My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 195: Helpless feelings


Mu Yu was shocked by the doctor's appearance, her heart was racing, and her back was heating uncontrollably. She stared at the silent doctor with fear and fear. She wanted to open her mouth to ask about the situation several times, but because of fear, After hearing the result that I didn't dare to listen to, I swallowed the sound back into my stomach several times.

Qin Jinhuan on the side was obviously more nervous than her. He pursed his lips tightly and fixed his handsome eyes on the doctor without blinking for a long time.

Finally, the doctor slowly withdrew his hand.

"How is the child?" Qin Jinhuan asked immediately.

The doctor glanced at him with an uneasy look, carefully asked Mu Yu a few questions about menstruation, then turned to Qin Jinhuan and asked lightly: "You said your wife is pregnant, where have you had a checkup before?"

Because Qin Jinhuan had several tapes on his face, and he had not had time to change into clean clothes when he came back from the rescue scene, the doctor did not recognize the man in front of him as the famous CEO of Qingtian Group in Anseong, but through his appearance and body He exuded a super strong aura, and the doctor also felt that he had a great background, so he was very cautious in taking his pulse and speaking.

"Before... was this question important?"

"Important, very important!" The doctor nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

"We haven't done any inspection." Mu Yu responded softly.

The doctor immediately looked at her: "Then how did you determine that you were pregnant?"

Qin Jinhuan answered: "The family doctor told me."

"Oh." The doctor immediately looked at him again, "Then how did your family doctor confirm that your wife is pregnant?"

Qin Jinhuan suddenly darkened his face: "What do you mean by this?!"

Knowing that he had misunderstood, the doctor hurriedly waved his hand and explained: "Please don't misunderstand me. I really don't mean anything else. I just want to know how you confirmed that your wife is pregnant."

Qin Jinhuan thought for a while before answering: "It seems to be some kind of early pregnancy test paper. Is there any problem?"

"Oh. No wonder I can't tell your pulse."

Qin Jinhuan's face tightened again: "What do you mean?"

Mu Yu was shocked: "Do you mean I'm not pregnant?!"

The doctor was afraid of making mistakes and did not dare to say: "No, no, no, that's not what I meant. I just said that I can't tell whether you are pregnant or not, so I can't tell whether your baby is good or not. "

Mu Yu took her words as euphemistic relief and burst into tears: "Does it mean that my child is gone? I just felt a stomachache, and now I feel even more painful."

Qin Jinhuan hurriedly hugged her and yelled at the doctor: "Why don't you hurry up and find someone to come for first aid? If anything happens to my wife, I'll make it hard for you all to walk around!"

"You have a stomachache? Why didn't you tell me earlier?" The doctor was also panicked. He quickly stepped forward to examine Mu Yu and ordered the nurse to call for help.


"Please family members, please go out first!" As he spoke, the doctor had already closed the middle curtain.

Soon three or four more medical staff came. After pushing Qin Jinhuan outside the door, they quickly closed the door of the emergency room.

Qin Jinhuan stood at the door, once again as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

"Boss..." Bian Zijun originally wanted to let Qin Jinhuan change into the clean clothes he had prepared earlier.

Qin Jinhuan pushed away irritably and asked, "Yingying's people haven't arrived yet?"

Bian Zijun raised his hand and looked at his watch: "It should be here soon."

As soon as they finished speaking, a burst of hurried footsteps came from the side of the corridor. The two people immediately turned around and saw Rong Ying hurried over with three or four people.

Seeing Qin Jinhuan, Rong Ying immediately broke into a trot and asked loudly: "Brother Huan, where is my sister-in-law?"

"ER. She said she had a stomachache!"

"Stomach pain?! Oh my God!" Rong Ying ran to the door of the emergency room before she could ask any more questions, and led everyone in directly pushing the door open.

"Hey, what are you... Huh? Dean Rong? Why are you here?"

Qin Jinhuan heard no more sounds later because the door of the emergency room was closed again. He had to continue to stand straight at the door of the emergency room, hoping to hear good news from inside as soon as possible.

Bian Zijun hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward and asked for comfort: "Boss, don't worry, the young lady will be fine when Dean Rong is here."

Qin Jinhuan ignored him and still stood guard at the door of the emergency room like a doorman.

About ten minutes later, the door of the emergency room opened, and several medical staff walked out pushing a trolley. Seeing Mu Yu lying motionless on the trolley, Qin Jinhuan's face suddenly turned pale, and he quickly He walked around to one side and grabbed Mu Yu's hand, shouting her name in a hoarse voice.

"Ah Huan..."

"Brother Ah Huan, give way first! Let them take my sister-in-law for a checkup!" Rong Ying interrupted Mu Yu's words with an urgent voice.

"Doing a checkup? Xiaoyu, she..."

The sound of the cart's wheels rolling quickly drowned out Qin Jinhuan's voice. He wanted to follow, but Rong Ying grabbed him.

"Brother Ah Huan..."

"Quick, hurry up and save Xiaoyu!"

"Brother Ah Huan, don't be impatient. Listen to me. My sister-in-law is fine. She is very good..."

"It's okay. What kind of test are you doing?"

"My sister-in-law said she had a stomachache, so I asked the doctor to do a color Doppler ultrasound to determine what's going on."

"Is there something wrong with the child?" Qin Jinhuan, who had just sat down, suddenly stood up again and pushed Rong Ying in the direction of the stroller. "Hurry over and have a look. No matter what the child's condition is, you must let the child It’s safe to say!”

