My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 73: Accompany silently


Pok Oi Hospital, VIP ward.

Qin Jinhuan was pale, his eyes closed, and he lay motionless on the hospital bed.

Mu Yu stood close to the hospital bed, wringing his hands together and staring nervously at the doctor who was examining him.

Rong Jian and Wen Zeyu stood on the other side of the hospital bed, staring at the doctor without blinking.

After a while, the doctor took off his mask and said, "Don't worry, he's fine. He's just suffering from a sudden rage. He'll be fine after a few days of calming down."

Rong Jian became anxious when he heard this: "Is this okay? I've been unconscious for more than half an hour! Do you know how to see a doctor? If not, just find a senior doctor to take a look!"

This female doctor looked to be no more than 23 or 24 years old. She was indeed too young, which made Mu Yu couldn't help but feel distrustful of her words. But even so, she still felt that Rong Jian's direct questioning was inappropriate, and she hurriedly She shook her head and winked at him - after all, Qin Jinhuan was still lying in the hospital bed, so it was not good to offend the doctor.

"Hey! How can you question Yingying's medical skills?" Wen Zeyu pushed Rong Jian rudely, and then explained to Mu Yu with a smile, "Sister-in-law, don't look at Yingying's young age, her professionalism His level should not be underestimated. He is famous in Ancheng. Don't listen to Rong Jian's nonsense. If Yingying says it's okay, it means it's okay. You can rest assured. "

"In his eyes, I will always be a yellow-haired girl. He has never believed in my medical skills." The female doctor rolled her eyes at Rong Jian with disdain and snorted, "That's why he never came to me for medical treatment."

He wanted to retort, but when he saw Wen Zeyu's warning eyes, Rong Jian shrugged and changed his words: "I haven't been sick since you became a doctor, okay?"

"You are afraid that your parents will let me see you if you get sick, and then I will cure you to death, so you are too scared to get sick."

Mu Yu, who was worried about Qin Jinhuan's physical condition, was immediately amused by the female doctor's serious joke, and immediately understood her relationship with Rong Jian.

"Sister-in-law, let me introduce you," Wen Zeyu smiled and took Rong Ying into his arms, "My girlfriend Rong Ying, she... Oops! My little Ying Ying, are you trying to murder your husband?"

Rong Ying rudely raised the needle in her hand as a warning: "Next time you dare to say that I am your girlfriend, the needle that pricks you will not be so clean!"

Rong Jian added insult to injury at the right time: "It's best to put some rabies virus or plague virus in the syringe to turn him into a beast in seconds. Anyway, he likes to bite people."

"Hey! Rong Jian, you can say such cruel words, you are still my uncle..." Seeing Rong Ying raising the needle again, Wen Zeyu was so frightened that he put his hands on his head and immediately changed his mind, "Are you still my buddy? ?”

"Okay, don't be poor. Let's go out and don't affect Brother Ah Huan's rest." Rong Ying said as she handed the examination instruments to the little nurse waiting aside.

"Then I..."

"Sister-in-law, please stay here with brother Ah Huan." When Rong Ying looked at Mu Yu, a gentle smile suddenly appeared on her face.

Wen Zeyu walked to the door and saw that Rong Ying did not come out with the little nurse. He immediately turned back and said, "Xiao Yingying, aren't you coming out?"

"I will accompany my sister-in-law and brother Ah Huan."

"Then I want to..." Seeing Rong Ying gouge himself, Wen Zeyu muttered with aggrieved face, "There are nurses on call outside, so you don't have to stay, right? I haven't seen you for a long time, you Can’t you come out and chat with me to help me relieve my lovesickness?”

"Let's wait until Brother Ah Huan wakes up."

"Then you have to keep your word. Don't turn around and let me go again. I will be hurt..."

"Okay, okay, don't just pester my sister all day long!" Rong Jian grabbed Wen Zeyu out and closed the door behind him.

"You still think she is your sister? Such a vicious tongue!"

"That's a matter between my brother and sister, it has nothing to do with you!"

"Why does it have nothing to do with me? She is my girlfriend!"

"You still dare to say that she is your girlfriend? Aren't you afraid that she will prick you with a needle?"

As they walked away, the sound of the argument was finally no longer heard. Mu Yu shook his head with a smile and looked away.

"This Wen Zeyu loves to talk nonsense all day long. Sister-in-law, don't listen to his nonsense." Rong Ying handed Mu Yu a glass of water.

"Thank you," Mu Yu took the water and didn't drink it. Instead, she couldn't help but question softly, "Doctor Rong, is Ah Huan really okay?"

"It's okay, sister-in-law, don't worry."

"But why hasn't he woke up yet?"

"Because I saw that he was emotionally unstable and obviously lacked sleep, I gave him some sleep-promoting drugs to let him have a good rest."

"Oh." Mu Yu was relieved. Thinking of her dissatisfaction with Rong Jian, she quickly apologized, "Doctor Rong, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to question your medical skills, I just..."

"I understand, sister-in-law is worried about brother Ah Huan." Rong Ying smiled disapprovingly, then stared at Mu Yu and said, "Sister-in-law, your dark circles are so heavy and your complexion is not good. You must have not eaten in the past two days. Sleep well?"

Mu Yu sighed: "Too many things have happened in the past two days."

"Sister-in-law, don't worry. As the saying goes, the boat will straighten out when it reaches the bridge. Once you get over this hurdle, you'll be fine."

"hope so."

