My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 276: Is it slander?


Soon the three of them arrived at Qin Wentao's house. When they arrived, Qin Wentao and Dong Yueyun were about to go out, but Liu Xiaofan immediately stepped forward to stop them with their ID cards.

"Mrs. Qin, I'm sorry, but we have a few questions to ask you."

"What are you asking?" Qin Wentao asked rudely, protecting his wife behind him.

"Mr. Qin, Mrs. Qin, please cooperate with our police questioning." Liu Xiaofan politely raised the ID in his hand again.

Dong Yueyun signaled Qin Wentao to be quiet, turned to Liu Xiaofan and asked: "Officer Liu, it's okay to ask questions, but I hope it will be after I have met Wan Qing."

"We just talked to Miss Dong, and it was because of her words that we came to you."

"What's the meaning?"

Liu Xiaofan looked around and saw no one else around, so he continued: "Do you still remember the ring you gave to Miss Dong? It was the diamond ring worn by the perpetrator."

Dong Yueyun was a little surprised: "Did you find the ring?"

"No. Miss Dong said that the ring was not lost in Xiwan, but lost here." Liu Xiaofan pointed to the large villa behind them with a serious expression, "I wonder how you explain this?"

"What?!" Dong Yueyun was surprised at first, and then shouted in panic, "Don't talk nonsense! How could I leave this ring here?!"

She knew exactly what the ring meant to her.

Liu Xiaofan spread his hands: "This is the clue provided by Miss Dong. I hope you can cooperate with our investigation and tell us the whereabouts of the ring."

"How could Wan Qing say such a thing to you?" Dong Yueyun looked unbelieving, "Her ring was obviously lost when she was in the hot spring in Xihaiwan! How could she say that she lost it here again?"

"We didn't lie to you. This is the record of our previous interview. Take a look." Liu Xiaofan handed the record to her and added, "We are the police, we can't lie to you, and we can't do such illegal things. thing."

Dong Yueyun ignored his words and quickly took the notebook to read. At the same time, Qin Wentao also leaned his head over.

As they looked at each other, their expressions darkened. Qin Wentao first glared at Liu Xiaofan and asked, "Did Wan Qing really say these words?"

"We don't need to trick you," Liu Xiaofan looked at Dong Yueyun solemnly, "How do you explain this matter?"

"It's impossible for Wan Qing to say such things. Her ring was not lost here at all!" Dong Yueyun still didn't believe what he said and became excited, "I want to see Wan Qing, please let me see Wan Qing. ! I want to find out what's going on."

Liu Xiaofan spread his hands: "Sorry, I don't have the right to let you see her."

Qin Wentao stared at him with an "I've seen through you" look and sneered: "If you don't let us see Wan Qing, you have something up your sleeve! Put away your tricks. We, as a couple, are walking and standing firmly. Don't even think about going there." Did Qin Jinhuan ask you to trick us like this just to protect Yin Anran? , if you want to find her, go find her and investigate, don’t bother us here!”

Dong Yueyun was filled with indignation: "It is our daughter-in-law who is injured this time, and our grandchildren who are harmed. They are all people close to our hearts. How could we do something to hurt them? So please focus your investigation. Go to the most suspicious person instead of coming to us, we are the ones least likely to harm Mu Yu’s wife.”

"It's impossible for you to be the ones who hurt Mrs. Qin and your mother-in-law?" Liu Xiaofan tilted his head and asked with a smile, "Then I want to ask Mrs. Qin, why was your daughter poisoned and hospitalized last time?"

Dong Yueyun's expression suddenly changed, and she forced herself to explain calmly: "Xiao Xi was accidentally poisoned, and it has nothing to do with Mu Yu!"

"If your daughter hadn't listened to you, would she still have nothing to do with Mrs. Qin?"

Fan Lifeng followed up Liu Xiaofan's words and said: "Isn't your purpose to kill the child in Mrs. Qin's belly through your daughter? It's just because your daughter is kind and doesn't want to help you do anything harmful to nature, so she would rather be poisoned herself than Harming the mother and son of the Qin family."

"Shut up!" Qin Wentao was furious, "How dare you say such things without any evidence? I'm warning you, if you dare to slander anyone again, I will sue you for slander immediately!"

