My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 211: car accident


"Hello? Are you the brother-in-law of the machine owner?"

The strange man's voice gave Qin Jinhuan an ominous premonition, and he immediately asked, "What's wrong with her?"

"She was in a car accident and got stuck."

"What?!" Qin Jinhuan stood up suddenly, "Where was the car accident? Did you call an ambulance?"

"Who was in a car accident?!" Mu Yu was swallowing his rice and almost choked when he heard the words.

Qin Jinhuan ignored her and listened to the man's voice on the phone: "Liujiazhuang section of the Chengnan National Highway. I used her mobile phone to call an ambulance. Since you are her brother-in-law, come here quickly."

"Is her life in danger?" he asked as he walked out quickly.

"I don't know. I pushed her a few times, but there was no movement, but she was breathing."

"Then you... hello? Hello?" He put down his cell phone angrily and rushed to the door to shout.

"Boss? What happened?" Bian Zijun and Huang Bo, who were sitting in the car, got out of the car as soon as they heard the noise and ran to him.

"Go to the Chengnan National Highway."

"Yes, boss." Huang Bo hurriedly went to drive.

Bian Zijun didn't know what was going on, but knowing that something big had happened, he immediately took out his cell phone: "Boss, can you call a few more brothers over?"

"Need not."


"Ah Huan," Mu Yu followed, "Yin Anran was in a car accident?"

"Well." Huang Bo just happened to drive the car over. Qin Jinhuan was about to get in the car. After thinking about it, he immediately turned to Bian Zijun and said, "Send Xiaoyu back."

"Okay, boss." Bian Zijun, who was about to get in the car, immediately stopped.

Mu Yu refused to leave with Bian Zijun: "I'll go with you."

"Be obedient! Go back and have a good rest!" As he spoke, Qin Jinhuan got in the car and quickly rolled down the window. "If you are not full, go back and ask Aunt Lan to cook you something more."

Mu Yu didn't insist, just stared at him dully.

"Send the young lady home." Qin Jinhuan said and immediately ordered Huang Bo to start the car.

"Yes, boss." Huang Bo heard the urgency in Qin Jinhuan's voice and quickly started the car and left Lin Sijun's residence, heading south of the city.

Qin Jinhuan turned around and saw Mu Yu standing at the gate staring at him. He felt inexplicably uneasy, but thinking that Yin Anran might be in danger, he had to leave Mu Yu aside temporarily while calling Yin Anran. Telephone.

Once, twice, three times, no one answered the phone, which made him very anxious.

For him, taking care of Yin Anran is his responsibility and obligation. He cannot let her make any mistakes, otherwise he will be sorry for Yin Anran who died because of him.

Soon Huang Bo drove the car onto the national highway in the south of the city and drove quickly to the Liujiazhuang section.

"Boss, look! There's an ambulance ahead!"

Qin Jinhuan quickly straightened up and looked forward, and sure enough he saw a shining ambulance in front of him.

"The Liujiazhuang section is ahead. I wonder if this car is going to rescue Assistant Yin." At this time, Huang Bo had figured out the purpose of coming to the Chengnan National Highway.

Qin Jinhuan didn't respond, just stared straight ahead.

Seeing the ambulance stopping not far ahead, Huang Bo immediately slowed down and finally stopped behind the ambulance.

Before the car stopped, Qin Jinhuan opened the door and got out of the car and went straight to the ambulance.

"Anran? Anran?" He recognized Yin Anran's car at a glance and rushed over.

Probably because it wasn't too stuck, the medical staff had taken Yin Anran out of the car and was carefully putting her on the stretcher.

At this time, Yin Anran's eyes were tightly closed, her lifeless face was covered with blood, and she was lying motionless on the stretcher. Qin Jinhuan was frightened by the sight, and he immediately rushed over, grabbed her hand, and shouted her name loudly. .

"Please get out of the way. Don't interfere with the doctor's first aid to the injured." The nurse pushed him away rudely.

