My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 299: The fourth homicide


"A murder case?!" Mu Yu was shocked and stuttered, "Isn't it, again..."

"Yes!" Rong Jian knew what she was going to say, and before she could finish speaking, Rong Jian responded heavily.

"Then, isn't that related to Qingtian?" Qin Chengxi, who hurried over with Qin Jinhuan, asked nervously, his eyes full of expectations for a negative answer.

It's a pity that Rong Jian can't give her a negative answer, because the fact is related to Qingtian.

"The deceased was an employee of Qingtian Group."

Even though he was mentally prepared, Qin Jinhuan suddenly turned pale, and Mu Yu's scalp went numb with shock.

"What was the deceased's name? Which department of the company was he an employee of? He..."

Wen Zeyu was still asking, but Rong Jian had no time to respond to him because Feng Rubing had already come out of the tent.

"Let's go." Feng Rubing hurriedly ran down the mountain road.

"Ru Bing!" Rong Jian pulled her eagerly, "Your feet haven't recovered yet, so you can't walk so fast. In this way, you go down the mountain slowly, and I will go to the scene to check the situation first."

"It's okay, I can do it. Let's go." Feng Rubing continued walking forward as he spoke.

"Teacher Feng!" Mu Yu, who had already put on his clothes, caught up, "You walk slowly, Captain Rong and I will go to the scene first."

As soon as she finished speaking, Qin Jinhuan came over to express his objection: "Your body has just recovered, you can't rush out in such a hurry."

"My body has recovered! I... Oops!" She didn't pay attention to her feet for a moment and missed the step.


"Oh My God!"

When everyone exclaimed, Qin Jinhuan, who had quick eyes and quick hands, had already stopped Mu Yu and said urgently: "Is everything okay?"

"It's okay, it's just... hiss—" Mu Yu couldn't pretend to be calm due to the huge pain in his ankle, and exclaimed.

"It must be a sprain! Don't move!" Qin Jinhuan said as he carried her horizontally and carried her into the awning.

Qin Chengxi immediately sent a stool over.

After helping Mu Yu sit down, Qin Jinhuan helped her take off her shoes and inspected them gently.

"Hiss-it hurts! Be gentle! My sprained foot didn't hurt at first, but it hurt so much when you pinched it!" Mu Yu burst into tears.

"Be patient, you'll be fine soon." As he spoke, Qin Jinhuan grabbed her foot and pressed it hard several times, causing Mu Yu to cry out in pain again.

"Take her to the hospital?" Jiang Wenwen, who was standing next to her, grabbed her shoulders and asked lightly.

Qin Chengxi, who was equally nervous, quickly nodded in agreement: "Yes, yes, send him to the hospital. I heard that if you can't move the fracture, it will make the injury worse."

"She's not broken." Qin Jinhuan had already put down Mu Yu's foot, "It's just a sprain. Take a rest and she'll be fine soon."

Mu Yu, who felt less pain than before, immediately tried to stand up after hearing the words, but was immediately pushed down by Qin Jinhuan: "You have to rest for a while before you can walk."

"But the case isn't... Huh? Where are Captain Rong and Teacher Feng?" Mu Yu looked around strangely.

Qin Chengxi responded: "They have already gone down the mountain first."

"Oh my god! Teacher Feng's leg injury hasn't recovered yet. If she goes down the mountain with Captain Rong, will she suffer a lot?"

"No, Brother Rong Jian went down the mountain first. Forensic Doctor Feng was accompanied by Qiqi, so he shouldn't have gone so fast." Seeing Mu Yu's anxiety, Qin Chengxi quickly turned to comfort him, "Sister-in-law, Forensic Doctor Feng has already gone. It doesn’t matter if you don’t go.”

"How come it doesn't matter if I don't go? Teacher Feng will definitely be too busy alone, I must go and help!" Mu Yu said as he walked out one step at a time.

"Hey! Sister-in-law, you..."

"I'll accompany her down." Qin Jinhuan knew that he couldn't hold Mu Yu back, so he stepped forward to help her. He turned back and told Shang Qi, "You play here with Xiao Xi for a while and take good care of her."

"Let's go down too." Qin Chengxi was no longer in the mood to play here anymore.

