My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 86: Surprisingly


"Oh? And a big gift? Mr. Qin is so polite. I wonder what kind of gift Mr. Qin wants to give Yunzhe?" Yi Yunzhe kept the smile on his face, with a calm expression, obviously not taking Qin Jinhuan seriously at all. thing.

Qin Jinhuan did not respond directly, but asked the waiter for the remote control of the LED TV screen.

The waiter didn't dare to make the decision without permission and looked at Yi Yunzhe with a troubled expression.

"Give it to him." Yi Yunzhe sat down with a smile and looked at the LED screen with interest.

"Mr. Yi! You can't give it to me! Be careful if he does something wrong!" Qin Wentao warned in a low voice with a vague premonition.

"I want to see what tricks he has up his sleeve." Yi Yunzhe picked up the boiled water and took a sip slowly.

He acted steadily and never let anyone get into the wrong hands. If I had to talk about any embarrassing experience, it would be the passionate video in bed with Mu Yu. He had seen the first video, but he had not seen the second video. Qin Wentao said it was in the hands of Qi Hao, but Qi Hao refused to hand over the second video in order to contain Qin Wentao. And because he had been busy preparing for the Phoenix Valley recently, and because he didn't have much money, he didn't go to Qi Hao to ask for the second video file - in his eyes, the Qi Hao brothers were all unscrupulous people who used money. It can be dealt with.

At this time, Qin Jinhuan, who was standing in front of the LED screen, had taken over the remote control. Mu Yu, who was standing behind him, was obviously very nervous. His fingers were clenched and his eyes were staring straight at the LED screen. This situation made Yi Yunzhe feel inexplicably. Shocked, his body straightened instinctively.

Could it be that brother Qi Hao gave that video to Qin Jinhuan, and Qin Jinhuan deliberately chose such an important occasion to play the video to embarrass him? He has always kept a clean mind. Apart from this video, he really can't think of anything else that Qin Jinhuan could show that could stimulate him.

"Eh… "

He originally wanted to stop him, but he thought that what happened that day was the initiative of Mu Yu, Qin Jinhuan's wife. If it were to be broadcast, the most embarrassing thing would be Qin Jinhuan who was cuckolded. Besides, he was not sure what Qin Jinhuan wanted to broadcast. The content was really this. With curiosity and inquiring mind, he changed his mind and gave up the obstruction, and his eyes immediately turned to the LED screen.

At this time, the LED screen had switched to the news channel from the panoramic view of Fenghuang Valley, which was playing in a loop, but it was not news time at this time. A kidney drug advertisement was playing on the screen, and the host was working hard to promote the kidney drug product to the audience.

The guests who were staring at the LED screen curiously like Yi Yunzhe burst into laughter upon seeing this. Among them, Yi Yunzhe's laughter was the loudest. Of course, the louder one was his words: "Young Master Qin, so what do you mean?" The big gift is to tell us that your kidneys are not good.”

"Ah Huan, what's going on?"

"Brother, what are you going to do?"

Facing the ridicule from everyone, Mu Yu and Wen Zeyu both looked anxious.

Qin Jinhuan, who looked calm, was not affected by his surroundings. He raised his hand to look at his watch, motioned for the two of them to stop arguing, and then stared at the screen steadily.

Mu Yu and Wen Zeyu, who didn't know what was going on, looked at each other in confusion, but did not dare to say anything again. Both of them instinctively raised their hands and looked at their watches.

It's 9:58 a.m., two minutes before the news channel's Day of the Day holiday.

The kidney medicine advertisement on the LED screen continued, and the guests in the audience pointed and pointed as if they were laughing.

After waiting for a few seconds, Qin Jinhuan made no move. Qin Wentao couldn't help but said to Yi Yunzhe, "Mr. Yi, don't delay the auspicious moment of our reception because of him."

"Then, let's see Mr. Qin's gift later. Come on!" Yi Yunzhe stood up and raised his glass, "Ladies and gentlemen, let us..."

"Mr. Yi!" Qin Jinhuan interrupted him eagerly, "I was so persistent in making great efforts to develop Fenghuang Valley. Do you know the reason why?"

