My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 300: The fourth deceased


"Wha, what?!"

Mu Yu couldn't believe her ears and felt extremely sick. With a shake of her hand, the piece of meat fell into the evidence bag.

Feng Rubing seemed to be dissatisfied with Rong Jian's popular explanation. She glanced at him and corrected quietly: "It should be the male genitalia."

Mu Yu, who was feeling cold all over, couldn't help but ask: "Were they still cut off alive?"

"Judging from the expression of the deceased, it should be, but I have to work hard for you to do further research." Seeing that Feng Rubing lowered his head and was busy again, Rong Jian answered, "The murderer tied the hands and feet of the deceased with packaging tape, sealed his mouth with tape, and then cut his penis …The genitals and genitals were cut off at the roots and then cut into cubes, causing him to bleed to death.”

"Has the time of death been determined?"

"The preliminary estimate is that the time of death was between one and two o'clock this morning. No murder weapon was found at the scene. Like the previous three cases, the scene was cleaned very clean and no traces were left."

"Is this the deceased's home?" Mu Yu asked while carefully looking at the facilities in the apartment.

Although the apartment is not large in size, it is decorated in a relatively high-end style with obvious European style. Common household appliances such as air conditioners, refrigerators, and LCD TVs are also available. If you ignore the blood stains, it generally looks comfortable. .

"This apartment is owned by the deceased's sister. His sister and brother-in-law have been brought to the bureau for interview transcripts."

"It was the deceased's sister and husband who discovered the deceased and called the police?"

"No, it was the girlfriend of the deceased who found it. According to his sister's explanation on the phone, the deceased did not return to the quarry this morning. She felt something was wrong, so she called the girlfriend of the deceased to ask about the situation. The girlfriend of the deceased thought he Before I got up, I bought something and came over early. When I opened the door, I found the deceased lying on the bed covered in blood and no longer breathing, so I called the police.”

"His girlfriend was also brought to the bureau for questioning?"

"She is in the hospital now. When the police arrived, she had fainted from fright. I don't know now... "

Just as he was talking, Rong Jian's cell phone rang, and he answered it casually. After a few hums, he hung up the phone and turned back to Feng Rubing, "Gillian is awake. I will go to the hospital to find out the situation. I asked Li Feng to wait for you outside. You After that, send him back to the bureau."


Rong Jian immediately nodded to Mu Yu, but paused just as he took a step forward. He turned around and lowered his voice and told Feng Rubing: "Your foot injury is not healed yet, so you shouldn't stand for too long. Make sure you take proper rest."

Feng Rubing didn't even raise her head and responded lightly, "I understand." Rong Jian then left with peace of mind.

Knowing that Feng Rubing didn't like people making noise when working, Mu Yu didn't ask any more questions and carefully and carefully collected the clues that might have been missed at the scene with her.

More than half an hour later, after confirming that nothing was missing, Feng Rubing and Mu Yu left the crime scene with the collected evidence.

When he walked out of the door, he saw that besides the criminal policeman, Weng Yun was there, but Qin Jinhuan, Bian Zijun and others were not there. Mu Yu was a little strange and stepped forward to ask.

"The boss left with Zijun and Captain Rong. This is the breakfast the boss left for you." Weng Yun handed a lunch box to Mu Yu.

Mu Yu had no appetite to eat at this time, so she waved her hand and quickly followed Feng Rubing into the elevator.

Weng Yun and Fan Lifeng immediately followed together.

"Madam, are you going back to the city bureau?"

Seeing Mu Yu nodded, Weng Yun said again, "I'll send you there."

"Don't bother, I'll just send him off." Fan Lifeng answered with a smile, "Our Rong team asked me to stay because I will be a driver for the two forensic doctors."

"Our boss asked me to stay and be a driver for our young lady."

"That… "

"You go about your business and leave them to me."

"Oh, okay, then I'll go about my business. Call me if you need anything." Seeing Weng Yun's insistence, Fan Lifeng did not insist, because he did have a lot to do now.

After Fan Lifeng left, Weng Yun sent Mu Yu, Feng Rubing and an assistant back to the city bureau.

Mu Yu and Feng Rubing started busy as soon as they returned to the forensic room. Because Weng Yun hadn't left, they didn't go to the canteen at noon. They just asked Weng Yun to buy some food, and each of them barely ate some.

Before getting off work in the evening, Rong Jian came to the laboratory and asked Feng Rubing to understand the situation.

"The time of death was determined to be between one and two o'clock this morning. The minced meat and cartilage tissue found at the scene were determined to be the deceased's reproductive organs. They had been pieced together completely and were not missing. The murderer stabbed the deceased's penis, testicles, and balls with a knife Cut off, resulting in the deceased bleeding to death." Feng Rubing showed him the compiled experimental data, "There were only blood stains from the deceased at the crime scene, and the body fluids on the bed also belonged to the deceased. In addition to the hair at the scene, , and his girlfriend Gillian’s. No hair samples from the third party have been found. The apartment and the door have been cleaned very well, and no suspicious clues have been found so far.”

"Oh." Rong Jian took the record book and flipped through it. There was no big disappointment on his face. It was obvious that all this was what he expected.

"What's the result of your investigation?" Mu Yu couldn't help but ask.

"I don't have any useful clues then." Rong Jian sighed before continuing to explain.

