My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 229: There are so many nasty beasts


Hearing Feng Rubing's fear, Rong Jian was afraid that she would have another emotional breakdown like before, so he subconsciously wanted to stop her: "Stop talking, you have a good rest..."

"Don't interrupt!"

"Ru Bing, I'm just worried..."

"Listen to me!" Feng Rubing sniffed and glared at him dissatisfied, "If you don't let me say it today, I won't say it again in the future."

"Then..." Rong Jian opened his mouth, but did not stop him. After all, he really wanted to know Feng Rubing's past experience, and wanted to completely clear her of the crime of murder.

Feng Rubing sighed deeply before continuing: "That day, according to grandma's wishes, I broke up with him temporarily on the grounds that I was still young and had to focus on my studies, saying that I would come back after I graduate from college. Looking for him. He didn't agree. He tried to coax me in various ways, saying that he would support me if I didn't need to study. I pretended not to, and when I picked up my schoolbag and was about to go home, he dragged me into the room and beat me hard. Will I…”

At this point, she stopped and looked at Rong Jian with a wry smile, a look that said, "You should understand." After a few seconds, she continued, "Since then, he has put me under house arrest and used me as a tool to vent. If I dared to say anything, he would whip me with a belt. He also threatened that if I dared to run away, he would bring me to school for treating me as his mistress and destroying other people's families, ruining my reputation. He even threatened to kill me and my grandma. When I was young, I was so scared that I didn’t even dare to think about running away. I thought that as long as I obeyed him, I would go back to the days when he doted on me. Unexpectedly, he got tired of playing with me after a while and even tried to let me go. I went out to sell, but I would rather die than obey, and he beat me all over. That night, with the help of his wife, I escaped back home. It was only on the way that my grandma took me away from Linhe County that I realized that she had known about it for a long time. This man has a bad temper. He sold his house a long time ago and suspended my studies on the grounds that I was seriously ill. He was just waiting for an opportunity to take me out of the devil's cave. "

Rong Jian gritted his teeth: "What is this man's name?"

Feng Rubing was stunned for a moment, his eyes a little dazed: "I don't know his real name. Others call him Datou, but I first called him uncle, and then I called him husband."

Rong Jian was speechless for a moment, thinking in his mind about how to find someone to go to Linhe County to find this beast and settle the score.

Seeing that he stopped asking questions, she continued, "Not long after we left Linhe, in order to allow me to continue my studies, grandma quietly returned to Linhe No. 1 Middle School, found the principal, knelt down and begged him to handle the transfer procedures for me and keep it secret. The principal was shocked when he learned about me from my grandma. He asked her to call the police, but she refused. She was afraid that if she called the police, everyone would know about me... "

"Grandma is indulging that beast by doing this!"

"I know," Feng Rubing said sadly, "but you should also understand my grandma's mood at that time. She just wanted to put things to rest. After completing the transfer procedures, grandma immediately left Linhe County and went to Guangyang No. 1 Middle School to handle the admission procedures for me, but I suffered a lot of physical and mental damage at that time, and Guangyang was not very far from Linhe. I didn't dare to go to school at all. On the one hand, my classmates knew about me and would spurn me, and on the other hand, I was afraid that the man would come to school, so I chose to study alone. When I applied for the exam, I chose Anseong University, which was thousands of miles away from Guangyang. When I was in college, my grandma's health was already very bad. In order to make more money as soon as possible to treat her illness and raise Qiqi, I studied hard, graduated early, and started working. It was only when I started working that my grandma passed away. , leaving Qiqi and me dependent on each other.”

Having said this, she took a long breath and said, "This is what you have always wanted to know about my experience. I have told you everything I should tell you. I hope you will not investigate again in the future. I don't want more people to know." This is a disgraceful thing, especially for Qi Qi. She is currently in the rebellious stage of her youth and she doesn’t really believe me. If she knows about this, she will definitely look down on me and will not listen to me in the future.”

Her experience shocked and saddened Rong Jian, but at this time he was more concerned about another thing and couldn't help but ask: "Are these related to the relationship between you and Li Jianyun?"

"Yes." For the first time, Feng Rubing told him about Li Jianyun, "I found him following Qiqi sneakily several times."

"What?! Is there such a thing? Why didn't you tell me about it?"

"I thought I could protect Qiqi."

"You... eh!" Rong Jian was speechless. After a pause, he asked again, "Then what? What else did Li Jianyun do?"

Based on his understanding of Feng Qiqi, if Feng Qiqi was harassed by evil people, she would definitely ask him for help. But since Feng Qiqi didn't say anything to him, it should be that she didn't know that Li Jianyun was following her, and then Li Jianyun's target should have been turned to Feng Rubing.

"After I found out, I warned Li Jianyun sternly and told him that if he dared to do this again, I would call the police. Unexpectedly, he threatened me with a video of Qiqi taking a bath for more than ten seconds!"

"What?! He, damn bastard! You beast!" Rong Jian was angry, but then expressed confusion, "How could he take a video of Qiqi taking a shower?"

"I don't know either, but the person in that video is definitely Qiqi."

"Did he sneak into your house and install a camera?"

"I had the same idea as you, so I immediately went home and checked every corner of the house, but no surveillance equipment was found. If he could take a video of Qiqi's bathing, he could definitely take a video of me. But the one he took at the time It was Qiqi's video that threatened me, and I thought that meant it wasn't taken at my house. Later, I remembered that Qiqi had signed up for a swimming class during the summer vacation, so I went there to check it out to make sure that the beast was secretly filmed there.

"Later, he blackmailed me with Qiqi's videos several times..."

