My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 200: Feng Qiqi


Upon hearing Qiqi, Mu Yu immediately pricked up his ears.

"I'll be there right away!" Rong Jian turned around quickly as he hung up the phone.


"Captain Rong, be careful!"


Because he lifted his foot too quickly when turning around, Rong Jian's right ankle was knocked by the hard corner of the table. The huge pain caused him to instinctively lift his right foot, and his body lost balance for a moment.

"Be careful!" When Zhang Yiming stepped forward to help him, Rong Jian also held on to the table in time.

"Captain Rong, are you okay?" Mu Yu tapped his feet nervously.

"It's okay."

Rong Jian spoke lightly, but couldn't hide the look of pain on his face. He gently pushed Zhang Yiming away and tried to put his right foot on the ground. Unexpectedly, he took a breath and instinctively lifted his leg back when it hit the ground.

Zhang Yiming hurriedly supported him again, and at the same time turned to Mu Shi and ordered: "Move a chair for Rong Jian to sit down, and I will help him look at the injury."

"Hey, okay." Mu Yu immediately moved a chair and put it behind Rong Jian, while expressing concern, "Won't you hurt your bones?"

Rong Jian sat down and gritted his teeth while shaking his head: "It's not that serious, it's probably just a slight sprain."

While speaking, Zhang Yiming had already lifted up his trouser legs and gently pinched his ankles.


Mu Yu was shocked: "Please be gentle!"

"It's okay, I'm measured." Zhang Yiming continued to move while laughing, "The bones are fine, it's just a bruise. I'll put some plaster on it and it'll be fine in two days."

"Oh. Captain Rong, I'm going to buy some plaster."

"Sister-in-law!" Rong Jian called to her immediately, "No need to buy plaster, please accompany me to the hospital first."

"Want to take X-rays?"

"No, Qiqi is in the hospital."

"Ah? What happened to her?!"

"I was having a snowball fight with my classmates on the playground during class and injured my arm. The teacher sent her to the hospital and notified her family to discuss the matter. She only has two sisters in her family. She doesn't know about her sister yet, and I don't want her to know either. ”

"Oh, I understand. Your foot is injured. I'll go to the hospital to find the teacher."

"I can do it!" Rong Jian endured the pain in his foot and took two steps, "I just can't drive. Let's take a taxi."

"Can you really leave?" Mu Yu was very worried.

"Yes. Let's go."

"Hey, Captain Rong," Zhang Yiming called to him, "The work in the forensic room is almost done anyway, why don't you let me be your driver?"

"Thank you, I won't bother you anymore."

"Do you not believe in my driving skills? I have seven years of driving experience after all."

Thinking that there is still a long way from the forensic room to the entrance of the city bureau, in order to prevent Rong Jian from suffering too much, Mu Yu immediately persuaded: "Captain Rong, it's rare that Forensic Doctor Zhang is so kind, let him send us there. We can still do it on the way. Continue to discuss the case.”

Rong Jian thought for a moment and did not refuse. He handed the car keys to Zhang Yiming: "The black Land Rover at the east end of the parking lot in Area A."

"Driving such a nice car?! Your company's benefits are so good?" Zhang Yiming was obviously surprised.

He didn't know Rong Jian's family background, nor had he seen the "mounts" of Qin Jinhuan, Wen Zeyu and Rong Ying, so he had no idea how low-key Rong Jian's car was.

Rong Jian was not surprised at all by his surprise and did not explain it. He just smiled and said, "We will wait for you at the entrance of the hall."

"Okay." Zhang Yiming walked out happily and murmured, "It's rare to have the opportunity to drive such a good car. I can enjoy my car addiction today."

"Let's go." Rong Jianqing walked out on tiptoe.

Mu Yu hurriedly stepped forward: "I'll help you."

"No, no, sister-in-law, just take care of yourself." Rong Jian pushed her away gently, apologetically, "Actually, I shouldn't have called you over. After all, you are pregnant, but Ru Bing..."

"Captain Rong, actually I..." After looking around, Mu Yu lowered his voice and continued, "Actually, I'm not pregnant."

"What?! You didn't..."

"Sh-sh-except for you, only Ah Huan, me, Ying Ying and Lei Zhi know about this matter at the moment."

Rong Jian was very surprised: "Why did you team up to deceive grandpa? It's rare that grandpa's condition is..."

"No, no, grandpa is in good health for the time being. We didn't mean to lie to him. It was just because of a test error at first. Lei Zhi mistakenly thought that I was pregnant and sent the wrong message to grandpa. How eager is grandpa to hold his great-grandson? You are not I don’t know, so many things have happened in the company in the past two days. Grandpa was very anxious and his blood pressure was on the rise. We were worried that if he knew that I was not pregnant, his heart would not be able to bear it. "Speaking of this. , Mu Yu hurriedly warned, "You have to keep this matter a secret for us! Even Ze Yu doesn't know about it at the moment."

"Then why did you tell me?"

"I'm afraid that you have concerns and won't let me participate in solving the case. I want to help Teacher Feng, and I also want to help Ah Huan." Mu Yu responded truthfully.

Rong Jian had also heard about the rumors within the Qingtian Group. He sighed slightly: "I also want to solve the case as soon as possible. Not only for Ru Bing and Ah Huan, but also for the sake of social stability."

"Team Rong, let's work hard together."


"Let's go."

"Okay." Rong Jian endured the pain and limped forward.

Seeing him trying to move faster, Mu Yu, who was a little sad, sighed secretly.

