My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 226: her past


"What's weird?" Mu Yu asked immediately.

"It's just like ice..."

The door to the ward was suddenly pushed open, interrupting Rong Jian's voice. Seeing that it was Rong Ying who came in, she only said that she was here to see Feng Qiqi. Mu Yu hurriedly explained: "Yingying, Qiqi has gone back. "

Because Qin Jinhuan sent Cheng Xiang to follow Feng Qiqi when she returned, so she was not worried about what would happen to Feng Qiqi.

"Sister-in-law, I know, I'm not here to see Qiqi," Rong Ying said as she came in, handed a bag to Rong Jian, her voice became faint, "The cafeteria has closed for work, and I ordered some noodles for you. Just eat it.”

"Captain Rong, you haven't eaten yet?!" Mu Yu was a little surprised because it was almost eleven o'clock.

"I was in a hurry to get back, so I didn't have time to eat, but I ate some biscuits on the way, so I'm not hungry yet."

Seeing that Rong Jian did not take the bag and said that she was not hungry, Rong Ying showed annoyance and placed the bag heavily on the table. She looked at Rong Jian coldly: "Do you like to eat or not? You will still be hungry after missing two meals anyway." Not dead. But I’m warning you, don’t call me if you have a stomach bug in the middle of the night!”

Rong Jian sighed guiltily: "Yingying, I'm sorry, I really have no appetite and no intention to eat."

Mu Yu hurriedly persuaded: "Captain Rong, for the sake of Yingying's good intentions, you have to eat a little to fill your stomach! Besides, there are still many things waiting for you to do, just in case you are really hungry. I have a stomachache, how can I do anything?”

Rong Ying didn't have Mu Yu's patience. Seeing that Rong Jian didn't move, she made a move to pick up the bag: "Do you want to eat? If not, I'll feed it to the dog!"

"I'll eat." Rong Jian then walked to the table, untied the bag, took out the thermos bucket, opened it, picked up the chopsticks and started eating slowly.

"Put the thermos bucket at the nurse's station after eating. Also, have a good sleep after eating. Don't forget that you are flesh and blood, not a steel warrior!" Rong Ying finished speaking calmly, smiled at Mu Yu, and turned around and left. Ward.

Mu Yu, who saw Rong Ying's concern for his brother, couldn't help but sigh: "Captain Rong, Ying Ying really cares about you."

Rong Jian, who was eating noodles, suddenly stopped with his chopsticks, stared at the closed door of the ward, sighed for a while, said "I know", and continued to eat noodles with his head down.

"Before the family forced Yingying to study medicine and asked her to take over Boai Hospital, their brother-sister relationship was still good." Qin Jinhuan, who had been silent, inadvertently interjected.

Rong Jian, who still kept his face in his mouth, immediately corrected him: "We have a good relationship as brother and sister now! We have always had a good relationship as brother and sister!"

Qin Jinhuan rolled his eyes at him, but did not argue with his words because Mu Yu was kicking him quietly.

"There are only two brothers and sisters in the family, how can their relationship be so bad?" Mu Yu agreed with a smile.

Thinking of Rong Ying reminding Rong Jian to rest, Qin Jinhuan looked at Rong Jian and asked, "How did you come back?"

Ancheng and Feng Rubing's hometown are thousands of miles apart. Guangyang County, where her home is located, is a small county. Not to mention an airport, it doesn't even have a train station. Rong Jian had previously taken a flight from Ancheng to the provincial capital of City A, and it took more than three hours to get there by taxi. Guangyang County. Rong Jian didn't know about Feng Rubing's illness until around four o'clock this afternoon. It was only eleven o'clock in the evening. As far as he knew, there were only two flights a day from the provincial capital of A to Ancheng, both during the day. According to common sense, Rong Jian couldn't catch up. These two flights.

"I bought a car."

Qin Jinhuan was surprised: "Did you drive back?!"

"Buying a car?!" Mu Yu questioned, "You can mention a car right away?!"

"Even if you can bring a car, this place is thousands of miles away from Guangyang County, only five or six hours. Ordinary cars can't get there even if they are speeding." Qin Jinhuan also questioned.

"I bought a nice car." Rong Jian laughed dryly, "I didn't buy it at a 4S store. I stopped a Ferrari on the road. After I threw him my ID card, work permit and bank card with the password written on it, I gave him I left my mobile phone number and drove the car back by force.”

Mu Yu covered her mouth and exclaimed: "Captain Rong, are you trying to steal the car?!"

"Did you drive back at speed by yourself?" Qin Jinhuan and Mu Yu focused on different things.

"Sister-in-law, I'm not robbing. I told him to give him the market price plus 20% and let him transfer the money himself." After answering Mu Yu's words, Rong Jian turned to Qin Jinhuan and nodded, "I drove back here alone. ”

At this time, Mu Yu was stunned.

She didn't know that having money could allow her to be so willful.

When she heard that he drove back alone, she became more and more frightened: "Captain Rong, it's too dangerous for you to do this!"

"Sister-in-law, I know, but I was really worried about Ru Bing, so I broke the law. I will bear the corresponding responsibility to the leader tomorrow."

However, Qin Jinhuan was not surprised by what Rong Jian did. Instead, he asked casually: "You have been speeding and have not been intercepted by the traffic police?"

"We met. But their police car couldn't catch up with me - I couldn't let them catch up because I didn't have my work permit or ID card with me." Rong Jian sighed heavily, "When I heard that Ru Bing entered the emergency room, I I was really stunned. I didn’t think about anything at the time. I just wanted to rush to her side and accompany her as soon as possible.”

"Didn't I say she was fine?"

"I'm afraid you don't want me to worry and are tricking me."

