My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 255: Survival from desperate situation


"You said Bingbing's accident happened on Saturday night when it snowed heavily? Did it happen in the middle of the night?"

"Yes!" Mu Yu and Rong Jian stopped and turned around at the same time, and both responded at the same time.

Rong Jian eagerly asked, "Did you see her that night?"

"I've seen her before. She's been sitting here with me for a long time."

Rong Jian's expression suddenly became tense and he hurriedly asked: "What time will she be here with you?"

The old lady thought for a while and replied: "It's about nine o'clock in the evening."

"Really?" Mu Yu was greatly surprised.

Rong Jian followed up eagerly and asked: "When will it be exactly? I want the exact time!"

His suddenly raised voice startled the old lady, so she did not answer him immediately. She thought seriously for a while before she said, "Ten to twelve o'clock."

"Are you sure?!" Rong Jian was shocked and suddenly grabbed her arm. His voice changed slightly, but he couldn't believe it, "But, your eyes can't see time!"

Mu Yu then reminded with some worry: "Grandma Xiao, your words are to be used as evidence in court, so you must tell the truth."

Although she extremely hoped that the old lady Xiao could prove Feng Rubing's innocence, she did not want the old lady to perjury in order to help Feng Rubing. She would not be able to escape legal responsibility.

"I can't see, but I can hear clearly." Mrs. Xiao pointed to one side as she spoke.

Mu Yu and Rong Jian looked along her hand and noticed an old-fashioned mechanical wall clock hanging on the inconspicuous wall on the side. The metal pendulum was swinging rhythmically from side to side, accompanied by a "tap-tat-tat" sound. sound.

Because the wall clock looked old, Mu Yu subconsciously checked his watch and found that the time was accurate. He felt that the old lady's words were credible, and he immediately looked at Rong Jian with great surprise.

Rong Jian spoke up her question: "Grandma Xiao, does your Zhong Ping have anyone help you with proofreading?"

"Xiao Zhang's grandson Xiao Baozi comes over to proofread for me every day after school. Because I have to take medicine on time every day. Since my eyesight gradually became blurred five years ago, I can only use my ears to listen to the clock to tell the time and take medicine. Xiao Zhang is always worried The clock is not allowed to interfere with my taking medicine, but she has no memory, so starting from five years ago, she told her little baby to come and see me after school every day, to set the time correctly, and to wind it up if she found that the clock was running slow. I would also give little Baozi some food. Little Baozi gradually developed the habit of coming over to see me every day after dropping off his schoolbag. He has gone from first grade to fifth grade. Don’t worry, these landline phones are very accurate, and listening to the clock chimes has become a habit for me. Every time the hour strikes, I will subconsciously count to determine what time it is.”

Rong Jian questioned again: "Then, are you really sure that Ru Bing was here between ten and twelve o'clock on the night of January 20?"

Like Mu Yu, he eagerly hoped that Mrs. Xiao could become Feng Rubing's time witness. However, given that the old lady was old and had limited vision and mobility, he had to be patient and ask carefully.

"Sure!" Old Mrs. Xiao understood the importance of her words and thought carefully for a while before nodding solemnly, "Because that day was Laba Festival, Xiao Zhang's family cooked Laba porridge and brought me a big bowl. On Laba day, Eating Laba porridge can ensure good health in the coming year. I know that Bingbing does not pay attention to these old customs, but I also hope that she and Qiqi can be healthy, so I left a large portion of the porridge for her sisters to wait for when she comes to see me in the evening. She brings it back to eat - she brings me some daily necessities and chats with me every Saturday. Sometimes she comes in the afternoon, sometimes in the evening. She usually comes to see me when she has time, but the time is not fixed. But he usually comes over on Saturdays, and even if he doesn’t come, he will call me.”

As she spoke, she pointed towards the clock and saw a telephone landline next to the clock.

"This is the phone Bingbing specially installed for me so that she can contact me. I can't see the buttons on the phone clearly. I can only answer calls but can't make calls. She usually calls me. It was snowing heavily that night. The children were very excited and screamed and yelled outside for half the night. Because I was not sure whether Bingbing would come, and I didn’t know how to make a phone call, and I couldn’t sleep at all, I sat on the bed with my clothes on and waited for the phone call. After ten rings, all the children outside went back to sleep, and Bingbing didn't come either. I thought she wouldn't come, so I took off my clothes and got ready to go to bed. Unexpectedly, just when I lay down, I heard Bingbing knocking on the door. I hurriedly She put on her clothes and got up. As soon as she came in, I heard something was wrong in her voice and asked her what happened. She said Qiqi had run away from home. I was very worried at that time and asked her to go find Qiqi quickly. She said. Her friend had already gone to find her, and she felt very tired and wanted to sit here quietly and she started crying. I thought she was angry with Qiqi, so I comforted her for a long time and she stopped crying. , sat on the bed with me until the clock struck twelve, and she didn’t go back. By the way! If you don’t believe me, you can ask Xiao Zhang’s son Dahua, about eleven o’clock that night. When he came home from the evening shift and saw my light on, he thought I wasn't feeling well, so he came over and knocked on the door, but Bingbing opened the door. "

Rong Jian was so surprised by what he said next that he said to Mu Yu, "I'll go find Dahua to understand the situation." He immediately walked out and went straight to Aunt Zhang's house.

He felt that the evidence of Zheng Junhua, who was young and clear-minded, was more convincing.

“Team Rong…”


Mu Yu wanted to follow him, but Mrs. Xiao also got up immediately. Because she was too anxious, she accidentally kicked over the stool in front of her.


