My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 67: Something touched


Ten minutes later, Mu Yu got what she wanted, carefully put it into her satchel, grabbed her satchel, quietly opened the door, crept through the living room, and slipped out of the house.

When she knocked on Wen Zeyu's door again, it was already past three in the morning, and it was Qin Jinhuan who opened the door for her.

He was still wearing the clothes he wore during the day, his hair was slightly messy, his eyes were bloodshot, his face was haggard, and he had obviously not slept.

"Why haven't you fallen asleep yet?" She was surprised.

"Why are you here at this time?" He was also surprised.

"I worry about you."

He forced a smile and said, "What's there to worry about?"

"I have something for you." Mu Yu pulled him into the room, took out all the things in the bag and handed them to him.

There were two real estate certificates, three bank cards, some jewelry, and a check for 20 million.

"What are you giving me these for?"

"I'll give you the starting capital to start a business." Mu Yu's confidence was a little weak, "The check belongs to your family. As for our family, these are the only ones that are valuable."


Mu Yu nodded weakly.

"You gave me all these, what do they eat? Where do they live?"

"Don't I have a job?" She responded calmly, "Although I am still in the internship period, if I save a little, the salary can still be enough to feed and drink a family of three. As for the issue of housing, I heard that our unit has staff dormitories. I I’ll ask Captain Rong to help with it, don’t worry.”

She wanted to say, "Don't refuse, just pay me back when you make money later." But she was afraid of causing a psychological burden to him, so after thinking about it, she didn't say anything. Instead, she looked at him awkwardly, for fear that he would not accept it. After all, these things are not hers, and she is disgraceful to her parents by doing this. But she really wanted to help him, and she made another decision in her heart - to find a part-time job at dawn to make as much money as possible to provide better living conditions for her parents.

Qin Jinhuan glanced at the thing in her hand again and smiled faintly: "This is your parents' background. Aren't you afraid that your mother will skin you when she finds out?"

He knew she had always been afraid of her mother.

"No, no, no, my mother is a typical talkative person." Seeing his disbelief, she gritted her teeth and changed her words, "At worst, I won't fight back if I hit you or scold you. She's just my daughter, so she can really kill me." What's wrong?"

"I can figure it out myself."

Unexpectedly, after saying so much, he pushed the things back to him. Mu Yu suddenly became anxious, put his hands behind his back, and stepped back, saying quickly: "I know these can't help you, but this is me Just accept it. You don’t have to worry about my parents, I won’t let them starve or freeze.”

"I can handle it."

"I know you can handle it. I just want to do something for you. It was me who caused you to be like this. I'm very grateful that you didn't doubt me. Really." Tears flashed from the corners of Mu Yu's eyes.

"I told you before, this matter has nothing to do with you."

"But if it weren't for me..."

"Go and cook me a bowl of noodles."

"What?" Qin Jinhuan obviously didn't want to discuss that meaningless topic anymore, but the sudden change of tone made Mu Yu unable to react for a moment.

"Hungry. Didn't have dinner."

"Oh, okay, I'll go right away."

Seeing her running towards the kitchen with joy, Qin Jinhuan was in a trance for a moment.

When nothing happened to him, she always liked to be angry with him, and tried every means to provoke him to drive her away. After something happened to him, she thought she would leave him happily, but she didn't expect...

Looking at the real estate certificate and bank card placed on the coffee table, he felt something special in his heart.

She was a filial girl who usually obeyed her parents' orders. She stole these things for him. He could imagine her hesitation, nervousness and guilt towards her parents at the time. But at this moment, what she let him see was something A firm heart and full of sincerity.

What a silly girl.

Glancing at the kitchen, he put these things away and quietly put them back into her bag - these things really couldn't help him, but his thoughts were received.

"There's nothing to eat in his kitchen. I only found a bucket of instant noodles. I probably won't be able to order takeout at this late hour, so just make do with it." Mu Yu put the instant noodles on the coffee table with some embarrassment.

"As long as you can eat it."

"It's edible. It's not expired. I checked."

"It tastes pretty good." Qin Jinhuan took the fork and started eating with a smile.

Seeing that he was eating with gusto, Mu Yu's eyes showed distress: "Have you not eaten anything since morning?"

Qin Jinhuan did not respond, but asked: "What about you?"

"I ate them all."


"Well, with my parents watching, I don't dare not eat it."

"I'm afraid I only ate a little bit, right? Come on?" Qin Jinhuan handed her the fork.

She shook her head: "You can eat, I'm really not hungry."

She did only eat a little bit at night, and she would be lying if she said she wasn't hungry, but the amount of instant noodles in a bucket was too little, and he was a man who hadn't eaten twice.

"dislike me?"

"No, no, it's mainly because I ate too much instant noodles when I was in college, and now I don't even want to smell the smell of instant noodles."

"It's not that particular about filling your stomach. Eat a little."

Seeing that he was already hungry, Mu Yu hesitated, walked over, took the fork, twisted two short noodles and tasted them, then handed the fork back to him and stood up at the same time.

"Let's eat together." Qin Jinhuan pulled her to sit down next to him, then picked up the bucket of instant noodles and shared bites with her. The two of them looked at each other from time to time, with a look of satisfaction in their eyes, so they didn't notice Lou. movement on.

Upstairs, Rong Jian was forcibly dragged back to the room by Wen Zeyu. After closing the door, Rong Jian, who had been holding back, asked, "You obviously have a lot of instant noodles in the cabinet, why didn't you let me tell Ah Huan?"

