My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 213: In the middle of the night, she, she was


How could Mu Yu make such a sound in the room at this time? !

Could it be...

Qin Jinhuan suddenly felt very guilty.

Of course, he would not suspect Mu Yu of betraying him. He just realized that he had ignored her feelings in this regard because too many things had happened during this period.

As soon as his sleepiness was gone, he immediately became energetic and walked quickly inside.

Even though it was almost dawn, he still decided to give her the passion he owed her these days. Otherwise, how could he have the face to face his woman

The bright main light in the inner room has been turned off, and the whole room is shrouded in pink and purple light. The romantic feeling in the hazy atmosphere is self-evident.

In the big bed in the middle of the inner room, a faint trembling could be seen under the soft quilt, and the sound of slight chanting could still be heard. His heart couldn't help but flutter.

He wanted to rush over and lift the covers to get intimate with her, but he suddenly realized that breaking into her like this would embarrass her. He immediately froze, paused for two seconds, and coughed lightly on purpose.

As he expected, after this cough, the shaking in the quilt stopped, the chanting also stopped, and the inner room became quiet as if nothing happened.

He pretended not to know anything, took off his coat, walked to the bed, bent slightly and whispered her name - he had to give her some time to concentrate.

"Um… "

There was another soft moan, and what was different from before was that there seemed to be a trace of pain in this soft moan.

Only then did he realize something was wrong. He quickly knelt down to the bed and pulled away the quilt. He was shocked by the scene before him.

Mu Yu, who was still wearing a sweater, was curled up in the bed. Because of the light, he couldn't tell what her face was like, but the pain on her sweat-stained face was clearly visible to his eyes.

He suddenly panicked, quickly picked her up, shouted her name, and turned on the main light switch.

With the sudden light in the inner room, he saw clearly that her face was pale, her head was covered in sweat, and her half-open eyes were lifeless.

You are not looking for happiness here, you are clearly sick! And the symptoms are not mild.

Qin Jinhuan, you are such a fool! My mind is filled with sordid things!

Qin Jinhuan roared at himself in his heart and said hurriedly: "I'll take you to the hospital!"

"No need!" Mu Yu pushed him away and lay down softly with him on her back. His tone and movements seemed very cold.

He just thought that she was too uncomfortable to move, so he didn't pull her, but half-lyed beside her and asked softly, "What's wrong with you? Tell me, and I'll call the relevant doctor!"

She ignored him, arched her body and raised her head, almost shrinking into a ball, and she let out a soft moan from time to time.

Qin Jinhuan, who had already realized that he had misunderstood her voice, felt that his heart was almost broken by her. He turned her around forcefully, and while wiping her sweat, he asked urgently: "Where do you feel uncomfortable? Tell me!"

"leave me alone."

"Don't be willful! Don't take advantage of your body!" He seemed to be scolding, but his tone was pleading, "Be good, tell me what's wrong with you?"

"Go away!"

"Xiaoyu!" Seeing that she didn't want to talk to him, he simply picked her up and prepared to take her directly to the hospital.

"Put me down!" She refused and beat him desperately.

"It's not too late to vent your anger on me after you've been cured. I promise not to hit you or curse you back."

"I'm not sick!"

"You're like this and you still say you're not sick? You..."

"I have dysmenorrhea!"

"Menstrual cramps?!"

While he was stunned, she hooked one hand around his neck and pinched his arm with the other.


The next second, as soon as his hand loosened, her legs fell to the ground, and then she pushed him hard. She turned around and got on the bed again, and continued to curl up back into the bed, still as before, leaving only a Give him the back of the head.

He just remembered that she came to visit his aunt last night, and when he thought about how he had speculated about her just now, he suddenly felt like crawling into the ground. Fortunately, it was just in my head, otherwise this would be a big joke.

He climbed onto the bed, caressing her back and asked softly: "What should I do for dysmenorrhea? What medicine should I take? Just tell me and I will buy it for you right away."

