My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 207: Unreasonable thinking


Qin Jinhuan suddenly opened his eyes and stared at Wen Zeyu, who was walking towards him with the privilege of entering and leaving his office.

"I just received the news from the Chengnan factory. There are still many workers who are determined to leave. The assembly line cannot operate at once, which will probably affect the production progress!" Wen Zeyu raised the stack of paper in his hand, "This is For orders that may affect the progress, I have roughly estimated the possible liquidated damages, which are several hundred million! Ah Huan, why don’t we agree to the workers’ requests first, so as not to... "

"Go advertise for jobs immediately."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult to recruit skilled old workers for a while! If all the newbies are recruited, we won't have time to train them, which will also affect the production progress!" Wen Zeyu persuaded him with sincere words, "Ah Huan, don't be impulsive, just let them go with you this time, and then we'll..."

"It's only a few hundred million, I can afford the compensation."

"Ah Huan! Why bother getting angry with Qian?"

"Do you think I'm angry with Qian?"

Wen Zeyu was stunned for a moment, then sighed: "I know you have always suspected that Qin Wentao and Dong Yueyun were behind the scenes. If they are really behind it, there is no need for you to cause such huge financial losses to the company just because you don't want them to be satisfied. Ah! Besides, we don’t have any evidence to prove that it was them.”

"Only a few hundred million."

"A few hundred million is not a lot, but it is still your performance after all! Can't you tell which one is more important? Don't lose the big by being small!"

"You don't have to persuade me on this matter."

"Ah Huan!"

“Have people post job ads immediately.”

"You are too willful!"

Qin Jinhuan smiled faintly: "I'm not short of money anyway, so what if I'm willful? Go and post job advertisements quickly, don't make two mistakes."

"You... eh! There's really nothing I can do about you!" Wen Zeyu sighed heavily and left helplessly.

Qin Jinhuan immediately dialed the internal phone number again and called Zhi Xiaoyin in.

"To prepare liquidated damages for nearly half a month's orders from five factories in the south of the city."

"Liquidated damages for nearly half a month's orders from five factories?! This is not a small amount!" Zhi Xiaoyin was shocked, "Didn't all the workers in the Chengnan factory return to their respective jobs?"

"Only a small number are returning to work. Go get ready."

"Boss," Zhi Xiaoyin said after hesitating, "Why would you rather pay liquidated damages than agree to the workers' request for extra hourly wages? The former pays much more than the latter! "

"More money."

"Uh..." This reason left Zhi Xiaoyin speechless.

Just as she was about to turn around and leave, Qin Jinhuan added: "Be high-profile when preparing money."

"what do you mean-"

"You don't need to ask so many questions."

"Oh, okay. Then I'm ready to go." Zhi Xiaoyin, who had a vague answer in her heart, didn't dare to talk anymore and left quickly.

For a while, Qin Jinhuan's huge office became quiet again.

He leaned back on the chair again and closed his eyes, and his eyes once again uncontrollably flashed across Yin Anran's eyes that were red from crying and her face that was swollen like a bun with fingerprints on it.

Because of his guilt for Yin Anran, he took care of Yin Anran for ten years and doted on her for ten years. When the habit becomes natural, everything will become logical, just like how he cared for her.

This was the first time that he had made a move on her, and it was also the first time that he had rejected her request so ruthlessly. He knew her feelings for him, and he originally wanted to use his coldness to completely dispel her unwanted thoughts, but he didn't expect this slap. He was a little uncomfortable going down. Although he was angry with her for provoking Mu Yu, in any case, she sincerely thought about him in terms of career, and she helped him solve a big problem today, not to mention that Mu Yu was the one who took action this time.

Thinking of Mu Yu, his frowning eyebrows suddenly relaxed again, and a smile inadvertently spread across his face.

This silly girl finally knows how to defend her identity.

Of course, he disapproved of her beating Yin Anran. It's not because he can't bear with Yin Anran, but because he knows that Yin Anran is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Mu Yu and Yin Anran are fighting each other. If no outsiders are present, Mu Yu may not be able to take advantage.

He didn't want to see the woman he loved get hurt in the slightest.

Although he also cares about Yin Anran, he loves Mu Yu more.

Yin Anran…

Based on his understanding of her, she had suffered so much injustice today because of Mu Yu, and she would definitely not let it go. In order to prevent her from causing trouble with Mu Yu, he had to keep her as far away from Mu Yu as possible.

Opening his eyes and sitting up straight, he took the folder on the side and opened it, pulled out the piece of paper with the words "Dispatch List" printed on it, and thought deeply.

At the same time, Mu Yu was lying on the soft bed at home, looking at the ceiling in a daze.

A few minutes ago, she received a call from Rong Jian, saying that the city bureau was paying special attention to Li Jianyun's murder case and had convened an ad hoc meeting to order them to solve the case years ago.

"Are we going to set up another task force?" she asked Rong Jian at that time.

"Because copycat crimes are not ruled out, the higher-ups do not plan to combine the three cases for investigation. They are probably afraid that the combined investigation will cause panic among Qingtian Group employees. After all, these three cases all involve Qingtian Group."

Rong Jian seemed a little helpless when he responded, because the implication of imitating the crime was that Feng Rubing was the murderer.

Thinking of Feng Rubing's lack of cooperation, Mu Yu was helpless.

The evidence they have so far cannot prove that Li Jianyun's case and the first two cases were committed by the same murderer. Therefore, if they want to clear Feng Rubing's charges, they can only start with the third case. For now, Feng Rubing is the most suspect in Li Jianyun's case. If Feng Rubing was just an ordinary suspect they didn't know at all, they would definitely regard her silence as a default crime.

