My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 63: Worried


"Where is he going?" Mu Yu, who was very worried, also got out of the car and stood on tiptoe to look at the place where Qin Jinhuan's figure disappeared.

Huang Bo also stood beside the car, followed her gaze, and guessed with a sense of luck: "The boss may have found a way to go. Although the old man has great power in Qingtian Group, the boss has also served as In the past ten years, he has cultivated many people of his own, and he still has many connections. It is impossible for him to hand over the position of president so easily, let alone give up his mother's inheritance rights so easily. "

Mu Yu shook his head helplessly: "He has already signed those two documents. The matter is a foregone conclusion. I'm afraid there is no other way."

Huang Bo thought it made sense, and for a moment he was in a daze with nothing to say.

"Hey, why is Bian Zijun back? Is there any good news?"

When Qin Jinhuan got out of the car, Bian Zijun also followed him. Seeing him leaving and returning, Mu Yu immediately greeted him with a happy face.

Huang Bo was also very energetic, and he followed closely: "Brother Bian, does the boss have any instructions?"

"No. The boss didn't allow me to follow him, maybe he wanted to be alone." Bian Zijun sighed, and then gritted his teeth and said, "I just received a call from Weng Yun, confirming that it was Yuchi Industrial that won the Phoenix Valley project."

"I knew it was this bastard! I should have chopped him up and fed him to the dogs yesterday! He has eighteen generations of ancestors from Ci'ao!" Huang Bo was furious.

"Do you think I didn't want to chop him up yesterday?" Bian Zijun clenched his fists and cracked his knuckles, "It's just that he kept finding fault with the boss and wanted to anger him. I was afraid that the boss would lose his mind and do something drastic. It affected today's signing schedule, so I tried to stop the boss and planned to settle the score with that bastard later. Who knew he would pull this trick again today! Hey, how did you say that the old man was so considerate of the overall situation, how could he be at this critical moment today? How could the time be so confusing?"

"Isn't it all because of Qin Wentao and Dong Yueyun's instigation?" Huang Bo became more and more angry. "These two people are full of bad intentions. They covet the boss's position as president every day and dream of him and the boss falling out. The young lady is right, What happened today must have been the result of their collusion with Bastard Yi! Maybe even Butler Yu’s tip to the boss was their fault!”

"But we have no evidence."

"The evidence was found."

"Well, Weng Yun has already started investigating, but Yi Yunzhe is a very thoughtful bastard. If he wants to find out the reason in a short time, I'm afraid it won't be that easy."

"Perhaps Cheng Xiang can be a breakthrough?" Mu Yu interjected and suggested.

Before she questioned Qin Wentao and his wife, she just followed Qin Wentao's words to refute. Now after hearing the discussion between Bian Zijun and his wife, she began to really doubt Qin Wentao.

Bian Zijun's face froze when he heard this, and he looked at Huang Bo subconsciously. He hesitated for a long time before speaking in a low voice: "Young lady, Cheng Xiang, Huang Bo, Weng Yun, myself, Huang Bo, and Weng Yun were all recruited to be bodyguards for the boss at the same time. We have been together through thick and thin for more than ten years now. Although there is no sworn friendship in Taoyuan, the four of us have always had a good personal relationship and have long regarded each other as brothers. From what I know about Cheng Xiang, he will not betray the boss. "

Huang Bo immediately nodded in agreement: "The boss has always been kind to the four of us. It is impossible for us to betray the boss! Cheng Xiang's temporary layoff yesterday must have been an accident."

"Then, where do we start investigating?" Unexpectedly, they would speak for Cheng Xiang like this, and Mu Yu, who had no clue, became more and more anxious.

"Young Madam, don't worry, we will try our best to help the boss find a way to tide over the difficulties," Bian Zijun immediately turned to Huang Bo, "You send Young Madam back first, and I'll go meet Mr. Wen."

"Okay." Huang Bo immediately opened the door.

"Ah Huan..."

"Boss, I will call you immediately if I have good news."

Seeing what Bian Zijun said, and thinking that he really couldn't be of much help, although Mu Yu was worried, he didn't say anything more and got in the car silently. After Huang Bo sent her downstairs to the building where her parents lived, he drove away, leaving her standing there alone and sighing.

If she could have verified the authenticity of Yi Yunzhe's words with Yihan in time yesterday, or if she had not entered Yi Yunzhe's room yesterday, there would have been no video incident, and Qin Jinhuan would not be in such a miserable state today. .

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world. She can't do anything to help except scolding herself for being stupid.

The sight of his sadly leaving figure flashed before her eyes, and she felt an inexplicable pain in her heart. She took out her phone, clicked on the phone's address book and scrolled to his number. Thinking that his phone had been smashed, she put it back in her pocket.

After all, he is the grandson of the Qin family. Since grandpa can give him the position of president, it means that grandpa values him very much and should not really sever ties with him. Grandpa seemed to be decisive, but his main purpose was probably to force him to divorce himself and marry Dong Wanqing to eliminate the gap between him and his father. From then on, father and son worked together to develop Qingtian Group.