"It's up to you." After Qin Jinhuan said that, he turned back and supported Mu Yu as he slowly walked down the mountain road. Bian Zijun, Weng Yun and others followed immediately.

"Damn your legs, the busier and messier you are, the less you can live up to your expectations." Mu Yu scolded his legs angrily as he walked.

"This matter can't be rushed." Qin Jinhuan was much calmer at this time.

Mu Yu did not curse anymore, but said worriedly: "I don't know which department of the Qingtian Group the deceased was an employee of. If he is a high-level person, it will cause panic."

"Even if you are not a high-level person in the company, it will still cause panic." Although Qin Jinhuan looked calm, his frown revealed his inner peace.

"What grudge does this murderer have against Qingtian? Is he deliberately creating so many murders related to Qingtian for revenge or because of business competition? If it is just for business competition, isn't the nature too bad?"

Qin Jinhuan didn't answer, but just walked forward.

Seeing him like this, Mu Yu felt that there was no point in making unnecessary guesses at this time, so he said nothing and walked as fast as possible, hoping to catch up with Feng Rubing.

However, they didn't see Feng Rubing or Feng Qiqi until they reached the foot of the mountain. However, they saw that two cars had driven away at the foot of the mountain - cars driven by Bian Zijun and his men. When they went up the mountain yesterday, they left a few brothers to watch the cars at the foot of the mountain. , knowing that Rong Jian and Feng Rubing had left one after another, they immediately got into a car. After getting in the car, Mu Yu called Rong Jian. When he learned that the crime scene was in Xinyue City Community in the west of the city, he immediately asked Weng Yun Drive the car directly there.

"The crime scene was in Xinyue City?"

Seeing Qin Jinhuan's brows furrowed, Mu Yu nodded and asked, "What happened to Xinyue City?"

"Xinyue City is a real estate developed by Qingtian Group. It builds high-quality apartments and the apartments were delivered just a month ago." Bian Zijun, who was sitting in the passenger seat, explained.

"I just handed over the house a month ago, and there was a murder. If it is a perverted murder like the previous three cases, I'm afraid..." Mu Yu, who felt something ominous, stopped talking.

"The deceased was an employee of Qingtian, and he died in a community under the name of Qingtian Group. He was obviously targeting Qingtian Group."

Bian Zijun's two words "you" gave Mu Yu a headache.

When Li Jianyun died on a construction site owned by Qingtian Group, the project was delayed. Merchants united to hold him accountable, causing great losses to the company.

At this moment, the community where Qingcai handed over a house suffered such a murder. I wonder what the owners would think.

Shouldn’t everyone be required to check out in full, right

There are tens of thousands of owners in that community. If they all start making trouble like this, what should we do

However, Mu Yu soon felt that his worries were unfounded. There were countless communities where lives had been lost, but he had never heard of an owner in any community choosing to check out and get a refund because of this. After all, the real estate market is very hot now, and many properties were sold out just after they were launched. sold out.

"I don't know how the murderer killed the deceased this time." Weng Yun asked while driving.

Bian Zijun responded: "If it were the same murderer before, he would have bound his hands and feet, sealed his mouth, cut off an organ from the deceased alive and chopped it into pieces, and finally let the deceased bleed to death."

These seemingly light words made Mu Yu feel particularly charming. He subconsciously turned to look at Qin Jinhuan and saw that he was pressing his lips tightly and looking thoughtful. Knowing that he was worried about the murder, she immediately held his hand. He immediately turned his head, and when he met her concerned eyes, the corners of his lips curled up slightly to show that he was fine.

The situation was unclear at the moment, so Mu Yu didn't say anything more and just held his hand tightly.

Weng Yun, who was driving in front, didn't know the pressure his words put on his boss, and asked again: "If it's still the same murderer before, which part of the deceased's organs do you think he might cut off this time?"

"It's hard to say. Maybe it was chopping off the feet, maybe cutting off the ears, maybe gouging out the eyes."

"It should be impossible to gouge out the eyeballs, because the eyeballs cannot be cut into cubes, which is different from the previous cases. I think the murderer must have obsessive-compulsive disorder. It is impossible for people with obsessive-compulsive disorder to do such a thing. If the deceased was a man, the murderer might have ripped out his intestines and chopped them into cubes."

