My Lovely Wife is a Forensic Doctor

Chapter 99: Her love is ruined


"Go, send someone to find him immediately!" Qin Xiaozhi ordered with a livid face.

"Yes." Qi Hao responded quickly.

"Humph!" Qin Xiaozhi walked away angrily.

Qi Hao signaled Qi Han to follow the old man, while he stood there and took out his mobile phone to make a call to arrange for someone to go out to find Qin Jinhuan.

"Since the old man has agreed to accept the young lady, why do he still help Dong Wanqing to trick my boss? What is the old man thinking?" When he hung up the phone, Bian Zijun pulled him aside and asked.

He had a good personal relationship with the Qi brothers, but because their bosses were often incompatible, they did not dare to reveal their friendly relationship. However, both parties spent a lot of time coordinating the relationship between the two bosses.

A while ago, because of the "collusion" between the Qi brothers and Qin Wentao, he went to question Qi Hao and almost beat Qi Hao to the ground. The relationship between the two parties broke down. It was not until yesterday that he realized that he had misunderstood the good brothers and shook hands. Make peace. It was originally agreed that after Qin Jinhuan moved back to Qin's house, the three of them would have a drink together. Unexpectedly, this happened again tonight.

"You misunderstood the boss." Qi Haosui told him the key points of Qin Xiaozhi's plan tonight.

"Oh," Bian Zijun, who suddenly realized it, had no time to be happy and questioned again, "Since the old man is on my boss's side, logically everyone should be happy. Why do they still have a dispute? My boss ran away in anger?"

"I'm not very clear about this matter. There must be a misunderstanding. I'll find the young master first and then talk about it."

"I'll ask Weng Yun to go look for it with you." Because Mu Yu was still in the room, Bian Zijun didn't dare to leave easily.

"Okay, let's keep in touch."

After Qi Hao said that, he and Weng Yun left in a hurry.

Looking at the long and silent corridor, Bian Zijun lowered his eyes and thought.

At the same time, in the room, Mu Yu was still sleeping soundly, completely unaware of what was happening outside while she was sleeping.

When she first woke up from a full sleep, she stretched out instinctively and looked to the side of the bed habitually. She wasn't surprised that she didn't see Qin Jinhuan's familiar figure. After all, Qin Jinhuan often got up earlier than her.

Yawning comfortably, she was about to lift the quilt and get up, only to realize that this was a strange room. She suddenly remembered the scene where her head was dizzy and her hands and feet were weak last night. She immediately pulled the quilt tightly and sat up in panic, scanning around in horror. Room.

The room was very quiet, not a sound could be heard, and she was obviously the only one there. The curtains were closed tightly and the bedside lamp was on, so she couldn't tell whether it was day or night, let alone where she was.

At this time, she found her underwear scattered on the carpet beside the bed. She couldn't help but scream in surprise, and immediately rushed to the bed to pick up the clothes, only to find that her whole body seemed to be falling apart, and she was so weak.

sky! Last night she wouldn't...

She was so frightened that she put her hands into the bed tremblingly. When she found that there was nothing on her body, there was a roar in her brain and her face began to turn pale.

After gritting her teeth and taking a few deep breaths, she took a chance and shakily moved the quilt down on her body. A pink strawberry stood out in front of her chest. She seemed to have seen a ghost and said, "Ah." With a sound, he buried himself deeply into the bed.

Even though she had never experienced anything involving men and women, she had seen a lot of scenes in the novel. If she didn't know what she had experienced tonight, her twenty-one-year-old life would have been in vain.

Just like last time in West Bay, her memory was fragmented again. She couldn't remember what happened before. She only remembered that she bumped into a man before losing consciousness.

It’s Ah Huan!

That man is Ah Huan! She remembered that she called his name! And heard his voice!

According to this, the man with whom I was "involved" before was Ah Huan!

Her spirit suddenly froze, and two touches of peach color quickly appeared on her originally pale face.

She wanted to immediately take off the quilt and call him, but the shy girl's heart made her reserved again. After hesitating for a long time, she secretly opened a small slit from the side of the quilt and scanned the room again through the small slit, looking for Qin Jinhuan and anyone related to him. mark.

Strange, what about others

At this time, shouldn't he stay with her affectionately and wait for her to wake up

Could it be...

Mu Yu's heart suddenly beat violently again.

After praying with her hands together under the quilt for a long time, she wrapped her body in the quilt and sat up, her beautiful eyes eagerly falling on the snow-white sheets. When she saw the sudden bright red color in the middle of the bed sheet, she covered her face with the quilt very shyly.

Sure enough, her previous guess was correct. Nothing happened between her and Yi Yunzhe that day in Xihaiwan. She was still innocent - although she could never figure out the reason.

Her first time was given to the man she loved most, and this man was still her legal husband!


She has no regrets in her life!

Thank God for letting him show up in time last night, thank God for his love!

Although she was embarrassed to show her face, she repeated these words of thanks dozens of times in her mind.

I don’t know where Ah Huan has gone. Is the party not over yet

She couldn't wait to see Qin Jinhuan, so she habitually reached out to the bedside table and found that her mobile phone was not there. Then she remembered that she had left her mobile phone in the banquet hall. Seeing the landline beside the bed, she immediately picked up the phone and dialed Qin Jinhuan. mobile phone number.

"Hello, the mobile phone you are calling has been turned off, please try again later..."

