My MCV and Doomsday

Chapter 6: The end is coming


Jiang Liushi didn't know the exact time when the disaster would arrive, or even what would happen after the virus broke out.

However, he knew that the virus had recovered from the moment it was discovered in the permafrost layer. Not only was this virus highly contagious, it had spread across the world silently, and it was even more dangerous. It surpasses the sum of all viruses in the world.

It will explode quickly after a period of dormancy, like detonating a chain bomb.

"Beep beep!"

A bell rang suddenly, and Jiang Liushi, who was tense, was shocked. He quickly realized that it was nothing but his cell phone that was ringing.

Jiang Liushi quickly picked up the phone, he glanced at the caller ID, it was Li Yuxin: "Hey, I'll be there right now, you must remember to be at home, don't go anywhere!"

He was worried that Li Yuxin hadn't fully listened to him, and if he made this call now to tell him that he was going to miss the appointment, it would be bad.

"Jiang Liushi, I'm sorry, I'm leaving soon." Li Yuxin's voice came, and just as she said something, Jiang Liushi's heart sank suddenly.

"Go? Where are you going? Li Yuxin, listen to me, you must stay at home and lock the door of your room behind your back. This is related to..." Jiang Liushi said hastily.

"Jiang Liushi, listen carefully to what I have to say." Li Yuxin interrupted him as if he was not listening to what Jiang Liushi said at all. And her tone was even more dignified, as if she was going to say something very serious.

"You may find it unbelievable, but the end of the world is coming soon, it may be within a few days. I only found out today, and now the car is waiting outside, and I have to leave immediately. You first make sure For your own safety, go to the entrance of Shenbei Expressway, where the army is. After you come, they should take you to Shenhai Safety Island!" Li Yuxin lowered her voice and said very quickly.

"Remember, you must rush to the entrance of the highway within today, there are troops there, they will protect the people to evacuate..."

At this time, there was a burst of urging shouts from the other end of the phone, and Li Yuxin could only hurriedly say: "Jiang Liushi, you must remember, I'm not joking!"

Then, Li Yuxin hung up the phone, and there was only a rush of busy tone in the receiver, and then the silence returned.

Jiang Liushi held the phone and didn't put his arm down for a while. Sure enough, the evacuation has already started, Shenhai Safety Island, I don't know what kind of place it is...

Jiang Liushi was a little grateful for Li Yuxin's actions. Although she should be thinking about going to her house today, so she called here specially. She is as good as ever.

But... Even if Li Yuxin was taken away, she wouldn't be really safe.

Jiang Liushi knew that the virus had already spread, and all human scientists probably only discovered the existence of the virus after the virus had spread.

The onset period of this super virus is not long. In this extremely short period of time, scientists have spent a lot of time from researching a small amount of results to inferring the existence of doomsday.

And when the high-level human beings learned that the doomsday was likely to erupt, the time they had for deployment and response was pitifully small.

In this case, it is impossible for them to save all mankind. The only thing they can do is to keep the human elite.

All over the world, "safety islands" are established to ensure the reproduction of human beings, but... before going to the "safety islands", they must go through a cleansing and isolation.

Perhaps now, even human scientists do not dare to believe the results of their reasoning, so that the major governments dare not take extreme measures that destroy humanity.

However, once they really saw the cruelty of the doomsday and the horror of this super virus, the methods they adopted would become extremely bloody!

During the conversation between Jiang Liushi and Li Yuxin, the two paid porters were squatting not far away, smoking, resting, and looking at Jiang Liushi's minibus from time to time, the two of them were discussing.

"This car, this decoration, tsk tsk, oh my god!"

"The things of the rich are different. It would be a pleasure to take a few beauties and travel around the world together."

The two moving brothers smacked their lips, as if they were already fantasizing about driving the RV and traveling around with beautiful women. Looking at the scenery during the day, having sex at night, having a kitchen when you are hungry, and a bathroom when it is dirty, and you can also take a mandarin duck bath.

But in this fantasy, a brother who moved suddenly fainted, with an abnormal flush on his face, and almost fell down.

"Yo buddy, what's up?"

Another person immediately came over to help.

"It's okay." The buddy pushed away the other person's supporting hand, and quickly recovered, "What can I do, buddy, it's not like you don't know about this physique."

As the man spoke, he punched himself twice in the chest. His chest was full of strong muscles.