Qin Jinhuan glanced at him disapprovingly: "I'm not that considerate."

Rong Jian smiled awkwardly, but said seriously: "But I know you care about me."

"Now I rushed back in a hurry and saw her lying on the bed safe and sound. Not only did I not find any evidence that was helpful to exonerate her, but I also had to be punished for violating traffic laws. How do you feel?"

"Ah Huan, don't talk about Captain Rong. He did this because he was too nervous about Teacher Feng." Although he knew that Qin Jinhuan was also concerned about Captain Rong, Mu Yu still couldn't stand Qin Jinhuan's aggressive tone. , "It would have been me being sent to the emergency room for rescue..."

Qin Jinhuan's eyebrows sank and he immediately scolded: "Don't talk nonsense!"

"I'm not talking nonsense, I'm just making an analogy, if..."

“Don’t make comparisons or assumptions about yourself!”

Seeing how serious he was, Mu Yu bared his teeth and said, "Are you afraid that your words will come true?"

"Do you still want to work in the future?"

"Can't I just stop talking?" Afraid that he would actually keep his word and prevent himself from solving cases with Rong Jian in the future, Mu Yu chose to give in, but couldn't help but mutter in a low voice, "I'm not a fairy girl. , the mouth is not that effective.”

Seeing that she was still not convinced, Qin Jinhuan reached out and poked her forehead as a punishment. Mu Yu covered her forehead and gouged him out.

Afraid that they would argue over his own affairs, Rong Jian quickly put down his chopsticks and diverted their attention: "Let me tell you the results of my investigation in Guangyang County in the past two days."

"Eat the noodles first and then talk!"

Rong Jian was stunned by what they said in unison, and then he finished the noodles in three times, wiped his mouth, then turned to Qin Jinhuan and Mu Yu, and began to detail the investigation of the past two days.

It turned out that he rushed to Guangyang County overnight the night before yesterday and found her high school teacher Zhong Guoliang through the information he had about Feng Rubing. Teacher Zhong said that he was deeply impressed by Feng Rubing, not least because Feng Rubing was the only transfer student in the second semester of his senior year.

"She said she was sick and could not come to school. She would study by herself at home and asked me to just notify her when registering for the college entrance examination and filling out my application form." Teacher Zhong said.

"What's wrong with you?" Rong Jian, who was particularly surprised at the time, asked.

Teacher Zhong shook his head: "She didn't say what illness she had, but at that time I saw that she was quite pale and thin, but in good spirits. I guess it was not a particularly serious illness. Since the school agreed to her taking the college entrance examination, it also agreed to her taking the college entrance examination. The difference does not count the grades in my class. As a teacher, I have nothing to say. However, I did not expect that her scores in the college entrance examination would be so good. When the results came out, all of us teachers were shocked - because she had never been here. We had attended the class, so the students did not know that there was a classmate like her. Our Guangyang No. 1 Middle School did not do well in the college entrance examination that year. Only five students passed the exam. According to the school's practice, she was one of them. All the students in the first class had to go back to school and wear big red flowers, but she didn't come. When I went to her house to find her, her grandmother told me that she worked three summer jobs to earn tuition and had no time to participate in activities. I saw that her family was so poor at the time. , so I wanted to help her get a quota for poverty alleviation and education, but her grandmother refused. Her grandma said that they were not in that difficult time yet and asked me to give the quota to other students who needed help. At that time, I particularly admired the old man's character. Hey, you don’t know what kind of place their family rents. It’s a small room of less than 30 square meters in the suburbs. The family of three eats and sleeps in it. The school will arrange it for those college students at the end of August! As the class teacher, I had to contact Feng Rubing. Unexpectedly, when I returned to her house, her family of three had moved away. The landlord didn’t know where they had moved, and I had no news about her since then. ”

After relaying Teacher Zhong's words, Rong Jian continued: "Tongdi Zhong helped me. After many twists and turns, I found the landlord who rented a house to Ru Bing's family of three. The landlord told me that Ru Bing's family had rented there for half a year. , I only know that they are the mother-in-law and the grandson. I don’t know where they moved from, nor where they moved to afterward. The landlord said that Grandma Ru Bing and Ru Bing never interacted with their neighbors, except to buy daily necessities. ”

Having said this, he paused before continuing, "I found Gu Lihao, Ru Bing's former head teacher at Linhe No. 1 Middle School, through the school's transfer records. Teacher Gu had a deep impression of Ru Bing and said that although her family background was not good, she , but he is good at both character and study, is helpful, well-behaved and well-liked by his classmates and teachers. Because of his excellent grades, he skipped two grades and is the school's key cultivation target. Speaking of Rubing, he dropped out of school due to an emergency in his senior year of high school. , Teacher Gu was particularly sorry. Teacher Gu said that in March and April of that year, Grandma Ru Bing took her away for medical treatment, and they never saw Ru Bing again, and there was no news of Grandma Ru Bing coming back a year later. Ru Bing transferred to another school once, and they had no news about Ru Bing’s family after that.”

"There's no news?" After hearing what he said, Mu Yu questioned, "Isn't it just about treating illnesses? Why does Grandma Ru Bing have to be so mysterious?"

"Is it a disease that cannot be known to anyone?" Qin Jinhuan asked next, "Have you ever asked the Feng family's old neighbors or relatives about the situation?"

"The previous household registration information is not clear. I can't find her relatives, and the place where her family used to live has long been demolished. I finally found the contact information of an old neighbor today. I was planning to visit her in the afternoon. Maybe I can find the old neighbor. Neighbors can understand more or less..."


"What do you want to do?!"

Suddenly, Bian Zijun and Huang Bo's scoldings sounded outside the door.