My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 220: being abandoned? !


This, this, this…

Is her joke too big, or is she so self-righteous that she really thinks of herself as an onion

"Xiaoyu? When will Ah Huan come over?" Hu Meiling, who was wearing an apron and wiping her hands, entered the living room and was suddenly frightened by her appearance. "Xiaoyu? Why are you crying? What happened?"

Mu Ziyao was carrying a plate of dishes to the restaurant. When he heard this, he put down the dishes in a hurry and ran into the living room and asked urgently: "What's wrong?"

Mu Yu woke up with a start. He touched his face and found his tears. He hurriedly wiped his face with his sleeves while covering up: "It's okay. I was so moved watching TV."

Hu Meiling pulled her away: "Stop lying to Mom, tell Mom, what happened?"

Only then did Mu Yu notice that a cartoon was playing on the TV screen. He sniffed and shook his head, "It's really okay. I..."

"Is it because of Ah Huan?"

"Oh! It's already past twelve o'clock!" Mu Ziyao slapped his thigh, "Why hasn't Ah Huan come yet?"

Hu Meiling suddenly had an idea in her mind: "Is it because Ah Huan refused to write a guarantee letter that you had trouble with him again?"

"Ah Huan will definitely write!" Mu Ziyao said as he gently tugged at the corner of his wife's clothes and smiled at his daughter, "I guess there is a traffic jam on the road... Hey! My dear daughter? Where are you going?"


After Hu Meiling and Mu Ziyao followed Mu Yu for a few steps, they suddenly remembered something and suddenly grabbed Mu Ziyao.

Mu Ziyao was anxious: "Why don't you let me chase you?!"

"What's the point of chasing after me? Ah Huan must be chased! Call Ah Huan quickly!"

"Oh, okay, I'll hit you right now."

Mu Ziyao hurriedly ran back to the restaurant to find his cell phone, while Hu Meiling scolded her angrily: "I told you to call Ah Huan earlier, but you didn't listen to me. Now it's better. Ah Huan gave up when he saw the difficulty! What if Ah Huan and Xiao Yu are really causing trouble, let’s see how I deal with you!”

"I thought he would definitely come over after he replied to my message!"

"He just said thank you, but he didn't say it clearly! You are not reliable at all! What if..."

"Hush - I'm dialing Ah Huan's number." Mu Ziyao then listened to the call respectfully and attentively.

Hu Meiling also immediately fell silent and leaned over to listen.

"Didn't answer." Mu Ziyao put down his phone in frustration.

"Hit again!"

"Well." He dialed again, but when he saw that no one answered the phone, he immediately looked at his wife nervously, "They didn't even answer my call. It seems that Ah Huan is determined not to whisper! What should I do? OK?"

Hu Meiling was also panicked and at a loss.

Mu Ziyao hesitated: "How about asking the old man for help? I think Ah Huan might listen to the old man."

"Yes, yes, yes, call the old man. Only the old man can help Xiaoyu now." Hu Meiling's eyes lit up as if she had seen hope, and then she glared at him and scolded, "Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and fight. !”

"Oh, I'll call you right away." Mu Ziyao hurriedly dialed Qin Xiaozhi's number. After getting through, he quickly and simply explained what he knew about the situation, and begged urgently, "Old man, please tell me about this matter." She is indeed a bit willful, I will say to her later, you..."

"Such a thing happened! How can we blame Xiaoyu for being willful? It's clearly the fault of that brat!" Qin Xiaozhi on the other end of the phone was furious, "Xiaoyu is so kind, why should I let him go after a five thousand-word review? You have to let him face the wall and think about his fault!"

"Hey, old man," Hu Meiling grabbed the phone and lamented, "Ah Huan can't accept this 5,000-word review. If you ask him to face the wall again and think about his mistakes, shouldn't he just divorce Xiao Yu?"

