Thank you for what? We are all a family. Okay, go to bed early." Mu Yu was about to turn around and leave, but suddenly thought of something, and immediately turned around to look at her face again, "Just apply it on your own face. If If the swelling doesn’t subside tomorrow morning, use your hair to cover it up when you go to see grandpa, so that grandpa won’t look distressed and may make your parents angry. "

Qin Chengxi suddenly felt embarrassed: "Is it too abrupt for me to wear a wig to see grandpa? Will it scare grandpa?"

"It seems that your appearance with the wig has changed too much, and grandpa may not be able to accept it." Only then did Mu Yu realize that this was inappropriate. He stared at the finger marks Dong Yueyun left on her face and suddenly had an idea. , "The fingerprints on your face are near your ears. Wearing a big hat should be able to cover them - Grandpa won't be suspicious if you wear a hat on such a cold day. I'll go find you a hat."

After saying that, she turned around and hurried back to the room. She went to the dressing room to find a hat suitable for Qin Chengxi and sent it to the guest room. Seeing that it could indeed cover the fingerprints, she felt relieved. After comforting Qin Chengxi for a few words, she returned to the room.

After returning to the room, she sent another message to Qin Jinhuan, asking when he would be back. He quickly replied to the message, but still just told her to go to bed first and didn't tell her when he would be back. She stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the balcony that had accumulated a thick layer of snow, imagining the ice on the road, and she couldn't let go.

But she knew that Qin Jinhuan would not go out at this time if there was nothing particularly important. After washing, she lay down on the bed. She couldn't sleep at all. She didn't know what to do except pray silently. He just stared at the ceiling with his eyes open, sending messages to Qin Jinhuan every half hour until he finally came back at around three in the morning.

She had already been waiting at the door. He saw her as soon as he got out of the car, and immediately hurried over to greet her, while reproaching her distressedly: "Didn't I tell you to go to sleep first? Why are you waiting at the door? What should I do if I'm cold?"

"I'm worried about you." She smiled at him while stamping her feet and putting her hands to her mouth to breathe.

"What's there to worry about? What could happen?" He held one of her hands and quickly hugged her into the house, "Come in quickly! Don't wait for me at the door next time, remember?"

"Then next time I'll wait in the living room?"

He leaned close to her ear and whispered: "Wait in bed for a while."


The shy look on her face made his originally heavy mood become a little pleasant. He kissed her on the face. The cold touch made him feel distressed. He held her hand tightly and pulled her upstairs: "It's such a cold day. What should I do if I get frozen?”

Afraid that he would blame herself again, she smiled playfully: "Wait until you don't feel cold anymore. Besides, I came prepared, and since my home is under the roof, it's not as cold as you think."

"You're not allowed to wait outside unless it's cold."

"If you don't go out tonight, I won't have to wait at the door."

Qin Jinhuan was startled when he heard this. After entering the room, he looked at her and said seriously, "I will try to be at home with you at night from now on."

"Well, I'll get you some pajamas." Mu Yu didn't notice the strange look in his eyes, and happily ran to the closet to help him take out his pajamas, then winked at him, "I'll warm your bed. ”

After saying that, he took off his thick cotton pajamas, quickly got into bed, revealed a pair of eyes, and winked at him again.

Qin Jinhuan was amused by her and his mood improved. He put a smile on his face and entered the bathroom with a smile.

After he finished washing, he came out of the bathroom and went to bed, intending to hold Mu in his arms and say a few words of personal affection, only to find that she had fallen asleep. Not wanting to wake her up, he immediately moved gently and carefully lay down next to her, quietly looking at her peaceful sleeping face. He once again recalled the scene that just happened at Rong Jian's house in his mind, and his expression was a little complicated.

After he took Mu Yu and Xiao Xi out of Jia Lai Hotel, Rong Ying and Wen Zeyu had a small argument, and Rong Ying drank two more glasses of wine in anger. Rong Jian sensed that her mood was not right and was afraid of causing embarrassment, so he quickly forced her out of the Jia Lai Hotel and planned to take her back to his residence first - Pok Oi Hospital was some distance away from the Jia Lai Hotel, and he didn't want his parents to worry. Wen Zeyu was worried about Rong Ying, so he forced himself to follow the car and sat in the back seat to take care of Rong Ying. Unexpectedly, the two had a disagreement and had another argument. Under the influence of alcohol, Rong Ying said some harsh words to Wen Zeyu. Wen Zeyu was heartbroken and angrily asked Rong Jian to park the car and slammed the door. Rong Ying's mood did not improve after Wen Zeyu left in anger. She sat in the back and kept crying. Rong Jian drove the car downstairs to his house and saw that she was still crying. He had no choice but to call Qin Jinhuan over. After all, the person who tied the bell needed to be untied.

