My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 253: Such a black heart


As the temperature rises, the Spring Festival holiday is over soon, and people have returned to their respective jobs. Mu Yu is no exception. However, unlike others who are reluctant to leave the holidays, she is full of expectations and enthusiasm for going to work. No, it was only after seven o'clock, and she went out with Qin Jinhuan who was going to hold a morning meeting for the middle management.

"Let Huang Bo pick you up and go back early this afternoon." Qin Jinhuan told her when he dropped her off at the door of the city bureau.

She giggled: "It doesn't matter if I get off work too early anyway. Why don't I wait here for you to pick me up and get off work together."

He frowned: "There's nothing going on here, there's no need for you to sit there all day."

"I'm the only one in the forensic room now. How can everything be okay? Okay, stop nagging, stop worrying about me and go to work." She pushed him into the car and kindly helped him close the door. And quickly waved to Huang Bo to drive.

He rolled down the window and warned again: "Pay attention to your own safety and don't run around alone."

In order to make him leave quickly, she nodded wildly like a chicken pecking at rice: "I know, don't talk too much, see you in the evening."

He pretended to be unhappy and pointed at her with a warning, but the eyes he looked at her were filled with tenderness.

She made a face at him, watched his car leave, and then turned into the hall and came to the forensic room.

"Huh? Teacher Nie?" As soon as she entered the forensic room, she saw Nie Yunchang sitting in front of the computer, typing away. She hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Did Director Gu ask you to come back to work again?"

"No, no," Nie Yunkang saw her and shook his head repeatedly, "I came back on my own and wanted to see if there was anything I could do to help."

Mu Yu then smiled reassuringly: "No, no, no, Teacher Nie, just have me here. You can go back and accompany Xiaoxue."

"Xiaoxue is with her grandparents, so it'll be fine." After saying that, Nie Yunchang looked at the computer screen again.

Seeing that he looked very busy, she stepped forward suspiciously: "Teacher Nie, is there a new task?"

"No, I was reading about Li Jianyun's murder case, and I wanted to see if there were any flaws." After saying that, Nie Yunkang sighed irritably, "Actually, it's all in vain. I've been watching it for three days. If there are any The mistake should have been made long ago.”

Then he patted the computer table as if complaining, "I have worked here for more than 20 years and have helped many people in need. Now when one of my own people needs help, I can't do anything." ! It’s so useless!”

Knowing that the "one of our own" he meant was Feng Rubing, Mu Yu suddenly felt very sad. He sighed and comforted in a low voice: "Teacher Nie, don't worry. As long as we persist, we will always find a breakthrough."

"It's useless for us to insist. Ru Bing can't wait any longer! The bureau has already approved her arrest!"

"What?! Arrest?"

"Yes! This case has now been transferred to the Procuratorate, and it will be heard in court soon."

"Oh my God!" Mu Yu covered her mouth and exclaimed, "When did this happen?"

"Just today."

"Didn't Director Gu say he would help us delay it as long as possible?"

"Gu Bureau must not be able to stand it any longer," Nie Yunkang sighed, "After all, the evidence is conclusive."

Mu Yu was a little unconvinced: "Isn't there no direct evidence to prove that Teacher Feng is the murderer? At least there is no murder weapon."

"But don't forget that when Ru Bing was interrogated for the first time, she personally admitted that she was the murderer."

"This..." Mu Yu was immediately discouraged and then argued, "Teacher Feng only admitted that he was the murderer on impulse."

"But she doesn't deny that she is the murderer now."

"She... eh! Teacher Feng's physical condition is so bad, can she tolerate it? Where is she now? I want to see her."

"Leave her affairs to Captain Rong. We have this time, so why not think about what else we can do to help her."

"Captain Rong is back from Linhe County?"

"I heard that he came back in the middle of the night yesterday, and I also heard that he had a dispute with Director Gu because of the arrest." Nie Yunkang sighed and repeated again, "Actually, Director Gu takes good care of us subordinates, but there are some things that he doesn't do. Method. You also know that if he hadn’t worked hard, given our grasp of the evidence in this case and Ru Bing’s own confession, it would have been impossible for the Bureau to let Ru Bing go home. "

"So what should we do now?"

"We..." Mu Yu stopped Nie Yunchang in one sentence, and he responded somewhat passively, "Let's think about where there is a breakthrough. Maybe, maybe Captain Rong will give us good news."

"Captain Rong?" Mu Yu sighed without confidence.

She knew everything Rong Jian had gone through these days.

Three days ago, an old policeman from Linhe County who came back to work early called Rong Jian and said that they had sent the photo of Li Jianyun he had sent to the city's Internet. A young man named Li recognized Li Jianyun and said that Li Jianyun might be him. A brother-in-law whom I have lost contact with for many years. Rong Jian immediately asked the old policeman to send the young man to Ancheng, and did an NDA test with Li Jianyun. After confirming that they were related by blood, he immediately asked the young man about Li Jianyun's situation back then. I learned from the young man’s immediate family members that Li Jianyun was not doing his job more than ten years ago and was a gambler. He not only lost all his family property, but also borrowed a lot of loan sharks. In order to make up for it, he sold his biological son behind his wife’s back and paid back the money. Forcing his wife to sell herself. His wife, who had never received a marriage certificate, was completely desperate for him and fled Linhe County, never to be heard from again.