The male deceased was named Qian Dacheng. He was 34 years old. He was lazy by nature and idled around all day long. Because his brother-in-law Tian Maocai was the director of the Chengxi Quarry under the name of Qingtian Group, his sister Qian Xiaoyu asked Tian Maocai to arrange a very relaxed job for him as a warehouse guard at the quarry.

But even such an easy job was boring for him. He would fish for three days and dry the nets for two days, and would never be seen. He would show up at the quarry on time only on the 16th of every month - the day when the quarry pays wages. field. Today was the 16th and he didn't show up at the quarry on time. Tian Mao felt strange, so he called Gillian and finally found out about Qian Dacheng's death.

"What does he like to do when he's not at work?" Mu Yu interrupted.

"What are you doing? Picking up girls." Rong Jian shrugged, "Otherwise, I wouldn't have had my genitals cut off by the murderer. It's a big deal. It's said that the desire in that area is very strong. As long as you talk about it all day long, you will definitely That’s women. When I meet women on the street, whether I know them or not, I like to tease them with words. I have been beaten a lot for this. Of course, I have also successfully hooked up with many lonely women because they are pretty good-looking. He's big and big. If he didn't have a lame leg, he would look like a dog even if he puts on good clothes. "

Feng Rubing interjected: "Is his leg lame the day after tomorrow?"

"No, according to his sister, he was interrupted by someone out of town a few years ago. It seems that he also molested the little girl." Rong Jian paused, and seeing that Feng Rubing had no intention of asking further questions, he continued to speak, "Qian Xiaoyu saw that her younger brother was already thirty-four years old, but he was still alone. He had no children or half a daughter, so he was very worried about the family. In order to let his younger brother find a woman to live, she secretly stuffed a lot of private money. Give it to him. Not long ago, Qian Dacheng met a hair salon girl named Gillian. Because he behaved very generously in front of Gillian, he also pursued her enthusiastically and told her that if she was willing to follow him, he would keep her in Xinyue City. The apartment I bought was given to her.

"Gillian, who came from the country, was immediately impressed by him and slept with him on the first night he brought her back to the apartment. Later, Qian Dacheng also gave her a diamond ring as a token of love, but said that he would After she gave birth to a child for him, he felt free to transfer the apartment to her. Gillian, who wanted this apartment, was filled with joy after hearing his words. In order to 'create' a child as soon as possible, she asked for leave whenever he came to Ancheng. I also want to come to the apartment to be with him.

"Yesterday afternoon Qian Dacheng took someone's car from the quarry to Ancheng and waited for Gillian in Xinyue City. The two had dinner together and then went for supper. According to Gillian's confession, they were there at about ten o'clock When Duo returned to the apartment, she discovered that the diamond ring was fake at about twelve o'clock. After a big argument with Qian Dacheng, she left the apartment. She received a call from Qian Xiaoyu at work this morning. She asked for leave and came to the apartment and found out. Qian Dacheng died naked on the bed and fainted after calling the police. "

Mu Yu asked: "Does this Gillian have time to witness?"

"Not yet. The time she mentioned last night was very vague. The only thing that can be determined is that she went back to the hair salon at two o'clock in the evening. Because her companion locked the house, she couldn't get in, so she called her companion. Opening the door, the time displayed on the phone is two-thirty in the morning. Normally, it only takes thirty minutes to walk from Xinyue City to Gillian's hair salon, or ten minutes if you take a taxi."

"Does this mean that this Gillian has time to commit crimes?"

"Yes." Rong Jian nodded, "Although the method of committing the crime is basically the same as the previous three cases, we do not rule out the possibility of imitating the crime. We waited for her to stabilize her mood in the afternoon and asked her for questioning. She felt that we were a little suspicious of her. Later, she became hysterical again, and the doctor gave her a sedative, so we can’t ask her for detailed questioning for the time being.”

Speaking of this, he looked at Feng Rubing, "Rubing, what do you think of this case?"

Feng Rubing was writing something in his notebook. When he heard his question, he stopped writing, paused a little, and then spoke in an extremely serious voice: "I compared the packaging ropes used as tools to assist crimes in the first three cases. , and found that although they are both common packaging ropes on the market, they are obviously different.”

"What's the difference?!" Mu Yu and Rong Jian asked at the same time.

"Look." Feng Rubing showed the record book to them. "The packaging ropes used the first three times were medium-sized, and this time they are large-sized."

Mu Yu questioned: "Could it be that the murderer switched to a large packaging rope because he was tall and fat because he had a lot of money?"

"It's possible. But I've compared it. Although the medium-sized rope is shorter, it can actually tie Qian Dacheng's hands and feet. This kind of packaging rope is very strong. As long as the opening is stuck, there is almost no possibility of breaking free. "In addition," Feng Rubing pointed to a set of data in the record book, "the murder weapon used to chop the genitals into pieces was not exactly the same as the knife blade in the previous cases." "The murder weapon this time is not the same as the murder weapon in the previous three cases."

Mu Yu hesitated for a moment before asking: "In other words, the murderer this time may not be the murderer of the previous three murders?"

Rong Jian disagreed a little: "Although the tools are different, the method of committing the crime is the same. Maybe the murderer threw away all the weapons before because he was afraid of being exposed. Why did he use new tools this time?"

Feng Rubing did not comment, closed the book and said seriously: "We can't take it lightly just because the suspect is a girl from a hair salon. Everything is possible."

"also possible… "

"Captain Rong! Come here!" Liu Xiaofan hurried in.