My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 190: Feng Rubing’s suspicion


"Give way! Please give way!"

The medical staff hurried past him pushing a trolley, and the wheels made a harsh friction sound with the ground, covering up his murmurs and his long sigh.

"Are you a family member of the patient?"

"Yes." Rong Jian suddenly came back to his senses and looked at the doctor nervously, "How is she? Does it matter?"

When the doctor took off the mask, he glanced at him up and down and asked, "Who are you to her?"

"I'm her... eldest brother." He swallowed the word "boyfriend" back in his stomach because he saw Feng Rubing sitting on a wheelbarrow being pushed out by a nurse, and hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "How are you? "

"She's fine," the doctor answered on behalf of Feng Rubing, and then motioned for Rong Jian to follow him, "Come and get the medicine order, pay for the medicine."

"Oh, okay." Rong Jian took a deep look at Feng Rubing, who still had no blood on his face, then turned around and quickly followed the doctor's footsteps.

After arriving at the doctor's office, the doctor did not rush to prescribe medicine for him. Instead, he asked him seriously: "What setbacks or blows has your sister suffered recently?"

"Frustration? Blow?" Rong Jian was stunned.

The doctor looked at him suspiciously: "Are you her brother? Why don't you seem to care about your sister at all?"

"Uh... I'm her biological brother, but I've been very busy with work recently and haven't been able to take care of her for a while. I wonder what setbacks and blows she has suffered recently?"

"You ask me?" The doctor rolled his eyes at him, "How can I, a doctor who just treated her, know something that even my own brother doesn't know?"

Rong Jian was ashamed: "Sorry, sorry, it's my brother who is incompetent. Um, um, don't you know what kind of setbacks and blows she suffered so that she can't prescribe medicine?"

"That's not the case. I'm just reminding your family that heart ailments need to be treated with heart medicine. I'll prescribe her medicine to treat severe infections first." The doctor grabbed the mouse when he responded and looked at the computer screen.

"Heart ailments must be treated with heart medicine." Rong Jian repeated this sentence in a low voice.

Could Li Jianyun be her problem

No, no no, he hoped not.

He hoped it had nothing to do with her.

"Go get her some medicine and take her back to have a good rest after the injection."

"Don't you need to be hospitalized?"

"She requested not to be hospitalized, saying that staying in the hospital would make her more depressed." At this point, the doctor changed his tone and said, "Of course, if you can work through her thoughts, it is best to be hospitalized for observation."

Rong Jian thought for a while and stood up: "Since she doesn't want to be hospitalized, let her go. Thank you doctor."

After saying that, he hurried out of the doctor's office, paid for the medicine, and then went to the nurse station to hand the medicine to the nurse. After the nurse gave Feng Rubing the injection, he went in and found Feng Rubing.

Her face looked slightly better than before, but her expression was a little dazed. Her expression didn't change when she saw him. She just stood up slowly holding on to the chair.

Her weak look made him particularly distressed, and he hurriedly stepped forward to help her: "I'll take you back."

"Back to where?"

"go home."

Feng Rubing pushed him away and smiled lightly: "Since you suspect that I am the murderer, should you send me back to the police station to surrender?"

"Ru Bing! I don't suspect you are the murderer, I just want to hear your explanation! There are many mysteries in my mind waiting for you to solve."

"I have nothing to explain. If you can prove that I am the murderer, come and arrest me." After Feng Rubing finished speaking, she grabbed the bag in his hand, turned around and walked out. Because she turned around too fast, she felt dizzy and quickly held on to the wall.

"Are you okay?" Rong Jian immediately supported her and complained distressedly, "You are so weak, why don't you want to be hospitalized or given an infusion?"

Feng Rubing didn't respond, pushed him away coldly, and walked out with weak steps.

Rong Jian called her name and chased her for a few steps. When he saw her walking away without looking back, he paused slumped and watched her move away with regret. He remained silent until she completely disappeared from sight. The ground dragged its heavy footsteps forward.

In fact, at this moment, his heart was a hundred times, a thousand times heavier than his footsteps.

He never expected that she actually knew Li Jianyun, the victim of the third murder case! And the relationship seems to be quite close, because they often communicate on the phone, and Li Jianyun called her before the accident at 9:30 last night.

Originally there was nothing wrong with this, but after he saw the pair of women's underwear with Ali's pattern on the pillow in Li Jianyun's bedroom, he felt inexplicably uneasy.

Because Qiqi likes Ahri Chengchi, no matter whether it is pillows, pillows, sheets, quilt covers, curtains, refrigerator covers, air conditioner covers, table and chair covers, sofa covers, there are Ali patterns in her house, even her pajamas, gloves, school bag and even the inside... Ahri is indispensable even on his pants. Not only does she like Ahri herself, but she also wants everyone around her to like Ahri as much as she does. But on holidays, she will give Rong Jian a small gift, either an Ahri car ornament or an Ahri car key hanger. I have to watch him put it on every time. He was often laughed at by Liu Xiaofan for using Ari pendants, but he liked Qiqi from the bottom of his heart, so even though he knew he would be laughed at, he still accepted Qiqi's heart. Qiqi liked him very much. Whenever Feng Rubing was not present, she would affectionately call him brother-in-law, and she would try every means to bring him and her sister together.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, my brother-in-law's position will definitely be yours! Don't look at my sister who always treats me with bad looks. In fact, she loves me very much. Look at her and me. You must wear sister clothes when you go out. Let me tell you a secret, my sister and my little Nene are from the same Ahri series. To avoid confusion, my little Nene’s Ahri is on the left. Ah Li is on the right, hehe, you’re very cute, right?”

