My Magic Has No Attack Power

Chapter 154: Three years


After returning to the tunnel through the Dauphine Bug Train, send a message to Eun Yong's letter eagle to say it's safe.

In the following time, he temporarily put aside the matter of digging tunnels, and instead used his brain to think about how to trade with the dwarves.

He also brews wine, which is an alternative beer brewed from wheat.

When I first started brewing, the purpose was to drink it for Andrea. She often talked about drinking.

But beer is not a good thing. After brewing it, Xiang En didn't give it to Andrea who was still pregnant, let alone her now.

There is a lot of wine in the cellar now, which can be sold to the dwarves, and then the dwarves' former hired dwarves can help him build the tunnel.

In the boring days that followed, many big changes came with the opening of the underground tavern.

Although the dwarves speak vulgarly, as long as they are given money and drinks, they really dare to do anything.

Xiang En was also freed from his original labor and handed over the tunnel digging to the more professional dwarves.

After reporting to the higher-ups, the dwarf general Nora's treasured mount, the Dauphinus bug, was rented and used its own mouthparts to dig an underground tunnel leading to the capital of the Austin Empire.

The Dauphinus burrows very quickly. Its intestines secrete a corrosive mucus. After the sharp mouthparts swallow the gravel into its abdomen, the stones that enter the cavity will be quickly dissolved by the mucus.

The body fluid deposited in the cavity will overflow from the surface, making the rough stone wall relatively smooth and stabilizing the stone wall.

The Dauphinus bug was born to be a combination of a shield machine and a subway. Its main food was stones and metals, occasionally supplemented with some meat, and it would only lay three eggs every thirty years.

If the dwarf hadn't been so protective, Xiang Endu would have wanted to kill a Dauphinus.

More than half a year has passed in the blink of an eye, and there is only one year left before Sharon and others return to the royal capital.

In addition to running underground taverns, digging tunnels, and expanding underground shelters, Xiang En also always pays attention to the situation on the surface.

Hela is already one year old this year. She has passed the age where she can't look good. She has a fair and soft face and clear and bright eyes. She laughs and laughs every day and can already call her mom and dad.

Xiang En was very pleased and temporarily handed her over to Sharon to take care of her, while he and Andrea asked for more free time, otherwise they would have no chance in the future!

For more than half a year, the tunnel has been dug near the royal capital.

The tunnel is not straight, but has many twists and turns. If one does not know where this tunnel leads in advance, anyone who falls into this tunnel will go crazy in the fear of boundless darkness.

When the Dauphinus worm digs tunnels, it will bypass various terrains such as underground rivers and large underground caves. The final passage drawn is so complicated and difficult to understand.

The total length of the tunnel is more than 3,000 kilometers. After the tunnel was completed, Xiang En asked York and Mira to build a platform on the side of the tunnel that could carry the rails.

The Dauphin is an important means of transportation for the dwarves. Xiang En can only rent it to dig a tunnel. It is unrealistic to have the Dauphin serve them all the time.

After using entertainment methods such as poker and cards to squeeze the wallets of the dwarves, Xiang En obtained a large number of dwarf craftsmen's labor force, and the rails and platforms were laid almost at the same time.

A rest stop was set up every 500 kilometers to lay the railway tracks. This paving took more than half a year.

It was not until it was time for Sharon to return to the royal capital that the vast underground project was finally completed.

On the day of completion, Xiang En spared no effort in eating meat, repeatedly tortured and slaughtered five yaks, cooked several large loads of meat himself, and shared it with the dwarf craftsmen who were exhausted.

As soon as the wine was drunk and the beef was in the belly, the dwarves' name for Xiang En changed from "vampire" to "good boss".

There is nothing that cannot be solved with a meal, and if there is, then add wages.

That night, Xiang En returned to the underground shelter beneath the manor and walked through the bright and large space.

There is a resident troll at the rest stop in the tunnel. For the sake of efficiency, he stays at the tunnel construction site for a long time. Of course, the first thing he does when he returns home is to spend more time with his wife and children.

Under the management of trolls and gold, the underground hall has become a huge underground crop breeding center, providing food and drinks to the dwarf customers in the underground tavern.

The dwarf taverns will never know that the hamburger meat they eat is actually rats...


When Xiang En stepped into the underground square, he immediately noticed the daily interaction between Andrea and her daughter.

Andrea bent over with an encouraging smile, stretched out her legs and stepped back slowly. She was guiding Hela, who was begging for a hug, to walk tremblingly and staggering a little.

Hela inherited her mother's red hair, but she still couldn't grow silky long hair at the age of two. Now she only has some hair on her forehead, looking like a tomboy.

Hela babbling and threw herself into Andrea's arms. Hela finally saw Xiang En beside her and stretched out her little arms to beg for a hug.

Xiang En was not stingy with his physical strength. He came close and rubbed her affectionately for a while, and his happiness gradually increased.

The family returned to the surface, and it happened to be dusk.

Xiang En went to the kitchen after a long time and cooked a sumptuous dinner. The people who participated in the dinner were not only his employees, but also the senior trolls who lived next door, and a group of dwarf generals led by the dwarf Nora.

To celebrate the opening of the tunnel and commemorate this historic moment.

It has been five years since the end of the world.

From running away at the beginning, to having a fixed place of residence, and then farming with hoe after hoe.

Now that they have achieved self-sufficiency, they still have surplus food to sell to the dwarves, and with the high-quality underground crops obtained from the dwarves, survival is no longer difficult.

A group of people gathered around the bonfire, eating various fried foods, singing, dancing, and laughing, giving people a dream-like illusion.

Xiang En hugged Hela and fed her some cornstarch. He then turned to look at Andrea, who was chewing her ears with Sharon, thinking about how long this kind of life could last.

The palm of his left hand spread out, and a white bird condensed in front of Xiao Hela's eyes.

The little bird that appeared in the migratory bird skill aroused Hela's interest. She cooed and stretched out her two chubby hands to grab it, but the bird formed by magic flew directly into the sky.

"Whoa whoa whoa!"

When Hela saw the bird flying away from her hand, she looked up and became more and more anxious, and then she burst into tears...

Xiang En did not comfort his daughter for the time being, but connected his vision with the migratory birds, looking down at the current earth from high in the sky.

The field of vision gradually widened, fearing the heavy burdens in the fire were like tiny dots, and then he saw the bonfire rising in the troll camp across the wall.

The view is away from the manor, and the trees that originally grew around it have all withered after being left unmaintained for a long time. Looking outside, the originally endless grassland is completely occupied by desert.

Slime molds that give people a sticky texture are irregularly distributed on the ground. It is so desolate that there is no trace of life, and there is not even a dead thing on the ground.

I have been working out for a month. Apart from a little insomnia, my body has really improved a lot.

The next step is to give up rewards.

Just send an "outline" for the rest of the plot. It can be explained in one or two thousand words and forget it. I can't write the final battle.

(End of chapter)