My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 85: What is supposed to come will come


The morning light appeared slightly, and the gentle breeze blew darkly.

In the dressing room on the second floor of the small villa on the east side of Pok Oi Hospital, Mu Yu stood in front of a large dressing mirror, absentmindedly gesturing with her clothes.

"This one suits you better." Rong Ying handed over a pink dress.

"Thank you." Mu Yu had no intention of making a choice and took the pink dress to try on.

After she finished dressing, Rong Ying unzipped her clothes and praised in surprise: "Sister-in-law is so beautiful."

Mu Yu looked at the full-length mirror and smiled: "It's your clothes that look good. I didn't expect you to be so good at choosing clothes. You have such good taste."

"What a good thing," Rong Ying curled her lips, "Rong Jian bought these."

"Ah?! No way?! Captain Rong also buys clothes for girls?!" Mu Yu was extremely surprised for a moment.

In her mind, Captain Rong was a career-oriented man, very manly. She did not expect that he would help her sister buy clothes. The styles of clothes were very fashionable and unique. She, who had never studied fashion, felt ashamed for a moment.

Rong Ying understood her thoughts and was very dissatisfied: "When the new clothes are on the market, you ask Brother Ah Huan to go to the mall and buy all the new clothes that are suitable for you, try them on one by one, and look at the ones that suit you. If you like the clothes, put them in your closet. If you don't like them, give them away. Then tell others that these clothes were chosen by Brother Ah Huan, and I guarantee that others will praise Brother Ah Huan for his good taste. "

"Ah?" Mu Yu suddenly realized, but said it was a pity, "Just giving away new clothes, isn't that too luxurious? Besides, these are the clothes your brother bought for you, so you can give them away casually, isn't that cool? Did you let down your brother?"

"He owes me this. If he hadn't wanted to be a criminal policeman, my father wouldn't have forced me to study medicine and inherit the family business."

“Studying medicine and becoming a doctor can save lives and heal the wounded, isn’t it great?”

"It's good to be a doctor, but it's annoying to be a dean. In addition to seeing patients and performing operations every day, you also have to deal with a lot of messy things. There is no personal space at all." Speaking of this, Rong Ying said with an angry face. Pointing to it, "This villa is a residence specially prepared for me by my father. As soon as I entered the hospital to work, he moved all my food, clothing and clothing here, forcing me to make the hospital my home. Now I, Except for going out for academic conferences, I basically stay in the hospital every day, and the smell of disinfectant has penetrated my skin. "

"Who calls you a strong woman?"

Rong Ying stared at her for a few seconds and suddenly sighed: "If I could choose my own future path, I would rather be the little woman behind the man who is dedicated to running the house and raising his children, rather than being a strong woman."

"But..." Suddenly noticing the lonely look in Rong Ying's eyes, Mu Yu guessed that there might be an unspeakable secret behind her words. He quickly swallowed what he was about to say and then persuaded her with a smile, "If you really When you become a little woman, may you envy the life of a strong woman? The reason why life without experience is beautiful is because we don’t know what kind of appearance it will show to us. Maybe all the beauty is just our wishful thinking. What about imagination? Just like Huang Liang Meng.”

"Maybe, but..." Probably realizing that what she was about to say was not entirely appropriate, Rong Ying paused and then said, "Actually, I don't like to say the word 'if'. I think it's just a reflection on life." A kind of escape. Since there is no turning back, then move forward without hesitation. There is no need to look back at those unbearable footsteps. "

"Yes! So do I..."

A knock on the door accompanied by Qin Jinhuan's question interrupted Mu Yu's words, and the two of them remembered the business. Rong Ying hurriedly responded loudly, while Mu Yu sat down in front of the dressing table, took out the makeup box, and began to rub her face Apply on top.

Mu Yu, who was not used to wearing makeup, often told her not to put on too much makeup.

Rong Ying responded with a smile while busy: "Don't worry, I have a special makeup teacher. I promise that you will not embarrass brother Ah Huan."

"Dean Rong, have you known Ah Huan since childhood?"

"Well, my grandfather had a very good relationship with Grandpa Ah Huan when he was alive. They can be regarded as family friends."

"No wonder you call him brother so smoothly, he turns out to be a childhood sweetheart."

Rong Ying's hand that was doing Mu Yu's makeup suddenly froze, and a hint of red appeared on her fair face. She quickly explained with a dry smile: "Sister-in-law, don't misunderstand me. In fact, I used to not only call Ah Huan my brother, but also Ze." Yu is my brother, but Wen Zeyu always likes to tease me, which is even more annoying than Rong Jian. I was so angry that I stopped calling him my brother. "

Mu Yu didn't expect her to be so nervous, so he quickly explained: "Captain Rong, don't worry too much. The 'childhood sweetheart' I mentioned was purely a reference to my little playmate, nothing else."

"That's good," Rong Ying gritted her teeth and smiled, "Sister-in-law, don't call me Dean Rong in the future. Call me Yingying like Brother Ah Huan and the others do. I think it's so kind."

"Okay. Yingying, you..." Mu Yu suddenly remembered the doubts about Xihaiwan that had been hidden in his heart.

"Hey! Sister-in-law, don't move! I'll help you apply lip gloss, and you'll be done soon."


Anyway, since Qin Jinhuan said he didn't care, she might not need to be so worried. What's more, in case she is really not innocent, the fewer people know about this, the better, especially when Rong Ying and Qin Jinhuan are so familiar. Even if you really need to have an examination, it is best to go to another hospital quietly.

