My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 199: special relationship


Here, although Mu Yu was worried about Qin Jinhuan, he still hurried back to the city bureau because of Rong Jian's "urgent call". Because she knew very well that she couldn't help Qin Jinhuan even if she went to the factory in the north of the city, but she might be able to help Rong Jian when she returned to the city bureau.

On the way, she called Qin Jinhuan's mobile phone again, and this time he got through. The noise on the phone made her nervous, so she asked him if he had properly comforted his employees.

"You knew already?"

"Well, I just came out of your company. Have we finally reached an agreement?"

"It's settled." With a slight gasp, the noise on the other side of the microphone became smaller and smaller until it disappeared completely. It was obvious that Qin Jinhuan had walked quickly to a very quiet environment.

"Is it really settled?"

"Yeah. You didn't come out alone, right?"

"I came out alone, I sneaked out. I was afraid that grandpa would see me and wouldn't let me out."

"Are you in front of the company? I asked Zijun..."

"No need, I've already got into the taxi." Mu Yu interrupted him, "I'm going back to the bureau. Captain Rong said there is a new situation in the case."

"What's new?"

"Captain Rong didn't specify, I guess it has something to do with Teacher Feng." She sighed worriedly.

The person on the other end of the phone paused for a few seconds before speaking: "Then go ahead and pay attention to your safety. I will pick you up later."

"Okay. It's cold and slippery, so you should pay attention to your own safety. Also, there must be someone in your company maliciously spreading rumors, so check it out."

"Well. You should call grandpa."

"What are you calling for?"

"He'll be worried when he finds out you're not home later."

"Oh, I understand, I'll call right now."

The two of them told each other to pay attention to safety and keep warm before hanging up the phone, and then Mu Yu dialed the home phone number.

The person who answered the phone was Yu Zhongguang. Hearing her ask about Qin Xiaozhi, he sighed: "The boss is feeling unwell and has gone back to his room to rest."

"Ah?! What happened to grandpa?" She was very nervous.

Are you angry because she slipped out

"The master insisted on taking Master Xi... oh no, it was Miss Xi who took her back. Miss Xi refused, and neither did the boss. The father and son argued for a while, and the boss felt a little stuffy in his heart, so he went back to his room."

"They still have the nerve to take Xiao Xi back?!" Mu's tone was extremely angry, "Xiao Xi wasn't taken away, was she?"

She thought Qin Wentao and Dong Yueyun brought Dong Wanqing here to visit her grandfather and Xiao Xi, but she didn't expect that they were here to stir up trouble!

"No. Miss Xi didn't want to go back in the first place, but now that her boss is feeling unwell, she is even more unwilling to go back."

"Oh, that's good." She felt relieved and immediately asked, "Have they left?"

"Leave. When the boss said he wasn't feeling well, they left."

"Is it okay, grandpa? Didn't you ask Lei Zhi to come over and take a look?"

"Lei Zhi has come and helped the boss take medicine. Now the boss is fine. He is leaning on the tatami talking to Miss Xi. Alas, Lei Zhi said that the boss is old and his health is deteriorating. He can no longer be stimulated. I hope the couple Don’t bother the boss again.”

Yu Zhongguang's last words made Mu Yu feel worried and uncomfortable.

Grandpa is eager for his great-grandchild. How disappointed he would be if he found out that she was not pregnant! She was a little worried that he wouldn't be able to accept it.

"You must hide it well and don't let grandpa know about it!" A voice in her heart warned her seriously, and she nodded subconsciously.

Seeing that Mu Yu didn't respond for a while, knowing that she was worried about the old man, Yu Zhongguang quickly changed his words and comforted him: "Young lady, don't worry, we will do our best to take care of the boss. You are a pregnant woman now, so it is not appropriate to work hard. Hey! By the way, you’re not in the room?”

"Uh, I'm out."

"Ah? You went out? When did you go out?! The boss even thought you were resting in your room, and told us to walk and do things more gently, saying that we can't disturb you to rest. Oh! Why don't you go out? Tell me! It's freezing outside. It's very dangerous for you to go out alone when you're pregnant! If you get into trouble, the boss must... Oh, bah, bah, look what I'm talking about. Words! I..."

"Uncle Guang, I'm fine. I'm fine. Don't worry, I will take care of myself." Mu Yu smiled.

"Where are you now? I'll ask Qi Hao right away..."

"No, no, I'm already at the city bureau. Ah Huan will pick me up later."

"Oh, then, you have to pay special attention. You are the giant panda at home now, a national treasure, so there can't be any problems!"

"Don't worry, nothing will go wrong." Mu Yu chuckled, "Uncle Guang, if grandpa comes to see me later, please explain it to him. Uh, don't say I came out alone, just say it's Ah Huan. They sent someone to pick me up and said that it’s okay for me to be with Ah Huan now, so don’t worry Grandpa.”

"Oh." But Yu Zhongguang was obviously worried, "If you have already arrived at the city bureau, don't go out and walk around."

"Okay. Thanks for the reminder, Uncle Guang." Seeing that the car had arrived at the door of the city bureau, Mu Yu quickly told him to take good care of his grandfather, hung up the phone in a hurry, paid the fare, and then walked quickly to the hall, giving Rong Jian called and asked where he was. After learning that he was in the forensic room, he jogged to the forensic room.