"Definitely. I believe brother Ah Huan..."

A knock on the door interrupted Rong Ying's words. A young nurse walked in immediately and said softly: "Dean, Wan Xiaoying's family members want to see you."

"Isn't Wan Xiaoying discharged from the hospital? Why do you still want to see me?" Rong Ying said as she stood up.

"I'm sending you a banner to express my gratitude. It's just outside your office."

"I know, I'll be there right away. Sister-in-law, come as soon as you go." After Rong Ying finished speaking, she hurried out of the ward.

Suddenly, only Mu Yu and the sleeping Qin Jinhuan were left in the ward. Except for the sound of rain hitting the window, there was silence.

Mu Yu sat down next to Qin Jinhuan's bed, looked at his pale face, gently grabbed his hand outside the quilt, and stroked it with heartache, while silently praying for him in her heart.

She was well aware of his feelings for his mother and his hatred for Qin Wentao and Dong Yueyun, as well as the torture he was suffering in his heart at the moment. However, facing Qin Xiaozhi's actions, she, like him, had no choice but to do nothing. face.

Seeing that his brows were still furrowed in his deep sleep, her heart ached again. She moved her hand to his brows and stroked them gently. She breathed a sigh of relief until his face returned to calmness.

"Ah Huan..."

The voice she shouted unconsciously was so soft that even she was surprised.

I used to hate his teasing and frivolousness, but now seeing him lying so quietly, I suddenly couldn't help but look forward to him getting up and teasing me again, and then scolding him with gritted teeth to fight back.

In fact, there was a lot of fun in the battle of wits with him, which made her feel both wanting and angry.

If she could, she would be willing to bicker with him for the rest of her life in ordinary days.

Suddenly remembering a song that her parents liked to sing duet at home, she whispered casually:

I'm afraid it's too late, I want to hold you

Until I feel that your wrinkles have the traces of time

Until I am sure you are real, until I lose my strength

For you, I am willing

I can’t move, I have to watch you

Until I feel that your hairline has traces of snow

Until your vision becomes blurry, until you can't breathe

Let us be inseparable

If I can give up the whole world

At least I still have you, worthy of my cherishing

And you being here is the miracle of life

Maybe I can forget the whole world

I just don’t want to lose your news

The mole on your palm, I always remember it there

She sang softly and repeatedly unconsciously, which brought tears to her eyes.

Only now did she understand why her parents always liked to sing it in duet even though it was clearly not a duet song.

It turns out there are many ways to express deep emotions, and they don’t necessarily have to be described in words.

"sister in law… "

Only to find Rong Ying standing behind him, Mu Yu hurriedly wiped his tears and said with a forced smile: "You're back?"

"Well, just accept the banner. Sister-in-law, you..."

"I'm fine." Not wanting to worry Rong Ying, Mu Yu, who had already calmed down, changed the subject and praised, "I didn't expect you to become the dean at such a young age. It's amazing!"

Rong Ying made an understatement: "It's nothing big, just inheriting the family business. The founder of this hospital is my father, because my brother has determined to be a criminal policeman since he was a child, but refused to live and die according to the life development planned by my father for him, and I have been obsessed with it since I was a child. I was interested in medicine, so when I returned from my studies, my father naturally handed over the management of this hospital to me. "

"It turns out that your dad made a wise choice in entrusting the hospital to you."

"Sister-in-law is joking."

"Why are you joking? The banners have been sent to the hospital."

"That was just a coincidence."

Because he and Rong Ying were not familiar with each other, in order to prevent him from having nothing to talk about later, Mu Yu asked: "What kind of coincidence? Tell me about it?"

"This is quite a long story," Rong Ying moved a stool and sat down next to Mu Yu before continuing, "On a stormy night half a year ago, I came home from get off work and found something not far from the hospital. There was an electric car lying on the side of the road. Out of my doctor's instinct, I guessed that a traffic accident had occurred here, so I got out of the car with an umbrella and checked. Sure enough, I saw a girl lying not far from the electric car. It turned out to be a manhole cover. She was forced into an accident. I rushed her back to the hospital for emergency treatment. The girl's injuries were serious, but because she was rescued in time, her life was not life-threatening. However, her family still wanted to bring me things to thank me for being in the hospital for half a year. , I refused to accept it, so I made a special banner here today. In fact, it is completely unnecessary for them to do this. Anyone who sees someone injured will be happy to lend a helping hand. "

"Dean, I don't think so. If everyone was as kind as you, Wan Xiaoying incidents wouldn't happen again and again." The little nurse who came in to deliver medicine to Qin Jinhuan couldn't help but express. own opinions.

Mu Yu was suddenly curious: "What is the Wan Xiaoying incident?"

"That's it," Rong Ying explained with a smile, "In the past six months, our hospital has treated many passers-by who were injured when manhole covers were pried open. I heard that other hospitals have also treated many such victims, and Wan Xiao Ying's injuries were exactly the same, so we collectively called this the Wan Xiaoying incident."

"Didn't you call the police?"

"I reported it, but because every accident happened on a stormy night, the police couldn't find any clues, and it ended up being an unsolved case."

"As a result, every time it rains, we don't dare to ride electric bikes out at night for fear of an accident. Today, several colleagues didn't dare to go home because of the rain, so they all stayed in the hospital to accompany everyone on duty." The young nurse was angry. He interrupted, "I really hope the police can catch this pervert soon and put him..."

Just as he was talking, the ward door was suddenly pushed open without warning.