Yan proudly disagreed: "This is not what we said, it was your niece."

Liu Xiaofan also held up the transcript: "We all remember every word she said. What I just showed you is just one paragraph."

"Impossible! There's no way Wan Qing would say such a thing!" Qin Wentao didn't believe it at all. "There's no way Wan Qing would tell this. She promised not to bring us..."

"Wen Tao!" Dong Yueyun immediately grabbed his arm and shouted.

Only then did Qin Wentao realize his tone and quickly changed his words: "I meant that this matter has nothing to do with us. If Wan Qing really said that, then she was fabricating facts out of thin air to frame us."

"Wan Qing can't harm us! She is my biological niece! I know her better!" Dong Yueyun's tone was very sure, and then she looked at Liu Xiaofan coldly and scolded, "I don't know why Officer Liu is so provocative. My relationship with my niece, but I can give Officer Liu an explanation for my daughter's poisoning. When my daughter was sent to the hospital, both Ah Huan and my father-in-law went to the hospital. They are both people who have seen the world. He must be more vicious than Officer Liu when he sees people and things. If it is true as Officer Liu said, my daughter’s poisoning was done deliberately by me to harm Mu Yu and the child in her belly, Ah Huan and my father-in-law. Can't you see it? If they see it, will they forgive us so quietly? Even if my father-in-law can forgive us out of the love between father and son, Ah Huan will not let us go - everyone in Ancheng knows it. You police officers must have heard about the conflict between my husband and his son."

Liu Xiaofan shrugged: "I don't know why Mr. Qin and Young Master Qin let you go. Miss Dong didn't say it, and we didn't ask. But the things Miss Dong said, one by one, can prove you The couple resented the pregnant young lady of the Qin family and prayed in their dreams that her child would not be born, because if her child was born, the Qin father and son, who longed for a great-grandchild, might leave most of the Qin family's property to him if they were happy. Him. In other words, you have motives that are harmful to Young Madam Qin."

The distribution of family property has always been Qin Wentao's concern. Hearing Liu Xiaofan say this, he immediately became furious. He grabbed him by the collar and threatened him in a rough voice: "If you dare to slander me and my husband again, just try this. Believe it or not, I will do it right away." Kill you?"

"Wen Tao! Don't mess around!" Dong Yueyun immediately stepped forward and pulled away. "The police rely on evidence to convict. It's useless for them to just say that we have a motive. We have to show evidence. Wait until they can't produce evidence. It’s too late for us to sue them for defamation.”

She knew very well that it would not do them any good to confront the police at this time. She also guessed that Liu Xiaofan and the others must have no evidence to prove that she had done anything bad. Otherwise, they would have taken her to the police station long ago and would not have wasted so much time here. Lots of lips and tongue.

Liu Xiaofan straightened his collar before speaking: "Mr. Qin, Mrs. Qin, let me tell you the truth. In order to prove that she had nothing to do with Mrs. Qin's car accident, Miss Dong provided us with a lot of evidence to prove what you did before, but Because I am only responsible for Miss Qin’s car accident, and I don’t want to cause any problems, so I put aside what she said for the time being. Now I just want to know what happened to Miss Qin’s car accident. If you two If you can cooperate with me to investigate this matter clearly, I will pretend that I have never heard of those things you did before. But if you don’t cooperate with my investigation and let me be criticized and punished by my superiors, then don’t blame me too much. Mind your own business."

Seeing that Liu Xiaofan said something serious, Qin Wentao suddenly panicked and tried to ask: "Did Wan Qing really say that?"

Without waiting for Liu Xiaofan to answer, Dong Yueyun said coldly: "Wan Qing can't possibly say that! We are her closest relatives and the only ones who can help her. Although she is not smart enough, she is not stupid to this extent! Unless I heard her say it with my own ears, I would never believe that she would say such nonsense.”

"Since Mrs. Qin doesn't believe me, then I'll make this call for you and let you hear for yourself what your niece has to say." Liu Xiaofan then took out his cell phone, but froze before dialing, and scanned He glanced at Qin Wentao and Dong Yueyun, "When I call Miss Dong, please keep quiet and don't affect her conversation with me. I'll call if I can."

