My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 230: Hiding something?


Rong Jian had no choice but to let go of Feng Rubing and took out his cell phone. When he saw the call was from Liu Xiaofan, he remembered that he had asked him to come get the keys, so he immediately answered the phone. When he heard Liu Xiaofan say that he was already outside the ward door, he immediately got up and opened the door, leading Liu Xiaofan to the nurse's station. , because Rong Ying said on the phone before to leave the key at the nurse's station.

After Liu Xiaofan got the key and made sure he was taking his cell phone, he left, and Rong Jian returned to the ward.

At this time, Feng Rubing was lying down with her back to him, motionless, as if she had fallen asleep.

He stood in front of her hospital bed, staring at her back, and stood there for a long time.

Although I had speculated that her refusal to accept him might be due to emotional trauma, I never imagined that she would have such a painful past. No wonder she never mentioned anything about her past.

His heart was deeply touched, and he felt more sorry for her now than before.

However, she seemed very disbelieving of his feelings for her.

It's no wonder that after so many years, she still can't forgive herself for her ignorance, and she always hates and despises herself. She can't let go of this psychological burden. How can she believe that he can accept her flaws so quickly

But as a rational adult, he really doesn't care about her ignorance when she was young. What he cares about is her now. But only he knows his sincerity.

He silently sat down beside her bed, and unexpectedly saw her body moving slightly. Only then did he realize that she was not sleeping at all, but he did not ask her to turn around. He still looked at her back silently as before, secretly thinking to himself. Thinking, slowly, his brows became tighter and tighter.

She said that Li Jianyun threatened her with a video of Qiqi taking a bath, and Li Jianyun did not negotiate with her about the video before his death. So the question is: Where is this video

He has personally inspected all of Li Jianyun's relics. Among the electronic products, there is only a semi-new smartphone, no computers or tablet cameras, and no storage devices such as USB flash drives and mobile hard drives were found. He also checked Li Jianyun's personal Qianqiao, WeChat and personal email through the technical department, and found nothing suspicious. So what did he use to secretly shoot and show the video to Feng Rubing

Could it be...

Feng Rubing suddenly turned around, sat up as if waking up from a deep sleep and asked him, "You haven't left yet?"

"I will accompany you."

"I'm already fine. No need to accompany me. I'll go home at dawn."

"but… "

"The infusion in the hospital is just to increase nutrition. I can just go back and pay attention to my diet. It's getting late, so you should go back and rest." She didn't ask him when he went to Guangyang, nor when he came back, because now There is no point in asking these questions.

"I'm not sleepy," fearing that she would drive him away, he quickly added, "You sleep in your bed, I'll sit down and leave in a while."

Feng Rubing looked at him for a few seconds, knowing that she couldn't call him away, so she didn't insist. Just as she was about to lie down, she straightened up and asked him: "By the way, you checked Li Jianyun's belongings and didn't find his other mobile phone, right?"

"Another phone?"

"Well, it's the one who took the secret photos. According to him, it's a mobile phone without a card, specially used to take secret photos of women. I saw it when he showed me Qiqi's video. At that time, my attention was on the video and I didn't pay attention to the mobile phone. brand model and even style.”

Seeing Rong Jian shook his head, she sighed in time, "No wonder he wasn't afraid at all when I threatened him with calling the police. I said he hid his phone in a very secret place that even the police couldn't find. The police couldn't find it." The evidence could not convict him. When he came out, he posted the video on the Internet. I didn't believe what he said, but I didn't dare to take the risk. Now it seems that he didn't lie to me. Not to be discovered."

Rong Jian didn't answer, just looked at her.

She sighed again and ignored him, lying down with her back to him and sleeping.

Rong Jian frowned and stared at her back, his eyes full of questions.

If she hadn't intentionally added about the cellphone video, he would have almost believed her. Now that he thought about it carefully, there were many loopholes in her words.

For example, if Li Jianyun really intended to harass Qiqi, how could she still trust Qiqi to go to and from school alone? She also said that Li Jianyun once sneaked into her house and stole her underwear. If that was the case, how could she still trust that she would work overtime and leave Qiqi at home alone

Also, after Li Jianyun's case happened, she always refused to explain any relationship with Li Jianyun. If she did this just to prevent people from knowing that Qiqi was videotaped, it would be unjustifiable both emotionally and rationally. , because she is likely to be convicted of murder. Besides, she has been working on the front line for a long time, so she should be very familiar with the procedures and disciplines of police handling cases. Even if she finds the video, she will keep it as confidential as possible. It seems that she is too nervous.

Maybe the relationship between her and Li Jianyun is not as simple as she said? Maybe she really had something happen to Li Jianyun because of Qiqi's video? But even if something happened, it was forced, and she couldn't hide it at the expense of her own future and freedom. If you're afraid that you won't be able to hold your head high in Anseong and won't be able to stay, the worst possible outcome is to start over in a different place like you have been doing for more than ten years.

Thinking of more than ten years ago, Rong Jian had new questions in his mind. He still hasn't figured out the connection between her past and Li Jianyun's case. Is it just because she was hurt by a man when she was young, so she is particularly afraid of Qiqi, who is still young, being hurt by a man, and wants to do her best to protect her

"I've told the truth, can you please stop going to Linhe or Guangyang to investigate my affairs? Qiqi is very smart, I'm afraid she will notice something - I really don't want Qiqi to know about my unbearable past , I’m even more afraid that in her rebellious phase, she will indulge herself and make the same mistakes as me.”