"I'm going to visit Ru Bing's hometown."

"Where is Teacher Feng's hometown? Is it far away? When will you get there?" Because the weather has been bad these days, Mu Yu hurriedly asked.

"It's quite far away. It's thousands of kilometers away from Ancheng. It's in a small county. I've already bought a train ticket for six o'clock in the evening."

"This evening? What about Qiqi's birthday?"

"I will call and explain to her. Sister-in-law, the snow has melted and the temperature has been very low these days. You should rest at home. If new physical evidence emerges and you are needed, I will ask Xiaofan to pick you up."

"But… "

"Sister-in-law, you are 'pregnant' now, don't let grandpa worry. Besides, didn't I say that I will contact you if necessary."

She was touched by Rong Jian's understanding, and she couldn't help but let out a long sigh when she thought that she couldn't help him at all.

"By the way, sister-in-law, the bureau will let Rubing go home for the time being due to lack of evidence, but her work will be suspended. I'm very worried about her condition. Please take the time to go see her for me, but don't tell her that I'm going It’s about her hometown.”

Remembering that he agreed to celebrate Feng Qiqi's birthday, Mu Yu immediately asked, "Will Qiqi still celebrate her birthday at Yingying's place?"

"I asked Ru Bing for her opinion, and she said to let Qiqi stay with Yingying first, and also asked me to lie to Qiqi that she was going to study abroad for a period of time. I guess she didn't want Qiqi to worry when she saw her current desolate state. , I am also afraid that I will not be able to take care of the injured Qiqi if I am not in good condition."

"Today is Qiqi's birthday. If Teacher Feng doesn't go to see Qiqi, won't Qiqi become suspicious?"

"Qiqi is really hoping that Ru Bing won't pick her up today, because Ru Bing usually doesn't celebrate her birthday, and Yingying plans to hold a small birthday party for her. The nurses are already helping to set up the scene."

"Oh, that's good. Captain Rong, if you find anything over there, remember to tell me."

"Yes. Sister-in-law, I'm going back to pack a change of clothes."


After Mu Yu hung up the phone, he lay on the bed staring at the ceiling in a daze until he was interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Young mistress, are you asleep?"

When she heard Li Xianglan's voice, she quickly sat up and said, "Aunt Lan, I'm not asleep. Please come in."

Then the door was pushed open, and Li Xianglan walked in with a smile on her face.

"Young mistress, this is the chicken soup that the old man specially asked me to make for you."

Mu Yu suddenly smiled bitterly: "Huh? Are you drinking chicken soup again? Didn't you just drink it last night?"

"Today's chicken soup is different from yesterday's. Today's chicken is wild silky chicken that the old man specially sent from far away. The chicken soup is also specially added with Chinese medicinal materials to soothe the nerves and nourish the fetus. It is nourishing. Please take advantage of it. Drink it hot, don't let the old man down." Li Xianglan smiled as she opened the soup cup on the tray and handed the spoon to her.

"Oh. Thank you." Mu Yu took the spoon and drank it reluctantly.

She knew she couldn't do it without drinking.

But having said that, this soup is really fresh, and it is indeed a pheasant sent from a very far away place.

Seeing that she was smacking her lips after drinking, Li Xianglan quickly asked: "There is still more in the pot. Let me serve you another bowl."

"No, no, no, no, no, no, that's enough." Mu Yu waved his hands repeatedly.

If you continue to supplement like this, your nutrition will soon exceed the standard.

"Oh, rest then." Li Xianglan packed up and went out with the tray.

Feeling his full belly, Mu Yu decided to get up to eat. I walked to the floor-to-ceiling window in my slippers, opened the curtains, and saw that the thick layer of snow on the balcony had not yet melted. I got excited for a while, so I immediately opened the sliding door, and happily squatted down to make a snowman with the snow in my hands.

"Ouch! My little ancestor! Come in quickly! Come in quickly!"

"Hey! Boss, please slow down! Be careful!"

The voices of Qin Xiaozhi and Yu Zhongguang suddenly sounded in the room, startling Mu Yu. When she turned her head, she saw Qin Xiaozhi walking towards her with a cane. She was afraid that he would fall, so she stood up in a hurry and was ready to help him. She didn't want a sudden sudden change at her feet. One slip.


"(Young Mistress) Be careful!"

Fortunately, Mu Yu's body balance was good. Although he shook a few times, he stabilized his body in time, and then bared his teeth at the nervous Qin Xiaozhi: "Grandpa, don't worry, I'm fine."

"Why are you still standing there? Help the young lady in!" Qin Xiaozhi ordered Qi Hao angrily.

"Oh, okay." Qi Hao stepped forward with embarrassment.

"It's okay, I can walk in by myself." Mu Yu reluctantly glanced at the "snowman" who had just made a small snow bag, and reluctantly entered the house.

"Quick, quick! Close the doors and windows tightly! Go and turn up the heating!"

"Grandpa, don't be nervous. I'm fine. Look, my hands are warm." Mu Yu rubbed his hands and presented them to him with a smile.

"You are a pregnant woman now! You have to be extra careful! It will be too late to regret once you find out the situation!" Qin Xiaozhi immediately ordered Qi Hao, "Go and ask Yingying to send a doctor to check the young mistress..."

"Grandpa, there's no need to check! I'm really fine! I'm just being careful." Mu Yu deliberately stroked his belly, pretending to be very protective of the baby, "I'm the baby's biological mother, how could I..."

oops! Oops!