My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 84: Someone wants to kill her


"Someone wants to kill me?! Who wants to kill me?!" Mu Yu was so shocked that he almost dropped his phone.

She has never had a deep enmity with anyone!

How could anyone want to kill her? !

Qin Jinhuan immediately straightened up and stared at her in surprise and confusion.

"I'll explain to you later. Anyway, don't go anywhere now. Just stay in the ward with Ah Huan. Do you hear me?"


Mu Yu's voice responded, and Rong Jian hurriedly hung up the phone.

"What's going on? Who wants to kill you?!" Qin Jinhuan asked nervously.

"I do not know!"

Seeing the confusion on her face, he didn't ask any more questions, quickly closed the window and locked the curtains, then pushed her into the bathroom. He quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed Bian Zijun's number, ordering him, Weng Yun and others to come to Boai as soon as possible. Hospital.

"Ah Huan..."

"Stay in there." Qin Jinhuan moved a stool to her, and then moved the stand for the sling bottle behind the door of the ward. He held it tightly in one hand as a weapon and stared at the door of the ward with vigilant eyes.

For him at this time, the bathroom with only a door and no windows was the safest place in the ward.

At this time, there was a burst of hurried footsteps outside the ward. Mu Yu, who knew that Bian Zijun and the others could not arrive so quickly, sweat broke out on his forehead, and his heart was already in his throat, fearing that Qin Jinhuan who was blocking the front would suffer. Injured, she grabbed the broom and rushed out of the bathroom bravely, standing side by side with him.

"Get in!"

"They came for me! The person they want to kill is me! I'm not afraid!" She wanted to say this more boldly, but her trembling voice betrayed her heart.

"Come in quickly!" Qin Jinhuan, who had heard the noise outside, shouted and pushed her into the bathroom.

"I won't go in!" She clung to the bathroom door frame, "Two people are better than one!"

"Mu Yu! You..."


The ward door opened, and a white shadow rushed in.

Qin Jinhuan quickly let go of Mu Yu, rushed over, and pushed Bai Ying to the ground at lightning speed.


female? !

Or a thin woman

Qin Jinhuan was very surprised. Before he could look at Bai Ying, a deafening warning sound came from outside the door: "Let go of our dean!"

"If you don't let us go, you're welcome!"

"What are you doing?!" the twins yelled, stopping the people in security clothes from rushing in.

"That's a mistake, she is Dean Rong!" Mu Yu screamed and rushed over, quickly opening Qin Jinhuan's hand.


"Don't make any noise! Be quiet!" Rong Ying got up in embarrassment, not even looking at Qin Jinhuan and Mu Yu, and pointed at the group of security guards at the door and gave an order, "Stand still! Don't let any strangers into the ward, do you hear that? "

"Yes, Dean!" The security guards quickly stood in two rows, guarding the door of the ward like sentries.

Qin Jinhuan immediately realized that they were called by Rong Jian to protect Mu Yu, so he felt relieved. He immediately closed the ward door, asked Rong Ying if everything was okay, and motioned for Mu Yu to see his grandfather.

Rong Ying pointed at her arm and bared her teeth: "It's no wonder it didn't hurt, the bones were almost crushed!"

Seeing that she was fine, Qin Jinhuan ran to see his grandfather.

"Fortunately, grandpa didn't wake up and was not frightened." Mu Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Rong Ying also came over and asked while swinging her arm: "Rong Jian urgently asked me to call some security guards to surround the ward. Is someone trying to harm grandpa? Who wants to harm grandpa? Is it Qin Wentao or a member of the Yi family?"

Her brother and sister had known Qin Jinhuan since childhood and knew the father-son relationship between Qin Jinhuan and Qin Wentao very well, so they had no taboo in calling Qin Wentao by his first name.

"I don't want to harm grandpa, I want to..."

Qin Jinhuan interrupted Mu Yu and asked, "Where is Rong Jian? When will he come over?"

Rong Ying glanced at Mu Yu suspiciously before answering: "He said he would be there soon. It is not far from the city bureau, so he is probably arriving soon."