Shut down? !

She suddenly felt suspicious.

Unless there are special circumstances, his mobile phone is usually not turned off.

what happened

Could it be...

No! impossible! It must be him!

After carefully scanning around, she found that there was no evidence anywhere in the room that Qin Jinhuan had appeared here. Her heart almost jumped out of her throat, her face turned pale again, her forehead began to sweat, but her body was getting cold. Even his lips couldn't help trembling.

Although Qin Jinhuan always said that he didn't mind what happened in Xihaiwan, she was sensitive enough to notice his duplicity, but she didn't point it out because she always took a chance on what happened that day. But today, the marks on her body and sheets clearly told her what had happened before. If this man is not Qin Jinhuan, is there a future between her and him

She didn't dare to think about it.

Her little heart really couldn't bear such a surprise.

No, no matter what, she had to figure this out.

After reluctantly getting out of bed and getting dressed, she walked into the bathroom with frail steps, cleaned herself up briefly, and then walked out of the room.

"Who are you?!" Two unknown men stood at the door of the room, which startled her, who was already frightened.

One of the men saw this and explained quickly: "Hello, young lady, we are Brother Bian's subordinates."

"Bian Zijun? Where are the others?"

"Brother Bian and the others are out to find the boss."

"Ah Huan?" Mu Yu's heart suddenly tightened, "What's wrong with Ah Huan?"

"We don't know the specific situation. We only heard that the boss was not in a good mood last night. He disappeared after leaving the hotel alone. Now everyone is looking for him."

It turned out to be daytime.

When Mu Yu turned around and saw that the room number was 6009 instead of Qin Jinhuan's exclusive room 8088, he became more and more uneasy. He pointed to the room behind him tremblingly and tried to ask: "Ah Huan, he was here last night." Here?"

The two younger brothers looked at each other and shook their heads: "Young lady, we don't know. Brother Bian was guarding here before. We came here to replace him in the middle of the night. Anyway, no one has entered your room since we came here."

"Then, do you know when Ah Huan left the hotel?"

"I'm not sure about that either."

"It must have been after the banquet. I saw the boss in the banquet hall before the banquet ended."

The other boy's added words struck Mu Yu's head like a thunderbolt from the blue.

She remembered that when she came out of the banquet hall, it was already late and the banquet was coming to an end. According to what the younger brother said, Qin Jinhuan left the hotel after the banquet, which meant that the man she was with last night was not him at all!

Could it be that he was in a bad mood and missing her because he found her with another man? !

You must know that now that he has returned to the Qin family and has taken over the position of president of Qingtian Group again, it is a time of great success. Logically speaking, nothing can make him feel so bad that he would turn off his phone and hide.

No no no no!

Even though she tried her best to deny this possibility in her heart, the fear deep in her heart still made her face turn pale and her whole body was shaky.

"Young mistress? What's wrong with you?"

"Are you sick? Shall we take you to a doctor?"

The two boys guarding the gate noticed that she looked wrong and nervously supported her.

"No, it's okay." She pushed them away before barely standing firm, "Help me call Zijun."

"Oh, okay." A younger brother quickly dialed Bian Zijun's phone number and handed it to her, "Young Madam, the call has been dialed."

She took it immediately and asked immediately: "Have you found Ah Huan?"

"Found it, please wait. Boss, the young lady is looking for you."

"Get out! Leave me alone!" Before she could ask her question, Qin Jinhuan's angry voice came from the phone, and the call ended immediately.

Her face suddenly turned pale, and her cell phone fell to the carpet as soon as she loosened her grip.

"Young lady, you..."

She could no longer hear what was said behind her and stumbled into the elevator.

Now, everything seems to be clear.

She fell into a trap by mistake, drank something she shouldn't have, and got close to people she shouldn't be close to. When Qin Jinhuan found out, he left angrily, leaving Bian Zijun to stay and stare at her. Bian Zijun was afraid that something would happen to him, so he asked two younger brothers to keep an eye on her and went to find him himself.

At this moment, she didn't even have the desire to find out who the man was with her last night.

For her, if she can't be with Qin Jinhuan, then there will be no happiness in her life.

After persisting for so long and being on guard for so long, at the last moment, she still couldn't escape the hidden arrow, and her beautiful love fell short in the blink of an eye.

Who ruined her love? !

Qin Xiaozhi? Dong Wanqing

No, it's both of them!

The two of them are basically the same team!

Why he no longer objects to her being with Qin Jinhuan, and why he agrees to accept her back to the Qin family, they are all lies made up to trick her into letting down her defenses!

It might have been a fluke that she escaped Xiwan last time, but luck did not favor her this time.

She hates it! Hate these two villains who ruined her love!

"Miss? Are you going to go upstairs?"

When someone reminded her, she was in a daze and realized that the elevator had reached the first floor, so she got out of the elevator. But after getting out of the elevator, she was so lost that she didn't know where to go. Her eyes were filled with confusion and helplessness.

"Wan Qing, can you hurry up?"

"Come on, come on! Wait a minute."

Dong Wanqing? !

Mu Yu followed the sound and saw Dong Wanqing, who was well-dressed and wearing exquisite makeup, twisting her waist and running towards Dong Yueyun. She suddenly felt like an enemy meeting with jealousy. With a sharp look in her eyes, she flew towards Dong Wanqing. go…