Qin Jinhuan quickly took two steps back after hearing this, stood behind the doctor and stared at Yin Anran as he called her name.

I don't know if it was the first aid measures of the medical staff or Qin Jinhuan's shouts that worked. After a while, Yin Anran's body responded and she slowly opened her eyes.

"Wake up!" The medical staff were very happy.

Of course, the happiest person was Qin Jinhuan, who quickly raised his voice and called her.

"Brother-in-law? Brother-in-law, where are you?" Yin Anran responded with a choked sob.

"I'm here!"

Qin Jinhuan wanted to push away the doctor in front of him, but was blocked again by the nurse: "Sir, she suffered a head injury and must be sent to the hospital for bandage to prevent infection, and her body needs further examination!"

"Okay, hurry up!" Qin Jinhuan immediately stood up and got out of the way.

"Brother-in-law! Brother-in-law! I'm so scared, please stay with me!"

"I'm here! Don't be afraid, I will always be with you!" Qin Jinhuan responded and followed the medical staff to lift the stretcher.

Hearing that he was the injured man's brother-in-law, the medical staff immediately asked him to get into the ambulance.

"boss… "

"Follow me." Qin Jinhuan responded, and the ambulance door was closed.


"I'm here." He quickly squatted down next to Yin Anran.

Yin Anran grabbed his hand and burst into tears: "Brother-in-law, I thought I would never see you again."

"What are you talking about?" He grabbed her hand and comforted her, "Okay, don't cry, it's okay."

"Brother-in-law, I'm so scared."

"Don't be afraid, I will take care of everything."

"Brother-in-law, my head hurts so much. Will I die?"

"Don't move! Don't talk nonsense!" He held down her hand that was about to touch her forehead, "You just suffered a slight head injury, you..."

"Sir, please give way," the doctor holding the examination equipment politely interrupted, "let us examine her again."


Qin Jinhuan was about to withdraw his hand, but he didn't want to be held tightly by Yin Anran: "Brother-in-law, don't leave! I'm afraid!"

"Don't be afraid, I won't leave, I'll be by your side." Qin Jinhuan patted her hand and put her hand gently to her side, "Be good, listen to the doctor and get a good check-up. After the check-up, everything will be fine. "

His gentle voice made Yin Anran quiet down immediately, and she obediently obeyed the doctor's words.

He stared at the doctor nervously, fearing that the doctor would say something he didn't want to hear after the examination.

A few minutes later, the doctor put away the examination instruments and turned to look at him: "As of now, the injured person is in good condition, with only obvious trauma on the head. However, the details will not be known until further examination by the hospital."

"Yes. Thank you." After the doctor got out of the way, Qin Jinhuan moved to Yin Anran's side.

"Brother-in-law." She grabbed his hand and cried again.

"Okay, don't cry." Seeing the nurse trying to wipe away her blood-stained tears, he immediately reached out and took it, "I'll do it."

Then, while wiping Yin Anran's tears, she asked softly, "Why are you coming to Liujiazhuang so late?"

Yin Anran responded with sobs: "Brother-in-law, I came back from Xihaiwan and passed by Liujiazhuang."

"Go to the hot springs in West Bay?" He looked suspiciously at her face, which was still swollen and the finger marks had not disappeared.

She has a very good face. Her face is so swollen and there are obvious finger marks. Logically speaking, it is impossible for her to run around. What's more, it's been freezing cold recently, so it's really not suitable to drive out at night.

"No, it's because... hiss—"

The painful look on her face made his heart tighten, and he quickly signaled her to stop talking: "Rest first."

She nodded obediently, pursed her lips, frowned and closed her eyes.

Neither of them said anything during the whole journey. The ambulance took her to the nearest hospital to the south of the city for examination and bandaging of her wounds. By the time the medical staff sent Yin Anran back to the ward, it was already past two in the morning.