"Wait for him to come."

Qin Jinhuan glanced at the closed door of the ward. Lamu Yu sat down on the sofa, then held her trembling hand tightly and comforted her with his eyes.

Rong Ying vaguely felt the complexity of the matter, so she didn't ask any more questions, so she moved a stool to one side and sat down, waiting for Rong Jian to arrive with them.

Seven or eight minutes later, with a scream, there was another noise outside the door.

Mu Yu, who was very nervous, suddenly stood up. Qin Jinhuan quickly protected her behind him, staring at the door.

"Ah Huan, it's me!"

The door opened and Rong Jian came in. Seeing that Rong Ying was there, he felt a little embarrassed for a moment, "I made a mistake. I mistook the nurse who was going to take my grandpa's blood pressure as a bad person."

Rong Ying had already seen the shuddering nurse behind him, and immediately sneered: "What's wrong with your eyes? You can't even tell the difference between a nurse and a bad guy? You're a special detective, how shameful!"

Rong Jian scratched his head: "She is wearing a hat and a mask, covering herself tightly. It is easy for people to misunderstand her at critical moments, okay?"

"Have you seen any hospital where nurses don't wear hats and masks? You..."

"Stop arguing!" Qin Jinhuan interrupted impatiently, "Hurry out after measuring your blood pressure. Rong Jian and I have something serious to say."

Although she was scolded, Rong Ying was not angry with Qin Jinhuan. After taking Qin Xiaozhi's blood pressure with the nurse, she gouged out Rong Jian's eyes and left.

Rong Jian had long been used to his sister yelling at him, so he didn't take it seriously. After she went out, he quickly closed the door to the ward. Before he could say anything, Mu Yu and Qin Jinhuan, who were extremely eager, had already asked questions.

"Who wants to kill me (Xiaoyu)?"

"Yan Xiaobing."

"What?!" Mu Yu was extremely shocked, "Yan Xiaobing wants to kill me?! Because I provided you with clues that led to you arresting him in the detention center, he holds a grudge and deliberately wants to retaliate against me?"

"Have you not been imprisoning this murderer? When did you release him?" Qin Jinhuan was equally surprised, but he thought one step more than Mu Yu.

Hearing the word "release", Mu Yu asked anxiously: "Did you clear him of the murder charge?"

"Just be quiet and listen to me." After the two people in front of him fell silent, Rong Jian spoke up, "Although Yan Xiaobing did appear in Chengxi Park on the night of September 17th, he was indeed not a murderer. The real murderer of Sun Meilan.”

"Then why didn't he defend his innocence before?" Mu Yu couldn't help but ask.

"Because he couldn't tell us why he was in Chengxi Park that night."

These words made Mu Yu feel a little confused, but Qin Jinhuan immediately picked up the clue: "Did he do other unspeakable things during that time?"

Rong Jian nodded and looked at Mu Yu: "Sister-in-law, do you still remember the clues you provided me two days ago about the incident of manhole cover injuring people?"

Mu Yu's eyes widened immediately: "You, you won't tell me that he is really the real culprit in that series of incidents involving manhole covers that hurt people, right?"

The so-called clue was just a bold guess on her part. An idea flashed through her mind at that time, and she called Rong Jian with the idea of "never letting go of a doubt". After the call, she felt anxious for a long time, always feeling that she should not use such vicious thoughts to speculate on people like Yan Xiaobing. Such an honest poor man.

"Yes, that's him!" Rong Jian's voice was a little sad. Apparently he didn't want to believe that Yan Xiaobing, who had been bullied by Sun Meilan's mother, was also a devil.

"The reason why he wanted to lie about the time on the night of September 17 was because that night he pried off the manhole cover at the entrance of Chengxi Park, causing injuries to a girl who came home late. According to incomplete statistics, from last year to now , there have been nearly 20 incidents of manhole covers being pried off in Ancheng. Dozens of citizens were injured to varying degrees. More than a dozen people broke their hands and feet. The most serious one fell into a vegetative state and is still lying awake in the hospital. We have enough evidence to prove that Yan Xiaobing was responsible for all these vicious incidents.”

