My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 233: Losing you is more terrible than losing your reputation


"Ah Huan? Why are you here?" Rong Jian came over unexpectedly.

Mu Yu recognized Qin Jinhuan's voice and didn't look back. He just pretended to be thirsty and went to the water dispenser to pour water.

"Honey, be careful if it's hot, I'll pour it." Qin Jinhuan stepped forward, grabbing the disposable paper cup in front of her with a flattering smile.

Mu Yu turned away expressionlessly, walked to the sofa and sat down.

Because he was worried about the case and because Mu Yu had his back turned to him, Rong Jian did not notice anything was wrong between the two of them. Instead, he followed Qin Jinhuan eagerly and asked, "Why do you say not necessarily?"

In the morning, he called Qin Jinhuan and told him about Feng Rubing-after the KiKi incident, he was impressed by Qin Jinhuan's ability to analyze the case. This time, because the suspect in the case was his favorite woman, and Feng Rubing had many unknown secrets, he could only discuss it with the people he trusted most and could best help him solve his problems.

"The water is coming."

Qin Jinhuan offered the water to Mu Yu in a flattering manner. Seeing that she refused to accept it, he felt a little embarrassed and said, "It's too hot. Let's drink it when it cools down." He found the steps and put the water cup on the coffee table in front of her. superior.

She felt angry when she thought about his refusal to fire Yin Anran, and didn't want to pay attention to him, but she didn't want him to lose face in front of Rong Jian, so she picked up the water glass after two seconds, but still didn't look at him, just lowered her head. He lowered his eyebrows and blew hot tea.

"Be careful." Qin Jinhuan sat down next to her and then turned to look at Rong Jian, "What did you just ask me?"

Rong Jian only said that he was showing off his affection, but he didn't find it strange at all, but answered seriously: "Why do you think it's unnecessary for her to fabricate Qiqi's bathing video when I already know Ru Bing's past?"

"Because..." Qin Jinhuan deliberately prolonged his tone while glancing at Mu Yu, trying to attract her attention. Unexpectedly, she didn't even raise her eyelids, which made him very bored.

"Why?" Rong Jian asked anxiously.

Qin Jinhuan had no choice but to look away and replied: "I remember you said how many times Feng Rubing begged you not to pursue her past?"

After Rong Jian nodded, he continued to speak, "And the shocking past events about her were all spoken by her alone, and not the result of your multiple investigations?"

"Yes!" Rong Jian seemed to realize something and asked in surprise, "You don't think it's credible?"

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Mu Yu looking at him. Qin Jinhuan was secretly happy and said, "I think it's very unbelievable."

Rong Jian was shocked at first, then shook his head to express his disbelief: "Does Ru Bing need to make up such a tragic experience to lie to me?"

Mu Yu finally couldn't hold it back and questioned: "What's the reason why you think it's not credible?"

"What's the reason..." Qin Jinhuan sat down next to her, naturally took the cup from her hand and took a sip. Seeing them staring at him closely, he continued to ask Rong Jian casually, "What if Feng Rubing didn't tell you? Something, do you think you might know about this?"

Rong Jian thought for a while before shaking his head: "Her class teacher, good friends and old neighbors in Linhe No. 1 Middle School have no idea about this matter. If she doesn't tell it herself, her grandmother will die again, and there will be no way to solve this matter." Know.”

When he was in Linhe County before, he contacted two of Feng Rubing's very close female classmates in middle and high school through Gu Lihao and asked about Feng Rubing's transfer. The two female classmates expressed complete ignorance and said that Feng Rubing's family did not move out of Linhe County. I said hello to any of them and never contacted them again. This morning, after many setbacks, he contacted Feng Rubing's old neighbor in Linhe County by phone. The old neighbor didn't know where her family had moved. The old neighbor was even surprised to learn that Feng Rubing was not dead.

"Our two families have been neighbors for many years. I helped Bingbing's parents a lot after their parents passed away. We, the couple, also took good care of her family, old and young. I heard that she was seriously ill, and we quietly passed on a lot of money. It was for her grandma. When we learned that they wanted to sell their house for medical treatment, our husband and wife asked people around for help, and finally helped her family find a wealthy and sympathetic buyer. With our persuasion, they not only did not pressure her. The price was paid, and an extra ten thousand yuan was given to her mother-in-law and grandson. Ten thousand yuan was not a small sum so many years ago! As soon as her grandmother got the money, she took her away from Linhe County without even saying hello to us. , we thought we were in a hurry to seek medical treatment, and didn’t think much about it at the time, but when there was no news from them, we thought that Bingbing had died of illness, and that the old lady had died in a foreign country. We, as a couple, often lamented this. Bingbing is still alive and well, she really has no conscience at all!”

The old neighbor scolded Feng Rubing for being heartless.

Qin Jinhuan didn't know what Rong Jian was thinking, so he just followed his words: "Besides, I don't think the experience she said about her has any substantial connection with Li Jianyun's case. In other words, even if she really has There is absolutely no need for her to tell you everything about that unfortunate experience."

Mu Yu, who had not heard the main topic after listening for a long time, became impatient: "Can you stop talking so much nonsense? Can't you just pick out key words and say it concisely?"