When the two of them walked to the entrance of the hall, Zhang Yiming had already driven Rong Jian's car over. After the two of them got into the car, Zhang Yiming apologized to Rong Jian while driving: "Captain Rong, please don't misunderstand me. I didn't mean anything when I said that your company's treatment was good. I just wanted to praise your car. Don't go there." "Heart up."

Guessing that he had asked Nie Yunchang about his identity, Rong Jian, who had not taken it to heart at first, smiled and said he didn't mind. Thinking of going to see Qiqi later, he told them: "If Qiqi asks about her sister later, You all should be silent and let me speak."

"Okay." Mu Yu and Zhang Yiming agreed.

"How many brothers and sisters does Forensic Feng have?" Zhang Yiming continued.

Mu Yu continued: "Her parents died young, and she only has one relative: her sister, who we will meet soon, Qiqi."

"Oh." Zhang Yiming thought thoughtfully, "Forensic doctor Feng had had several disputes with the deceased - he had a motive for killing; as a forensic doctor - he had the conditions to commit the crime; he had been working on the front line for a long time, and he had a strong anti-detection awareness characteristic with the murderer. Consistent; someone saw her near the construction site before the crime, and she did not have time to witness to prove her absence. In other words, she also had time to commit the crime; there was also a bloody sign with the same first three strokes of her surname left at the crime scene. word, the deceased had called her before his death, given that she had no conflict of interest with Qingtian Group and had no interaction with the first two deceased, and these three deceased were all employees of Qingtian Group, and she had been directly involved. I came to my conclusion through the criminal investigation of the first two cases.”

"Do you suspect that Teacher Feng used his knowledge of the previous two cases and his professional skills to imitate crimes?" Mu Yu immediately expressed his different views, "I think as an experienced forensic doctor who has been preparing for the front line for a long time, she The anti-detection awareness should not only be reflected in not leaving any clues at the scene of the crime, but also to have a perfect alibi and completely separate oneself from the criminal. "

"I haven't finished my words yet," Zhang Yiming turned around and explained with a smile when he stopped at a red light, "I think the key to this case is to understand the entanglement between Forensic Doctor Feng and Li Jianyun. All the evidence is now unfavorable to Forensic Doctor Feng." , if she is not careful, she may be convicted of murder, but she would rather bear the charge of murder than reveal the entanglement between herself and Li Jianyun - she and Li Jianyun are both single, and if there is any ambiguity, it is not Something that violates moral ethics. Something more important than your own life—"

Just as the red light turned green, Zhang Yiming turned around and started the car while continuing, "It's back to our previous topic - her sister Qiqi. Qiqi is only in middle school, only thirteen or fourteen years old. How old is Teacher Feng?"

"Thirty." Rong Jian blurted out.

"The sisters lost their parents early and depended on each other for life, and they were sixteen or seventeen years apart. For Qiqi, I think Feng Yiyi was not only her sister, but also her mother. On the contrary, Feng Yiyi not only had a sisterly love for Qiqi, but also her mother. There should be a kind of maternal love that comes from the heart. I don’t think we can describe how great maternal love is in words.”

"If Teacher Feng is really doing this to protect Qiqi, it means that Qiqi must have experienced something we can't imagine. However," Mu Yu looked at Rong Jian, "Although Qiqi and I have never had direct contact, But I heard you mentioned that she did not hesitate to think of all kinds of harmful tricks to bring you and Teacher Feng together. I feel that she should be a naughty and lively girl. "

"Yes, Qiqi is not only naughty and lively, but also very righteous," Rong Jian continued, "The reason why she broke her arm today was actually not having a snowball fight with her classmates, but seeing a boy bullying a girl with a snowball. She couldn't stand it for a moment. She stepped forward to teach the boys a lesson, but was pushed to the ground by several boys. She was very sensible, and not only had excellent grades, but she was also very popular in school. She was well-spoken and well-liked by teachers and classmates. She did not look like a child who had been traumatized. "

Mentioning Feng Qiqi, Rong Jian immediately started talking, "Qiqi also has a strong ability to take care of herself. Ru Bing often stays up late and works overtime. She can buy food, cook, wash and clean herself at a very young age. Ru Bing doesn't have to worry about it at all. On the contrary, she was worried about Ru Bing. She was always worried that Ru Bing would not be able to get married. She said that Ru Bing was too homely, did not know how to dress up, and had a bad temper. Whenever she was on vacation, she would either force Ru Bing to go shopping, buy clothes, get her hair done, or get a beauty treatment. , or forced Ru Bing to participate in various dating companies, and the sisters often had unpleasant experiences because of this. After learning that I admired Ru Bing, she examined me for a long time and thought that I was worthy of her sister's trust for life, so she started looking for various kinds of people. She invited me to her house under the pretext of being very active in creating opportunities for me and Ru Bing to get along. Ru Bing doesn’t like me.”

Speaking of this, a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "So once he understood Qiqi's thoughts, he would give Qiqi a severe warning. After repeated warnings failed, she even beat Qiqi once for this, and Qiqi was so angry that she was full of anger. The cold war lasted for a month.”

"How could she hit Qiqi because of such a thing? Qiqi was also out of concern for her!" Mu Yu couldn't understand.

Zhang Yiming answered with a smile: "Didn't Captain Rong say that? Forensic Doctor Feng doesn't like him. I have to face this man I don't like at work during the day, and I have to face him when I go home at night. Is there anything more painful than this? ? Uh... Captain Rong, don't mind, I'm just talking about the matter."

"If you don't like it, you don't like it. Can't we just be friends? Why do you have to reject people thousands of miles away so ruthlessly?"

"Maybe...Cio! Red light!"




Seeing that he was about to hit the car in front, Mu Yu was so scared that he closed his eyes...