My MCV and Doomsday

Chapter 13: Go down high speed


Shao Lili got out of the car reluctantly. Seeing that Jiang Liushi and Wen Xiaotian were still in the car, especially Jiang Liushi was still sitting firmly in the driver's seat, the soldiers shouted angrily, "What are you doing if you don't get out of the car! Your car is even worse!" You can't stop on the road, the road is blocked by you!"

Jiang Liushi said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I'll just drive away."

Seeing that Jiang Liushi had a good attitude, the soldier softened his expression a bit, but he continued, "Well, you drive to the side of the road so that the forklift can push it down."

Then the soldier walked aside, staring at Jiang Liushi's car and muttering, "I don't know if I can push such a big car."

Might have to remove the guardrail...

Those armored vehicles, trucks, and a large number of soldiers guarding the highway intersection will evacuate from the highway after a while when they can't hold on, so the road must be cleared.

The army is just to take these survivors away, not to fight those endless monsters to the death.

At this time, a sharp air defense siren suddenly sounded from the intersection of the expressway. The soldier looked over immediately, and those people who got out of the car and were walking forward also turned their heads one after another. Some people immediately accelerated and started running forward. There were also some people who were standing still with nervous faces, and there was a trace of commotion in the crowd immediately.

"Don't be nervous!" A soldier shouted, "This is the last siren, reminding the survivors in the city to come here."

bang bang bang!

The sound of gunfire has become very close, and very dense. Looking from afar, you can vaguely see crowds of people in the distance. Those are zombies.

In this case, even if there are survivors who hear the alarm, it is impossible to pass through the corpses to the highway...

These survivors are all lucky, they are all lucky few.

At this time, the soldier looked at Jiang Liushi's car again, and urged him casually: "When the alarm goes off, there is not much time left. Hurry up..."


Suddenly, the soldiers heard a dull, thunderous sound of engines.

Immediately afterwards, he saw this minibus jumping out like those sports cars, then turning suddenly and drawing an arc, heading towards the edge of the expressway.

This scene was also seen by many survivors. They were looking at the highway intersection, but now they were attracted by the movement of the minibus.

Seeing the minibus driving like a sports car, these people and the soldier were taken aback.

"This car skill is not bad... I'll wipe it!" The soldier just yelled with emotion.

The minibus drove all the way to the edge of the expressway, but still didn't intend to stop. Ahead is the guardrail!


Under the astonished eyes of everyone, the minibus directly ran into the guardrail and rushed out of the expressway!

It rushed down the two or three meter steep slope on the side of the highway until it stopped on the grass below.

"What the hell..." The soldier hurried over to check the situation, and many survivors also craned their necks to look.

This person's driving skills are too bad, he actually rushed directly off the highway, and he didn't know if he was injured.

But this is just right, as long as you are not injured, you can get off the car immediately and run back, and it also solves the problem that the broken car is not easy to push down.

However, at this moment, the minibus suddenly swayed again, like a staggering drunk.

broke down? This idea has appeared in many people's minds.

But then, the minibus continued to start moving again, drove out of the grass, smashed through the green barrier, and drove onto the narrow country road next to it.

"what's the situation?"

"What is this man doing?"

Under the stunned gaze of the survivors on the road, the minibus drove away unhurriedly along the country road.

The soldier's eyes widened too. The car actually drove away...

And not far behind him, Shao Lili was waving desperately in the direction of the minibus. She also didn't expect Jiang Liushi to leave the expressway in such a simple and rude way. When the minibus rushed down just now, she was also taken aback, but fortunately, it seemed that the minibus was fine, and the people inside must be It's okay.

"Xiaotian, Mr. Jiang, take care!" Shao Lili waved her hands vigorously, her eyes blurred, and she couldn't even see the back of the minibus going away.

"The impact did not cause damage to the base vehicle... The condition of the base vehicle is normal..."

Jiang Liushi looked towards the highway while listening to Starseed's report.

This rural road was right next to the expressway. Jiang Liushi drove all the way, and all he saw were cars being pushed down and people walking slowly forward.

Although these survivors were temporarily safe, once they relaxed a little bit from the tense state, they began to realize what happened in this short period of time.

Many people were crying, and even those who were not crying were mostly bleak.

Those who have lost their loved ones, those who feel confused about the future, have all kinds of emotions.

When Jiang Liushi looked at these people, Wen Xiaotian was also looking through the car window, with a sad expression on his face.

And those people on the expressway, whether they were survivors or soldiers, also turned their heads to look at this alternative minibus. They were so surprised that they temporarily stopped what they were doing, and watched the minibus. The car drove by.

Soon, the country road turned away from the expressway, and Jiang Liushi hadn't seen the forefront of the army, nor had he seen Li Yuxin, or anyone else he knew.

He took one last look at the fleeing survivors on the highway before turning the steering wheel and driving around the curve.

The minibus drove at a constant speed, and soon left the highway behind, which also meant that they and Shenhai Safety Island were getting farther and farther away from the protection of the army.

"Miss Wen." Jiang Liushi shouted.

Wen Xiaotian suddenly recovered from his dazed state, and quickly said, "What's wrong?"

Then she said: "Don't call me Miss Wen, just call me Wen Xiaotian. If you don't mind, you can call me Xiaotian, that's what my friends call me."

"Okay, then don't call me Mr. Jiang. My name is Jiang Liushi."

"Jiang...Brother Jiang." Wen Xiaotian was still embarrassed to call Jiang Liushi by his first name, so he had to say that.

"You said you know several routes, can you tell me more about it?" Jiang Liushi said.

Although Jiang Liushi had downloaded the route map in advance, he had no way to navigate, and it was temporarily useless at this time.

Leaving the highway was equivalent to plunging headlong into unknown dangers, which Jiang Liushi had to avoid.

If Wen Xiaotian was really familiar with roads, he might be able to find a relatively safer road.