My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 66: Don't worry


What Mu Yu saw was a bundle of life-saving wire ropes.

When Xin Yihan tutored her in her studies, he instilled in her a lot of safety precautions. She told this common sense to her parents. At her request, her parents bought a series of household firefighting equipment such as life ropes, fire extinguishers, bright flashlights, and safety hammers to prepare for emergencies. She didn't expect that her parents would take these things with them when they moved to a new house.

After locking the door, Mu Yu took off the life rope, fixed the tripod, tied the safety belt on himself, hung up the hook, put on non-slip gloves, opened the window, looked out, and suddenly felt dizzy.

This is the tenth floor.

If it falls, it will be completely changed beyond recognition.

This is a fire life-saving rope that my father asked a friend who works in the fire squadron to buy. It is very strong. As long as the measures are in place, everything will be fine. She comforted herself in her mind.

After carefully checking the lifeline again and making sure it was OK, she took a few deep breaths, climbed out of the window sill, gritted her teeth and slowly slid down, while not forgetting to listen carefully to what was going on around her - she was afraid that someone would regard her as a thief. . Fortunately, it was already dark at this time, and most people were busy making dinner, so no one noticed the "Spider-Man" outside the window.

There were no dangers along the way. She quickly reached the ground, untied the rope and ran towards the gate of the community, fearing that her parents would find her and chase her home.

After getting into the taxi, she called Wen Zeyu's phone again and learned that Qin Jinhuan had gone home with him. After asking for the address, she rushed to Wen Zeyu's house as soon as possible.

"Ah Huan, are you okay?" As soon as he entered the door, he saw Qin Jinhuan sitting on the sofa with his head in his arms. Mu Yu worriedly ran forward to greet him.

"It's strange that nothing happened." Wen Zeyu answered angrily, "Those bastards, the tea got cold before they left, and they can fall out faster than turning the page in a book."

Mu Yu felt distressed and worried after hearing this, and asked, "Has Qin Wentao taken over the position of president?"

"Currently, I am only the acting president, but it is equivalent to taking over the position of president. Alas, this old man is really confused. In order to bet with Ah Huan, he actually handed over Qingtian Group to Qin Wentao. Qingtian The future of the group is worrying.”

"Although Qin Wentao has become the acting president, the power is still in the hands of grandpa. If he admits his mistake to grandpa, maybe..." Mu Yu did not continue, but looked at Wen Zeyu.

Wen Zeyu understood what she meant and shook his head helplessly: "You think I didn't persuade him? I can't persuade him! This guy is as stubborn as a cow. He would rather receive a blank look than bow his head."

Mu Yu suddenly became anxious and immediately pushed Qin Jinhuan to persuade him: "Ah Huan, a man can bend and stretch, you..."

"That's enough! Anyone who wants to mention these words in front of me again will get out of here."

"Ah Huan..."

"Sister-in-law!" Wen Zeyu gently pulled Mu Yu, winked at her, and said with his lips, "It's better to leave him alone."

Understandingly, Mu Yu immediately stood up and followed Wen Zeyu into the study.

After Wen Zeyu closed the study door, he whispered: "Sister-in-law, Rong Jian went to find grandpa, but I guess there is no chance."


"Can't you see that grandpa is serious this time? Moreover, both grandpa and grandson are equally stubborn. Qin Wentao and Dong Yueyun took advantage of this to succeed! Hey, you don't know how prosperous the couple are now, in the company Everyone up and down is surrounding them."

Mu Yu questioned: "You and Ah Huan have worked for the company for so many years, why haven't you cultivated some connections of your own?"

"Of course there is! But no matter how strong our connections are, we can't be better than grandpa! If grandpa hadn't been wholeheartedly supporting Qin Wentao, would he dare to cynicize Ah Huan in the company?"

Mu Yu was very angry when he heard this: "Since grandpa has already made his position clear, why do you still accompany Ah Huan to the company? Aren't you humiliating yourself?"

"It's just that Ah Huan can't let go of the multi-billion-dollar project he painstakingly built around Fenghuang Valley. It was the hard work of him and his team over the past year. Now grandpa wants to sell it to Ah Huan at a low price to Yu, who hates it deeply. Chi Industrial, let alone Ah Huan, I can’t even swallow this.”

Seeing Mu Yu's confused look, Wen Zeyu patiently introduced to her the projects Qin Jinhuan had started developing around Fenghuang Valley. At the end, he sighed again, "We only realized how conceited we were after a big fall. "

Mu Yu was very surprised: "Why do you have to sell those industries to Yuchi Industrial at a low price? Can't you keep them for your own development?"

"Those industries are based on the Fenghuang Valley Ecological Tourism Base project. Fenghuang Valley is the most important industrial chain among them. If you want to develop the economy of that area without relying on it, it will be particularly difficult. Of course, it is not It's not feasible at all, it's just a matter of taking some risks. Ah Huan went to the company to give him advice on this matter in order to minimize the company's losses. But his grandfather not only refused to listen, but also kicked him out. I asked someone to inquire, and it turned out that it was Qin Wentao's idea to sell these projects around Fenghuang Valley at a low price! If the matter comes to this, I will not believe it if you say that Qin Wentao did not collude with Yi Yunzhe. "

Just as Mu Yu was about to answer, someone knocked on the door. When the two turned around to look, Rong Jian had already pushed the door open and entered.

"What did grandpa say?" Even though he was mentally prepared, Wen Zeyu couldn't help but hold on to a glimmer of hope.