"Sister-in-law is not pregnant!"

"What?!" Qin Jinhuan was shocked, but he couldn't believe it, "How is this possible?! This is what Lei Zhi said..."

"I just had a phone call with Lei Zhi inside. He said that when he used a pregnancy test strip to test his sister-in-law, there were indeed two lines, but the second line was lighter. At that time, he was not sure whether his sister-in-law was really pregnant, because The test time for his sister-in-law was too close to the ovulation period, but his grandfather believed that his sister-in-law was pregnant. He was very happy and asked them to prepare for the birth of the baby. Because his grandfather was not in good health, Lei Zhi did not dare to attack his grandfather. I prayed with luck that my sister-in-law was pregnant. In fact, many factors may affect the accuracy of the early pregnancy test paper. I just asked my sister-in-law to try it with a pregnancy test stick, and there were no two lines, which means that she is very likely not pregnant. Pregnant."

Qin Jinhuan still didn't want to believe what she said: "There were two lines before, why are there no lines now? Also, you said that the early pregnancy test paper was not accurate, so is this pregnancy test stick of yours accurate?"

"So I just said that my sister-in-law may not be pregnant. My sister-in-law's menstrual cycle is thirty-three days. If there are no special circumstances, she should have her period tonight or tomorrow. If she has not had her period in the past two days, I will arrange for her to A blood test—Actually, you can also take a blood test today, but I don’t think there is any need to waste my sister-in-law’s blood, what do you think?”

Rong Ying always leaves room for words when speaking. This is her style. Qin Jinhuan knows it very well, so at this moment he has basically agreed on whether Mu Yu is pregnant. Thinking that Mu Yu just complained about stomachache, he She looked worried again: "What's the reason for her stomachache?"

"It's so cold today, maybe it's due to cold, or it could be dysmenorrhea..."

Qin Jinhuan interrupted: "Isn't she not menstruating yet?"

Rong Ying laughed: "It doesn't mean that you have to have menstruation to have dysmenorrhea. Some people will have pain in their lower abdomen the day before menstruation. But I don't think my sister-in-law has dysmenorrhea due to cold."

"What's the reason?" Qin Jinhuan was afraid that something might happen to Mu Yu's body.

Rong Ying suddenly stopped smiling and said with a serious face: "Brother Ah Huan, are you particularly nervous now?"

"Nonsense! Can you not be nervous?"

Seeing that she was not worried at all, he suddenly thought of the night before when she held him and cried for help. His heart felt inexplicably. When he saw her, his eyes immediately turned cold, and he immediately dropped her and turned around to leave.

"Hey! Brother Ah Huan!" Rong Ying, who wanted to give it away, immediately realized something was wrong, rushed forward to hold him, and explained hurriedly, "I mean that high mental stress can also cause physical discomfort! Don’t you have any symptoms of chest tightness, shortness of breath, and dizziness?”

Her last words made Qin Jinhuan pause, because when he learned that Mu Yu fainted, he did feel chest tightness and heart pain.

Rong Ying breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued to speak quickly, "Due to their own reasons, everyone's physical symptoms are different when facing emergencies. Chest tightness, shortness of breath, dizziness and abdominal pain are all normal reactions! Because sister-in-law Some people didn't believe what I said, so I asked the doctor to take her for a check-up. Actually, it was for no other reason than to reassure my sister-in-law. "

Speaking of this, she bit her lip with a look of grievance, "Brother Ah Huan, are you doubting my medical ethics?"

"No… "

"I have never denied my feelings for you, nor..." Rong Ying's nose felt sore and she immediately paused. At the same time, she raised her face slightly and forced the tears in her eyes back, before continuing in a hoarse voice. He said, "I'm not afraid to tell you that I am very jealous of my sister-in-law. I dreamed that I turned into her and was with you several times..."

"Rong Ying!"

"Brother Ah Huan, listen to me!" Rong Ying's eyes turned red again because of her eagerness. After barely stabilizing her emotions, she choked and said, "My feelings for you are not something that happens in a day or two. Over the years, you When have you ever seen me do anything out of love and hate? Besides, my sister-in-law is so kind and trusts me so much. Even though I am jealous of her, I have never thought of doing anything to harm her. You are so kind to me. The question about the product really makes me uncomfortable, I... "

She couldn't hold it back for a moment, and tears flowed down her cheeks. When she saw a stranger walking over, she hurriedly took a few steps to the side pretending to be casual while wiping her tears secretly.

Qin Jinhuan did not step forward to comfort her. After being stunned for a few seconds, he stood one meter away from her and said "I'm sorry."

After a while, Rong Ying calmed down before turning around and shaking her head with red eyes: "Brother Ah Huan, I am not a stingy person. I know very clearly what is light and what is serious, what is right and wrong, so please don't question me again in the future. My person."

Qin Jinhuan sighed slightly, his eyes showing pity: "Yingying, you should learn to let go and start over. Actually..."

Knowing who he was going to mention next, she immediately interrupted: "I'm already trying to let it go, it just needs some time."

He can dislike her, but he can't influence who she feels towards.

Qin Jinhuan nodded slightly. At this moment, Rong Ying's cell phone rang. She answered the call and listened for a few words before hanging up. Then she made an OK gesture to Qin Jinhuan: "The doctor said that my sister-in-law is fine. She is now Rest in the temporary ward, let’s go see her.”

"Stop!" Qin Jinhuan called her with a serious face.