My MCV and Doomsday

Chapter 19: air cannon



There was a violent explosion, like a thunder on the ground, deafening! !

The airflow of 810m/s far exceeded the speed of sound, causing a sonic boom, a huge energy explosion, the base vehicle was suddenly bounced backwards, the windows vibrated violently, and large pieces of bulletproof glass particles fell down and were blown by the airflow. Fly and scatter like bullets!

The soaring air formed a vacuum around it, and the pressure suddenly rose and then quickly dropped to nearly disappear. The water vapor in the air was instantly liquefied, forming a cone-shaped water mist the size of a house, and this cone-shaped water mist was pushed by the airflow. He rushed forward at an incredible speed.

At the same time as the base car was bounced back, the prefabricated house and trees in front of it were directly blown away by the airflow, the house collapsed, the roof flew up, a big tree with the thickness of a thigh broke in the middle, and all the leaves disappeared instantly!

And this is just the aftermath of the airflow. Most of the airflow was actually absorbed by the big mouth of the mutated wild boar!


The mutated wild boar's body weighing more than ten tons was ruthlessly thrown away, and the wanton air swelled violently inside its internal organs!

Its huge body instantly swelled, and it bulged into a balloon!


The terrifying high-pressure airflow with a pressure close to ten MPa found a vent point behind the mutated wild boar.


With a muffled sound, fresh blood, minced meat, and pieces of viscera sprayed out from the anus of the mutated wild boar, shooting tens of meters away, forming a bright fountain of blood in the air.


The blood spring hit a prefabricated house fiercely, like a hammer, directly knocking down the prefabricated house!

Terrible power.

Jiang Liushi was shocked when he saw the terrifying air cannon.

At this time, the base car was still cruising automatically. After the wheels landed, they lost the power of the wild boar to push to the top, and drove out automatically. Jiang Liushi hurriedly stopped cruising and stepped on the brakes.


The four tires of the base vehicle had been devastated, especially the rear wheels became very hot due to the intense friction, green smoke came out, and a strong burnt smell exuded.

The tires of the base vehicle are naturally much stronger than the tires of ordinary vehicles. There are scattered small airbags inside the tires, and the tires will not burst if they are shot through by bullets. But even so, after such a toss, they are still seriously damaged.

Jiang Liushi pushed the car door open, and his whole body seemed to have collapsed. Although the battle just now was mainly between the base vehicle and the mutated wild boar, it also made Jiang Liushi feel deeply tired.

Too much consumption!

Jiang Liushi looked ahead. The masterpiece of the air cannon was truly astonishing. Before launching the air cannon, Jiang Liushi never thought that the initial velocity of 810m/s would be so powerful.

However, the air cannon is still air after all. Even if the air is highly compressed and hits the bulletproof mutated wild boar, it will explode in all directions, and its power will be greatly reduced. It is also difficult.

Jiang Liushi picked up the wrench that had fallen on the ground, and staggered towards the mutant wild boar. Seeing the pig's blood, minced meat, and intestines, and the mutant wild boar that had been seen through, Jiang Liushi was secretly speechless.

Obediently, this pig has been raped!

Jiang Liushi stopped a dozen meters away from the mutated wild boar, lest the pig convulse before dying or hurt himself.

At the same time, Jiang Liushi didn't dare to stay too far away from the base car, otherwise, if zombies came, he wouldn't be able to get to the car in time.

"Wen Xiaotian!"

Jiang Liushi's name was Wen Xiaotian, but the car was quiet and there was no sound.


Jiang Liushi's heart tightened, and he immediately returned to the base car. He saw that Wen Xiaotian was firmly tied to the base car by the seat belt, his eyes were closed, his head was smashed, and his forehead was covered with blood.

"this… "

Jiang Liushi hurriedly tried Wen Xiaotian's breath, but fortunately, she just passed out.

Looking at Wen Xiaotian's wound, Jiang Liushi shook his head. He also felt that Wen Xiaotian was unlucky enough. Her injury should be broken by pots, bowls and other tableware.

Before Jiang Liushi collided with a mutant wild boar in his base car, Wen Xiaotian was tied to the small sofa by a seat belt, so he was fine, but those pots and pans were not fixed. Knocked out.

If there were more collisions, it would not be impossible for Wen Xiaotian to be beaten to death by these bottles.

"It's dangerous."

Jiang Liushi breathed a sigh of relief. If the battle with the mutated wild boar killed Wen Xiaotian, he would feel very bad.

Jiang Liushi went to the storage box to get gauze, and was about to give Wen Xiaotian a simple bandage, but at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"The base vehicle is damaged, with a damage level of 3.5. Repairs require 200 kilograms of steel, 100 kilograms of copper, 30 kilograms of polymer organic plastics, 1,200 liters of gasoline, and 200 kilowatt-hours of electricity. Repair time: 24 hours."

Hearing this voice, Jiang Liushi froze for a moment, then smiled wryly.

The base car was damaged, but fortunately it can repair itself, but the repair materials are really hard to find.

Steel, copper, organic plastics, especially electricity and gasoline. It is not easy to collect these in the last days.

1200 liters of gasoline, nearly a ton, this is simply a gas tiger.

And now gasoline reserves...

Jiang Liushi looked at the fuel gauge with a bitter expression on his face. He continuously activated the collision function and fired the air cannon. The gasoline was greatly consumed, with less than 20L left, and less than 100 kilometers to drive!

If you encounter a group of zombies within these 100 kilometers, the consequences will be disastrous.

Jiang Liushi was worrying, and then Starseed rang the notification tone again, which made him feel moved and his ears pricked up.

"Successfully hunted the first-level mutant beast, and found the first-level mutant crystal nucleus, which is located in the heart of the mutant beast. Take it out to open the first evolution of the base vehicle."

"The discovery of mutated animal meat can be eaten directly to enhance physical fitness. It can also provide raw materials for biological laboratories and open the function of biological evolution."

Um? What

Jiang Liushi was stunned for a moment, mutated crystal nucleus? Biology laboratory? What the hell is this all about

The successful hunting of a first-level mutant beast is naturally the mutant wild boar. Could it be that the first-level mutant crystal nucleus is in the body of the mutant wild boar

As for the biology lab? what is that? When Jiang Liushi completed the modification of the base vehicle, he didn't find any biological laboratory.

at this time.


With a soft sound, Jiang Liushi turned his head to look, and saw a groove popped out of the driver's console of the base vehicle, which was about the size of a ping-pong ball.

Jiang Liushi looked at the groove for a long time. The groove was made of some kind of alloy. It looked extremely precise. This was the first time he had seen this groove.

Jiang Liushi had some conjectures in his mind, the mutated crystal nucleus at the heart...

Jiang Liushi picked up the dagger he bought earlier, jumped out of the car, and walked towards the mutant boar.

At this moment, the mutated boar had turned over, and Jiang Liushi could just see the mutated boar's heart.


Jiang Liushi swung his dagger and stabbed in.