"Hahaha! I think you masturbated too much last night, and you're feeling spring again today, so you've suddenly lost your mind!"

The two started laughing, and all of a sudden, dirty jokes were flying all over the place.

But not far away, Jiang Liushi watched this scene silently. He didn't feel like laughing at all, but felt a chill rising slowly from behind.

He knew that this fainting was just the prelude to the outbreak of the virus.

It's probably less than an hour before the end of the day!

The porter was still chatting with another person as if nothing had happened. Jiang Liushi sat in the car and looked at them with slightly cold eyes.

In this case, he can't do anything, let him drive over and kill the porter. Doing so puts yourself in great danger.

Not to mention Jiang Liushi, even the government can't do anything. In just one or two hours, the world is destined to erupt into a catastrophe.

The two porters seemed to have no business for the time being, and began to sit in the shade and smoke.

Jiang Liushi looked at the time, it was 1:20 in the afternoon, and he was waiting silently.

When the end of the world breaks out, everyone in the world will have a strong immune response, including Jiang Liushi himself, because they are all infected with the virus.

The difference is that after the immune response, some people resisted the virus, while others were infected and turned into monsters.

As time passed, Jiang Liushi held the steering wheel tightly with both hands, and a trace of cold sweat slowly soaked in his palms.

He looked at his watch frequently, and it was already two o'clock, two thirty, two forty.

Slowly, perhaps because he was too focused, Jiang Liushi looked at the pointer on the dial, and a double image appeared.

The ghosting became more and more serious, several dials appeared in front of Jiang Liushi.

This is…

Jiang Liushi's heart shuddered, and a severe faint occurred in his head.


He felt a pain in his forehead, as if he had hit the steering wheel heavily, and at the same time, a strong headache hit him like a tide.


Finally, here comes the virus outbreak.

Jiang Liushi knew that he would eventually survive the outbreak of the virus, but even so, the excruciating pain still made him almost faint.

And at the same time, in all parts of the world, the same scene broke out on everyone.

Headache! illusion! twitch! nosebleed! faint!

Everyone's reaction is different, and without exception, everyone is in great pain, especially those who cannot bear the virus infection and start to mutate, the pain is even more painful to the bone marrow!

Many people let out screams, and the screams seemed to erupt directly from their lung cavities, not like humans, but like the roar of wild beasts!

"Bang bang bang!"

On the expressway, vehicles collided with each other, and a series of collisions occurred. Hundreds, thousands of vehicles rear-ended, cars were squeezed into discus by large trucks, and the driver died tragically. Some drivers instinctively slammed on the brakes when the pain came, and the screeching sound of the brakes pierced the sky.

The car exploded, billowing thick smoke spread to the sky, in the city, in various factories, because people convulsed and lost consciousness instantly, accidents happened frequently, some people died tragically, and fires spread...

The sirens of the automatic induction fire pierced the sky, accidents were everywhere, and countless people died. Jiang Liushi was in a state of confusion at this time. He heard these noisy sounds faintly, but he couldn't tell what they were.

Hallucinations kept flashing in his mind. He seemed to suddenly return to his childhood, when he saw his parents were still alive, gathered with his younger sister, and saw the cake carefully prepared by his mother on his birthday.

Later, he even saw himself getting married and starting a business, enjoying himself with his wife and children, and that wife actually looked like Li Yuxin...

He was immersed in this illusion for an unknown amount of time before suddenly waking up at a certain moment.

He opened his eyes suddenly, only to find that his hair and clothes were soaked with sweat.

He still gripped the steering wheel tightly, his fingers turned white and numb from excessive force.

The windows and doors of the car were locked tightly, and he felt as if he had collapsed and was extremely tired.

He panted heavily, glanced out of the car window, and suddenly his heart sank!

Outside the car, the sky has changed...

Looking around, it was foggy, like a layer of smog shrouded here, the buildings and streets were all shrouded in smog, becoming faint.

The sky was dark, and everything around became gray and oppressive, looking very depressing.

Faintly, there were loud sirens coming from afar, which stimulated Jiang Liushi's eardrums and made him feel a little irritable.

I glanced at the watch in my hand, it was half past three, and the date was still...

I was just in a coma for more than an hour, but it felt like it had been several years.

At this moment, Jiang Liushi knew that this damn, the end of the world... finally came!

From today on, he will drive this car and run for survival.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Liushi started the car and set off!