Rong Jian, who closed the door behind him, shook his head: "Before I opened my mouth, grandpa blocked me. It seems that Qin Wentao gave grandpa a lot of **** soup."

Mu Yu was immediately annoyed and said angrily: "Since grandpa is so heartless, there is no need for us to worry about Qingtian Group."

Wen Zeyu was unwilling to give in: "The Qingtian Group is what it is today, and it is not entirely due to Grandpa's function. Ah Huan is the major contributor! How can you say that you kicked Ah Huan out of the game?!"

Rong Jian had a look of helplessness on his face: "I can't blame anyone else for this, I just blame him for being too conceited and arrogant. You will learn a lesson from every mistake. If you have the chance to make a comeback in the future, you must take this lesson from him."

"Making a comeback? Easier said than done!" Wen Zeyu let out a long sigh, "Not to mention that grandpa, Qin Wentao and Yi Yunzhe will not let Ah Huan have this opportunity. Even if they ignore Ah Huan, Ah Huan needs to have starting capital if he wants to start a business. Okay."

"As long as you have confidence, there will always be opportunities." Rong Jianting seemed quite optimistic, "Okay, let's talk about opportunities later. The most important thing now is to appease Ah Huan. I don't want to see him become decadent."

Wen Zeyu nodded and turned around to open the door. Rong Jian followed him out immediately, leaving Mu Yu standing alone in the room in a daze.

Why had she ever wanted to see a decadent Qin Jinhuan? But there seemed to be nothing she could do to help.


The phone rang. Seeing that it was her mother, she knew that her mother must have found out about her leaving home. She couldn't help but panic. After a moment of hesitation, she answered the call - she didn't dare to refuse her mother's call.


"Mom." She responded weakly.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"Where are you?"

Seeing that her mother's voice was quite calm, Mu Yu secretly breathed a sigh of relief and responded softly: "I'm at a friend's house."

"Is Mr. Qin here too?"

Not knowing what her mother meant, Mu Yu didn't dare to answer easily.

At this time, my father's voice came from the microphone: "Xiaoyu, your mother and I thought for a long time this afternoon and felt that our previous ideas were wrong. We also want to see Mr. Qin. Isn't he in a bad condition now? We want to Go see if there's anything you can do to help."

"Yes, yes, no matter what, you and him have developed to this point. It is unreasonable for us to forcefully separate you two."

Unexpectedly, his parents' attitude suddenly changed. Mu Yu was very happy and immediately sent them the location of Wen Zeyu's home on WeChat. She felt much lighter immediately, but when she came out of the room and saw Qin Jinhuan's frowning face, her mood suddenly became heavy again.

Rong Jian and Wen Zeyu, who were sitting on both sides of Qin Jinhuan and were talking, subconsciously moved to one side when they saw her coming out. For the first time, Mu Yu didn't feel embarrassed and sat down next to Qin Jinhuan. Qin Jinhuan, on the other hand, glanced at her in surprise. She just smiled, but her eyes inadvertently revealed guilt and pity.

"It's okay." Qin Jinhuan whispered to her, and then continued the previous topic with Rong Jian and the others.

These two short words made Mu Yu sad and heartwarming - not only did he not blame her, he also comforted her. Maybe it means that she has a certain place in his heart

She suddenly felt that she was more willing to get close to him without the aura of Young Master Qin.

"Xiaoyu? Xiaoyu?"

Her mother's shout interrupted her thoughts, and she quickly got up and walked out, answering the call.

"You damn girl, how dare you jump off the tenth floor? Aren't you afraid of death?" Hu Meiling pinched her arm as soon as she saw her and suddenly transformed into a tiger mother.

"Jumped from the tenth floor?!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and Qin Jinhuan immediately rushed over and grabbed her other arm and glanced nervously up and down.

Mu Yu hurriedly explained: "I didn't jump down, I slid down with a life rope attached."

"Isn't that just as dangerous?" Hu Meiling scolded her, and then she changed her smile and explained to Qin Jinhuan, "Young Master Qin, I have to take Xiaoyu to the hospital for a check-up. Our couple only has a daughter like this, so we can't let anything happen to her. question."

"mom… "

"Xiaoyu, your mother was so frightened that her blood pressure rose so high. Let's take her to the hospital for a check-up."

Of course Mu Yu knew that her father's words were to scare her, and she wanted to resist again, but suddenly thought of something, she immediately changed her mind, said goodbye to Qin Jinhuan and others, and returned home with her parents.

When she got home, she had to listen to her parents' lecture again. This time she didn't refute, she just responded with a low eyebrow.

Seeing his daughter's attitude, Mu Ziyao softened his heart, stopped his nagging wife, and brought his daughter food.

Mu Yu, who had no appetite at first, forced a smile and ate half a bowl of rice, then excused herself to rest because she was tired.

"I'll make your bed right now." Hu Meiling stood up quickly.

"Mom, I'm too tired. I can't wait any longer. Let's go to your room to sleep for a while." After saying that, regardless of whether her mother agreed or not, Mu Yu went straight into the master bedroom, got on the bed and covered her head to "sleep."

"Let her sleep. Let's discuss taking her for surgery tomorrow."

"Well, don't let her run out again." Mu Yu listened to his parents' conversation across the quilt with a wry smile on his face.

In the middle of the night, when there was no sound outside, Mu Yu quietly got up, turned on the flashlight on her phone, and began to rummage through the cabinets in the master bedroom.