"Brother Ah Huan, you clearly know that I love you very much, why do you still refuse to give me a chance? Why am I inferior to Mu Yu? Tell me, tell me." Rong Ying's face was filled with tears and her cheeks were red. Holding his arm tightly and crying over and over again.

"If you don't like it, you don't like it. If you don't feel it, you don't feel it. There are not so many reasons. Don't force things about feelings!" Rong Jian advised his sister bluntly when pulling Rong Ying away from him.

But Rong Ying's ears seemed to automatically register Rong Jian's words. She only had Qin Jinhuan in her eyes, stubbornly crying and waiting for his answer.

Having been mentally prepared for a long time, he stared at Rong Ying and said seriously: "Although Xiao Yu is not as good as you in every aspect, but as your brother said, there are not so many reasons to love someone, just to simply love her. So please do it in the future Don't compare yourself to Xiaoyu, this is a completely meaningless thing. Don't waste time and energy on me anymore, there is no need."

Rong Jian agreed and gently advised Rong Ying: "Just like you don't love Ze Yu, no matter how many things he has done for you, he still can't move your heart. It's the same reason."

"Ze Yu really loves you, he..."

Rong Ying howled and interrupted: "I don't need him to love me! I just want you to love me!"

"Rong Ying! Can you please be sensible?" Rong Jian pushed her away violently and reprimanded her bitterly, "You clearly know that Ah Huan loves Xiaoyu. They are already a real couple, why do you still force others to make things difficult? Is it fun to break up someone else's family? Also, if you don’t love Ze Yu, why would you say such cruel words to hurt him? Do you know that this is too much?”

"Am I going too far? Aren't you going too far?" Rong Ying was very emotional. "You know clearly that I don't like Wen Zeyu, but you always take it upon yourself to bring him and me together, trying to make me spend the rest of my life with a man I don't love at all. , Don’t you know that this is also hurtful to me? You have never considered my feelings at all. You only think about yourself, and no one really cares about me!”


"I hate you!" After Rong Ying said this, she staggered out before they could leave. Rong Jian hurriedly followed her out, but she didn't allow Rong Jian to follow, so she stopped a taxi and left. Rong Jian and Qin Jinhuan were afraid that something might happen to her, so they followed the taxi in their car. They didn't feel relieved until they saw her going to the community where her parents' home was. The two were silent for a long time at the gate of the community. It was not until Huang Bo came to remind them that the snow was falling heavily again, the road was already icy, and it would be difficult to drive the car any later, so they left separately.

He always kept a distance from Rong Ying, thinking that this would make her let go of her feelings for him. He didn't expect that after so many years, she would develop her feelings for him more and more. He didn't expect that she would think that he had feelings for her and Wen Wen. Ze Yu's matchmaking was a harm to her. He just thought Wen Zeyu could take good care of her before setting up the match - he hoped she would live a happy life, after all, he would always remember her kindness to him.

Rong Ying was right, he was indeed too self-centered in this matter, and he should not have interfered with their affairs at all.

Let’s settle Xiao Xi’s matter first.

Rubbing his slightly aching temples, he hugged Mu Yu gently and closed his eyes to sleep.

Because it was too late to rest, the two slept until eleven in the morning. When they woke up, they thought about Xiao Xi's matter. After looking at each other for a while, they quickly got up, washed and changed clothes, and left the room, ready to knock on the guest room where Qin Chengxi was staying. At this moment, Qin Xiaozhi's roar came from downstairs: "Get out! Get away as far as you can!”

"Grandpa, can you please stop doing this?" Qin Chengxi's cry-like begging voice immediately reached his ears.

"Shut up! Get out! Why are you still standing there? Why don't you get kicked out by me?"

Oops! Grandpa wants to drive Xiao Xi away!

Mu Yu and Qin Jinhuan's hearts sank at the same time, and they rushed downstairs.