The old mother who loved him the most cried her eyes out because of this. For the mother's sake, the two brothers raised money to help the younger brother pay off his debts, hoping to help him start a new life. Unexpectedly, he took the money his two older brothers had borrowed from his grandfather and grandmother to help him pay off his debts and went into the gambling house. He lost all of it. When he lost his mind, he took advantage of everyone to go to work and broke into the house of his two brothers. , stole their real estate certificates, used them as mortgages, and borrowed a large sum of money from loan sharks. In the end, the loan sharks kidnapped them back home and forced them to repay their debts. When the old mother saw this, she was so angry that she vomited blood and died. The loan shark did not force her to pay the debt, but gave her a five-day deadline. If she could not repay the money, she would hand over the house or chop Li Jianyun into pieces. Because the person who sells high interest is the underworld, the honest brothers know that they can't afford to offend him, and they can't bear to watch him die, so they are busy burying the old man while rushing to borrow money to pay off the debt. My sister-in-law's jewelry was swept away and she fled Linhe County, never to be heard from again.

Rong Jian didn't expect Li Jianyun to be such a black-hearted person, and only then did he understand the reason why he didn't have any relatives in Huacheng or Ancheng.

"None of us knew that he had moved his household registration. Of course, we didn't want to have anything to do with him at all at that time. As long as he didn't come back to harm us, we would burn incense and worship Buddha. It's not that we cursed him, the second brother and I After the house was loaned to a loan shark, he said that the third child would not end well if he continued like this, and we were right. This was retribution. "This is what Li Jianyun's elder brother Li Genyun said to Rong Jian later.

Rong Jian was actually not very interested in Li Jianyun's past, so when he asked Li Genyun about Feng Rubing and Li Jianyun, Li Genyun said there was no such thing: "The houses of our three brothers were built together, one by one, and he Our home is in the middle, and his wife has a very good relationship with my wife and my eldest sister-in-law. If something like this happens at home, she will definitely tell us even if she doesn't tell us, we can see it. Our three families shared one at the time. In the yard. Besides, our youngest is obsessed with gambling and not lewd. He doesn’t even joke around with women. From what I know about him, he won’t do such a thing.”

In view of the fact that this was inconsistent with what Rong Jian knew, he told Li Genyun that Li Jianyun liked to tease women in Ancheng, and also told Li Genyun that Li Jianyun also made some jokes with women in Huacheng.

The honest Li Genyun was a little anxious at the time: "This is impossible! If you don't believe me, I can find and confront the neighbors who have had contact with Lao San before."

"It's not that I don't believe what you said, it's just that what I said is not without evidence. I learned it from the masses and there is evidence." Rong Jian explained patiently.

"Oh, then, that's probably because there are no women around, and the third child is an adult man. His physiological needs cannot be solved in time, so his personality gradually changes?"

Rong Jian felt that Li Genyun's statement made sense, but he still did not believe that Li Jianyun had no intersection with Feng Rubing in Linhe County, so he followed Li Genyun and visited many people who knew Li Jianwen back then. Their words were almost consistent with Li Genyun. They all said they had never seen Li Jianyun harass a woman. He also asked people who knew Feng Rubing back then to inquire implicitly about Li Jianyun, but they all knew nothing about it, which made him very strange and more disappointed.

"Ru Bing still lied. I don't know what happened between her and Li Jianyun, and I don't know why she still refuses to tell me clearly. Sister-in-law, what do you think Ru Bing is hiding?" Yesterday noon, there was also Rong Jian drank in Linhe County and called Mu Yu for more than an hour, going over and over topics related to Feng Rubing. If Mu Yu's cell phone hadn't automatically shut down when it ran out of battery, he probably would have had to talk on his cell phone. Will give up if there is no power.

She understood his pain and annoyance, but there was nothing she could do about it.

During the Spring Festival holiday, apart from going to the hospital several times to see Yin Xiaotian who had undergone surgery, and detouring to Mrs. Xiao's house several times to see if Mrs. Xiao had come back, she spent the rest of the time at home with a notepad studying and analyzing the case. , Qin Jinhuan laughed that she was going crazy. She knew that she was not crazy, but she knew that if no useful clues were found, Bureau Gu would definitely ask them to detain Feng Rubing after the year. However, she did not expect that Bureau Gu would have someone bring Feng Rubing back just after she went to work.

After thinking for a long time, she tried to call Rong Jian, hoping that he would tell Feng Qiqi the truth and then ask Feng Qiqi to ask Feng Rubing the secret.

Rong Jian sighed heavily and responded to her in a hoarse voice: "Sister-in-law, I had this idea when I rushed to Ancheng last night, but because I was worried about Ru Bing's health, I went to the ward to see her first and tried to communicate with her. When she mentioned Qiqi, she immediately turned her back and warned me sternly that if I dared to tell Qiqi that she and Li Jianyun were Qiqi's biological parents, she would die in front of me. She also said that she was the one who killed Li Jianyun. She was willing to plead guilty and told me not to waste any more time on her. Sister-in-law, I contacted Bureau Gu this morning. He said that Ru Bing had admitted her crime. In view of her status as a forensic doctor, the nature of the matter was too egregious and the procuratorate would soon review the case. , even if we can produce evidence that Li Jianyun’s moral character is corrupt, it will not be the reason for her murder. Once the court convicts her, it will be difficult for us to reverse the case. "

Mu Yu was speechless for a moment.

The people on both ends of the phone were silent.

After a while, a thought suddenly flashed through Mu Yu's mind: "Captain Rong, do you think Teacher Feng was raped by Li Jianyun..."


There is a phone plugged in.

She took a look at the phone and saw the prompt on the screen. She was overjoyed and said, "Captain Rong, I'll contact you later." Then she hung up the phone in a hurry and answered another call.