My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 53: Impulse cannot solve the problem


Hearing the choking in Jiang Wenwen's voice, Mu Yu suddenly became nervous and asked quickly: "What happened?"

"Brother Xiaobing was taken away by the police!"

"Ah?!" Mu Yu's heart sank, "Is he really..."

She didn't dare to continue. Although she had doubts, she really didn't want to believe that Yan Xiaobing was the murderer.

Jiang Wenwen on the other end of the phone had already started crying: "Actually, the police asked me for questioning last night. Because the matter is so important, I dare not say anything nonsense. When I went to the school this morning to inquire, I found out that the police also asked the people involved that day last night. Colleagues at the charity donation knew about the situation, and some colleagues confirmed that I had indeed seen Brother Xiaobing in Chengxi Park that day. I felt very uneasy and always hoped that there was a misunderstanding. I tried to call Brother Xiaobing, but his phone number could not be reached. After finally getting off work, I went to look for him at his workplace and found out that he had been taken away by the police in the morning. How could Brother Xiaobing be so stupid? Is it worth ruining his life for such a woman? Well, if he has three advantages and two disadvantages, will his mother still be able to survive? "

The last sentence reminded Mu Yu. She calmed down and persuaded with a hint of luck: "Don't worry, I'll go find out what's going on. Maybe there is some misunderstanding?"

After saying that, she hurriedly hung up the phone and immediately called Rong Jian: "Captain Rong, I heard that you arrested Yan Xiaobing today?"

"Yes, thanks to the clues you provided, we found out that Yan Xiaobing did lie about the time." Rong Jian's voice was soft and a bit hoarse. He was obviously very tired, but he couldn't hide it. A state of excitement.

Hearing the clues from Mu Yu, he instantly felt a cold feeling in his heart: "Is he really the murderer of Sun Meilan? Is there any accurate evidence?"

"The evidence has not been found and is still under rigorous interrogation. However, no matter how we asked him why he appeared in Chengxi Park that evening, he never said a word. He neither admitted that he was the murderer nor denied it. His teammates We are currently searching his house, but so far we haven’t found any suspicious clues.”

"So we have no direct evidence that he is the murderer?"

"Yes, but based on my feeling, the matter is not that simple. After all, he and Sun Meilan have a deep grudge. In addition, he has a dark heart and is so uncooperative with the police. He clearly has a guilty conscience."

"Dark inside?" Mu Yu was a little surprised, "I believe you said that his personality has become withdrawn since the fire, but you said that he is dark inside..."

"This is a clue provided by colleagues who work with him. They said that he is usually taciturn and has a very docile temper, but whenever the weather changes suddenly, his mood fluctuates easily, and he often gets into arguments with others and even gets violent when the weather changes. Later, when his colleagues learned about his situation, they tried to let him go, but they didn't expect that no one would conflict with him, and he would self-harm. "


"Yes, I checked his arms and thighs, and there were indeed many pinch marks and burn marks. When I asked him, he said he did it himself. And it did rain that night on September 17th, so We cannot rule out the possibility that he murdered Sun Meilan for some reason and moved her body to the woods in the west of the city. Our top priority is to find the scene of the first crime, so that Yan Xiaobing can plead guilty even if he makes no confession. "

Recalling that she also had a nightmare on the night of September 17th, which meant that it had indeed rained, Mu Yu felt as if a huge boulder had been pressed against her heart, so heavy that she could not speak.

"Your best friend asked you to inquire about the situation, right?" Rong Jian's voice softened, "I personally talked to her last night. She was very emotional. It was obvious that she sympathized with and cared about Yan Xiaobing. You comfort her and tell her that we will not let a bad person go, but we will not wrongly accuse a good person. If Yan Xiaobing is not a murderer, we will definitely give him justice. "

"Yeah." At this point, what else can Mu Yu say

"Okay, I'll let you know if there's any progress on the case. I'm going to get busy."

"Oh, okay." Mu Yu hung up the phone silently and sat weakly on a bench by the roadside.

From what Rong Jian said, Yan Xiaobing was most likely the real culprit who killed Sun Meilan. Although I don’t want to believe it, I have to believe it.

The phone rang, it was Jiang Wenwen's.

She paused and answered.

"Xiaoyu, how are you?"

Jiang Wenwen's eagerness made her sad. She sighed and said tactfully: "There is no direct evidence to prove that he is the murderer, but the situation is not optimistic."

The call paused for a few seconds, and then came Jiang Wenwen's cry: "Brother Xiaobing is so stupid. No matter what, you can't kill anyone. You have to pay for it with your life! It's not worth paying for someone like Sun Meilan! Why did he... Why don’t you think more about your seriously ill mother?”

"Hey, Wenwen, don't cry, don't cry, haven't the police found direct evidence yet?" Mu Yu said this without any confidence.

"When the evidence is found, will Brother Bing still have a way to live? Brother Xiao Bing is so pitiful! He is really pitiful."

"Wenwen, please stop crying. This can't be blamed on others. It's just that he doesn't know how to use legal means to protect himself. Who doesn't have one or two people who have grudges? If they can't help but kill people, what's the point of chaos? ah?"

"But some people who benefit themselves at the expense of others deserve to die! Who told them to never think about others when they do things!"

Hearing his friend's gnashing of teeth, Mu Yu suddenly felt that her behavior was a little abnormal, and couldn't help but worry: "Wenwen, are you okay?"

Yan Xiaobing was just a friend and an ordinary neighbor. She couldn't understand why her friend could be so excited.

Jiang Wenwen sniffed, sighed deeply, and then said: "Xiaoyu, do you know why in the fire at Brother Xiaobing's house five years ago, even though the police were called in time, his wife and children died tragically? Is it because of the fire?”

