My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 192: Speculate the cause of death


"Who are you?" Mu Yu didn't care to pick up the water glass that fell on the table, stood up and backed away.

"I'm sorry, I must have scared you." The man apologized hurriedly, taking off the mask and explaining, "Mr. Mu, it's me."

"Teacher Nie?" Mu Yu took a deep breath and laughed, "I didn't recognize you because you were wearing a mask. By the way, what are you doing in the forensic room at this time?"

"For you."

"for me?!"

"Yeah. Where is the information you recorded? Show me."

"Here it is." Mu Yu quickly held the record book in both hands, "Your Xiaoxue..."

"Wait! I have a cold." Nie Yunchang took two steps back, put on the mask again, then reached out to pick up the record book, flipped through it and then looked at Mu Yu, "I understand, you can go back first. "

"How is your Xiaoxue doing now?"

"Still in the hospital."

"Then who's taking care of her?"

"I hired a caregiver temporarily."

Just as he was talking, his cell phone rang. He took it out and looked at it. He immediately put down the notebook and quickly walked out of the forensic room before answering in a low voice.

Mu Yu felt a little strange, hesitated for a moment, and slowly walked to the door of the forensic room. He heard Nie Yunkang whispering words of comfort to his daughter, to the general effect of persuading her not to cry and to be obedient, saying that he must Come back and get busy with work, otherwise it will be very troublesome. Mu Yu immediately guessed that Gu Jihui had forcibly called Nie Yunkang back, and immediately stepped forward and shouted: "Teacher Nie, please go back and take care of Xiaoxue, I am here."

Nie Yunchang hurriedly covered the phone receiver and smiled at her and shook his head: "This child is spoiled by me. He is very squeamish and always likes to have a bad temper. I can just calm him down."

"Did Director Gu force you to come back?"

"Uh, no, I asked to come back on my own initiative. There have been so many things going on in the forensic room recently, and Forensic Doctor Feng is tired and sick. You are pregnant, so it makes no sense for me not to come back to help."

Seeing him speaking for Gu Jihui like this, Mu Yu knew that she couldn't persuade him to go back. After thinking about it, he turned back to the forensic room to get his cell phone to call Qin Jinhuan.

After a while, the call got through, and Qin Jinhuan's voice seemed a little hoarse: "Xiaoyu, are you home?"

"Did you ask Director Gu to call back Forensic Nie?"

Qin Jinhuan immediately sensed something was wrong and asked, "You haven't come back yet?"

"You call Bureau Gu and ask him to call Dr. Nie back. I'll be fine here."

"Xiao Mu, Xiaoxue is fine, don't worry about her, she is just..."

"Teacher Nie, it's not like I don't know about Xiaoxue's condition," Mu Yu immediately covered the phone and interrupted Nie Yunkang, "You go back to stay with her, she needs you very much."

"I know your good intentions, but Xiaoxue is really okay. Her condition has improved a lot recently."

"Teacher Nie, don't lie to me. Captain Rong told me a few days ago that Xiaoxue will only last for three months at most..." Seeing Nie Yunchang's face and eyes darkening, Mu Yu hurriedly said, "Teacher Nie, please go back." Stay with Xiaoxue, I will help you with this matter."

After saying that, she let go of her hand and gave an order to Qin Jinhuan, "Hurry up and call Director Gu, otherwise I will be unhappy. If I am unhappy, I will have fetal gas. If there is fetal gas... "

"Okay, okay, I'll make a call. Don't make trouble and be obedient." After Qin Jinhuan finished speaking, he quickly hung up the phone.

Wow, is this trick so effective? She just said it casually.

Mu Yu subconsciously touched his belly and couldn't help laughing secretly.

"Xiao Mu, I know you have good intentions, but it really doesn't matter. You are a pregnant woman now, so you can't work too hard." Nie Yunchang's eyes turned red, and he looked worried.

"Teacher Nie, I'm really fine, I'll pay attention," Mu Yu guessed that Gu Jihui must have put some pressure on Nie Yunkang, and patted his chest to express his attitude to him, "Don't worry, I will take care of it with Bureau Gu. "

"but… "

"Okay, Teacher Nie, please stop talking. You can go back and take care of Xiaoxue with peace of mind. Remember to bring my greetings." Seeing that he didn't dare to leave, Mu Yu simply stepped forward and pushed him.

"Hey! I have a cold!" Nie Yunchang backed away repeatedly, fearing that the cold would be transmitted to her.

Mu Yu deliberately kept a straight face: "Since you have a cold, why don't you leave quickly?"

"Xiao Mu, no, I'm just trying to stop him..."

"Don't worry, I will help you take care of the situation. Go take care of Xiaoxue, she needs your company most now!"

Although Nie Yunchang was very touched by her kindness, and he really wanted to go back to accompany his daughter, who had only a short time and was anxious, but because of Gu Jihui's words, "Don't you want to do this job anymore?", he did not dare to leave. Because he needs this salary very much.

He sighed and shook his head helplessly: "Xiao Mu, I really can't leave, because..."

The ringtone of his cell phone interrupted his words. Seeing that it was Gu Jihui calling, he suddenly became very nervous. He glanced at Mu Yu, then turned slightly to answer the call, and called out "Gu Ju" uneasily.

"What? Really? Oh, thank you, Director Gu, for taking care of me. Thank you, thank you."

