My MCV and Doomsday

Chapter 28: are you kidding me?


After repeated confirmation by Wen Xiaotian, Jiang Liushi's conjecture was indeed correct.

With Jiang Liushi's reminder, Wen Xiaotian soon found many traces of people living in the house. Including buckets in the bathroom, food scraps in garbage bags, and even many footprints on the floor.

Wen Xiaotian admired Jiang Liushi's insight. He didn't even get out of the car, and he was able to analyze such an important matter just by listening to his own description.

"What should we do now?" Knowing that his family members might still be alive, Wen Xiaotian was excited.

In fact, she is usually considered a more assertive girl, otherwise she would not have made up her mind and begged Jiang Liushi to bring her back with her. But now she was nervous, and it was Jiang Liushi who made the right decisions along the way to let them arrive safely. So even though his family might be right in front of him, Wen Xiaotian still felt that Jiang Liushi should be consulted on what to do.

"Just wait here." Jiang Liushi looked around.

This place was considered safe. He put the seat back, lay down on his back, and began to close his eyes and rest. During this period of time, he was driving on the road. Although he rested at night, he was still a little tired.

Wen Xiaotian must not be able to sleep, and she just happened to be on guard.

In fact, even if Wen Xiaotian wasn't on guard, there wouldn't be much of a problem.

As long as the base car is locked, it is a weakened version of the mobile fortress. It is impossible for ordinary zombies, or even mutant beasts, to overturn or destroy the base car at once. Jiang Liushi has time to react.

Wen Xiaotian looked at Jiang Liushi lying on his back, and found that his breathing soon became even and long.

"Really fell asleep." Wen Xiaotian said in his heart.

She felt that Jiang Liushi didn't seem to be afraid, no matter what happened, he was firmly carrying out his plan, he was a very calm person.

But don't be afraid at all, it's probably impossible...

Wen Xiaotian kept looking around, feeling as if his family members would come out of an alley in the next second...

After more than an hour, Jiang Liushi suddenly opened his eyes. When he sat up, the driver's seat returned to its original state: "It seems that someone is coming."

A sound of footsteps came from an alley on the left.

After the end of the world, Jiang Liushi's sleep became very light, and he was actually awake, but he was still resting his mind.

With his eyes closed, he was more sensitive to the sounds around him.

"Yes!" Wen Xiaotian also became nervous all of a sudden.

She heard it too.

Wen Xiaotian bit his lip, and looked at the alley with his heart beating fast.

On the other hand, Jiang Liushi put his hands on the steering wheel, with a hint of vigilance in his eyes.

Who knows if the speeding party I met before will make a comeback, this place is not peaceful.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer, very chaotic, and there were probably a lot of people.

Wen Xiaotian's mood was also extremely nervous.

Soon, a dozen men and women came out of the alley quickly.

As they walked, they watched carefully to the left, right and rear. Some of them were carrying pockets and bags, while the rest were carrying various "weapons" such as steel bars. These people, old and young, all looked ordinary. ordinary people.

Seeing these people coming out, Wen Xiaotian rushed to the window of the car, his gaze hastily swept over the faces of these people, identifying them one by one.

She first showed an anxious and disappointed expression: "Why not..."

Then, she straightened her neck suddenly, her eyes widened: "Lulu!"

"Lulu!" Wen Xiaotian waved his hands excitedly.

Following her line of sight, Jiang Liushi saw a girl who was somewhat similar to her figure, she looked younger, with a ponytail, a dirty face, and a dusty jacket, Carrying a canvas bag and carrying an iron rod, he looked very tired.

Wen Xiaotian waved desperately behind the window, but forgot for a moment that the window was invisible from the outside.

Those people walked towards this side, and they were stunned when they saw this car.

Seeing their surprise, Jiang Liushi showed a look of fear and disgust, as well as some doubts and uncertainties.

The girl with the ponytail hurriedly took out a bag of something from her backpack and stuffed it into the large jacket. The people beside her watched her movements and didn't stop them.

Then, they walked towards the minibus carefully.

"Wen Xiaotian." Jiang Liushi called out.

Wen Xiaotian came back to his senses all of a sudden, turned around and ran towards the car door, still excitedly saying: "Brother Jiang, I saw my sister!"

"That's good." Jiang Liushi said.

He was still sitting in the driver's seat, watching Wen Xiaotian run out of the car through the window, then went around the front of the car and walked out from the back of the minibus.

Those people were slowly approaching, and at the same time looked at the minibus suspiciously, and suddenly saw a young girl coming out from behind the front of the bus with an excited expression.

These people were startled at first, and before they could react, Wen Lu, who was also stunned for a while, had already rushed over.

The two sisters hugged each other tightly.

"Lulu!" Wen Xiaotian's eyes were moist.

Wen Lu couldn't help crying too: "Sister! I didn't expect to see you alive!"

Those survivors looked at each other, all looking out of the situation.

Wen Lu hugged Wen Xiaotian and cried for a while, then wiped away her tears and turned to the survivors and said, "This is my sister."

A survivor gave Wen Xiaotian a blank look and asked, "Your sister? I remember, you said your sister is at Jiangbei University, right?"

Jiangbei is not close to here...

In this apocalyptic environment, such a long distance is a natural barrier for ordinary people.

It is normal to never see each other again regardless of life or death.

Wen Lu turned her head, looked at Wen Xiaotian's face, stared intently at it several times, and then broke into a smile. Then she also asked: "Sister, how did you come back? I thought I would never see you again in this life."

Wen Xiaotian was also very happy. She pointed to the minibus behind her and said, "It's Brother Jiang. He drove the car and came with me from Jiangbei!"

drive? Just this car

Not only Wen Lu, but the survivors all looked at the dilapidated minibus and the tattered van behind it with unbelievable eyes.

Can this kind of car drive from Jiangbei

"Who is Brother Jiang?"

Wen Xiaotian pulled Wen Lu to the front of the car, and the survivors surrounded him curiously.

A dozen or so people looked at Jiang Liushi in the driver's seat with stunned eyes through the windshield, and the latter was waving at them.

Jiang Liushi felt a little embarrassed when he raised his hand. Although the group of people hadn't said anything yet, he had already seen this sentence from their eyes:

Are you kidding us