She hurriedly stepped forward to help Mrs. Xiao and asked her nervously, "You didn't fall, did you?"

"I'm fine," Mrs. Xiao grabbed her and begged, "Comrade police, you must find out the facts and release Bingbing as soon as possible! She is innocent!"

"Grandma Xiao, don't worry," Mu Yu helped her sit down and comforted, "I also believe that Teacher Feng is innocent, and I also hope that she can be acquitted as soon as possible. You sit down first, I will call my colleagues right away I’m writing a note for you. Please go through what happened that night during the Laba Festival carefully so that you can repeat it to my colleagues later.”

"Okay." Mrs. Xiao couldn't help but sigh, with a face full of regret, "Bingbing is a poor child. I really can't understand why God treats such a kind child so badly."

Mu Yu felt soft after hearing this. When she called Liu Xiaofan to explain the situation, she couldn't help but sigh. She put down the phone. She squatted in front of the old lady and whispered as if to comfort herself: "You and Dahua are here to help Feng If the teacher serves as a time witness, Teacher Feng’s charges will definitely be cleared, and Teacher Feng will definitely be acquitted soon.”

"Oh, God must open his eyes!"

"Yes! It will definitely happen!" Mu Yu responded with certainty. She didn't know whether she was comforting the old lady or herself by saying this.

Soon, Liu Xiaofan hurried over with several policemen and ordered the other two policemen to go to Aunt Zhang's house to take notes with Rong Jian for Aunt Zhang's son Zheng Junhua. He and another policeman stayed behind for Mrs. Xiao. Transcripts were made.

Half an hour later, Rong Jian, Liu Xiaofan and Mu Yu met at the door of Mrs. Xiao's house. Everyone looked very excited, especially Rong Jian. Not only was his face flushed because of his excitement, but his bloodshot eyes were also glowing. Strange light. He asked Liu Xiaofan to be the driver, and he and Mu Yu sat in the back, calling Gu Jihui loudly to report the matter all the way.

After returning to the city bureau, Rong Jian asked Mu Yu to go back to the forensic room by himself. He and his men took Zheng Junhua and Mrs. Xiao straight to Gu Jihui's office.

Mu Yu originally wanted to go and have a look, but thinking that Feng Rubing would not be seen for a while, and since this was a matter for the criminal police team, there was nothing he could do if he went there, so he thought about it and went back to the forensic room.

When she returned to the forensic room, she saw Nie Yunkang still studying Li Jianyun's case on the computer without blinking. She immediately stepped forward and quickly told him about the new evidence that had emerged that was conducive to exonerating Feng Rubing.

"Really?!" Nie Yunchang almost burst into laughter. He was full of surprise, but couldn't believe it.

"Really! Captain Rong has already taken them to Gu Bureau!"

"Great! Sure enough, hard work pays off! I just said that Ru Bing will be fine! Good people will have a safe life! Haha, hahahaha." Nie Yunchang clapped his hands and laughed, spinning around in circles.

This was the first time he saw Teacher Nie, who was over forty years old, laughing so childishly. Mu Yu immediately became happy and started laughing along with him.

However, because the matter had not yet been decided, the two did not dare to get too excited. They laughed for a while, then fell silent again, and then began a long and impatient wait together.

She thought that good news would come soon, and she was also thinking about arranging for everyone to have a meal together in the evening. Unexpectedly, Rong Jian didn't call her until she was about to get off work, which made her feel anxious and confused. I started to feel anxious, fearing that things might not go as planned.

Nie Yunchang comforted her by saying that because the case had been transferred to the procuratorate and there were procedures to submit new evidence, it was a bit complicated, so he asked her to wait patiently.

Qin Jinhuan came to pick her up from get off work, but she refused to leave. She wanted to wait for news in the bureau. Until she heard that Qin Jinhuan was going on a business trip tomorrow morning, she didn't insist and went home with him.

But even though she returned home, her heart still stayed in the bureau, and she didn't even feel good about eating. Qin Xiaozhi only said that she was reluctant to let Qin Jinhuan go on a business trip, and comforted her with a smile. She didn't bother to explain, she just bared her teeth. After eating, she was not in the mood to chat with Qin Xiaozhi and Qin Chengxi. She just used this excuse to go back to her room, and Qin Jinhuan went back to her room with her.

"Ah Huan, why hasn't Captain Rong called me so late? Will things happen again?" She asked Qin Jinhuan angrily as soon as she returned to the room.

"What could happen? At most, Feng Rubing would be found guilty."

"How could you curse Teacher Feng like this?" She gouged him angrily.

He laughed: "It's just a joke."

"This kind of joke is not funny at all!"

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about it, okay? Don't worry, just sit down and wait until I finish packing my luggage. I'll call you and ask."

She immediately hugged him and acted coquettishly: "I'll help you clean up later. Can you call and ask first?"

He pretended to be unhappy: "I have to go on a business trip and you are not anxious, but you are so anxious about other people's affairs. Do you still have me in your heart?"

"A woman's jealous? Come on, stop nagging and make a phone call." As she said this, she took out her cell phone from his pocket and brought it to him with a smile.

He took the phone and glanced at her meaningfully: "Is there any reward?"

"If it's good news, you have the final say on what happens later."

"OK!" He immediately clicked on his phone to unlock, but before he could dial the number, Rong Jian's call came through.

"Quick, pick up!" As she spoke, she walked around to the right side where he was used to answering the phone and put her ear to him.

He immediately connected the phone, and as soon as he answered the call, Liu Xiaofan's bewildered voice came over: "Young Master Qin, something happened to Captain Rong!"