"He dares! You don't have to worry. Don't forget that Xiaoyu is still pregnant with his child. He doesn't dare to let go of Xiaoyu. At most, it's just to block his anger. I'll call that brat right now. Let him go to Xiaoyu and apologize immediately."

Qin Xiaozhi hung up the phone with confidence, leaving Mu Ziyao and Hu Meiling looking at each other with confidence, because they already knew that Mu Yu was not pregnant.

After a while, Mu Ziyao was worried and said, "Honey, what should we do now?"

Hu Meiling spread her hands and sighed helplessly: "What else can we do? Find Xiaoyu first and then talk about it. If Ahuan doesn't want her, we will take her home and take care of her. We must not let her think about it. We only have one daughter, and we must not let her have any shortcomings!"

"That's right, it's just a divorce, it's not a big deal! Let's go."

Mu Ziyao called Mu Yu's mobile phone while running out.

"Hey! Xiaoyu didn't bring her cell phone!"

After Hu Meiling said this, he noticed the ringtone of his cell phone coming from the living room, sighed heavily, and hurried out with his wife.

The two of them looked around downstairs, but did not see Mu Yu. They guessed that she must have gone to find Qin Jinhuan. It was estimated that Qin Jinhuan was in the company. The two of them immediately ran to the entrance of the community, preparing to take a taxi to Qingtian. group.

Before he could run a few steps, Mu Ziyao's cell phone rang. Seeing that it was Qin Jinhuan, he was surprised to call his wife and quickly answered the call.

"Ah Huan..."

"Where is Xiaoyu?" Qin Jinhuan interrupted him eagerly.

"We are also looking for her. She just ran out of the house crying. Ah Huan, Xiaoyu asked you to write a self-reflection just to show your childish temper. In fact, she treats you..."

"Where did she go? She didn't answer my call either!"

"She left her cell phone at home. I guess she should have gone to find you."


"Hey, Ah Huan... Hello? Hello?"

"what's the situation?"

Hu Meiling stared at Mu Ziyao intently, and Mu Ziyao reluctantly raised the phone that had ended the call: "I can't figure out the specific situation. It should be Mr. Qin who got through Ah Huan's ideological work and asked him to contact Xiao Yu. . I guess he will be waiting for Xiaoyu at the company, so let’s go and check it out so that we can coordinate the situation if there’s another dispute.”

"Okay, let's go." The two hurriedly ran to the gate of the community, hailed a taxi, and went straight to Qingtian Building.

On the way, there was a car accident in front of them, and the traffic was blocked for a while, which made the two of them anxious. However, because the traffic police came, the road was quickly cleared again.

Not long after, the two of them came to Qingtian Building and asked the security guard if Mu Yu had come to the company. The security guard had just changed his post for dinner, so they didn't know the situation. They planned to go straight to Qin Jinhuan's office to have a look, but because they didn't have an appointment, Being forcibly stopped by security, Mu Ziyao had no choice but to call Qin Jinhuan.

"You two are here at the company? Where is Xiaoyu?"

Mu Ziyao was surprised: "Xiaoyu hasn't arrived yet?! She left earlier than us!"

"Ah?" Hu Meiling was also surprised when she heard this, "Didn't Xiaoyu come to see Ah Huan?!"

"Wait for me in the lobby!" Qin Jinhuan said and hung up the phone in a hurry.

Hu Meiling guessed with luck: "Will Xiaoyu go home? I mean Shengshi Huating."

"Let me ask." Mu Ziyao hurriedly dialed Qin Xiaozhi's number and panicked when he learned that Mu Yu had not returned to the Grand Palace.

"Oops!" Hu Meiling howled suddenly, "Xiaoyu won't be in a car accident, right?! The one on the road just now!"

Mu Ziyao's expression changed and he immediately shook his head: "Impossible! If Xiaoyu comes to see Ah Huan, there is no way he can get off there!"

"If she is in a bad mood, will she go there to talk to her friends?"