"Captain Rong, what's going on?" Without taking a breath, she rushed directly to Rong Jian who was standing in front of the small blackboard.

"The test results of these physical evidences have come out." Rong Jian pointed to the photo posted on the small blackboard. "It is confirmed that there are no missing parts of the ten severed fingers, and they are also confirmed to belong to the deceased Li Jianyun. All the blood stains at the crime scene belong to Li Jianyun , including the blood written in blood. Like the previous two cases, the scene was cleaned very clean, and the murderer left no trace. After comparison, it was determined that the packaging tape used by the murderer to bind the deceased was consistent with the previous two cases. "

Mu Yu interjected: "Does this mean that these three cases can be investigated together?"

"I think it is a bit arbitrary to conclude that these three cases were committed by the same murderer based on the packaging tape alone."

Hearing an unfamiliar voice behind him, Mu Yu immediately turned around, then thought of the forensic doctor who had been temporarily borrowed to help, and hurriedly said hello with a smile.

Zhang Yiming responded with a smile, and then continued to explain, "I have tested it and found that packaging tapes made of this material are very common on the market and are sold in many small supermarkets."

Mu Yu was stunned: "Do you think this packaging tape is probably a coincidence?"

"It's hard to say. I just think it's a bit arbitrary to conclude that the three cases are caused by the same murderer just based on the packaging tape, but I don't deny the possibility." Zhang Yiming said this and pointed to the file bag on the table beside him, "I said last night After understanding the files of the first two cases and checking the relevant information of the third case, I feel that it is not difficult for the internal personnel involved in the investigation of the first two cases to imitate the first two cases... "

Rong Jian suddenly changed his face: "What do you mean?!"

Mu Yu was also panicked: "Mr. Zhang, you can't say such things casually!"

"Please note that I used the word 'if' before." Zhang Yiming looked at Rong Jian very seriously, "I know your special feelings for Forensic Feng, and I can also understand the feelings of you, Forensic Mu, and all your colleagues. , I don’t want the kind of result that no one wants to see. What I just said is just a bystander’s opinion. Please don’t mind. After all, if personal feelings are involved in the analysis of the case, it will easily affect the judgment. He said that Teacher Feng's freedom has been restricted because she refused to explain the relationship between her and the deceased. If you continue to be emotional, I'm worried that not only will you not be able to help her, but it will delay the best time to solve the case - I don't think any of you want to This is what happened.”

Rong Jian looked at him steadily for a few seconds, and then solemnly apologized: "I'm sorry, I just..."

"Let's not talk nonsense. Solving the case is more important," Zhang Yiming waved his hands grandly, "If you can trust me, why not listen to my opinion?"


"Thank you." Zhang Yiming then looked at the small blackboard and continued his analysis, "The evidence we have so far is not good for Forensic Doctor Feng. First of all, we found a pair of underwear worn by a woman in the deceased's house. After comparison and testing, it was determined that Forensic Doctor Feng's family There are also underwear made of the same material. In other words, the female underwear at the deceased's home is most likely that of Forensic Feng. Assuming that these underwear really belong to Forensic Feng, given that the deceased had harassed women, There are two possibilities. One is that the deceased and Forensic Doctor Feng were related... Sorry, Captain Rong, I don’t mean anything else, just... "

"I understand, it's okay, please continue analyzing."

"Okay." Without the psychological burden, Zhang Yiming continued, "First, the deceased and Forensic Doctor Feng may have had a sexual relationship, or they may be sexual partners. With such a relationship, it is normal for them to drop their underwear. But I expressed through my expression I have a little understanding of Forensic Doctor Feng’s character, and I think this possibility is extremely small, so I prefer the second possibility, that is, these underwear were stolen by the deceased. Of course, I haven’t figured out why he just did it. Stealing forensic doctor Feng's underwear, but not other women's underwear. Of course, whether it was stolen by the deceased or left behind by forensic doctor Feng, I think this should be the reason for the dispute between them. "

Mu Yu interjected: "Did they have a dispute? Are there any witnesses?"

"Yes." Rong Jian answered, "A few people have already provided us with clues. This is one of the new situations I told you."

"Did anyone who provided the clues hear the specific content of their dispute?"

"No. They unanimously felt that Ru Bing was at a disadvantage during the dispute, because when they were watching, Ru Bing lowered his head and walked away immediately every time."

Zhang Yiming continued: "I guess forensic doctor Feng may have some clues in the hands of the deceased, and it should be related to these underwear."

Mu Yu suddenly thought of the phone call she heard from Feng Rubing, and immediately expressed her opinion: "Maybe it has something to do with Feng Qiqi?"

"Feng Qiqi?" Zhang Yiming was a little surprised.

"It's Ru Bing's sister who is in middle school." Rong Jian explained.

Mu Yu was a little anxious: "Does Qiqi know anything? Have you not talked to Qiqi about Li Jianyun?"

"I… "

Rong Jian's cell phone rang suddenly. Seeing that it was an unfamiliar number, he paused to answer the call: "Rong Jian. Who is this? Qiqi?"