Dong Yueyun and Qin Wentao looked at each other, exchanged glances, and then both nodded.

"Okay. I'll call then." Liu Xiaofan immediately dialed a number, then clicked on the external voice, and explained to them, "Ms. Dong's cell phone has been put away. This is the phone number of the detention center."

The call was quickly connected. After Liu Xiaofan identified himself to the operator and explained his request, the other party immediately agreed, but asked him to call back in ten minutes.

Ten minutes later, Liu Xiaofan dialed the phone again and put on the external voice. Soon a female voice came from the other end of the phone: "Hello? Who is calling me?"

This voice was so familiar to both Dong Yueyun and Qin Wentao that they both straightened up and stared straight at the screen of their mobile phones, while raising their ears to listen carefully.

After announcing his home, Liu Xiaofan continued: "Miss Dong, are you sure your diamond ring was at the home where your aunt lost it?"

"Yes, I always thought it was lost in Xiwan. I thought about it for a long time in the detention center last night, and then I realized that the ring should have been lost at my aunt's house, because I took it off before taking a bath in the hot spring. I locked the cabinet and opened it with my own hands after soaking in the hot springs. Then I took the bag and left Xiwan to go to my aunt’s house. The bag never left my sight. I threw the bag away after dinner at my aunt’s house. On the sofa, when I was about to leave, I noticed that the ring was missing, so it must have been lost at my aunt’s house.”

"Do you suspect that your aunt has someone take away your ring? This ring was originally given to you by your aunt, and she is not short of money for such a diamond ring. Is it necessary for her to take your ring in this way? ?”

Dong Wanqing sneered from the other side: "This must be a conspiracy, and I am just the scapegoat in the conspiracy. I never expected that my aunt was so scheming. She was planning today's car accident at that time."

Dong Yueyun gritted his teeth when he heard this, and Qin Wentao was furious. Yan Aoao and Fan Lifeng were afraid that they would interrupt the call, so they hurried forward to signal them with their eyes to keep quiet.

Here Liu Xiaofan is still asking: "Miss Dong, your aunt and uncle are so kind to you, how could they harm you like this? Are you making a mistake?"

"Is she nice to me?" Another sneer came from the other end of the phone, "What you see are superficial phenomena. They were nice to me before because they hoped that I could win over Mr. Qin and help them seize more property. After Mr. Qin married Mu Yu, I became their tool to harm Mu Yu. In fact, in their eyes, I am not even as good as Luka and Habi! "

Luka and Habi are both dogs raised by Dong Yueyun.

Dong Yueyun suddenly burst into tears, pushed Fan Lifeng away, rushed over and cursed Dong Wanqing.

Liu Xiaofan was bumped by her unexpectedly, and his phone slipped and fell to the marble, breaking into pieces with a "pop" sound.

Qin Wentao was also furious. He pointed at the broken mobile phone and cursed: "You little bitch, in order to clear yourself of your own charges, you don't hesitate to slander us like this! I am so blind that I have raised such a vicious white-eyed wolf!"

"Okay, okay, stop scolding," Liu Xiaofan said while throwing the cell phone into pieces in distress, "Now do you believe I didn't lie to you? I hope you will abide by our agreement and cooperate with us in investigating this case."

Qin Wentao, who was so angry that his face turned red, was even more unhappy with them. He ordered us to evict the guests with a sullen face: "There is nothing to cooperate with! If you have evidence, cuff us with cuffs. If you don't have evidence, get out of here!"

"Hey!" Fan Lifeng asked angrily, "How come you don't keep your word? We made it clear before..."

"Here they come, blast them out!"

As soon as Qin Wentao finished speaking, five or six burly men rushed out of the room. Without saying a word, they rushed forward to push Liu Xiaofan and others.

"Wait!" Dong Yueyun stopped them, turned around and pointed towards the room to look at Liu Xiaofan, "Officer Liu, this is not the place to talk. We have something to say inside."

After speaking, she smacked at Qin Wentao, then turned around and entered the house. Qin Wentao immediately followed her footsteps.

Liu Xiaofan, Yan Zhiguo and Fan Lifeng looked at each other, unable to suppress a flash of excitement in their eyes, and then quickly walked into the house together.