"Because it is surrounded by mountains and rivers, it not only has good scenery and feng shui, but also has excellent climate conditions. It is surrounded by rich products and has convenient water and land transportation. The key is that the land is cheap and the government provides strong support and cooperation. I have different ideas for development there. Night Not even getting rich suddenly." Qin Wentao said proudly.

Yi Yunzhe answered with a proud smile: "So I have always been grateful to Mr. Qin for giving me such a good opportunity to make money, otherwise Yuchi would not have paid 10% of the profit on the basis of the cost price to acquire Qingtian. The group’s surrounding projects in Fenghuang Valley are, in a word, a reward for Mr. Qin.”

Wen Zeyu was extremely angry after hearing this, and spat: "What give in? It's obvious that you used disgraceful means to prevent us from signing the contract, and then..."

"Wen Zeyu! Shut up! You have no place to speak here!"

"Hey, Mr. Qin," Yi Yunzhe signaled Qin Wentao to be quiet and turned to look at Wen Zeyu, "Mr. Wen, you should tell everyone about the disgraceful means that Mr. Yi used to prevent you from signing the contract. It’s better to have solid evidence.”

"You! Humph!" The video had affected the reputations of Mu Yu and Qin Jinhuan. Of course, Wen Zeyu couldn't say anything, so he had to shut up angrily.

Yi Yunzhe smiled sinisterly and then stared at Qin Jinhuan: "Young Master Qin, do you have any opinion on this matter?"

Qin Jinhuan withdrew his eyes from the LED screen, smiled and responded with a very sincere tone: "Mr. Yi, I'm sorry for the fact that you won the Fenghuang Valley project before me and that you went out of your way to raise money to take over Qingtian's projects around Fenghuang Valley. I sincerely admire Mr. Yi’s courage and generosity, and I have always been grateful. I remember Mr. Yi’s kindness day and night...”

Although he knew these words were against his will, Wen Zeyu still got angry and interrupted angrily: "Brother! You don't need to flatter him!"

Although Huiming is far inferior to Qingtian and Yuchi, he is still well-known internationally. If they go to work in Huiming, there is no need to fawn over Yi Yunzhe so much.

"Young master Qin is still the general knowledge." Yi Yunzhe threw the hydrangea with a fake smile, "If Mr. Qin is willing to join Yuchi's banner, Yi can point you to a good position..."

Qin Wentao suddenly became anxious: "Mr. Yi!"

Seeing that the daily important news broadcast had begun, Qin Jinhuan pointed at the LED screen and said with a smile: "I would like to rely on Mr. Yi to find a job in Yuchi, but I am afraid that Mr. Yi will be too busy to take care of himself."

"Do I have too much time to take care of myself?" Yi Yunzhe was about to taunt, but suddenly he seemed to be struck by lightning. He froze in place, staring straight at the LED screen with a white face.

"... A large-scale Japanese biological and chemical weapons research base was discovered in the Fenghuang Valley section of Ningcheng last night. The relevant departments have quickly set up experts to investigate. Since its harmfulness has not yet been determined, all activities in the area are currently prohibited except for relevant staff. A lot of people are waiting to enter. The relevant departments are concerned about the issue of the old site..."

The female announcer's sweet voice continued, but the reception hall was already exploding.

"Oh my God, is this true? It's a biological and chemical weapons base! There must be poisonous gas bombs or sources of bacteria in it!"

"Ah, if it is leaked, why don't we kill people?"

"Maybe Fenghuang Valley has been polluted, we just don't know."

"Then who will dare to go there in the future? Investing there will be a dead end!"

"Oh my god, what about my shares? I just gave Yuchi a large amount of funds!"

"Withdraw your shares! Take advantage of the news before it spreads, and you will suffer big losses if you are too late!"

"Let's go find Mr. Yi!"

As soon as the voice from behind rang out, a group of people rushed towards Yi Yunzhe who was slumped in front of the rostrum, making various demands.