Wen Zeyu was lying on the bed and laughing: "Some things tasteless after eating too much, so this is just right."

"What's so good? It's amazing that two people can be full after eating a bucket of instant noodles! Ah Huan hasn't eaten anything for a day. It's rare that he is willing to eat. You actually..."

"You idiot! You don't understand romance. No wonder it took so long to get the ice beauty. Can't you see that what they are eating is not instant noodles, but love between you and me? Hey, it makes me want to find it. Let’s eat instant noodles together.”

"Eat your head." Rong Jian grabbed a pillow and threw it at it, "It's already this time, and you're still in the mood to make such a joke."

Wen Zeyu shrugged: "It's because at times like this, we have to be more optimistic! Do you want to see Ah Huan and I become depressed and never succeed?"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Rong Jian glared at him, "I still want to live a long life!"

The three of them have been playmates since childhood. On a whim when they were children, they imitated the three brothers Liu Guan and Zhang Taoyuan, and even knelt down and swore a poisonous oath like they did on TV: "I don't want to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but I want to die in the same year, the same month and the same day." When Rong Jian mentioned this, Wen Zeyu immediately laughed: "Don't worry, those who don't live long are good people. Ah Huan and I are both a big disaster."

"Are you the only one who is the big trouble? I don't know how many little girls have been hurt in these years."

"That's all they did willingly, okay? They..." Hearing the slight sound coming from outside, Wen Yuze immediately fell silent, tiptoed to the door, and put his ear to the door to listen for the sound.

Rong Jian also walked over and listened attentively like him.

"It seems like they entered the room."

"It doesn't seem like that, but they entered the room." Wen Zeyu was happy again, "A friend in need is a friend indeed. Congratulations to Ah Huan for finding true love."

They all knew about Qin Jinhuan and Mu Yu's fake marriage to take care of their grandfather.

"This is called losing something in the east and gaining something like a mulberry tree." Rong Jian was also very happy. He had always had a very good impression of Mu Yu. He wished his brother could really fall in love with this girl, but he was worried that Qin Jinhuan's careless personality would hurt Mu Yu. Qin Jinhuan's attitude towards Mu Yu these days really made him relieved. .

But soon he became worried again, "Ze Yu, you should have seen clearly the attitude of Mu's parents today. Ah Huan is so depressed now. I'm afraid that Dr. Mu really wants to be with Ah Huan and there will be great resistance."

Wen Zeyu disagreed: "This kind of person is easy to deal with. When Ah Huan is no longer in despair, they will stick to him."

"If grandpa follows the instigation of Qin Wentao and Dong Yueyun and keeps suppressing Ah Huan like this, will Ah Huan still have time to stand up?"

Wen Zeyu's smile suddenly froze on his face, and after a long while, he murmured with luck: "Grandpa should be angry now, and he won't target Ah Huan like this after a while, right? He is his grandson after all, and no matter what happens to Grandpa, he will have to do it Remember the old relationship between Ah Huan’s mother. As long as grandpa doesn’t suppress Ah Huan, we will have a chance to help him.”

He was well aware of Qin Xiaozhi's influence in Ancheng.

Rong Jian shook his head: "Don't forget Qin Wentao and Dong Yueyun's purpose of using all means to bewitch grandpa. For the sake of Qin Chengxi's future, they will never let Ah Huan go easily."

This sentence left Wen Zeyu speechless and silent again.

Rong Jian sighed: "I'll beg my dad to talk to grandpa tomorrow."

"Your dad has been in trouble once, will he go again?" Wen Zeyu didn't dare to have expectations, because his grandfather said that he was famous for his stubborn temper.

"Let's try it. How about saying please?"

Wen Zeyu nodded and looked in the direction of Qin Jinhuan's room solemnly.

Here, Qin Jinhuan originally planned to go for a walk in the yard and asked Mu Yu to go back to the room arranged by Wen Zeyu to rest first, but Mu Yu refused and insisted on accompanying him. He didn't want her to worry, so he went back with her. Room.

The bed in the room was as wide as the bed they had slept on before, but to their surprise there was only one pillow.

"You go to sleep, I'm not sleepy."

"Let's sleep together." Mu Yu called to Qin Jinhuan who was about to walk to the sofa.

Qin Jinhuan paused unexpectedly, turned around and saw her embarrassment, and joked: "Aren't you afraid that I will take advantage of you?"

"It's been like this, do you still feel like this?"

Qin Jinhuan smiled when he heard this and motioned for her to wash up first. At this moment, he was indeed in no mood to take advantage of her, as she said, and he had no mood to continue teasing her.

After Mu Yu came out, he went into the bathroom to wash up. When he came out, he saw Mu Yu sleeping against the edge of the bed. Knowing that she didn't feel safe without the "Boundary between Chu and Han", he didn't say much, turned off the light, and turned away from her. Lie down on the other side.

In the darkness, the two people were sleeping with their backs facing each other, each with their own thoughts on their mind, unable to fall asleep for a long time.

"Bang bang bang..."

"Ah Huan, something happened! Open the door quickly!"

Qin Jinhuan and Mu Yu were awakened together, and unexpectedly found that they were sleeping in each other's arms. They were both startled, and hurriedly separated to sort out their clothes.

"Ah Huan! Ah Huan! Open the door quickly, someone is dead!"

After hearing this, the two people's expressions changed and they rushed towards the door together.