Grandpa has not been ill for a while. It seems that the treatment plan of the expert team is good. Grandpa's illness should not require his help. Qin Jinhuan should be able to divorce himself and marry another without any worries.

She comforted herself with a sense of luck, but when she thought of the word divorce again, she felt a little breathless.

She used to dream about divorcing him and regaining her freedom, but to this day, she doesn't want to divorce him at all, doesn't want to be a stranger to him from now on, doesn't want to...


Her mother's voice interrupted Mu Yu's thoughts. When she came to her senses, her mother had already asked a series of questions, "Why didn't you go upstairs when you came back? What are you doing here? I won't make Master Qin unhappy again." Right? Mr. Qin..."

"No, I was planning to go upstairs to see you." Mu Yu forced a smile.

"Why didn't you call me first when you were coming back? I'll prepare your favorite dishes. By the way, will Mr. Qin come over for lunch?"

"He, he went on a business trip and won't be back for a few days, so he sent me to you."

She was worried that her parents would ask her to divorce him if they knew about Qin Jinhuan's current situation, so she did not plan to mention what happened today to her parents.

"Oh. So you can stay at home today?" Hu Meiling obviously didn't see anything strange and happily put her arm around her daughter and led her upstairs.

Mu Ziyao, who was reading the newspaper at home, was overjoyed to see his daughter back. After asking his aunt to buy groceries, the couple exchanged snacks and asked questions. Of course, the topic would always come back to Qin Jinhuan.

Seeing his parents like this, Mu Yu held back for a long time, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Dad, Mom, do you really approve of Qin Jinhuan as your son-in-law?"

"Of course!" Hu Meiling smiled like a flower, "You can't find a son-in-law like this who is rich, powerful, good-looking, and even holding a lantern! I just don't know if Mr. Qin is really interested in you."

Mu Ziyao smiled and said: "Emotions are all cultivated. Our Xiaoyu is so beautiful, and she is currently known as Young Mistress Qin. As long as she is willing to spend more time on Young Master Qin, Young Master Qin will definitely be able to treat her." Look at it differently.”

"Yes, yes, Xiaoyu, as the saying goes, those who are near the water first get the moon, you have to seize this opportunity! Oh, by the way, don't you two sleep in the same bed at night? If it doesn't work, you can use this as a breakthrough. If you are pregnant with the blood of the Qin family, you will be the legitimate young lady of the Qin family. Oh, by the way, the moon is responsible for this." Hu Meiling laughed to herself.

"You old woman, you actually teach your daughter like this. But having said that, this is a good idea." Mu Ziyao smiled angrily, hugging his wife and looking at his daughter.

Mu Yu did not laugh, because she had heard that her parents valued the false title of the Qin family's young mistress. After hesitating for a long time, she asked tentatively: "Dad, Mom, if Qin Jinhuan resigned as the president of Qingtian Group, fell out with his grandfather, left home with nothing, would you still want me to be with him? ?"

"Purify yourself and leave home? Have nothing?" Hu Meiling had obviously never thought about this problem, and looked at her husband in surprise for a moment.

Mu Ziyao smiled disapprovingly and said: "Young Master Qin has been fighting in the business world for many years. Even if he really resigns his position as the president of Qingtian Group and falls out with the Qin family, it is impossible to really have nothing. The so-called skinny camel is better than Martha, at most he has gone from a big CEO to a small CEO, from a net worth of tens of billions to a net worth of one billion. This will not affect his image as a young talent at all. We will still be very proud to have such a son-in-law. .Meiling, do you think I’m right?”

"Yes, yes, absolutely right." Hu Meiling smiled like a flower again.

"What if he really has nothing now and is even more miserable than when our family first moved to Ancheng to survive?" Mu Yu continued to ask, piercing his parents' illusions.

Hu Meiling immediately changed her disdainful expression: "If this is true, then I definitely cannot agree to your being together. You are so beautiful and you are a public servant. You can find a man with good conditions with your eyes closed."

"With the influence of the Qin family in Ancheng, how could Young Master Qin be in such a miserable state? Stop thinking about things and causing trouble. Meiling, let's go help my daughter tidy up the room."


Seeing her parents entering the room happily, Mu Yu was speechless for a moment, secretly glad that she didn't tell them about Qin Jinhuan, otherwise they would have forced her to divorce him now.

But she doesn't blame her parents for being snobbish. What parent doesn't want their children to live a life of good food and clothing

Her mother's disdainful look flashed before her eyes when she heard that Qin Jinhuan really had nothing, and her heart couldn't help but twitch - Qin Jinhuan had always been arrogant, but he suddenly fell into this state. After the news spread, would a large number of people try to make trouble for him? ? Can he bear such a sudden gap

If he wants to make a comeback, is there still a chance

She doesn’t understand business or politics, and can’t answer her own questions.

After lunch, he excused himself as a little tired, went back to the room alone, locked the door, and then sat on the bed in a daze.

She didn't know how long she had been sitting there when her cell phone rang. Seeing that it was Wen Zeyu, she hurriedly answered the call.

"Sister-in-law, it's not good. Ah Huan is going to commit suicide. I can't stop him. Come here quickly!"

suicide? !

Her eyes were suddenly spinning.