Rong Jian interrupted angrily: "Why didn't you tell me or call the police?"

Feng Rubing lowered his eyes: "I don't want to trouble you."

"Do you not want to trouble me or do you not want to see me?"

Feng Rubing choked for a moment and said nothing more.

Rong Jian had no choice but to ask: "So you would rather give money to Li Jianyun often? In order not to expose yourself, do you still give cash?"

"I can't help it, I want to protect Qiqi."

Rong Jian was extremely angry: "After all, you are also a member of the public security system. Don't you still understand that weakness and giving in will only condone crime?"

When investigating Li Jianyun's financial situation before, his poker friends said that Li Jianyun often said that women would give him money, but they did not find any transaction records such as Li Jianyun's bank card. At first, they thought that Li Jianyun was simply protecting men. He was bragging to save face, but now Rong Jian understood what was going on.

Seeing that Feng Rubing was silent again, Rong Jian held back his anger and asked again, "What happened on the night when Li Jianyun died?"

"I don't know because I've never been to the crime scene. I'm not the murderer!"

"I know you're not the murderer, but he called you before he died!"

"He called me, but it was still the same as before, calling me harassing calls."

"Still asking you for money?"


"What did that say?"

"He said..." Feng Rubing paused hesitantly, with an embarrassed look on his face.

Rong Jian caught this strange look, but not unexpectedly interrupted: "Did he ask for anything other than money?"

Feng Rubing's eyebrows twitched slightly, but he finally nodded: "He wants me to sleep with him for one night."

"What?! Ci'ao! Shameless!" Rong Jian clenched his fists loudly, wishing he could punch and kick Li Jianyun's body.

At this time, Feng Rubing became calmer and spoke slower: "He just wanted to extort money from me at first, but then he changed his mind for some reason and said that as long as I sleep with him for one night, he would give me Qiqi's video Completely delete it. I refused, so I gave him money several times, hoping that he would delete the video, but he refused to delete it after receiving the money. You should remember that my house recently changed doors. Lock it, he must have sneaked into my house by some unknown means and stole my underwear.”

Rong Jian thought of the pair of underpants with Ahri's pattern printed on them.

"The night he died, he made another phone call like this to me. I realized that his harassment would be endless, and I had the idea of calling the police, but I didn't expect that he died before I could call the police."

Rong Jian was disappointed that her words were not helpful in solving the case. He sighed, thought about it, and said, "Tell me in detail what he told you that night."

Feng Rubing was stunned for a moment before speaking: "I have a call recording on my phone."

He was overjoyed: “Where is your phone?!”

"At home. It should have shut down automatically when the battery ran out."

"I'm going to your house now." Rong Jian stood up suddenly, but paused before turning around - he was worried that Feng Rubing was alone in the hospital.

After thinking about it, he didn't know that Feng Qiqi already knew about Feng Rubing. He first called Rong Ying and asked her to find a way to get Qiqi's key. He sent someone to the ward and then asked Liu Xiaofan to come. The hospital took the key and went to Feng Rubing's house to get the mobile phone.

After arranging all this, he sat down again, frowned and thought deeply about Feng Rubing's previous words, trying to find anything from them that would be helpful to the case.

"Rong Jian."

"Huh?" He looked up in surprise.

"I've told the truth, can you please stop going to Linhe or Guangyang to investigate my affairs? Qiqi is very smart, I'm afraid she will notice something - I really don't want Qiqi to know about my unbearable past , I'm even more afraid that in her rebellious stage, she will indulge herself and make the same mistake as me." Feng Rubing looked at Rong Jian with a pleading look, her eyes filled with tears.

This was the first time she showed weakness in front of Rong Jian, which made Rong Jian's heart hurt. She nodded without thinking, and stretched out her hand to wipe her tears, but she looked away and let his hand freeze. Half empty.

"Don't be nice to me, I don't deserve you."

Rong Jian slowly retracted his hand, stared at her with pity in his eyes, and said extremely seriously: "Ru Bing, I was really shocked to hear these things today, but I feel more heartbroken. I feel sorry for you who suffered at such a young age. I have committed so many sins, how nice would it be if I could meet you earlier? Then I could protect you to the best of my ability..."

"There are no ifs in this world. Facts are facts and no one can escape." Feng Rubing's face returned to its usual indifference.

"It's true that you can't escape, but if this is the reason why you keep rejecting me, I hope you can choose to forget it and start over with me."

"Start over again? You don't care about my past?"

"Whose life has never taken a detour? I don't care about your past. For me, you are the most important now!"

"Don't answer so quickly." Feng Rubing laughed.

Her distrustful attitude made Rong Jian very hurt, and he explained with a wry smile: "I have been mentally prepared for a long time."


"When I felt that you clearly had me in your heart but refused to accept me, I had all kinds of speculations."

Feng Rubing's eyes trembled, but he quickly concealed the throbbing in his heart and said softly: "Even if you don't care, I do! I can never forget that detour! If you make a mistake, you should make a mistake. When punished, the responsibility cannot be passed on to the young and ignorant.”

"Don't be so stubborn, give me a chance and give yourself a chance!"

"I'm not stubborn, and I don't need your chance. Also, you said that I have your affairs in mind. I will tell you seriously now that it is your illusion. Because of the shadow of my youth, I have no interest in men at all. Feeling. I’ve said everything, let’s go.”


Seeing that she was about to lie down, Rong Jian stepped forward excitedly and grabbed her hand, "Listen to me..."

"let me go!"

"Ru Bing, I..."

Rong Jian's cell phone rang.