My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 75: Don't listen to advice


"Wenwen? Why didn't you say anything? Did something happen to Xiaoyu? Tell me where she is, and I'll go find her now!"

Xin Yihan's series of eager questions made Mu Yu, who was still worried about him, be moved and blurted out: "Brother Yihan, I'm fine, I'm fine."

"Are you Xiaoyu?" Xin Yihan was very surprised, "Where are you? I want to see you."

"Brother Yihan is so anxious to see me, has something happened to you?"

Probably realizing that his voice was too eager, Xin Yihan smiled and slowed down: "That's not true. I just haven't seen you for a long time and wanted to see you."

"Oh." Mu Yucai secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately guessed that he was also a lobbyist sent by his parents. Thinking that Qin Jinhuan would wake up soon, she hesitated and declined, "Brother Yihan, it's too late now , It’s raining heavily outside, maybe we can make an appointment another day.”

"No! I must see you tonight!"

"Brother Yihan..."

"I feel uneasy if I don't see you tonight. Please tell me your location."

It was rare for Xin Yihan to speak to her in such a strong tone. Mu Yu could no longer refuse, but she was worried about going too far. After thinking about it, she told him that she was at Boai Hospital.

"Ah Huan is not feeling well, I am here to take care of him." She added immediately.

Xin Yihan didn't seem surprised. He said, "There is a shop called 'Ke Lai' on the right side of the east gate of Boai Hospital. You can wait for me there" and then hung up the phone.

Mu Yu returned to the outside of Qin Jinhuan's ward and asked the nurse. He heard that Qin Jinhuan hadn't woken up yet, so he didn't enter the ward. He borrowed an umbrella from the nurse and hurried to the "Ke Lai" store Xin Yihan mentioned. When he entered, he saw that it was A barbecue restaurant, she immediately smiled.

When she was studying, like many girls, she was particularly obsessed with the smell of barbecue. Every time she passed by a barbecue stall, she couldn't move her feet. But Xin Yihan always limits the number of times she eats barbecue on the grounds that barbecue is unhygienic, nutritious, and bad for the body. Unless she gets good grades or suffers any grievance, he will be extra "merciful" and take her out. It's so satisfying, other times she can only sigh while looking at the barbecue.

Today he asked her to meet at a barbecue restaurant. He must have known how wronged she had been in the past two days, so he brought her here to comfort her, right

She couldn't help but smile bitterly.

If he was the lobbyist hired by her parents to persuade her to separate from Qin Jinhuan, how should she face it

"Miss, what would you like to eat?" The waiter's voice interrupted her thoughts.

"We'll wait until my friend comes."

When the waiter walked away, she fell into deep thought again.

"Little words."

"Brother Yihan!" Seeing his face covered with water stains, she hurriedly handed over the tissue box and couldn't help scolding softly, "Why don't you bring an umbrella when you go out on a rainy day?"

"I don't have this habit, it's okay, it's not raining heavily." Xin Yihan chuckled and sat down opposite her, "Do you want something to eat?"

"I'm not hungry and I don't want to eat." After saying that, she went straight to the topic, "Brother Yihan, why are you so anxious to see me?"

Xin Yihan signaled her to speak later, summoned the boss over, pointed at the menu and ordered a large batch of grilled food, then looked at her with a smile: "It's not that I'm in a hurry to see you, it's just that I feel like I haven't seen you for a long time. I want to look at you."

"Didn't I just meet him in West Bay a few days ago?"

"Although we met in Xiwan, we didn't sit down and chat properly. I always feel regretful and have always wanted to find another time to sit down and chat with you. But I have been too busy these days. I just came from outside the province this evening. I'm flying back. I called you when I got off the plane, but your phone was always turned off. I called Uncle Mu. Uncle Mu said Jiang Wenwen was with you, so I asked for Jiang Wenwen's phone number, and sure enough I found you. "

Feeling a slight twinkle in Xin Yihan's eyes, Mu Yu lowered his eyes and said bluntly: "Brother Yihan, I'm not used to you talking to me in roundabout ways."

Xin Yihan paused while pouring water, then put down the kettle and said in a deep voice: "I know about Qin Jinhuan."

"Yeah." Mu Yu was not surprised and didn't ask further questions, quietly waiting for his next words.

"Are you still planning to be with him?"

She knew he would ask this question, and it turned out to be the lobbyist sent by her parents.

She tried her best to smile and nodded: "We are a couple who have obtained a marriage certificate."

"But he has fallen into this kind of..."

"I'm not a vain girl, Brother Yihan should know this."

"This is not a matter of vanity or not," Xin Yihan was obviously a little anxious, "Qin Jinhuan once stood proudly above everyone, had extraordinary achievements, always accepted the admiration of the public, and lived a luxurious life. Now he no longer The clouds are falling, not to mention what kind of life he can give you, or whether he can face the reality will be a problem, he... "

"He's not as weak as you think."

"If he was really that strong, he wouldn't be lying in the hospital now."

Mu Yu was immediately speechless.

"There are many people who choose to commit suicide or fall into depression because they cannot accept the sudden cruel reality. What if Qin Jinhuan also takes these two paths, what will you do in the end?"