"Ms. Yin suffered a slight concussion due to the impact on her head, and multiple soft tissue injuries in her body. Although they are not very important, she must take good care of herself and get more rest." The doctor told Qin Jinhuan before leaving.

As soon as the doctor went out, Yin Anran started crying.

"Does it hurt?" He bent down and asked softly.

"I'm not afraid of pain," she shook her head and choked out, "I'm just afraid."

"Didn't the doctor just say that? His life is not in danger. He just needs to take good care of himself and rest."

"I'm not afraid of this," she cried, pointing to her forehead covered with gauze. "I was afraid that it would leave scars, so I had to sew several stitches."

"There shouldn't be any scars. The people at the cosmetology department gave you the stitches."

"What if it stays? If I have a scar on my forehead, no one will marry me in the future."

"Even if there is a scar, it will definitely be just a small scar. In the worst case, I will take you for plastic surgery."

"I don't want plastic surgery. Plastic surgery is very risky. What if my scars get bigger and bigger?"

"Don't worry, I guarantee you'll be safe." Qin Jinhuan poured a glass of water and handed it to her, while reproaching him in a serious tone, "It's so late, why don't you stay overnight in Xihaiwan? Do you have to come back in the middle of the night?"

"Brother-in-law, I'm not going to take a bath in the hot spring. I rushed back because I have important things to do."

"What's the important thing?" He knew that she was a workaholic, and the important thing she was talking about must be something related to work.

"Yes... it's just something important anyway." Her eyes flickered and her words were hesitant.

This made him feel strange and asked again: "What's the important matter?"

"Brother-in-law, I'm so hungry." She ignored his question and pretended to be pitiful, "I haven't even eaten dinner."

He looked at his watch and frowned: "Why don't you have dinner?"

"No time. Ugh!" She lightly covered her mouth, as if she had spilled the beans, and then smiled coquettishly, "Brother-in-law, I'm so hungry. I'm so hungry that I'm dizzy. Can you buy me some food to cushion my stomach? Okay? Brother-in-law—"

Seeing that she was injured, he did not refuse, nodded, helped her lie down, and turned around to go out.

Huang Bo and Cheng Xiang, who had been guarding the door of the ward, saw him coming out and immediately followed him.

He walked a few steps, thought about it, stopped again, turned around and told Cheng Xiang to buy food for Yin Anran, and Huang Bo to find a nurse for Yin Anran.

After the two left, he took out his mobile phone and prepared to call Mu Yu. However, thinking that it was already two or three o'clock in the morning, he was afraid of disturbing her sleep, so he put down the mobile phone and walked to the door of the ward to wait for Huang Bo. While looking at Yin Anran lying on the ward through the observation window, he saw Yin Anran who was supposed to be lying on the bed. At this time, he actually sat up, with a tense face, holding a mobile phone in one hand and covering the microphone with the other. It was obvious that he was making a call. Make a phone call you don't want to be heard.

He was a little surprised.

At this moment, she glanced at the observation window warily, and he quickly avoided her. A few seconds later, he looked towards the observation window again. She had withdrawn her gaze and was talking excitedly into her cell phone.

Did she just send herself out just to make this secret phone call? Who is this call to

An ominous omen suddenly surged from the bottom of his heart.

Her eyes flashed before her eyes when she left her office today, and she suddenly remembered that Mu Yu was alone at his mother's residence. Bian Zijun called him three hours ago and said that Mu Yu refused to go home and insisted on waiting there. he.

His heart suddenly sank.

He suddenly had reason to suspect that Yin Anran's car accident was a man-made accident, and the purpose was obvious: to lure him out and attack Mu Yu!

His expression suddenly darkened, and he quickly opened the ward door.


His sudden appearance really startled Yin Anran. She was so panicked that she hung up the phone without even having time to say "Bye". When she looked at him again, her eyes became wandering and her voice stuttered: " Sister, brother-in-law, why are you back? "

Sure enough, there is a ghost!

His eyes were sharp and he stepped forward quickly.