For a moment, the scene was extremely chaotic, glasses were turned over and chairs were overturned, and the previous festive atmosphere had long since dissipated.

"Oh, buy it!" Wen Zeyu clapped his hands in excitement, "Fortunately, the Fenghuang Valley project was snatched away by Bastard Yi, otherwise Qingtian would be the one facing a desperate situation today!"

Mu Yu also interjected with excitement: "The most important thing is that Yuchi also acquired the projects around Fenghuang Valley above the cost price. The discovery of the bacterial base caused little loss to Qingtian. Compared with Yuchi, This loss is completely negligible!”

Wen Zeyu reacted immediately after hearing this, punched Qin Jinhuan in the chest quickly, and cursed: "You heartless guy, if you had known this news, you wouldn't have let me know, which made me worry about you." Three whole days! Do you want to win an Oscar alone?”

Qin Jinhuan, who had been looking at the crowd, looked away when he heard this and said with a smile: "I only learned the news the night before yesterday, two days later than grandpa."

"What? Grandpa also knows the news? When did he know it? Could it be..."

Mu Yucai answered in shock: "All of this was grandpa's plan from beginning to end?!"

"The purpose is to lure Yi Yunzhe into taking the bait? So as to minimize Qingtian's losses?"

Qin Jinhuan did not respond to this series of questions, because he also needed his grandfather to answer some questions.

Wen Zeyu was obviously disappointed when he didn't hear the answer he wanted to hear, and sighed: "Unfortunately, grandpa has had a stroke, and these answers are no longer known."

"Who said grandpa had a stroke? Isn't grandpa fine?"

Rong Ying's voice suddenly broke in. Everyone turned around in surprise and saw Qin Xiaozhi, supported by Rong Ying, walking towards everyone with a spring breeze on his face.

Wen Zeyu had forgotten the unpleasant argument he had with Qin Xiaozhi, and quickly came over to ask: "Grandpa, what on earth is going on?!"

"I'll explain this to you later." Qin Xiaozhi walked towards the rostrum without stopping.

Qin Jinhuan took Mu Yu's hand and led her to follow him.

"Dad! Ah Huan! Hey, don't you two know that I am impatient?" Seeing that no one responded to him, Wen Zeyu patted his thigh and hurried to follow.

"Everyone, be quiet! Be quiet! Listen to me!" On the rostrum, Yi Yunzhe, who had called to confirm that the news broadcast just now was true, calmed down slightly, then waved his hands to signal everyone to be quiet, trying to appease "The news only said that the Japanese biological and chemical weapons research base was discovered in Fenghuang Valley, but it did not determine its harmfulness! It may not affect our project at all. Please don't panic and wait patiently to see what happens."

"Mr. Yi, I don't want 'maybe', I just want to withdraw my investment in Yuchi." The speaker was Shang Huining, the president of Xinxin Media, the partner who invested the most in Yuchi in the Phoenix Valley project.

Unexpectedly, Shang Huining would be the first to step forward and ask for the withdrawal of shares. Yi Boxiong beside him suddenly panicked and begged in a humble tone: "Mr. Shang, listen to me..."

"Daddy." Yi Yunzhe, who was relatively calm, interrupted his father's words, turned to Shang Huining and said coldly, "Since Mr. Shang voluntarily gave up the good opportunity to make a fortune, Yunzhe will not force others to do anything. But we had an appointment before. , before the cooperation period expires, Yuchi will be required to pay 30% liquidated damages if the shares are automatically withdrawn, Mr. Shang, do you have any objections?”

Wen Zeyu couldn't help but exclaimed: "Give you 30% liquidated damages?! Are you robbing money?!"

Shang Huining ignored Wen Zeyu's words and responded seriously: "I have no objection at all."

Yi Yunzhe smiled slightly: "Okay, I will pay the remaining 70% of the funds to your company's account as scheduled in one month. By then..."

"One month later? Didn't you read the contract signed by our two companies carefully?" Shang Huining handed a stack of materials to Yi Yunzhe.

Yi Yunzhe's eyes fell on Shang Huining's finger, his expression suddenly changed, and he was extremely shocked.