Feng Qiqi's laughter was still in his ears, but the laughter that he once thought was cute and cute now made him panic, because the girl's underwear he found next to Li Jianyun's pillow was on the right side.

Of course, these were not enough to cause him to panic. What really caused him to panic was an unfinished word in blood covered by a wooden board.

On the left side of the word "blood" there are a few mentions, and on the right side there is only one horizontal line written on it, which happens to be the first three strokes of the word "Feng".

Even without testing, he could guess that the blood belonged to Li Jianyun.

Li Jianyun's death time was probably between 10:30 and 12 o'clock last night.

At around nine o'clock last night, he received a call from Feng Rubing, asking him if Qiqi had gone to find him. It turned out that Feng Qiqi's computer suddenly broke down and she wanted to call him to come and fix it. Feng Rubing said that it was too late and she was not allowed to call. The two sisters had a fierce argument and Feng Qiqi ran out of the house in her pajamas in anger. Feng Rubing learned that his sister had not gone to find Rong Jian because it was snowing heavily outside and he was afraid that his sister would be frozen, so he hurried out to look for someone. After Rong Jian learned about this situation, he also came out to help find someone, while constantly leaving messages on Feng Qiqi's QQ.

He and Feng Rubing both lived in Fenghuang Yayuan Community in the north of the city, less than 300 meters away from the construction site of Qingtian Shopping Center.

At around 11 o'clock in the evening, he braved the wind and snow to search for nearby Internet cafes, and finally received a QQ reply from Feng Qiqi, saying that she was at her classmate's house. He immediately called Feng Rubing, but no one answered. He just said that she didn't hear him. He didn't think much about it and went straight to Feng Qiqi's house to take her home. During this period, he called Feng Rubing several times. , first no one answered, and then it was prompted that the phone was turned off. It was past midnight when he got home. Seeing that Feng Rubing still hadn't come back, he was worried about her. After settling Feng Qiqi, he was about to go out to look for her. Unexpectedly, just as he went out, he met Feng Rubing who was sneezing and walking out of the elevator. she. When she learned that her sister had arrived home, she breathed a sigh of relief, expressed her gratitude to him, then entered the house and shut him out.

"I don't know when I dropped my phone." She explained to him before entering the house that the phone could not be connected.

Due to heavy wind and snow in the past two days, all surveillance systems in the north of the city were out of order. In other words, only she knows what Feng Rubing did between nine o'clock and one o'clock in the morning last night.

She has the time to commit the crime.

She is a forensic scientist, and she was responsible for the first two murders. Whether she was committing a crime or imitating a crime, she is qualified.

Such thoughts in his mind made Rong Jian tremble with fear.

The only thing missing now is a motive.


His eyes flashed past the pink underwear with the Ahri pattern printed on the right side, as well as Feng Rubing's strange behavior at the crime scene today - this was the first time she fainted at a crime scene.

Could it be...

The temperature around him suddenly dropped, making him feel cold to the core of his heart.

No, it's impossible! There is no way Ru Bing is a murderer!

There must be either a misunderstanding or a conspiracy!

He must figure it all out!

He suddenly quickened his pace and rushed to the city bureau.

Forensic room.

Mu Yu, Liu Xiaofan and others had finished reporting the situation they had to Gu Jihui and were discussing the case enthusiastically. The door was suddenly pushed open, shocking everyone. When they saw Rong Jian coming in, everyone was overjoyed. , Gu Jihui stood up and called him over while asking him questions related to the case.

"How is Teacher Feng?" Mu Yu asked in a low voice when Rong Jian passed by Mu Yu.

Rong Jian, who was still breathing, looked stiff, and said lightly, "It's okay, I've gone home."

"Oh, that's good." Mu Yu then sat down with confidence and watched him take the information handed over by Liu Xiaofan.

"Team Rong, all the relevant information we have determined so far is here."

"The DNA report of the severed fingers, shredded palms and hair, and the blood sample report of the handwriting will not be available until noon tomorrow." Mu Yu added.

"Yes. Do the severed fingers have anything in common with the broken organs from the previous two cases?" Rong Jian asked while looking at it.

Mu Yu responded cautiously: "The organs in the first two cases had no bones and were cut into small pieces. The severed fingers were chopped with a knife into small pieces. I don't know if this is a commonality. "

"Of course it counts!" Wu Xing answered, "Chop the severed finger into small pieces, which is equivalent to cutting it into cubes."

Mu Yu did not comment and continued: "If it is confirmed that the severed fingers and broken palms are the deceased, then this case is obviously more complicated than the previous two, or the murderer may have a deeper hatred for the deceased. , otherwise you won’t chop your fingers into small pieces and then chop your palm into pieces.”

"This is just a small detail. I think the real commonality is here." Liu Xiaofan tapped the computer screen showing pictures of the crime scene to attract everyone's attention. "The deceased in the three cases were stunned first and then packaged." He was tied up and then had some of his body organs cut off alive, and he eventually bled to death.”

Rong Jian thought his words made sense, nodded slightly, and then looked down at the information in his hand.

Suddenly, his expression changed, and he pointed to a certain place in the information and asked Liu Xiaofan urgently: "Who provided this information?"