Her words rang in his ears again.

Qiqi may seem naughty and willful, but she is actually a very considerate and kind-hearted girl. Most of the conflicts between her sisters are due to their inconsistent views on how to deal with people. The root cause of this inconsistency is age. The gap between them is what Qiqi calls the generation gap. Feng Rubing was very strict with Feng Qiqi and would never tolerate her sister. He always thought that this was inseparable from her identity as a sister and a parent. Now thinking about it, she was simply worried that her sister would become a child if she was not careful. Myself back then. It seems to be unfounded worries, but it is also an elder's deep concern for the younger generation.

It's better that Rong Jian's focus at this time is not on this, but on Feng Rubing's plea for him to stop investigating her past.

She had already told him everything, why was she still afraid of him checking? Is there any hidden secret in it? Or is it just because she doesn't want to face the things that made her scalp numb in the past

Perhaps it was because he cared so much about her and cherished her so much that his mind, which was usually thoughtful and thoughtful, became a mess at this time and he couldn't sort it out.

He raised his hand to look at his watch and found that it was almost early morning. He gave up the idea of calling Mu Yu. Although Mu Yu has very little experience in criminal investigation, she is very sensitive to analyzing cases and can often raise objections from a unique perspective. These seemingly simple questions often make him suddenly enlightened, so he is usually very willing to do so. Discuss the case with her. In addition, the main person in this incident is the woman he cares about most. He is afraid that he will be emotional and miss key clues if he is not careful. He also does not want others to understand Feng Rubing's experience, so at this moment, for him, it is better to find Mu Words are the perfect way to clear your mind.

He rubbed his sore temples and scratched his messy hair. Extremely tired, he yawned and walked to the sofa on one side to sit down and take a nap against the back of the sofa.

Just a moment later, he opened his bloodshot eyes again and stared at Feng Rubing. From his current angle, he could clearly see Feng Rubing's face, which was so pale that it made him feel distressed.

"Ru Bing is a little girl. Although her family background is not good, she is good at both morals and academics, helpful, well-behaved, sensible and lively. My teacher and I both liked her very much. She also had excellent grades and skipped two classes. The second level was the one that the school focused on. Unfortunately, she got seriously ill and dropped out of school. To be honest, if you hadn't told me today that she was doing well now, I wouldn't have heard from her at all. I really thought she died of illness that year.”

He always remembered Feng Rubing's words from Gu Lihao, who was in Linhe No. 1 Middle School's class.

Excellent in character and academics, willing to help others, well-behaved, sensible and lively, she is exactly the same as the current Qiqi. As expected, the two sisters have the same genetics.

If that incident hadn't happened, maybe Feng Rubing would be better now, and he wouldn't be as silent and depressed as he is now.

But then again, if she didn't have those experiences, it would be impossible for her to come to Rongcheng, and he might not be able to meet her. Even if he can meet her, she is so good that she will definitely not find a boyfriend after work.

It seems that God carved the mark of youth on her body just to wait for him to appear in her life and to join hands in the future.

A smile finally appeared on his haggard face, and his eyes became firmer at the same time.

Ru Bing, no matter what, I will never give up my pursuit of you. The woman who will accompany me for the rest of my life must be you. I will protect you and Qiqi at all costs and give you happiness!

When he made the promise in his heart, the morning light was just rising outside the window.


"Xiaoyu, where are you going?"

Mu Yu, who slept until ten o'clock, hurriedly finished his "breakfast" and was about to go out, but was stopped by Qin Xiaozhi.

She quickly explained with a smile: "Grandpa, I'm going to work."

"What kind of work do you want to do? Wait until the weather gets warmer. You are a pregnant woman now, so you can't run out all day long!"

"Grandpa, I'm fine, I..."

"You still said everything is fine? It's a cold and a car accident! Grandpa almost had a heart attack because of you, you know?"

Mu Yu apologized guiltily: "Grandpa, I'm sorry..."

"Don't say sorry to grandpa. Grandpa doesn't like to hear it. Grandpa just wants you to stay at home." Seeing her pursed lips, Qin Xiaozhi's voice suddenly softened and she said more seriously, "Xiaoyu, grandpa knows that you can't sit still at home. But there is nothing you can do about it. Who said you are pregnant? Pregnant women are weak and the temperature outside has not risen yet. What if you catch a cold again? "

This sentence made Mu Yu feel even more guilty. The last time she caught a cold, her grandfather had tormented Lei Zhi and Li Xianglan a lot because "pregnant women should not take random medicines." In addition, she also wanted to get pregnant early, so she didn't dare to take cold medicine. Fortunately, she was in good health. Just drink ginger tea and resist for a day and it will be fine.

But she had to go out today because she had to verify something. Seeing that her grandfather refused to go out, she slightly turned her eyebrows and had an idea. She hugged Qin Xiaozhi and started acting coquettishly: "Grandpa, I'm going to work again. Is it okay if I go to Qingtian to see Ah Huan? I miss him so much."

Hey, this is so disgusting.

She had goosebumps all over her body, but Qin Xiaozhi was overjoyed when she heard it, and said repeatedly: "It just so happened that Alan made a nourishing soup for you, so you can send him a portion as well."

Forty minutes later, Mu Yu appeared at the Sky Tower with a thermos bucket filled with nourishing soup.

Qin Jinhuan, you'd better not lie to me, otherwise I will never forgive you.

She warned in her mind as she entered the elevator.