She ignored him, just curled up and moaned softly.

"Then I'll call Yingying." He couldn't help but mutter to himself as he took out his cell phone, "I've never seen you go through painful periods before, so how come you have painful periods this time?"

"What do you mean?" She suddenly sat up and roared, "Am I still pretending?! Uh-huh."

A moment of dizziness made her whole body shake.

"Xiaoyu!" He hurriedly supported her, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"Go away!" She gritted her teeth and tried to push him away.

But this time he didn't give her a chance. He hugged her tightly and explained: "How could I say you were faking? What I mean is that you didn't have dysmenorrhea before, but the pain is so severe this time. There must be a reason! Yes! Could it be that you caught a cold last night?”


Mu Yu's timely sneeze immediately confirmed Qin Jinhuan's words. He immediately let go of her, carefully laid her flat, turned around and jumped out of bed, took her coat and put it on for her, and then picked her up regardless of her objections. He rushed out of the room and quickly walked downstairs to the door.

Half an hour later, he took her to the Rong family's Humanity Hospital, which was some distance away from his mother's former residence. Although he wanted to avoid contact with Rong Ying as much as possible, he wanted to avoid leaking the fact that Mu Yu was not pregnant. Yu's situation seemed a bit urgent at this time, so he still chose Rong Ying.

Because he called Rong Ying when he got in the car, when they arrived at the hospital, Rong Ying, who lived in the hospital, had already arrived at the gate to greet them.

He briefly explained the situation to Rong Ying, and Rong Ying then asked a few more questions about Mu Yu. She already knew what was going on and signaled Qin Jinhuan to go to his place to rest first: "Brother Huan, my sister-in-law should be fine, don't worry. give it to me."

Although she seemed confident, Qin Jinhuan still couldn't worry about Mu Yu and followed them to the emergency room.

Outside the emergency room, he was extremely anxious and kept pacing back and forth.

Bian Zijun brought him a cup of hot tea, but he also refused.

"Boss, don't worry. Didn't Dean Rong say that? The young lady should be fine." Huang Bo couldn't help but advise.

Qin Jinhuan ignored them and continued to pace back and forth.

With Rong Ying's words, he no longer worried about Mu Yu's health. What he worried about was Mu Yu's attitude towards him just now - she just didn't take any measures when she was unwell to that extent, and she didn't want him when he came. If you get closer, you are clearly angry with him.

He felt extremely guilty when he thought that he had left the unwell Mu Yu alone for half the night in his mother's former residence for Yin Anran. Mu Yu and Yin Anran were at odds with each other, so it was no wonder that she became upset because of this.

You have to comfort her later.

While Qin Jinhuan was pacing anxiously outside, Mu Yu was being examined by a doctor in the emergency room. Similar to what Qin Jinhuan said, she did not have dysmenorrhea, but abdominal cramps caused by the cold during menstruation.

"Don't be nervous, it's not serious. Just take some medicine and an intravenous drip to drive out the cold and you'll be fine." The doctor reassured her while prescribing medicine.

"It's fine." Rong Ying helped Mu Yu up and handed the doctor's medicine order to the nurse on the side, "The medicine will be sent to VIP ward No. 8."

"Okay, Dean." The nurse took the order and quickly left the emergency room.

Mu Yu covered his lower abdomen with one hand and apologized to Rong Ying: "I woke you up so late. It's really..."

Rong Ying interrupted with a smile: "It's okay. I often get woken up in the middle of the night. I'm used to it."

"Ward No. 8, right? I can go there by myself. You can go back and rest."

"I can't sleep anyway, so I'll take you there."

"How's it going?" Qin Jin, who had been guarding the door, woke up and saw them coming out, and immediately came over to greet them.

Mu Yu ignored him and turned his face away.

"I've caught a cold and need to take medicine and water." Rong Ying responded while scanning the two of them with surprised eyes.