Mu Ziyao was a little suspicious now, but after thinking about it he still shook his head: "If Xiaoyu wants to find someone to talk to, Jiang Wenwen will definitely be her first choice. Jiang Wenwen's home and work are not there."

After all, he was still a little worried, "I don't have Jiang Wenwen's phone number, so I might as well ask her."

"What should we do now? You said where is Xiaoyu now?" Hu Meiling suddenly wiped away tears, "She can't think about it, right?"

"Don't talk nonsense. Xiaoyu is not that weak. Besides, Ah Huan just didn't come to her on time, and he didn't say he wanted to abandon her. She can't think about it now."

"What if her brain suddenly short-circuits and commits suicide?"

"Who is seeking suicide?!"

Qin Jinhuan's voice suddenly appeared behind them, and the two of them turned around immediately.

"Who do you think is seeking suicide?" Qin Jinhuan looked worried.

"No one, no one, Xiaoyu and her mother are worrying so much." Mu Ziyao hurriedly waved his hands and shook his head, then quickly and eagerly asked, "Do you know Jiang Wenwen's phone number? I'm afraid Xiaoyu will go find her."

"Yes!" Qin Jinhuan immediately took out his cell phone to call Jiang Wenwen, but quickly hung up in disappointment, "She said Xiaoyu never found her."

"Then, is there anything particularly memorable between you and Xiaoyu? Maybe she..."

At this moment, Qin Jinhuan's cell phone rang. As he made a call, he interrupted Mu Ziyao: "I broke the appointment. She should come to me to question her. She should not go anywhere else."

"But she didn't..."

"The surveillance has not been repaired yet? Ci'ao! Hurry up and find someone nearby to inquire about the situation!" Qin Jinhuan hung up the phone angrily and cursed, "They are all fucking idiots."

"Hey! Ah Huan, where are you going?" Mu Ziyao and Hu Meiling followed him nervously.

"Look for Xiaoyu."

Qin Jinhuan responded and walked quickly to the gate.

"Ah Huan, why didn't you go see Xiao Yu at noon? Are you still angry with her?" Hu Meiling asked crying from behind.

"I'm not angry with her! I was just so focused on writing my self-review that I lost track of time." Qin Jinhuan looked annoyed.

"Didn't I send you a message and tell you that I would write it for you? Look! I wrote it overnight!" Mu Ziyao took out an envelope from his pocket and showed it to him.

Qin Jinhuan also took out a stack of paper from his pocket and sighed: "I just feel that I am more sincere in writing. After all, it is my fault."

He declined his father-in-law's kindness, mainly because he was afraid that Mu Yu would recognize the handwriting and become even more angry, adding to his crime.

Seeing that Qin Jinhuan had no intention of abandoning their daughter, both Hu Meiling and Mu Ziyao breathed a sigh of relief. Then Mu Ziyao tried to ask again: "Then you don't answer our calls because you want to give the daughter the self-criticism you wrote." Are you surprised?"

Qin Jinhuan shook his head in frustration: "I was afraid that someone's interruption would affect my mood and speed in writing a self-reflection letter, so I muted my phone."

He vowed in his heart that he would never mute his cell phone no matter what the situation was.

Just as he was talking, Huang Bo drove a car and stopped beside him. He immediately took the initiative to open the door, respectfully motioned for Mu Ziyao and his wife to get in the car, and called his parents at the right time.

I have offended my wife several times. I must not offend my father-in-law and mother-in-law who are protecting me again. I have to rely on them to speak kindly in front of my wife.

"Hey! You get on first, you get on first." Mu Ziyao and his wife were flattered and backed away, while motioning for him to get in the car first.

"You are the seniors and you should respect your elders."

"but… "

The cell phone rang suddenly, and Mu Ziyao immediately paused. Seeing that it was an unknown cell phone caller, he answered the call with suspicion, "What?! Xiaoyu is in the emergency room?!"