My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 214: Behind the car accident


After looking back several times, Huang Bo finally decided to speak out: "Boss, there's something..."


"After I drove Assistant Yin's car back to the 4S shop, I checked the driving recorder of her car and felt something was a little strange."

Qin Jinhuan, who was still closing his eyes to rest his mind, suddenly opened his eyes, but made no sound.

Knowing that the boss was interested in what he said, Huang Bo didn't dare to show off, but he was a little hesitant, "I don't know if it's my personal illusion..."


"Yes. After Assistant Yin got on the national highway from Xiwan Bay, the speed of the car was probably controlled at about 100 kilometers per hour. This section of the national highway is a completely closed section, so this speed is nothing. What makes me feel strange is that Assistant Yin was approaching Liujiazhuang - the section where the accident happened. She suddenly decelerated, and after decelerating, she hit the guardrail on one side. I carefully checked the driving recorder at that moment, and there was nothing unusual in front of her. I don’t understand why she suddenly slowed down. , you listen.”

Huang Bo then clicked on his phone and played an audio file for about ten seconds.

The first sound was gentle piano music, and a few seconds later, there was a sharp "bang" sound accompanied by the sound of brakes, followed by a muffled sound, and then all the sounds stopped abruptly - file playback It's over.

Qin Jinhuan looked at Huang Bo expressionlessly: "We are about to hit the guardrail. Isn't it normal to slow down and apply emergency braking?"

"No, boss, listen to me," Huang Bo was a little worried as the boss stared at him. He wiped his sweat secretly before continuing to speak quickly, "Assistant Yin slowed down before she deviated from the normal driving direction! She The normal driving speed was about 120 kilometers per hour at the beginning, and after decelerating to about 50 kilometers per hour, he turned the steering wheel to the right and hit the guardrail! "

Qin Jinhuan's eyebrows suddenly darkened: "Do you think she deliberately caused this car accident?"

"I just think there is such a suspicion." Huang Bo did not dare to say too harshly, "If you hit the guardrail at a speed of 120 kilometers per hour, even if you brake suddenly, you will most likely rush out of the guardrail - there will be at least two people outside. Thirty meters high, even if it does not rush out of the guardrail, the huge impact force will seriously injure the driver. However, if the speed is below 50 kilometers per hour, Assistant Yin's car can easily control the situation. It stands to reason that the car would not have crashed like this, unless... "

"Unless what?"

"Unless the brakes are not stepped on, this can achieve the effect of causing a car accident without causing serious injuries to yourself."

Qin Jinhuan frowned and thought, but did not answer.

Feeling that his words were not convincing enough, Huang Bo continued to speak, "Also, boss, you also heard the audio file just now. Generally speaking, if you find that the car has deviated from the normal track and you cannot control the situation, a car accident is about to happen. Sometimes, people will scream uncontrollably, especially women with weak psychological quality. The scream should be loud and long, but we just heard a quick and short scream. "

Bian Zijun, who was driving, immediately expressed a different opinion when he heard this: "Assistant Yin is the driver. When she discovers that something is wrong, her first thought should be how to get herself out of the predicament. She doesn't even care about screaming, what you call loud and long screaming." Usually it was the instinctive reaction of people traveling in the car. Assistant Yin's quick and short scream was not caused by her panic at the car accident. It should have been caused by her uncontrollable body after her head hit the steering wheel and before she fainted. of."

Huang Bo, who was excited at first, was choked by these words. Seeing that Qin Jinhuan, who was frowning, didn't say anything for a long time, he realized that what he said was too much. He suddenly became very worried and hurriedly explained: "Boss, I'm sorry. I am discussing the matter as it stands, and I don’t have any opinion or prejudice against Assistant Yin. You..."

"How many years have you been with me?" Qin Jinhuan interrupted him lightly.

"Uh... ten, more than ten years."

"Any more questions? Keep talking."

Obviously Qin Jinhuan also wanted to know if there was another secret behind the car accident.

Seeing that his boss didn't mean to blame himself, Huang Bo was secretly relieved, but he seemed a little cautious when he spoke again: "According to Assistant Yin, she was knocked unconscious during the car accident, and she didn't wake up until people from the emergency center arrived. Come here. I asked the operator at the emergency center. The mobile phone number used to contact the emergency center was that of Assistant Yin, but the caller was a man. We almost arrived together with people from the emergency center, and we didn’t see Assistant Yin at the scene. Someone else. I checked the surveillance video of Assistant Yin leaving the West Bay parking lot, and it showed that she left alone, so I speculated that the man on the phone was a kind passerby driving behind Assistant Yin’s car.”

"Pick the key points." Qin Jinhuan was obviously not interested in his jabbering.

Just waiting for the red light, Bian Zijun immediately turned around and asked: "When you see a car accident ahead, passers-by get out of their cars and help call for help. Isn't this normal?"

"It's normal at first, but I think it's a little unusual for him to use Assistant Yin's cell phone to make calls."

"Perhaps the other party is a timid person who is afraid of getting into trouble, but refuses to save himself and has an uneasy conscience, so he uses Assistant Yin's cell phone to make a call?"