"Well, where's the medicine list? I'm going to get the medicine."

"The nurse has gone to get the medicine and will bring it to the VIP 8 room shortly."

"Okay, I understand. You go and have a rest." Qin Jinhuan directly inserted himself between Rong Ying and Mu Yu, blocking Rong Ying's sight and softly expressing concern to Mu Yu, "Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

"Yeah." Not wanting to make him look too bad, Mu Yu responded lightly.

"I'll help you go to rest."

Mu Yu didn't respond anymore, let him hold her, lowered her head and walked forward slowly.

Not wanting Rong Ying to notice anything, Qin Jinhuan then changed the subject and asked Rong Ying: "I guess grandpa will know about Xiaoyu's visit to the hospital in the morning. By then..."

"Brother Ah Huan, don't worry. I haven't entered my sister-in-law's symptoms or medicine records into the computer. I also told the doctors and nurses who handled it, and they all know what to say. If grandpa asks you about it, you can just say that my sister-in-law caught a cold. , nothing else needs to be mentioned.”

Mu Yu apologized again: "Yingying, I have made things difficult for you again."

"Sister-in-law, don't say such outlandish words. I'm happy to worry about you." When Rong Ying said this, her eyes glanced at Qin Jinhuan intentionally or unintentionally.

Qin Jinhuan pretended not to see anything and helped Mu Yu into ward No. 8. Rong Ying didn't follow him in. She just stood at the door and said, "I'm going to see if the medicine is available." Then she turned around quickly, and then she dared to reveal the lonely look on her face.

In the ward, Mu Yu, who had been fuming, ignored Qin Jinhuan and pretended to be asleep or stupid. Qin Jinhuan knew that it was difficult to explain, so he didn't say anything more. He just took care of her silently, while complaining several times in his heart about his carelessness last night. Even though his aunt knew that she was here, he still let her stay in the ice and snow for so long. .

It was already dawn when Mu Yu finished the IV drip. She had fallen asleep soundly after not sleeping all night. Qin Jinhuan asked a nurse to help her remove the needle. When he saw that the back of her hand was no longer bleeding, he yawned and lay down next to her to take a nap. .

But he hadn't slept for long when he was woken up by a call from Wen Zeyu, saying that the crisis at the Chengnan factory had passed because both Jiangtao Industrial and Wu Enterprises had taken the initiative to postpone the delivery time. Several other small companies also saw this. The old employees who were still waiting for concessions from the factory at home immediately rushed back to their jobs after hearing the news.

"Now that the factory assembly line is back to normal, we can deliver goods on time! Ah Huan, are you the one who went to Ding Jiangtao and Wu Zhimin for help?"

Hearing Wen Zeyu's surprise, Qin Jinhuan, who was not surprised at all, did not give an explanation. He just said lightly: "Let the returning old workers sign a new labor contract."

Wen Zeyu had said before that he would go find those two people for convenience, but he refused. He planned to communicate with the two men when the delivery time was approaching, and in the meantime he wanted to see who was behind the scenes. But he didn't expect that Yin Anran, who had been slapped by him, would run to do it without saying a word and almost get into a car accident.


Wen Zeyu quickly hung up the phone. Qin Jinhuan, who was helping Mu Yu get up, didn't notice anything wrong in Wen Zeyu's voice and quickly hung up the phone. At this moment, he noticed that there were three There were missed calls and five or six messages from Yin Anran - so as not to affect Mu Yu's rest, he muted the sound.

Yin Anran kept asking him in the message when he would pick her up from the hospital.

Not wanting Mu Yu to misunderstand again, Qin Jinhuan did not return Yin Anran's call, but quietly sent Cheng Xiang to discharge Yin Anran.

After sending Mu Yu home, he felt bored when she still ignored him. It happened that the company called, so he decided to go back to the company first.

On the way, Huang Bo stopped talking.