Bian Zijun thought it didn't make sense: "There are so many intestines and they need to be cut into cubes. How long does it take? The murderer must commit the crime in as short a time as possible, otherwise it will be more dangerous."

"When you put it like that, I think it's really impossible. Besides, the intestines are full of feces. If you cut them, your hands will be dirty. That's really..."

"Have you said enough?"

Qin Jinhuan scolded him impatiently, and Weng Yun realized that he had talked too much, and suddenly became silent.

Mu Yu was listening with interest when he was interrupted by Qin Jinhuan. He was stunned for a moment, and then he lowered his head and thought deeply.

She felt that the discussion between Bian Zijun and Weng Yun was reasonable.

In fact, she was also very curious about which part of the deceased's body the murderer would cut off this time, because based on the relationship between the deceased and the cut organs in the previous three cases, the cut off organs of the deceased must correspond to some extremely corrupt quality in the deceased. Of course, the premise is that the murderer in this case is the same person as the previous three cases, and the modus operandi is the same.

Everyone who had their own concerns along the way remained silent.

Anyue Mountain is in the west direction of Ancheng City, about a hundred kilometers away from Ancheng City, and Xinyue City is located in the west of Ancheng City. At this time, Weng Yun drove the car very fast, so in less than an hour, they arrived at the main entrance of Xinyue City.

The main entrance of Xinyue City is very grand. There is a small square directly in front of the entrance and exit. There is a small garden in front. In the middle of the small garden stands a large stone with the five characters of Qingtian Xinyue City engraved on it. There are security booths on both sides of the entrance and exit, and there is a security guard standing straight in each security booth. As soon as their car arrived, the railings at the entrance were erected, which surprised Mu Yu.

"Can outside vehicles enter and leave the community so freely?"

"No," Bian Zijun hurriedly explained, "It's because I just contacted the community manager. Without a community pass, vehicles cannot enter the community."

"Oh. Does that person need a pass to come in and out?"

"Because we have just handed over the rooms, the occupancy rate is not high, and it is not yet common to apply for access passes."

"Does that mean people can now freely enter and exit this community?"


The car stopped behind a police car. Mu Yu ignored the questions and got out of the car immediately. She saw a police line formed in front of 16 buildings. She immediately ran straight over. After showing her ID, she asked about the floor where the incident happened. Not caring about waiting for Qin Jinhuan and the others, he rushed into the elevator and reached the eighth floor.

There were two criminal police officers standing in front of Room 802. They all knew Mu Yu and hurriedly got out of the way when they saw her approaching.

As soon as Mu Yu entered the room, he smelled a strong smell of blood.

This is an apartment with an area of about 40 square meters, one bedroom, one living room, one kitchen and one bathroom. The deceased who was originally lying on the bed in the bedroom has been put into a body bag and taken away.

Mu Yu walked into the bedroom cautiously.

I saw dark red blood stains all over the bed in the bedroom. I couldn't tell the blood stains on the dark red floor. I could only guess from the wet marks that they were blood stains. There was a human figure drawn with white chalk on the bed. It was easy to see from the length of the human figure that the deceased was tall, at least 1.8 meters tall.

Rong Jian was standing on the bedside, lost in thought, while Feng Rubing was squatting on the ground. He was not surprised to see her come in. He pointed to the toolbox on the side and said, "Look for any missing organ parts at the scene."

"Okay." Mu Yu immediately picked up the utensil and looked down, while asking, "Who is the deceased?"

Rong Jian responded: "He is a worker at the Anyueshan Quarry of Qingtian Group."

"Anyue Mountain Quarry?" A vast expanse of white flashed before Mu Yu's eyes.


"Oh. Which part of the organ was cut off this time?" As soon as he asked, Mu Yu found a dark red piece of meat at the foot of the bed. He immediately picked it up with a camera and looked at it carefully, thinking quickly about what it should be. Which organ is it.

"Stop looking," Feng Rubing opened the evidence bag and presented it to her, "Put it in."

"Which body tissue is this?" Mu Yu felt strange and was very curious.

Rong Jian said: "Cock."