"What you said is understandable, but the key point is that Assistant Yin's mobile phone is on the passenger seat! I only noticed this when I took her car to the 4S shop for repair. Think about it, if Assistant Yin's mobile phone was placed on the passenger seat from the beginning. The person in the passenger seat, the impact of the car was so strong, the phone must have been thrown forward due to the inertia, right? "

"Perhaps the phone was originally on Assistant Yin, but he threw it into the passenger seat after the call was made?"

"Okay, even if what you say makes sense, there is another problem. The driving recorder shows that the time of the car accident was 10:30 last night, and the call to the emergency center from Assistant Yin's mobile phone was 10:32—Boss, I don’t know what time Assistant Yin’s cell phone called you—”

Qin Jinhuan then took out his cell phone and looked at it: "Ten thirty-three."

Huang Bo nodded: "Let's make a hypothesis. After Assistant Yin had a car accident, the car driving behind her - that is, the car of the man who was on the phone - noticed that something was wrong in front of her. She immediately pulled over and stopped, and then got out of the car to check the situation in front of her. . Even the driving recorder was not functioning properly, indicating that the car was probably locked, and Assistant Yin was fainted at the time. Imagine how this person could open the car door and get his cell phone to make a call without damaging the door? minutes time.”

Bian Zijun answered: "Unless the person in the car didn't faint, she gave the other party her mobile phone and asked him to make the call!"

"If she didn't faint, why did she say she did? And why did she ask someone to call an ambulance? And call her boss?"

"Maybe she was afraid that if she called her boss, she would make him think that the injury was not serious enough. If the injury was not serious enough, the boss would not abandon the young lady and rush over last night."

"So ultimately..."

"By the way, can you find the car that was following her?"

Huang Bo shook his head: "We can't find it. I checked the surveillance at the intersection with Assistant Yin on the national highway. There were only two vehicles on the national highway ten minutes before and after that time. There is no surveillance after getting on the national highway, so we can only check like this. Then One of the two cars was a woman with a child, and the other was a large truck. The driver was a man. After checking his personal information through the license plate, I learned that he got off the national highway at the intersection in front of Liujiazhuang last night. The driving recorder video he sent confirmed that he was not lying.”

Bian Zijun asked again: "Maybe that car has been waiting on the national highway for a long time? Or maybe it took the national highway from another intersection?"

"Maybe, the scope of this investigation is too broad."

"Have you checked Assistant Yin's call records for the last day?"

"I checked," Huang Bo scratched his head, his confidence instantly dropped a lot, "Assistant Yin went to Xiwan Bay to find Mr. Ding, who made the decision only yesterday afternoon. During this period, besides calling the branch secretary, she only called Mr. Ding. Mr. Wu called me. The next time I got there was the ambulance call and the boss’s call.”

"I think if she really wanted to plan this car accident to gain sympathy from her boss, she would definitely not leave any loopholes easily."

"The biggest flaw lies in the time of the two phone calls after the car accident. I think they are close to each other."

Just as the car stopped in the underground parking lot of Qingtian Group, the two of them realized that Qin Jinhuan hadn't said a word for a long time, and couldn't help but look at him in unison.

Qin Jinhuan seemed to be asleep and did not move for a while.

Just when Bian Zijun was hesitant to call him, he suddenly opened his eyes, opened the door and got out of the car, said "This matter ends here", and strode away, leaving Bian Zijun and Huang Bo looking at each other.

"Boss, what do you mean?" Huang Bo was a little confused.

"Maybe the boss has noticed it a long time ago. Anyway, since the boss doesn't let us take care of it, let's just leave it alone. By the way, have you returned Assistant Yin's cell phone to her?"

"I asked my little brother to send it there early in the morning."

"Yeah. Let's go."

"Is this going to end like this?" Huang Bo was a little unwilling to think that he had spent so much time investigating.

"Otherwise? Can't you see that the boss wants to protect Assistant Yin?"

"Isn't it unfair for the boss to treat Assistant Yin and Madam like this?"

"This is not something we should care about. Besides, Assistant Yin only hurt herself with the bitter trick, and she didn't hurt the young lady. I think this is the main reason why the boss didn't go into details."

"Okay," Huang Bo spread his hands, "If she understands the situation, she won't do anything to hurt the young mistress in the future, otherwise she will look good."

Bian Zijun laughed: "How dare you want her to look good? Aren't you afraid that your boss wants you to look good?"

Huang Bo disagreed: "Can't you tell who is more important in the boss's heart, her or the young mistress? If she dares to hurt the young mistress, it will definitely not be our turn to make her look good."

"You are the only one who is smart." Bian Zijun smiled and punched him in the chest, "Okay, let's go do something."

The two of them entered the elevator together with a smile.

Here, Qin Jinhuan had arrived at the office first, and Wen Zeyu rushed over as soon as he entered the office.

"Ah Huan, there are investigation results about the Chengnan factory." Wen Zeyu presented a piece of paper to him.

After Qin Jinhuan saw the name on the paper, his handsome eyebrows tightened: "Why is it her?!"