"Oh my God!" Although he had speculated before, Mu Yu still couldn't believe it, "Why would he do such a sinful thing?!"

"Revenge against society." Rong Jian sighed, "Yan Xiaobing's family suffered a fire many years ago. Because the fire trucks could not enter the community, his wife and children died tragically in the fire. His father fell ill and died on the spot. I have told you about this. ?”

"I told you!" Mu Yu was puzzled, "Since he was angry because of this incident, why didn't he take revenge on the people who lived in the same neighborhood with him instead of going out to commit crimes?"

“In his words, after the accident at his home, people in the community gave him a lot of help, but he couldn’t bear to retaliate against them, and he couldn’t eliminate the hatred, so he transferred his hatred to places outside the community to vent his anger. "

Mu Yu felt sad: "If he can't bear to hurt people in the same community, can he bear to hurt those innocent passers-by?"

"I consulted a psychiatrist and they said it was a form of mental illness... "

"Since he is a mentally ill person who has been convicted, why did you let him out to harm others?" Qin Jinhuan interrupted angrily.

Rong Jian smiled bitterly: "He was not released by us, but escaped. We had a surprise interrogation of him this morning, and his teammates accidentally let it slip and told us that his sister-in-law provided us with clues twice, which led to the exposure of his crime. He escaped in the evening. We were worried that he escaped because of this, so... "

Qin Jinhuan, who was worried about Mu Yu, was immediately furious: "You can let such a thing slip! It can also allow a mentally ill prisoner to escape. You and your teammates are just a bunch of shit-eaters!"

"Ah Huan..."

"Sister-in-law, Ah Huan is right to scold us. We did neglect our duties this time. After this matter is settled, we will admit our mistakes to the superiors and take this as a warning."

However, Qin Jinhuan did not accept his kindness and cursed: "What's the use of admitting your mistake? It's only right to arrest that perverted lunatic immediately!"

"Control has been deployed throughout the city, especially in the Pok Oi Hospital area."

"Then why are you still here? Why don't you go and arrest people?"

"I'm worried about my sister-in-law..."

"She doesn't need you to worry! Get out!"

"Ah Huan, don't be like this." After all, it was his boss, Mu Yu pulled Qin Jinhuan and asked him to speak properly.

"Then protect my sister-in-law." Rong Jian lost his temper after being scolded and left the ward in disgrace.

The moment he opened the door, Qin Jinhuan saw Bian Zijun and others. He went out to talk to them for a few words, and when he entered the ward again, he looked relaxed.

Before Rong Jian said someone wanted to kill Mu Yu, his first reaction was that Yi Yunzhe or Qin Wentao wanted to kill Mu Yu to attack him, so he was very nervous. Now that he knew it was Yan Xiaobing and Bian Zijun and others came over again, he didn't Worry.

When he came in, he saw Mu Yu curled up on the sofa with a dejected look. Knowing that she was not feeling well, he sat down next to her and hugged her. Just as he was about to comfort her, his cell phone rang. Seeing that it was Wen Zeyu, he immediately answered the call.

"Ah Huan, the company has just held an emergency board meeting. Qin Wentao has been elected as president, and major personnel adjustments have been made on the spot! It is said that after Qingtian and Yuchi officially sign the detailed contract tomorrow morning, there will be a celebration cocktail party , to show our eternal unity.”

"Inhuman bastard! How impatient! Where is he?!" Qin Jinhuan, who had just calmed down, was suddenly furious again.

"He's still in the company."

Qin Jinhuan quickly cut off the phone and ran out.

"Ah Huan, where are you going?"

"I'm going to destroy that bastard who eats everything!"

"Ah Huan! Ah Huan! Hey! Grandpa! Grandpa, what's wrong with you?! Ah Huan, grandpa is not good!"

Mu Yu's crying voice made Qin Jinhuan immediately turn around in shock.