After hanging up the phone, he clasped his hands together in shock and joy, and looked at Mu Yu with a grateful face, "Xiao Mu, thank you so much. I will keep your concern for Xiaoxue in mind."

"Teacher Nie, don't be so polite. Let's go quickly. Don't let Xiaoxue cry all the time. It's not good for her health."

The last sentence tugged at Nie Yunchang's heart. He didn't hesitate anymore, but still made a serious bow to her, then turned around and hurried out of the forensic room.

Mu Yu followed him to the door of the forensic room, watched him leave, and sighed secretly for him.

When she was an intern here, Nie Yunkang took care of her. She always remembered it in her heart. She also heard Rong Jian talk about Nie Xiaoxue's illness. She had no other choice but to sigh.

Feeling hungry, she took out the half-pack of biscuits left before and thought about the case while eating.

She never thought that Feng Rubing would be involved in this case.

However, she does not believe that Feng Rubing is the murderer, and Feng Rubing's suspicion should be just a coincidence.

I hope Team Rong can help Teacher Feng eliminate the suspicion. She prayed silently.

Taking out her notebook, she went through all the clues about Li Jianyun's case that she had today in detail.

Li Jianyun: 45 years old; single; shared a simple two-bedroom apartment with Lao Miao in the Fenghuang Yayuan Community in the north of the city; he was once called to the police by the neighbor downstairs who said he was sexually harassed, but the matter was settled later because the neighbor said he would not pursue the matter. ; He was sent to the detention center several times for gathering people to gamble and fight with others.

Sexual harassment... Gambling... Fighting...

Mu Yu stared intently at the words she had circled individually, secretly guessing what might be related to Li Jianyun's death.

Feng Rubing... women's underwear... sexual harassment...

"Beast! If you dare to touch even one of Qiqi's hair, I will kill you with no body intact!"

Feng Rubing's words suddenly rang in her ears, and she sat up in shock.

Wasn't Teacher Feng talking to Li Jianyun that day? !


"Young mistress."

Mu Yu's thoughts were interrupted. He turned around and was surprised to see Bian Zijun standing at the door. He immediately looked behind him with trusting eyes.

"The boss has something to do at the company, so we can't leave for the time being. This is the dinner he asked me to bring you." Bian Zijun said as he put the bag in his hand on the table, carefully lifted out the thermos bucket, opened it, and then put the Small boxes with compartments were laid out one by one, including meat and vegetables, soup and rice, which was extremely rich.

Although he was very hungry, the sight of meat dishes affected Mu Yu's appetite, and he immediately pointed at three boxes of meat dishes and motioned to Bian Zijun to take them away.

"Just keep the vegetarian dishes, soup and rice."

Bian Zijun was a little embarrassed: "This is a nutritious dinner that the boss specially hired a nutritionist to prepare for you!"

"I feel like vomiting when I see meat dishes now. If you don't take them away, I won't be able to eat anything." Mu Yu turned around as she spoke, trying her best not to see the boxes of meat dishes, because when she saw them, she would think of chopping them up. palm.

"Then I'll put them away. You can eat the vegetarian dishes and soup first." Bian Zijun hurriedly closed the meat dishes and put them into a bag, temporarily placing them in a corner where Mu Yu couldn't see them.

Mu Yu sat down, but soon put down his chopsticks, with a worried look on his face: "Did the murder on the construction site have a very bad impact on the company?"

Otherwise, Qin Jinhuan wouldn't be still in the company so late.

"No, several company directors heard about this and rushed over to ask about the situation. They were worried that it would have a bad impact on the company. So the boss convened an emergency meeting to ask all departments to take precautions to prevent adverse consequences. Condition."

"Oh. That's good." Mu Yu then ate in peace while thinking about whether to tell Rong Jian about Feng Rubing's phone call that day.

"Dong dong dong." Someone knocked on the door.

"Hello, are you Dr. Mu?" The person who knocked on the door was a handsome young man who looked no older than twenty-five years old and looked at her with a smile.

Mu Yu, who had just finished eating, looked at him in surprise: "You are -"

"Hello, I am Yunkang's cousin. My name is Zhang Yiming. I am a forensic scientist from the Criminal Investigation Squadron of Qingyuan County. I came here to help at the invitation of Yunkang. This is my work permit." Zhang Yiming handed over the work permit very politely and added, "Your Gu Bureau agreed."

"Oh?" Mu Yu suspiciously took his work permit that said "Deputy Chief Forensic Physician" and looked at it carefully, but was still uneasy. Just as he was about to call Rong Jian to ask about the situation, the landline phone in the forensic room rang. Hurry over and get connected.

It was Gu Jihui who called and told her the situation.

It turned out that after Nie Yunchang left the city bureau, he was always worried about her health in the early stages of pregnancy. He suddenly remembered his cousin who was a forensic doctor who came from Qingyuan County to visit Xiaoxue, so he called him in to help.

"Forensic Doctor Zhang has participated in solving many major cases and is very capable. Leave all the matters at hand to him and go back to rest peacefully."

"Oh." The words "very capable" made Mu Yu a little discouraged, but she still stubbornly continued, "Then I will take his place tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, she had a simple handover with Zhang Yiming, and after giving him some details, she packed her things and left the forensic room with Bian Zijun.

When walking through the corridor, she noticed that the light in the interrogation room was on. Because she was concerned about the case, she instinctively walked over. Just as she was hesitating whether to open the door, Rong Jian's stern voice suddenly came from inside: "Feng Rubing, please Cooperate with the interrogation!”