"Honey, don't be anxious." Qin Jinhuan smiled. When he saw her turning her face away, he didn't dare to show off anymore. He cleared his throat and said to Rong Jian, "First of all, I think what my wife said about Li Jianyun and Feng Rubing has been together for more than ten years. It is not unreasonable to say that they have known each other before; secondly, I think she concealed something about Feng Rubing’s experience when she was fifteen to sixteen years old. She must have had a very special experience, but it should not be what she said, otherwise it would still be She said that she had been living with the man's second wife for such a long time, and her grandmother and the man's wife had had several quarrels. It was impossible that nothing could be leaked out - people have the most sensitive sense of smell for such things. The most talked about thing is that I don’t know what happened to her, but Li Jianyun should know and use it to blackmail her. This experience may not only ruin her reputation, but also have more serious and terrible consequences, so although she She was in the police station but did not dare to call the police; as for the video she made up about Qiqi, the purpose should be the same as her fictional experience, which is to divert your attention to cover up the fact she wants to hide. "

Mu Yu asked in astonishment: "Is there anything more terrifying than being ruined?"

"Of course."


Qin Jinhuan looked at her and smiled warmly: "For me, being ruined is not terrible. The most terrible thing is losing you."

If he had heard these words normally, Mu Yu would have been sweet to the core, but now because he was still angry with him, he felt that these words were too fake and completely like a show, so he rolled his eyes disapprovingly. give him.

Ignoring Qin Jinhuan's hurt expression, she continued her analysis: "In order to cover up the facts that he wanted to hide, Teacher Feng did not hesitate to be suspected of murder before, and now he does not hesitate to be infamous as a third party who destroyed other people's families. For now, Apart from protecting Qiqi, I can't think of any other person or thing worthy of her sacrificing herself like this."

Rong Jian smiled bitterly: "This seems to be back to our original inference."

"Qiqi..." A sudden idea flashed in Mu Yu's mind, and he stood up suddenly, "Captain Rong!"

"Hey! Be careful!"

Qin Jinhuan, who was sitting next to her, didn't pay attention. She knocked over the paper cup in his hand. He was very nervous and grabbed her arm and asked urgently, "Isn't it burned?"

Mu Yu glanced at him angrily while patting his body for water stagnation.

You must know that the water in the cup has already cooled down, and there is no problem of being hot at all, so in her opinion, his nervousness is so exaggerated that it looks like he is acting.

"Sister-in-law, is it not hot?" Although he guessed that the water in the cup was not hot, Rong Jian still expressed his greetings out of concern.

"No, the water has gone cold." Mu Yu responded to Rong Jian pleasantly.

"That's good. By the way, sister-in-law, what did you just want to tell me?" Rong Jian was more concerned about the case than Qin Jinhuan.

"Uh..." Mu Yu scratched his hair and thought hard for a while, and finally gave up with a sad face, "I forgot. I just remember that I wanted to say something very important, but I can't remember what it was."

Rong Jian was very anxious: "Think about it again!"

Mu Yu sat down and held her head and thought carefully for a while, but in the end she still couldn't figure out the reason. This made her very frustrated and she couldn't help but vent her anger on Qin Jinhuan.

"It's all your fault! You're so clumsy that you can't even hold a glass of water!"

Knowing that she was angry, Qin Jinhuan did not dare to say anything, but just shrugged helplessly at Rong Jian.

Rong Jian was also very helpless, but he still comforted Mu Yu in a good-tempered way. At the same time, he clicked on the phone recording and played it to Qin Jinhuan, hoping that he could hear some clues to enlighten him.

He admitted that because Feng Rubing's sudden illness yesterday and the experience she told disturbed his thoughts, he would not be able to calm down for a while. In addition, he had not had a good rest last night, and his mind was very confused. Special reminders from bystanders are needed.

After Qin Jinhuan listened carefully, he immediately asked: "Feng Rubing made an appointment with Li Jianyun that night?"

"No." Rong Jian explained to him how many similar calls Feng Rubing had received from Li Jianyun.

"If she didn't date him... and she didn't kill him..." Qin Jinhuan pondered slowly while thinking.

Mu Yu, who was pretending to be angry, his eyes lit up: "Maybe someone used Teacher Feng's name to call Li Jianyun and ask him to meet at the crime scene?!"

Qin Jinhuan agreed with approval: "It's not possible, it's certain. This person is the real murderer."

Mu Yu temporarily forgot about being angry and answered the call very excitedly: "Maybe when Li Jianyun called, he was hiding in a corner and peeking! He didn't show up at the appointed time, nor did he kill Li Jianyun, he was just waiting. Li Jianyun called Teacher Feng to frame Teacher Feng! "

Qin Jinhuan nodded: "He should be very familiar with the relationship between Feng Rubing and Li Jianyun, as well as the personalities of Feng Rubing's sisters and the conflicts between them. This murder should also have been planned for a long time. Qiqi's computer that night was extremely poisoned. It's possible that he did it to lure Feng Rubing out so that he could better pin the blame on her."

Their words made Rong Jian particularly excited: "So there are two things I have to do now: first, to investigate again everyone who had contact with Li Jianyun before the incident and to visit his social relations; and to investigate Li Jianyun and Ru Bing Meet earlier!”

"Captain Rong, wait!" Mu Yu called out urgently to stop Rong Jian, who was rubbing his hands and rushing out, "Listen to me!"