"Sister-in-law, you are so beautiful!"

Rong Ying's words interrupted Mu Yu's thoughts, and she turned to look in the mirror. She saw a girl with a peach-like face, red lips and white teeth looking at her in the mirror. She was stunned because she rarely wore makeup.

"You will definitely become the most dazzling heroine of the party today."

Rong Ying's words reminded Mu Yu of the purpose of getting dressed up this time, and the worry and anxiety that she had barely suppressed came back to her heart again. Not wanting to worry Rong Ying, she turned around by standing up and said, "Ah Huan is still waiting. I, I'm going out first, see you later." Then she picked up her skirt and hurried to the door.

Seeing that Mu Yu was walking with his back to her, Rong Ying dared to put away her forced smile, stared blankly at the retreating figure, and stretched out a wry smile at the corner of her mouth.

Only now did she understand that he said he liked gentle, family-oriented girls, but he just made up his words to make her give up.

In other words, even if she had not chosen to study medicine and become the dean, he would not like her because she was not his type.

Suddenly she felt a sense of relief, and when she thought about the person who hadn't called her brother for many years, she didn't feel so hateful anymore.

Here, because she was worried about Qin Jinhuan, she didn't notice anything strange about Rong Ying for a moment. When she opened the door and saw Qin Jinhuan in a crisp suit, lowering his head and thinking about something, she called out his name very uneasily.

"Are you ready?" When Qin Jinhuan raised his eyes, a smile changed on his face, "It's so beautiful."

"Ah Huan..."

"Huh?" He seemed to notice her uneasiness. He took her hand and squeezed it gently, then asked with a smile, "Don't believe me?"

"Of course I believe you, but I just can't help but worry..."

"Since you believe me, don't worry."

Seeing that he was full of confidence, she opened her mouth, but didn't say anything else, and silently let him hold hands and walk out.

At the door of the villa, Wen Zeyu changed his usual laughing style and stood quietly in front of the car. When he saw them coming out, he immediately straightened up to greet them. However, he tried his best to appear calm, but his slightly flashing eyes and hesitant expression still revealed his inner nervousness.

Qin Jinhuan nodded slightly at him, and then got into the back seat of the car with Mu Yu.

Wen Zeyu nodded secretly, as if to encourage himself, and then got into the passenger seat. Bian Zijunba in the cab honked the horn and started the car. Huang Bo followed closely behind, carrying Weng Yun's car.

More than twenty minutes later, the car slowly drove into the Tianyu International Hotel under the name of Yuchi Industrial.

The entrance of the hotel was decorated with lights and colorful banners with various blessings. The most eye-catching one was the huge rainbow door in front of the hotel, which read "Warmly celebrate the successful cooperation between Yuchi Industrial and Qingtian Group" Qin Wentao and Yi Yunzhe were standing side by side in front of the revolving door, welcoming guests with smiles on their faces.

"Damn! It's not embarrassing!"

Wen Zeyu cursed angrily when his eyes stung. Mu Yu was also full of dissatisfaction. In contrast, Qin Jinhuan seemed very calm and got out of the car leisurely.

Mu Yu got out of the car immediately and took his arm.

"Why are you here?!" Qin Wentao was obviously very surprised. Due to inertia, the smile couldn't be taken away and froze on his face.

Wen Zeyu happened to get out of the car. When he heard this, he smiled and said, "As a member of the company, how can you not participate in such an important event?"

Qin Wentao's face suddenly darkened: "You have been dismissed and no one informed you?"

"Before the company paid me this month's salary, I was still an employee of the company."

"security guard… "

"Mr. Qin, don't be so savage," Yi Yunzhe smiled and stopped Qin Wentao's behavior, "Mr. Qin is a distinguished guest that I specially sent to invite to witness the cooperation between our two companies."

Because the wound on his chest had not healed, his voice was not loud, but it was enough for those present to hear clearly.

"Mr. Yi, you..."

Yi Yunzhe ignored Qin Wentao's voice and proudly made a "please" gesture to Qin Jinhuan.

"Thank you, Mr. Yi, for the compliment." Qin Jinhuan responded politely and entered the venue together with Mu Yu and Wen Zeyu.

When he passed by him, Yi Yunzhe reminded him kindly: "Please Qin Shaoyou, please be careful and don't vomit blood again and again. This will bring bad luck to the cooperation between our two families."

"Thank you, Mr. Yi, for your concern." Qin Jinhuan did not stop when he responded.

After they entered, Qin Wentao asked angrily: "Mr. Yi, why did you call him for such an important occasion? What if..."

Yi Yunzhe sneered: "Do you think he can still make big waves?"

"He can't make big waves, but I get flustered when I see him!"

"But I was very happy to see him, especially when I saw him furious and vomiting blood. My wounds will heal faster." Yi Yunzhe whistled extremely excitedly and turned into the hotel.

After a while, the guests almost all arrived.

According to previous arrangements, Qin Wentao and Yi Yunzhe held a grand handshake cooperation ceremony and signed detailed contracts for projects around Fenghuang Valley. Later, Yi Yunzhe expressed his gratitude to the brother companies present for their strong support to Yuchi, and then solemnly announced that Yuchi had officially launched the Phoenix Valley project. Amid the applause of the crowd, he proudly announced that the celebration party had officially begun.

"Wait a moment!"

Qin Jinhuan, who had been silent in the corner, suddenly stood up and said, "Mr. Yi, please accept this gift from me first, and then open the champagne to celebrate."