Xin Yihan sighed and continued, "I know what I said will make you feel uncomfortable, but you have to know that what I said is not impossible, it is all for your own good. I never deny Qin Jinhuan's ability, even if He can face reality calmly, but you must also see the current situation clearly. Mr. Qin supports Qin Wentao, and the conflict between Qin Wentao and Qin Jinhuan's father and son cannot be resolved at all. In addition, there is another person who has always been at odds with Qin Jinhuan. With Yi Yunzhe interfering in the middle, Qin Jinhuan had no room for improvement. He was destined to end up in abjection for the rest of his life, and had to survive every day in the ridicule and scorn of everyone until all his pride and ambition were destroyed. Without a trace, you will inevitably take one of the two roads I mentioned before, which will make you feel strange and scary, and you will not dare to approach him. In the end, you will have to leave him. "

"So long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, right?"


"Brother Yihan, I know you are doing it for my own good, and what you said makes sense, but..." Mu Yu lowered his head and took a deep breath, and when he raised his face again, his face was full of determination, "I like Qin Jinhuan. In comparison, I prefer him without the halo of CEO and Mr. Qin. He is less sharp, mean and arrogant. Although he may not achieve great things anymore, he is closer to my heart - myself Aren’t you just an ordinary person who has done nothing?”

"But Xiaoyu..."

"Brother Yihan, listen to me. In fact, when I first got together with him, I was really interested in his status." Mu Yu couldn't tell him about the contract, so he could only say it vaguely, "But not now. I am with him now just because I like him, and it has nothing to do with anything else. No one can predict what will happen in the future, so I have to try. I don't want my heart to be so young. Pity."

"Is Qin Jinhuan worth risking your lifelong happiness?"

"If Brother Yihan encounters a big setback one day, Sister Xiaotian will definitely never leave you, right?"

This seemingly unanswered answer left Xin Yihan speechless. Apart from calling out "silly girl" in a complicated tone, all he had left was full of pity and helplessness.

Not wanting him to worry too much, Mu Yu pretended to smile again: "Brother Yihan, don't worry about us. We are all adults with sound limbs and smart minds. We will definitely be self-reliant. In the worst case, we will leave. Ancheng, let’s talk about how to make a living, I don’t believe that Qin Wentao and Yi Yunzhe’s power can overwhelm the sky.”

"It seems that you are determined to be with Qin Jinhuan."

Mu Yu smiled playfully: "It's not that we are determined, it's that we have been together for a long time. Our marriage certificate is really stamped with steel."

In fact, she felt a little guilty when she said this. After all, she only wanted to be with Qin Jinhuan unilaterally. Whether Qin Jinhuan liked her and whether he was willing to really live with her has not yet been officially expressed. Normally, His jokes cannot be taken seriously.

But at this moment, she had already made a decision in her heart. Even if he was not interested in her, she would try her best to get him back.

Suddenly thinking about Yi Yunzhe's video, her mood suddenly became heavy again. If she was really wronged by Yi Yunzhe, even if Qin Jinhuan was interested in her, would he have a grudge and reject her because of this

"Xiaoyu? What are you thinking about?"

"Oh, I'm thinking Ah Huan will wake up soon, and I have to go back to the hospital to take care of him. Brother Yihan, I'll ask you and Sister Xiaotian to hang out together some other time. I really have to leave today."

As smart as Xin Yihan, Mu Yu was really afraid that he would see something out of her accidentally, so she left in a hurry.

"Then I'll take you there." Seeing that she had stood up, Xin Yihan said nothing to persuade her to stay.

"No, no, no, it's just next door, a few steps away. Brother Yihan, see you another day." Mu Yu waved and quickly left the barbecue restaurant.

Xin Yihan didn't get up to say goodbye, but stared at her back with complicated eyes. He didn't look back until her back disappeared from sight.

Misfortunes are where blessings depend, and blessings are where misfortunes lie.

Perhaps Qin Jinhuan lost his position as president of Qingtian Group and severed ties with the Qin family, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

Xiaoyu, you must be happy!


Mu Yu hurried back to the inpatient department, returned the umbrella to the nurse's station, and was about to walk to the ward when she saw Wen Zeyu running over with two big bags.

"Sister-in-law, are you hungry? I've brought you dinner."

"It's already midnight and you're bringing dinner here? Wen Zeyu, you are really thoughtful!"

Hearing Rong Ying's voice, Mu Yu hurriedly turned around and saw her coming towards her with a few people. Before Mu Yu could say hello, Wen Zeyu had already explained with a smile: "I want to help Ah Huan and my sister-in-law." To supplement nutrition, I specially asked someone to make chicken soup, and it was raining, so I was delayed. Hey, sister-in-law, you are not starving, right?"

Mu Yu smiled: "I'm not hungry, thank you for your hard work."

Rong Ying smiled disapprovingly and said, "Sister-in-law, don't be polite to him. You think highly of him by making him work hard. Come on, let's go see if Brother Ah Huan is awake."

"Stop! You are not welcome here!" Wen Zeyu suddenly threw the bag in his hand to the ground and rushed towards Rong Ying angrily.

Mu Yu was immediately startled, and hurriedly stepped forward to hold him, while exclaiming: "Ze Yu, what are you doing?"

Wen Zeyu threw her away and his voice became more and more angry: "Why don't you get out of here quickly? Get away as far as you want!"

Only then did Mu Yu realize that he was not targeting Rong Ying, but the person coming towards him with a proud look on his face.