Is there something hidden

Mu Yu hurriedly asked: "Why?"

"Because people in the community parked their cars indiscriminately, the fire exits were blocked and the fire trucks could not get in. The fire officers and soldiers had to run into the community on foot and finally got to the seventh floor. Because the door of Brother Xiaobing's house was locked, when they pried the door in, they rushed in. , his wife had died of suffocation. Brother Xiaobing's father who arrived later also died of a stroke due to excessive stimulation. In an instant, Brother Xiaobing's family was destroyed, including my car. We are all the culprits who caused the death of Brother Xiao Bing! Although we all tried our best to help Brother Xiao Bing, what can we do to make up for it? We will never escape the condemnation of our conscience in this life." Jiang Wenwen cried again. stand up.

Mu Yu didn't expect that there was such a secret in it, and then she truly understood why her good friend was so concerned about what happened to Yan Xiaobing. Thinking of what Rong Jian said about Yan Xiaobing's frequent self-abuse, she felt more sympathy for Yan Xiaobing in her heart, and that was it. I had no choice but to persuade my friend again: "No matter what, no one wants this to happen. It's useless to say regrets now. We still..."

"The most hateful thing is Sun Meilan's family!" Jiang Wenwen suddenly said bitterly, "Gan Wulin was engaged in passenger transportation at that time, and he parked such big buses everywhere. At that time, the neighbors in the community saw that the fire truck could not come in, so they all tried to move the car. Only Gan Wulin remained unmoved and refused to cooperate on the grounds that he could not find the car keys. After the tragedy, Sun Meilan showed no sympathy at all. He persuaded the neighbors not to help him, saying that helping him would bring disaster upon him. How could such a vicious woman not be punished by God? Not to mention that Brother Xiaobing wanted to cut her head off and cut her tongue into pieces, even when I came home from get off work. She has the urge to crush her with an electric car."

Mu Yu was shocked: "Wenwen! Impulsiveness can't solve the problem!"

"She's already dead, what's the use of my impulsiveness?"

"No, I am saying that you should not be impulsive when encountering such a thing in the future. No one can guarantee that you will not encounter such a person again in the future."

Jiang Wenwen sobbed for a while, and her voice was much calmer when she spoke again: "Don't worry, I just said it out of anger. Can you go back and say hello to your colleagues and tell them to be kind to the little soldiers no matter what?"

"Yeah, I will."

"Well, I'm done."

Jiang Wenwen hung up the phone without saying anything more.

Mu Yu was also in a very heavy mood. After calling Rong Jian and briefly explaining what her friend had just said, she hung up the phone, held the phone in her hand, and stared blankly at the resort gate not far away.

People came and went in and out of the gate, in small groups, and everyone was talking and laughing. Thinking about Yan Xiaobing who was about to lose his freedom, she felt even more uncomfortable.

"Xiaoyu, why didn't you say anything when you came out? I'm looking for you everywhere."

When she looked up and saw Xin Yihan running towards her, Mu Yu quickly turned away to wipe her tears.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Xin Yihan rushed over, grabbed her shoulders nervously and asked urgently.

"No, it's okay."

"You still said it's okay? Your eyes are red from crying! What happened?"

Not wanting to worry him, Mu Yu hurriedly told the truth: "I'm fine. It was Wenwen who just called me crying, saying that something happened to her best friend. Her friend was very pitiful. I couldn't hold it back for a moment, so I cried with her. ”

Afraid that he wouldn't believe it, she took out her cell phone and showed him the call records.


"When did I deceive Brother Yihan?" Mu Yu tried his best to smile.

Xin Yihan did not smile, but warned with a serious face: "Girl, if something really happens, you must tell me, and you must not bear it by yourself, you know?"

Mu Yu felt warm in her heart and nodded solemnly.

"Remember, I will always be you..."

"The strongest supporter, I will always remember it."

"Just remember, silly girl." Xin Yihan rubbed her hair lovingly.

Mu Yu loved his actions and tone so much. For a moment, she felt like she had returned to the days without Yin Xiaotian. She couldn't help but feel a little dazed, and her eyes looking at him were also a little blurry.

"Your sister-in-law and the others are still waiting for us inside, why don't you go in for a bubble?"


The sound of "sister-in-law" brought Mu Yu back to his original form, and he hurriedly lowered his eyes and stood up, while scolding himself in his heart. I didn’t want my feet to feel numb after sitting for a long time and I almost fell. Fortunately, Xin Yihan held me in time.

"You silly girl, you're still so frizzy."

"It's unexpected." Mu Yu stuck out his tongue in embarrassment, "Let's go."

"Little words."

Qin Jinhuan? Oops!

Mu Yu hurriedly took a step to one side and kept a distance from Xin Yihan.

"Hello, Mr. Qin." Xin Yihan seemed not to notice Mu Yu's movements and greeted him politely.

Qin Jinhuan nodded with a smile, then turned to Mu Yu, glanced at her bag, and said in a gentle tone, "Want to go to the hot springs?"

Mu Yu reacted quickly and hurriedly said, "Yes, I have been waiting for you to come back."

"Where are my swimming trunks?"

"In the room." Mu Yu turned to Xin Yihan and explained, "Brother Yihan, I will accompany him to get the swimming trunks. Let's go in to find you later."

Seeing Xin Yihan nodded, she smiled and stepped forward to take Qin Jinhuan's arm. She walked next to him to the resort like a little bird, but she felt very guilty, fearing that he would misunderstand her.

It turned out that her worries were not unnecessary, because as soon as he entered the resort room, he left her behind and stared at her coldly with gloomy eyes.